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Megadeth - She Wolf

She Wolf
: She Wolf
: 3.31 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 107 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 89 İndirme
: 03-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Megadeth - She Wolf )
  1. Suikd

    Megadeth better than Metallica 10/10

  2. TayR0C

    best song on the album

  3. Bruno BRF3

    o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .o que importa é rock and roll !!!! .

  4. Can A No

    It's tooooooo short!!!!!! should be at least 5 or 6minutes long, add more choruses in the end. I really want it bad

  5. Erom Janxiv

    Soi fon....

  6. Alaa Samman

    I was searching for beyonce and this shit just came up ?? Wtf is that type of song ?!!!

  7. rusydi1980

    You it live in rude awakening concert! Awsome 👍👍

  8. Linus 6626 Feynstein

    Anyone here who came from Shakira ?

  9. Tyler Rusciano

    My dad listen to this when we were driving to the beach

  10. lie balox

    Im indonesian peopleLove u MEGADETH 😚

  11. Rafa Garcia

    Maldito puto temazo hostias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VIVA EL METAL CARAJOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

  12. Liam Winstanley

    Love this song! First Megadeth solo I learned.

  13. Nemanja Živojinović

    im a bad liar!

  14. Amadeus190890

    Another great tune!

  15. Leandro Schellemberg Solano inicial riff again xD

  16. tro lolo

    megadeth is my favorite band because they songs are technical and hard to play like holy warsalso there is less satanic stuff in megadethbut this song... starts with devil and shitty 0-0-0-0-0 riff

  17. Dusan Acimovic

    sick duet

  18. Piotrek Skwira


  19. Michael Boyle

    Dave the Mozart of metal

  20. Rory Calhoun

    Dave... "F" Cancer should be your next anthem. I hope you and Mary Jane are working it out. Dystopia... Wow... More... More... More... Something xtra heavy would be sweet.

  21. Stefan Nielsen

    there goes not 3 to 5 years between their records, look at metallica

  22. Moses Solo

    I dedicate this to a whole bunch of lying ass bictches but not my ex........ she wasn't lying she was only a b**** because I was a dick love that girl May the fates be ever in your favor to fill your pockets and put your mind at ease. So you're kin may hunger for not a meal

  23. sridaran vellasamy

    All the dislikes is the real enemy of the world

  24. silver watcher

    I fell in love with the 5 minute drum solo version if you know what I'm talking about. Too bad it's not here. ✌🏻

    Just Passing

    Rude awakening?

  25. Jonathan

    I hear a vinyl-like static

  26. sridaran vellasamy

    All the dislikes is like people that are such **** ************* ! Fill in the blanks dear people

  27. GP GP

    I dedicated this song to an ex-girlfriend. She still remembers today...

  28. Nomad's Inn

    2:30 where the guitar teases you for the solo.

  29. Pato Negro

    Aguante megadeth!!! Desde el barrio LA PATERNAL ARGENTINA.

  30. Mauricio Nieto

    B L E E D!!!

  31. yuji


  32. Coyote Man

    I was summoned (Look up a Coywolf)

  33. fernandes pablo

    Uma bosta esse som, sem tradicionalismo de outrora

  34. Mitch ettie

    I fukking love The way Al Patrelly handled" Rude Awakening" if anyone could've covered Marty it's definitely" Al "hands down. Dave says in his book, Al shows up unrehearsed and just fukking ripped "Tornado" like it wasn't shit. . RUST 🤘 ROCK'S FOREVERBest album ever writtenDave's pinnacle no doubt...

  35. F 1

    y its only fucking 3'40??? need 24hrs.

  36. TheChasing

    best song from the album ... sorryy

  37. Brayan Garcia

    Una de mis Favoritas de MEGADETH 🤘

  38. Simon Paul Clennell

    Dave at his mainstream best here, love this album!

  39. fasteddie777666

    I saw this tour in the late 90's , in Detroit !!

  40. Michael Rosalez

    Love this song badass Dave 💯👊 Rock on

  41. Hamza Naeem

    This and shakira one makes my pp hard for different reason

  42. big cock

    toooooooo good

  43. JonVilla


  44. chowbonky

    Somebody misspelled whoa.

  45. Christopher Mclennan

    I've taken to playing this song with other really great metal songs this is definitely a garlic and pepper for any heavy/thrash playlist. Good Job Dave!!! Thank You For This Tasty Heavy Bangin song.

  46. pro boşyonel

    bok gibi.

    Salih Bugur

    Sensin bok

    pro boşyonel

    @Salih Bugur Sen de bok gibisin. Yarrak suratlı.

  47. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    That high note after the "the mother of all that is evil" is badass

  48. Mario Escobar Trejo

    Puta madre puta madre puuutaaa maadreeee!! :v yo siempre viniendome en seco cada que escucho una rola de buen metal :v

  49. Johnny Fountains

    I'm here for Megadeth

  50. Stylin Onya

    This song is so underrated!

  51. Larry renz

    Lol I thot this was Shakira

  52. Young, The Cardigan

    This is much better than Shakira's version

  53. Death Plague

    the first song i learnt on the guitar......................i love megadeth forever it is

  54. ray r

    My favorite song by these guys

  55. Joan Ruiz Jacob

    Dave Murray and Adrian Smith entered the studio at 2:52

  56. Nirfillion Art

    Umm the description was wrong. I absolutely love this from the first time!

  57. Purple Haze


  58. Casco Urbano


  59. Yeji Kim

    djung djuga djung djung djuga djung djung djuga djung djung djuga djung djuga djung djuga djung

  60. Anne 03

    That ending tho ❤️

  61. gage mini

    Best ending ever MEGADETH

  62. SirWetBread

    I like it in the first time

  63. Fist of the North star

    Dreaand the fugitive

  64. Jurij Gagarin

    Try in 1,25 or 1,5

  65. Santiago Castro

    ]V[ EGADET ]-[

  66. pussypolice69

    This would make a great anime opening. Fucking epic song.PS: I don't like anime, I just think this sounds like a good theme song ;)

  67. bukek siansu

    Listening again the duo dynamic short riff of the end of song make me crazy

  68. Slayer Dkuban


  69. astrotraindt

    how to sing while playing that(0 000 0 000 ) riff?


    when you get raped by the she wolf, you will know love you all metalheads


    being raped as i type, right now

  70. Vishnu Narayanan

    who came to knew through comments that shakira actually got a song with Same title !

  71. TeamAtFort

    If you want to destroy your brain play this riff and switch back and forth between disposable hero’s

  72. Andrew Frank

    Reba Mcentire should cover this and "countryfy" it. I know that sounds weird to my fellow metalheads but after hearing "Fancy" she could pull it off.

  73. Universal Tomato


  74. LaTe Ko

    the description :D

  75. Morellio Benoir

    She wolf is such a good song.

  76. michael calvert

    Tenacious D would call that a tasty riff.

  77. Zack Attack

    1:50 same

  78. Pablo Rentani

    The same riff as Slayer's Chemical Warfare (1984)

  79. LegoJedi

    This is Black album of Megadeth

  80. 赤レオネル

    No me canso de esta canción

  81. Bryan May

    Always have been and always will be a Megadeth fan

    Richie Rich

    Preach brother!

  82. Verana Colecionaveis do not forget to sign up

  83. Hurricane Society

    2:42Your welcome

  84. Pamela Nieto

    Megadeth = El equipo de fútbol de tu vida, Metallica = la selección de tu país!

  85. William Seyfried

    Makes me want to go play with a she wolf

  86. jemitysfilms

    So, are the lyrics about rape or social commentary, on the manipulative nature of women?

    Ahmet Emre

    Nature of women and desires

  87. Martin Segovia

    Alto tema lcdsm

  88. Elias Benjamin

    It remember's pokemon song

  89. Uryweler

    same old stuff, still rocking after 30 years. Thats R&R !!!!

  90. Jason Barbush

    She Wolf loves Cat Woman in the grand scheme of things. When you surrender you indeed win.

  91. Block Arauco Maipu

    2019 DUDE

  92. Alcidiley Marins

    Que riff

  93. Dany Compère

    excellent one :-D

  94. Paweł Krawicziński

    Polska pozdrawia

  95. Chichopuente

    I guess he hates his ex wife

  96. Apostolis Maris

    *3:25** best part*

  97. gravy artz

    Love this song

    Jason Barbush

    all things happen for a reason. Nothing happens by mistake in God.

She Wolf Şarkı Sözü
The mother of all that is evil
Her lips are poisonous venom
Wicked temptress knows how to please
The priestess roars, "Get down on your knees"
The rite of the praying mantis
Kiss the bones of enchantress
Spellbound searching through the night
A howling man surrenders the fight
One look in her lusting eyes
Savage fear in you will rise
Teeth of terror sinking in
The bite of the she-wolf
My desires of flesh obey me
The lioness will enslave me
Another heart beat my own
The sound of claws on cobblestone, I'm stoned
Beware what stalks you in the night
Beware the she-wolf and her bite
Her mystic lips tell only lies
Her hidden will to kill in disguise

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