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Megadeth - Promises

: Promises
: 4.17 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 117 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 85 İndirme
: 03-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Megadeth - Promises )
  1. Cheyne Boogie

    Some are better than others.. But there will never be a bad Megadeth track!!

  2. Johnny Fountains

    I love the solo in this song.

  3. Khang

    Her dinlediğimde mahvoluyorum :(

    Yağmur Kara

    İnsanın ruhunu acıtıyor, öyle bir güzelliği var şarkının.

  4. Robert Joseph Luciw-Catalano

    Best megadeth song hands fucking down even if it is one of there softer songs. Fucking great !

  5. Jefferson Andres Araujo Mendoza

    Favorita canción acústica de Megadeth; hermoso solo de violín.

  6. Assem CR Ghannam

    Damn im crying 😭😭

  7. Edward Lhesta

    Amolar o chifre? Bora

  8. Carlos Guerra

    ....and then comes the vocals and fucks it all

  9. María Peperina

    Les contaré mi historia, no tengo, simplemente me gustaba mucho esta canción pero no estaba enamorada en ese momento, porque tenía 13 años? No sé, salu2.

    talon :v

    cállate idiota

  10. Brady Bergonzini

    This song would go great with a tale of 2 cities if the book had music

  11. Matheus Santos

    Uma das melhores músicas do mega, sem sombra de duvidas,

  12. kettle2345

    “I Pramus U”

  13. Rayyan Irsheid

    33 Dislike! oh dear lord, if a record like this got a dislike it's must be crap unless you're deaf and can't hear the glory.

  14. Taha Bayrak

    Two hearts that shouldn'tTalk to each other become closeIn a town much like a prison cellPeople speak our namesOn the street in hushed tonesOh the stories they'd tellIf anyone would listen, anyone would listenYou come from a town wherePeople don't bother saying helloUnless somebody's born or diesAnd I come from a place where theyDrag your hopes through the mudBecause their own dreams are all dyingAnd when we walk down the streetThe wind sings our name in rebel songsThe sounds of the night should make us anxiousBut it's much to late when the fear is goneI will meet you in the Next Life, I promise youWhere we can be together, I promise youI will wait till then in Heaven, I promise youI promise, I promiseThere's so many fightingTo get past the Pearly GatesBut nobody ever wants to die or get savedTheir intentions aren't that goodAnd I can smell the asphaltThat's their personal road to hell being pavedAnd when we walk down the streetThe wind sings our name in rebel songsBut it's much to late when the fear is goneI will meet you in the next life, I promise youWhere we can be together, I promise youI will wait till then in Heaven, I promise youI promise, I promiseI will meet you in the next life, I promise youWhere we can be together, I promise youI will wait till then in Heaven, I promise youI promise, I promise

  15. Paula Gallego

    Amo esto.

  16. Mr Eddie

    [Dave Mustaine / Al Pitrelli]Two hearts that shouldn'tTalk to each other become closeIn a town much like a prison cellPeople speak our namesOn the street in hushed tonesOh the stories they'd tellIf anyone would listenYou come from a town wherePeople don't bother saying helloUnless somebody's born or diesAnd I come from a place where theyDrag your hopes through the mudBecause their own dreams are all dyingAnd when we walk down the streetThe wind sings our name in rebel songsThe sounds of the night should make us anxiousBut it's much to late when the fear is goneI will meet you in the Next Life, I promise youWhere we can be together, I promise youI will wait till then in Heaven, I promise youI promise, I promiseThere's so many fightingTo get past the Pearly GatesBut nobody ever wants to die or get savedTheir intentions aren't that goodAnd I can smell the asphaltThat's their personal road to hell being pavedAnd when we walk down the streetThe wind sings our name in rebel songsBut it's much to late when the fear is goneI will meet you in the Next Life, I promise youWhere we can be together, I promise youI will wait till then in Heaven, I promise youI promise, I promise[Solo - Pitrelli / Solo - Mustaine]I will meet you in the Next Life, I promise youWhere we can be together, I promise youI will wait till then in Heaven, I promise youI promise, I promise

  17. Khaled K.

    Just love it when he writes a love song.

    Awesome Austin527

    Khaled K. One of the best songwriters of our time

  18. MrMetalclay

    Nice ballad!

  19. Sam pelletier

    This song like Beatles

    Thomas Wima

    The acoustic guitar sounds a bit like "girl"

  20. rami klbso

    اول مره سمعتها ف 2000والله يرحمه الي عرفني بيهم

  21. Nicolás Larizza

    So underrated...

  22. Magdalena Kwaśniak

    I love this song ❤

  23. Elif Çelik

    See you in hell bitch

    Aydal-i Sasiker

    Ne diyon ya

  24. Michael Hendricks

    The whole album's pretty great at 125% speed


    OMG! Your right! 😅😅😅

  25. Alfredo Torres

    I get goose bumps

  26. Anderson Quitian Ocampo

    Llegue al punto de tatuarme el nombre de esta cancion junto a mi ex pareja... nos separamos hace años pero no se... aun espero volver a verla algun dia.

  27. sebastian Álvarez

    :'v las promesas que no le pude cumplir porque me dejó sólo :'v

  28. Nick P

    This song sounds like a psychopath tried to do a love song. Still an awesome song, but I think about this every time I hear it.

    Zitronenhai Papagei

    Thats actually perfect and exactly why I like this song a lot:)

    Mitchell Williams

    Maybe this is why it speaks to me...

    Andriy Vasylenko

    Loving how you described it, I’ll keep it)

    Antonio Basic

    To me it never had a psychopathic vibe and I honestly can't see why you would make that connection. I guess it all depends on the type of person you are while listening to it.

  29. Shamic Entertainment

    anyone else think the symphony parts sound a bit like bitter sweet symphony?

  30. wusscake

    Beautiful song.

  31. Joaquin Bstlo

    Debo admitir que leer tantas historias sad me hizo querer publicar la mía, resulta que en el liceo habia llegado un muchacha que era bastante hermosa, sinceramente había quedado perplejo. Resulta que siempre trataba de mirarla y sonreirle pero nunca me atreví a decirle nada ( ella era de otro curso solo la veía en los recreos), hasta que unos dias de agosto me arme de coraje y le hable, pasado el tiempo salimos y nos hicimos muy cercanos y nos llegamos a querer bastante, hasta que un dia me conto que se iria lejos y que volveria en periodo de clases cuando yo igual me encontraría en otra ciudad, y desde ahí termino todo, el día antes de que nos fuéramos de lo tangible le prometí que siempre la buscaría y ella a mi igual. Y bueno han pasado ya casi 2 años y medio y aun la quiero demasiado pero por cosas de la vida aun no he podido estar con ella. Aun que ella este con otra persona creo que siempre la voy a querer y a querer mis recuerdos junto a ella

    Pipenho Aliaga

    puede que la persona pase por muchas cosas y demas que llega a cabiar en algun momento sobre todo si no eres pertinente en su vida, aun asi tu eres afortunado de tener recuerdos de ella, de seguro ella te tendra e los tuyos, si no se volveran a ver por favor no la sufras, siempre habra algo donde lo hubo alguna ves y eso es o que hay que recordar

    Franco Romero


    Christian Jofre

    La cancion combinaba mientras leia

    Downtown High Dive

    Hermano, si tu la amas despues de no ver la tanto tiempo, tu tienes un corazon UnicoUn dia tal vez te la encontraras, y si no tal vez una mejorPero quiero que me la creas cuando te digo que yo se El sentimientoY uno solo debe que tratar de madurar y hacer se grandeMucho amor y Buena suerte

    zion cardozo

    Dime que ya le encontraste

  32. Raksha Dunkelheit

    Gracias por romperme el corazón y enseñarme musica buena. JJCC >:v

  33. Pirok Zlag

    Esta cancion la solia escuchar con mi ex novia La tocamos como cover en una banda la verdad no resisti llorar en el coro y el solo de guitarra el cual yo ejecutaba

  34. Acherus

    lel like 666 :v

  35. Fer Grohl

    les contaré a quien dedique está canción y porque...cuando entre a la preparatoria a unas cuantas butacas se sentó un chico, me gustó... muchísimo.. era muy inteligente y lo sigue siendo..sin embargo nunca me vio, el veía a muchas más.. menos a mi lo deje pasar y poco a poco nos acercamos nos hicimos grandes amigos.. comencé a gustarle pero yo perdí el interés en el... sabía que alguien como yo no podría gustarle... cuando me pidió ser su novia me negué rotundamente... creo que por venganza o algo así... Esta es su banda favorita, y lo quiero, lo quiero muchísimo pero tiempo después encontré a alguien que me acepto, y me vio entre ese montón de personas comunes y me busco todos los dias... hoy ese amigo se va, se va lejos y espero que en otra vida nos encontremos y me vea antes de alguien mas.

    Marty Piña

    Fer Grohl wea sad :'(

    Jessica Maguna

    Uh, la hora sad

    Todd Lawrence

    Te jodiste por pendeja u:

    Fer Grohl

    yo me jodi? 😯

  36. Christopher Giaimo

    dave can not sing very well....ever wonder why they don't do ballads?this is why!

    Nick P

    Christopher Giaimo just think of it as a villain song, like the ones you see in Disney movies. He's crazy and he wants to kill his ex wife so they can be together forever. And here he sings about should enjoy the song now :)

    Brady Bergonzini

    Don’t listen then


    Still better than James Hetfields voice.

    Aaron Joy's music & books

    They never did ballads because they are so wonderful, but nobody would give Megadeth street cred. This is a great song, even if it doesn't sound like the Megadeth YOU know. Dave has never sat in one place with one style of music in the nice box fans want to put him in. He sings better than so many of his peers.

    Arseniy Fomin

    @Aaron Joy's music & books And for me this song is the only Megadeth I know. I've heard it the first time around 12 in summer camp and it impressed me so much that I've remembered it and often return to it and sing for 20 years already. I've tried to listen to other songs of the band for a few times but they don't make much sense to me.

  37. Raphael Kaeme

    2 babacas dislike, sabem nada de música!

    Don Wash y Mr.lacra

    solo son gustos distintos ami no me gusto pero no por eso voy a comentar''que mierda de música'' yo si respero los gustos musicales y no ando diciendo que esas tres personas no sabes de musica

    Benjamin Farias

    Aweonao Rafael kenji Maegawa

  38. Carlos Pacheco

    Ya es Laura Sad :'v#HailLH

    Viktor Elkin


    Raymon clanes

    Marikas autistas del orto , más los de LH xdd

    luis varon

    Uy un gay #hailgrasa pvto

    jose angel rueda garzon


    Un Dead :v

    Carlos Pacheco #HAILGRASA PUTOS :v

  39. Jaymz Guimaraes

    the best song in this album!!!

  40. UnknownUTUBEAgent

    who is the promise made to?

    Riju Das

    The love of your life


    Seriously? It says so in the lyrics in plain sight and sound.

    Michael Freeman

    On this album, it would seem that Dave revisited some of the topics he wrote about on Rust in Peace. Obviously, Return to Hangar revisits Hangar 18. Promises revisits one of the topics from Holy Wars...its about a Protestant being in love with a Catholic in Northern Ireland


    @Michael Freeman Mustaine , when asked about this song, said that "it could be about a guy and a sheep for all I care"

  41. Parallelpark Daudette

    Fuck all those fads.. You're awesome for distributing music that means alot to true music fans. Definitely deserves more views, seems like the best shit isn't known.. We can all appreciate that tho cuz it makes us one of a kind.


    Parallelpark Daudette True that!

  42. Eric Lyons

    i love you man thanks for making it so easy to listen to my fav albums from megadeth on a playlist format ,just click and listen thank you greatly appreciated

Promises Şarkı Sözü
Olmaması gereken iki kalp
Two hearts that shouldn't

Birbirinizle konuşun
Talk to each other become close

Bir hapishane hücresine çok benzeyen bir şehirde
In a town much like a prison cell
İnsanlar isimlerimizi konuşur
People speak our names

Sakin tonlarında sokakta
On the street in hushed tones

Ah anlattıkları hikayeler
Oh the stories they'd tell

Biri dinleseydi, biri dinlerdi
If anyone would listen, anyone would listen
Sen bir kasabadan geliyorsun
You come from a town where

İnsanlar merhaba demekten rahatsız olmaz
People don't bother saying hello

Biri doğmamış ya da ölmemişse
Unless somebody's born or dies
Ve ben onların geldiği yerden geliyorum
And I come from a place where they

Umutlarınızı çamurun içinden geçirin
Drag your hopes through the mud

Çünkü kendi hayalleri ölüyor
Because their own dreams are all dying
Ve caddede yürürken
And when we walk down the street

Rüzgar ismimizdeki şarkılardaki ismimizi söylüyor
The wind sings our name in rebel songs

Gecenin sesleri bizi endişelendirmeli
The sounds of the night should make us anxious

Ama korku geçtikten sonra çok geç
But it's much to late when the fear is gone
Seninle Gelecek Hayatta buluşacağım, sana söz veriyorum
I will meet you in the Next Life, I promise you

Birlikte olabileceğimiz yer, sana söz veriyorum
Where we can be together, I promise you

O zamana kadar cennette bekleyeceğim, sana söz veriyorum
I will wait till then in Heaven, I promise you

Söz veriyorum söz veriyorum
I promise, I promise
Çok fazla kavga var
There's so many fighting

İnci Kapılarını geçmek için
To get past the Pearly Gates

Ama kimse ölmek ya da kurtulmak istemez
But nobody ever wants to die or get saved
Amaçları o kadar iyi değil
Their intentions aren't that good

Ve asfaltı koklayabilirim
And I can smell the asphalt

Bu onların asfaltlanmaya cehenneme giden kişisel yolu.
That's their personal road to hell being paved
Ve caddede yürürken
And when we walk down the street

Rüzgar ismimizdeki şarkılardaki ismimizi söylüyor
The wind sings our name in rebel songs

Ama korku geçtikten sonra çok geç
But it's much to late when the fear is gone
Gelecek hayatta görüşürüz, sana söz veriyorum
I will meet you in the next life, I promise you

Birlikte olabileceğimiz yer, sana söz veriyorum
Where we can be together, I promise you

O zamana kadar cennette bekleyeceğim, sana söz veriyorum
I will wait till then in Heaven, I promise you

Söz veriyorum söz veriyorum
I promise, I promise
Gelecek hayatta görüşürüz, sana söz veriyorum
I will meet you in the next life, I promise you

Birlikte olabileceğimiz yer, sana söz veriyorum
Where we can be together, I promise you

O zamana kadar cennette bekleyeceğim, sana söz veriyorum
I will wait till then in Heaven, I promise you

Söz veriyorum söz veriyorum
I promise, I promise
Kaynak: LyricFind

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