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Megadeth - The Conjuring

The Conjuring
: The Conjuring
: 4.64 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 80 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 51 İndirme
: 03-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Megadeth - The Conjuring )
  1. TayR0C

    one of the best songs ever made.

  2. Legate Damar

    Lost in Vegas!!!

  3. Lucas Lucas Lucas

    this song alone destroys all other of big 4 bands....

  4. ltuomela

    Get some!..

  5. Lyndon Geer

    My favorite Megadeth song. Gosh damn this rocks....let's fucking mosh you bunch of pussies!!?!!

  6. Tyler Doherty

    Truly breathtaking best part of my childhood daves to metal for cancer he'll bash its fucking face in

  7. Darius Antanavičius

    metallica died in 1991 ... who cares ??!!!

  8. HoLeeSheet

    everyone talking about 2:55 but no one is talking about 1:03 , fucking goosebumps

  9. ASDF

    To me, this song just makes it clear how much organized religion and the occult is alike. only seems normal because you've seen it for all your life. Welcome to our sanguinary sect or worshipFeel at home in our black conventicleAs we anathmastiseAll those who oppose us.Don't summon the devil,Don't call the priestsIf you need the strength,The conjuring, obey!Behold! the flames riseFrom the compass' cardinal pointsBurn the sacred oil,And with the ashes you'll annointArrange the symbolsOf the wizard and magician.Light the candles,Place the parchment paper in positionBetween its leaves placeThe lash from a black cat's eye,A straw of a broom,Fold, burn and centralize.Don't summon the devil,Don't call the priestsIf you need the strength,The conjuring.I am the devil's advocateA salesman, if you will.You know my name.I met…


    Not really, but OK. Everything in life is ritualistic to some extent, but there's a clear difference between, for example, the histories and theology and traditions of Judaism and Christianity and your friend from ex-GF from high school getting wrapped up in Wicca bullshit.

  10. Salam Wati

    MegaDeth..a sound of it's own. Riffs and Bass tones to die undisputedly the two Dave's are pivotal to the sound. Oh yeah James and Lars did Dave a favor😎

  11. ChevKen

    Too busy rocking out to pay attention to lyrics.

  12. Shelby Sawyer

    Quintessential Megadeth song.

  13. foosbiker

    so much better than Lars and company

  14. Johnny Argon

    At 2:56 the bar was raised!

  15. Chris Mckenna

    Metallica suck

  16. Sean T.

    One of my favorites from them....killer song 🤘

  17. Michael Miller

    I'm pretty sure its Megadeaths fault for my recent ear troubles. I start out reasonably loud...dammit Dave, it's your fault I keep cranking it up up up

    Johnny Utah

    I'm pretty sure you spelt Megadeth wrong

  18. Jeff Macey

    James kicked Dave's dog. So Dave blasted him one in the mouth. The rest of the band jumped on Dave and he kick their ass also. That's the truth that's why he was kicked out of the band. I learned that from their old bass player he did an interview on what really happened.

  19. Ken

    Remastered version hurts my ears...

  20. Dresdon Acacin

    How i feel about preworkout

  21. Yusuf Yıldız

    Welcome to out sanguinary sect of worship.Feel at home in our black conventicle,As we anathematiseAll of those who oppose us.Don't summon the devil,Don't call the priests,If you need the strengthThe conjuring. Obey!!!Behold the flames riseFrom the compass' cardinal points.Burn the sacred oil,And, with the ashes you'll annoint.Arrange the symbols,Of the wizard, and, magician.Light the candles,Place the parchment paper in position.Between it's leaves placeThe lash from a black cat's eye,A straw of a broom,Fold, and, burn, and, centralise.Don't summon the devil,Don't call the priests,If you need the strength,The conjuring.I am the devil's advocate,A salesman, if you willYou know my name. I met your father years ago,Gave him what he'd please.He called my name, you'll do the same.I'm claiming what is mine by right,It's time to close the deal.You're bought and sold, bought and sold.Come join me in my infernal depths,Mephisto's hall of fame.I've got your soul, I've got your soul.The conjuring. Obey!!!

  22. Jason Johnson

    Cool jam

  23. Jason Johnson

    Good motivation for the spirit

  24. Алберт Филозов

    Море металла ото всюду .а крутых как Мегадет ПРОСТО НЕТ!!!!1


    Наверняка есть, но так сходу можно только Death назвать. Все их звучание похоже на альбом Peace Sells на максималках. С добавлением хаоса на грани понимания. Да и другие команды не были на голову ниже. Золотое время!

    Алберт Филозов

    @Nord_Spirit Death супер, согласен.

  25. Full Colored Girl

    imnotizing song

  26. Bryan Perschall

    If you need the strength!..... The conjuring...... Obey!

  27. Lu T.O

    Seeing this live was a blast!

  28. Big Brother

    How did Dave go from this to crazy born again Christian. That's quite the mystery.

    Simon Nomis

    because Christianity is a poison, a disease , and if you're not careful you can get caught by it's venomous web.

    Devin Higgison

    @Simon Nomis or he converted. Athiesm is the disease

    Simon Nomis

    @Devin Higgison sure.

    Devin Higgison

    @Simon Nomis yup

    Willam Shelton

    i bet he's an agent in disguise lol

  29. Nico_ Swag

    The conjuringThe conjuringEl conjuro Bienvenido a nuestra sanguinaria secta de cultoSiéntete como en casa en nuestro conciliábulo negromientras nosotros maldecimosa todos aquellos que se nos oponenNo invoques al demonio,no llames a los sacerdotes Si necesitas la fuerza,la magia... ¡Obedece!Observa las llamas alzarsedesde los puntos cardinales de la brújulaQuema el aceite sagradoy con las cenizas te ungirásOrganiza los símbolosdel mago y brujo,enciende las velas,coloca el pergamino en posiciónEntre sus hojas colocael látigo del ojo negro de un gato,la paja de una escoba,plega y quema y centralizaNo invoques al diablo,no llames a los sacerdotesSi necesitas la fuerza,la magiaSoy el abogado del diablo,un representante, si prefieresSabes mi nombreSabes mi nombre...Conocí a tu padre hace añosle di lo que él suplicaraPronunció mi nombre, tú harás lo mismoEstoy reclamando lo que es mío por derechoEs hora de cerrar el tratoEstás comprado y vendido, comprado y vendidoVen a unirte a mí en mis infernales profundidadesEl pasillo de la fama de MefistoTengo tu alma, tengo tu almaLa magia... ¡¡¡Obedece!!!

  30. Lucifer Wayne

    Dang,that long fingers though

  31. Carlos Guerra

    if only this band had a good singer,they could go far

  32. Gavin Marshall

    is this really the remastered track....cause it sounds great....if so i need to purchase this, way better than the original recording.

  33. Brent Gray

    Prolly a top 3 megadeth tune.Rockthefukon

  34. Thomas Myers

    this remaster sounds so good

  35. LSU 19

    Been listening to this song for over 30 years, and only TODAY did I make the connection to "The Devil Went Down to Georgia." Dave's solo at the 1:04 mark is an obvious homage to Johnny's fiddle solo...damn.

  36. Steficool

    Welcome to out sanguinary sect of worship.Feel at home in our black conventicle,As we anathematiseAll of those who oppose us.Don't summon the devil,Don't call the priests,If you need the strengthThe conjuring. Obey!!!Behold the flames riseFrom the compass' cardinal points.Burn the sacred oil,And, with the ashes you'll annoint.Arrange the symbols,Of the wizard, and, magician.Light the candles,Place the parchment paper in position.Between it's leaves placeThe lash from a black cat's eye,A straw of a broom,Fold, and, burn, and, centralise.Don't summon the devil,Don't call the priests,If you need the strength,The conjuring.I am the devil's advocate,A salesman, if you willYou know my name. I met your father years ago,Gave him what he'd please.He called my name, you'll do the same.I'm claiming what is mine by right,It's time to close the deal.You're bought and sold, bought and sold.Come join me in my infernal depths,Mephisto's hall of fame.I've got your soul, I've got your soul.The conjuring. Obey!!!

  37. hobbicles28

    I am deeply disappointed with this song and the false advertising. Because as stated below it was written when Dave Mustaine dabbled in “black magic” and that it references a “Satanic Ritual” with hexes galore, but it did not work.Because I noticed my Baphomet statue remains stationary, inanimate, there is no blood pouring from my ceiling and no howling from the hounds of hel. Also my crucifixes have yet to burst into flames. Perhaps this is an edited version or maybe it’s Black Magic lite. LolNow Check out the mumbo jumbo below: Written by Dave Mustaine during a time when he dabbled in black magic, the song's lyrics have been described as referencing a Satanic ritual, and according to Mustaine contain "instructions for hexes".[1][2]

  38. Scott Cramp

    wish they still played this song


    They started playing it again in the summer of 2018, check it out.


    Obey! (Daa! dndndn daaaa! dadadad dn-da!)

  40. Jose

    Creo que Dave no volverá a tocar está canción xd

  41. Stella Stello Attack 999

    acid acid plagio???

  42. Jeff Macey

    Megadave rocks. 👹

  43. Nathália Nogueira

    the intro is sick

  44. Hassen Tagnit-Hamou

    Megadeth > Metallica

  45. Maxsteel 42

    This song has the best riff in heavy metal history

  46. Shibbitybop 25

    Best metal song ever created by man and no one can change my mind this is a fucking masterpiece

  47. Alex Saucedo

    Great SONG off a great album. Fuck yeah. This whole album kicks ass 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

  48. Jason Naughton

    Love this music just came here for the comments .......

  49. Chris Olson

    This song has incantations in it...from daves own mouth thats true he wont play this song

  50. Davidiah Wraith

    One of the GREATEST albums ever created.....

  51. Nario Esel

    2:56 EVIL AS FUCK!!! :D

  52. Benjamin Maloney

    If you could both play one song then switch, unherd of !! Hey you!

  53. Benjamin Maloney

    Play together!!

  54. Benjamin Maloney

    Wake rush up to go tour

  55. Sam pelletier

    The Conjuring 👻⬛

  56. Leon Bonta

    Dave rules!!

  57. dhmig88

    Drank many bottles of Mad Dog and cheap beer in high school to this album, such a heavy song. 🤟🏼

  58. Jeremy Gale

    This is an amazing fucking album. I’ve owned it since I was in middle school.

  59. Irving Villegas

    Fun Fact: This song contains instructions for hexes.

    John Burns

    Irving Villegas yeah, that's why wussy Dave didn't play it for a number of years.

  60. Ernie Gamboa

    Make Emerika Great Again.. Do Everything That Has to be done...!!! #megadeth

  61. Nick P

    Can anyone here rank the songs on Peace Sells? Honestly I don't think I can do it. The only for sure last place is I Ain't Superstitious, but after that it gets insane. All these songs are amazing. I'll give it a try.8. I Ain't Superstitious7. Peace Sells (sorry guys, this is the most "mainstream" song on the album, still amazing, just not as good as some of the others)6. Bad Omen- Man, I hate putting this song so low. But it is kind of a filler-ish still kicks fucking ass though.5. Devil's Island- No idea why this is here. This song is amazing, but if you put a gun to my head I think I would put it in 5th place.The other four I honestly can't do. I sat here for 10 minutes trying to order them, but I just can't do it. They're all equally amazing. Just thinking about the fact that Wake Up Dead can be "worse" than another song, or My Last Words can be worse than another song, or The Conjuring, or GMBF, it's They can't be worse than anything else. They're all just fucking perfect.

  62. riffer madness

    In glad Dave fired metallica

    Sean T.

    AMEN 🤘

    Mark Smith

    @ben eadie yes it was.


    @That Guitar Guy autism confirmed

    Ran Ders

    @Bonechip UNDERRATED

    J J O

    Yes, the way Dave was fired really sucked. However, it cannot be forgotten that these were a bunch of crazy young guys (Lars and James barely 20 years old?) in the midst of a scene full of loud music, drugs and booze. To expect decent, normal adult behaviour is unrealistic.

  63. N. N.

    oati gracias

  64. V VS

    Dave Mustaine proved he is the Master of his own class with the Rhythm. 💀...... Metallica missed him....

  65. Riju Bentonn

    Peace Sells... The best they could ever come with.

  66. Remember

    Jesu's christ, gar would have been hella proud of nick menza, omg.. Go look up the conjuring nick menza drum view and see how he killed it!!!!! R.i.p gar tho! But shit menza was fire!

  67. Infidel

    Should have been the film's theme song.

  68. Coy Leigh

    19 Justin Beiber fans disliked this bad ass song, fucking idiotic simpltons.

  69. Coy Leigh

    Megadeths lyrics are Superior to Metallica's.


    Obviously, Met's lyrics are too general, never truly specific and very directionless

  70. Brian Corsetti

    Obey you taylor swift lovin assholes!!!

  71. Shawn Bailey

    3:21 Trapped Under Ice?

    Justin Hooey

    Metallica got me into metal, I like Megadeth, also, no.

  72. Daniel Lehman

    Don't know why Dave won't play this one live. Know it's about black magic, but it's sort of a cautionary tale.

  73. Synyster Gates

    (Music, lyrics: Mustaine) Welcome to our sanguinary sect or worship Feel at home in our black conventicle As we anathmastise All those who oppose us. Don't summon the devil, Don't call the priests If you need the strength, The conjuring, obey! Behold! the flames rise From the compass' cardinal points Burn the sacred oil, And with the ashes you'll annoint Arrange the symbols Of the wizard and magician. Light the candles, Place the parchment paper in position Between its leaves place The lash from a black cat's eye, A straw of a broom, Fold, burn and centralize. Don't summon the devil, Don't call the priests If you need the strength, The conjuring. I am the devil's advocate A salesman, if you will. You know my name. I met your father years ago Gave him what he'd please. He called my name, you'll do the same. I'm claiming what is mine by right It's time to close the deal. You're bought and sold, bought and sold. Come join me in my infernal depths, Mephisto's Hall of Fame I've got your soul, I've got your soul. The conjuring. Obey!

  74. Mohian The Man

    Better Than the movie.

    Olive Avostrine

    @jadams2768 , The story behind this was also true...

    Kanwer Vikram

    @xxx conjuring dumbass

    Big Bird PH

    @Olive Avostrine Wasn't this song based on Dave's own experience dealing with black magic?

    Olive Avostrine

    @Big Bird PH , yeah, some of the lyrics in this song are part of a black magic spell or curse.

    Ran Ders

    @xxx the comment we were all looking for

  75. gabriel

    The beginning sounds so much like something Death would writte.

  76. Alexandra Bolzan

    That grove at 3 mins would own every song in the metallica catalog

    emir bayburt

    That riff at 2:55 can own whole fucking trash metal bands

  77. Delightfullydemented65 PMRChater

    F**king rip ur face off Megadeth! This song never got it's due

  78. Edward Finley

    Lars made 13 different YouTube accounts and then proceeded to dislike this video

    William Koscielniak

    @Eduard Wille I was half joking. I know the reason he was fired, but I still wonder why James isn't a fan of Peace Sells. Dave is the more skilled guitarist regardless of what you think of the songwriting.

    Fabricio Piotto

    lol lars like this record

    8 Ball Bowler

    Actually a lot of people don’t like Megadeth just because of the vocals.

    hornswoggle lover39

    @Eduard Wille The Lead should be a better player than the rhythm anyway. Not the other way around.

  79. Miss Kitty

    I was 12 years old when this masterpiece came out.

  80. JasjotSingh Malhotra

    This should have been featured in the movie!

  81. Eddie Loera

    At 1:44 any guitar player loves this fucking riff

  82. II-BadSport Vulture-II

    I am number one fan of Megadeth Dave Mustain David ELLEFSON I have a Jackson bloodline bass guitar five string signed by David himself I love Megadeth I still have my bass guitar in perfect shape had it signed at the guitar center in Phoenix Arizona I am loyal to Megadeth

  83. William Hagood

    How could anybody give this song a thumbs down??

  84. Beastie boy

    Dave mustsang need í say more

  85. BlueTiger700

    Why wasn't this song in the movie?

  86. drummerdude0515

    remastered an still can't hear the double bass :/

    That Guitar Guy

    It sucks because Gar's double bass was brutal!

    Martin Cueto Gomez

    poor guy

  87. That Guitar Guy

    Ellefson has one of the most menacing bass tones I've ever heard. I love Megadeth so much. They get me through tough shit.

    Luigi Tedjoputro

    guess junior has been brrr brrr deng since late 90s


    Ellefson is the best bass player in metal. Best tone, technique, and melodies. He always finds the right voicing and really bounces around.

  88. Kenneth Brown

    Thrash or GTFO

  89. tom green

    i bought this album when i was 9 in 1987 im 38 now. I saved my allowances and bought the cassette. my mom put it in the player of the monte carlo and. we made it through wake up dead then about 2 mins into this song. Thats when mom and dad said you just paid for that?? 30 yrs later i still listen almost every single day. Wake up in shower album.... Phenomenal. My mom asked:Scott do you still listen to that garbage?? Man too bad mao and dad didnt know real music...


    Nice story, tell it to Reader's Digest!

    Luke Cold

    RottingWays :Dick haha.

    Syazan Haiqal

    Atleast your parents didn't burn your tape.

    D Olson

    You should drive to your moms house right now and punch her in the face.

    Cutter Creighton

    My dad was the one that got me into Megadeth when I was seven. Driving from Albuquerque to the old Rio Puerco and the time passed in the blink of an eye. Great fucking music, good fucking times.

  90. Clarence Doskocil


  91. Jake


    Dr. Deth

    He listened to you, bro!

  92. jim moler

    this is good medicine. the bass is strong with this album. this and Killing are my 2 favorite deth albums.

    THEO AGOS 03

    What about rust in peace bro?

  93. xXDeathMetalThrasherXx

    That riff is badass.

  94. Cyrekt

    2:55 an even better riff than the one in Angel of Death

    That Guitar Guy

    Cyrekt Honestly I can name riffs that are better than Angel of Death

    TheFrayedEndsOfSanity 01

    Pretty much 90% of Megadeth songs are better than Angel of death

  95. Mark Buchner

    Nutty christian. Wacky politics. Brilliant musician.

    Delhi Delirium

    @B Real I´ve had a band but we only recorded the odd demo and never gigged ... unfortunately now that you say that . Rehearsals would be pretty fucking rewarding when things would go "right" ... which they´d seldom would, the highest peak of my career was having 3 full songs with vocals/lyrics/bass/guitars, all reheaarsed till exhaustion and then we´were never able to find a decent drummer so we send this demo to one of my army mates´s drummer, jazz drummer in a Death metal band ... after a week or so he writes us back saying he´s heard the tape we´d sent him and that he´d play with us on the demo in the studio. Fuck man , recording those songs and having the chance to listen to a more than DECENT drum pattern in them for the 1st time as we recorded them without any overdubds ... of course we were three so we had to do both the vocals and 2nd(lead) guitar separately (like in the good old days - most faggots is all about copy and pasting on computers - fuck that, I like that early - mid Motorhead feel of all ´s being about to fall apart at any 2nd ... fuck yeah! But now I regret never having brought those songs to a live context . Nice blog ....

    B Real

    @Mariah Kelly Been there dude lol  I played drums for 21 years, bass and guitar for 16 years, and I know all the band nightmares. Us drummers are flakey as fuck. lol....Hard to find a very good solid one. You should restart a band of ur own so they don't dick u over, u make all the money decisions so that way they cant tell u dick, and copyright ur songs cuz a lot of people thief that shit.

    Darin Bigelow

    Mariah Kelly being I'm a vocalist and there's no f****** metal musicians around here that even f****** Jam I'm left to my own f****** devices finding metal tracks instrumentals anything recording my vocals and adding them to the track to complete the song but good news I found some dudes on the internet they do mainly original material and it's all metal


    Mark Buchner Maybe it would've been better if Mustaine died.

    macehil matecilof

    Yeah I might not agree with his beliefs alot of the time, but I sure as hell can agree with his music. We shouldn't let devisive shit like politics and religion get in the way of the things that unite us. There's far more we all have in common than things we don't.

  96. ZZ Tilt

    New vocals? Why fuck with the original? Thumbs down.

  97. Joao Campos

    Gar Samuelson forever!!!! Listen to his amazing drum beat!!!!


    @William Koscielniak mop better than rip and peace sells oh boyyy you're missing a chromosome or something

    Pancouver venguins

    We don't care if they outsold Metallica, real fans know the better band and Megadeth shits on Metallica, and I do like Metallica but you can't fuck with Megadeth. Metallica got trendy and made some shit albums something Megadeth will never do.

    Freddie Hankins

    @Pancouver venguins you ever heard Risk?

    Jakub Łysek


    Eric Garland

    @c z maybe never caught up by way of sales, but the music for a while left Metallica in the dust. And remember that Metallica had a jump start with a little help and influence from mustaine so I always give mustaine credit for some of their success. I also believe that some of the disparity comes from the guys in Metallica being better at marketing not necessarily because the music was better.

  98. Rafael J

    0:54-1:31 Look at this bass o.O

The Conjuring Şarkı Sözü
Welcome to our sanguinary sect or worship
Feel at home in our black conventicle
As we anathmastise
All those who oppose us.
Don't summon the devil,
Don't call the priests
If you need the strength,
The conjuring, obey!
Behold! the flames rise
From the compass' cardinal points
Burn the sacred oil,
And with the ashes you'll annoint
Arrange the symbols
Of the wizard and magician.
Light the candles,
Place the parchment paper in position
Between its leaves place
The lash from a black cat's eye,
A straw of a broom,
Fold, burn and centralize.
Don't summon the devil,
Don't call the priests
If you need the strength,
The conjuring.
I am the devil's advocate
A salesman, if you will.
You know my name.
I met your father years ago
Gave him what he'd please.
He called my name, you'll do the same.
I'm claiming what is mine by right
It's time to close the deal.
You're bought and sold, bought and sold.
Come join me in my infernal depths,
Mephisto's Hall of Fame
I've got your soul, I've got your soul.
The conjuring. Obey!

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