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Megadeth - Dystopia With

Dystopia With
: Dystopia With
: 4.43 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 96 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 64 İndirme
: 03-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Megadeth - Dystopia With )
  1. Bowlaris

    this is like a dream I had once

  2. Rafles Bungaran Mangunsong

    2:47 Akira Takasaki

  3. T-Rex

    I like Megadeth😄 musiknya enak didengar pokoknya mantap dah😃

  4. Beavis The Great

    D I E M U S L I M S D I E

  5. Alan Oriordan

    Shit hot drumming ( double kicking ) 👍

  6. Sean James

    Another kick-ass Megadeth song.

  7. Under world Guardian

    0:40 Megadeth ft. Mortal Kombat

  8. Xx Gacha Memes xX

    This is very disturbing, one star out of five. Remember, this is only my opinion.

  9. taco bell

    Megadeth and tacos are key necessities in life

  10. Luiz Claudio

    Kiko Loureiro saved Megadeth!

  11. Dark v3k

    Damn amazing 🤟☠️


    Hangar 18 part 2

  13. P1rty4fowl

    Best Megadeth solosDystopia solo 1Dystopia solo 2Dystopia solo 3Dystopia solo 4

  14. Lars Roumen

    Hangar 18 like


    and mr mustaine......................i do love you so much............the wrong doings of the world....the illegal doings of our country......the destruction of our constitution.........allowing law enforcement to do as they please.... to attacxk the innocent............who beg for a war..........while they use the law tp protect see this i know.............................\m/

  16. VOSH SOLO's me again, the vosh..............fight my friend...............i been with you since day not what you wished for, but you have been a monumental person in my was clive...........i was so sad to watch him go........................and here we are in are late 50's.........most say its time to make peace and country music........i have as you do...cancer in the gut............but im not here to ruin everyones day................i'm here to help you on your fore spokened.....last lick...and i know it is not your last...........................dystopia , combat threat......level two......\m/

  17. Daniel Leinad

    3:09 "The System Has Failed" :v

  18. Andrea Navarro

    Kiko arrasa!!!!

  19. Vic rattlehead

    Dystopia is the rust in peace 2

  20. Bruno Martins Santos

    This vídeo clip is like anime spit out the bone

  21. redanntube

    Future in Japan…Rust in the peace…

  22. Audio017

    The big four winner. Look at the lyrics. Absolute legend.

  23. Thais Castro Boaventura

    Wow Kiko, tesouro BRASILEIRO!!!

  24. evilbug555to666

    People were saying that MEGADETH fell off and then they hit them fools with these powerpacked riffs....🔥🔥🔥🤘

  25. CrimsonMenace 77

    Nothing like some Megadeth to cool the nerves on the drive home from a hard days work! FUCK OFF POST HOLE DIGGER! DIG THIS!

  26. Ibnu Fauzan

    Metallica = Spit Out The BoneMegadeth = Dystopia

  27. cyber grunge

    Nobody is as creative as Dave in Metal history

  28. cyber grunge

    Great song, but Dave has composed only great song!

  29. NaRuToLD 93

    Lyrics:What you don't know, the legend goes, can hurt youIf you only want to live and die in fearThey tell us to believe just half of what we seeAnd absolutely nothing that we hear.Resist the twised truth no matter what the costSupplant the rights with wrongs inside our headsOutlawing all the questions to the answersThat no one likes when someone ends up dead.DystopiaDystopiaDystopiaDystopiaWhat you don't know, the legend goes, can't hurt youIf you only want to live and die in a cageThere's panic and there's chaos rampant in the streetsWhere useless thoughts are peace are met with rage.Demoralized and overmastered people thinkThe quickest way to end a war is loseDictatorship ends starting with tyrannicideYou must destroy the cancer at its root.DystopiaDystopiaDystopiaDystopia!.

  30. Rafael Lira

    Tenho muito orgulho do Kiko Loureiro, um cara que começou como muitos, evoluiu como poucos e hoje tem muito a compartilhar com os veteranos. Salve Dave!

  31. VoviLus

    Русские есть тут??????????

  32. Lepidlo Lepidlo

    YEAH!!! NICE WORK !!

  33. Lif rsrsrs

    Headstrong dave

  34. Emkay G

    The world is full of great guitarists, but those who manage to be exceptional music composers like Mustaine I know very few ... maybe none .. maybe just one ... but we must say that "she" does not absolutely looks like our Dave ..

  35. Javier Cristaldo

    Salud desde Argentina ciudad de Paso de los Libres. Megadeth! Megadeth! aguante Megadeth!

  36. _cameraboy

    Floating eyeball drones, robots enslaving and killing humans....dammit Lars.

  37. To21 _

    I hear this while playing COD

    CrimsonMenace 77

    Team mates ask why you shooting answer Dystopia!!

  38. Lee Bts Tae

    Wow are a gem

  39. Ricardo Marquez

    This song is the Glory #Sickness 🎶🤘

  40. Brayden Tobin

    Cause it’s time. To. DieWait wrong song.

  41. George Alexandru

    A violent, gore filled video approved by Christian Dave Mustaine...

  42. S T O R A R O


  43. Leonardo Sandoval Chávez

    Este es un Temon de guitarras

  44. Fredrick Hight

    VOTE REPUBLICAN or else Dystopia is coming! God Bless David Mustaine and in the name of our Lord our God DESTROY THE CANCER AT HIS ROOT! Amen. May God's Love help David Destroy Cancer and May the USA return to it's CHRIST FEARING ROOTS! Amen.STOP THE "RATS" Democrats before they RUIN our country and Pray for a smaller Government! Pray to end Abortion or Holy Wars will HAPPEN! The Caliphate is happening and our eyes are on screens!If we don't start making babies, we will no longer be. Amen.GOD BE WITH US! HEAL DAVID and LET THE PEACE OF CHRIST BE WITH HIS FAMILY! Amen.dys·to·pi·a/disˈtōpēə/Learn to pronouncenounan imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic.

  45. Fredrick Hight

    VOTE REPUBLICAN or else Dystopia is coming! God Bless David Mustaine and in the name of our Lord our God DESTROY THE CANCER AT HIS ROOT! Amen. May God's Love help David Destroy Cancer and May the USA return to it's CHRIST FEARING ROOTS! Amen.STOP THE "RATS" Democrats before they RUIN our country and Pray for a smaller Government! Pray to end Abortion or Holy Wars will HAPPEN! The Caliphate is happening and our eyes are on screens!If we don't start making babies, we will no longer be. Amen.GOD BE WITH US! HEAL DAVID and LET THE PEACE OF CHRIST BE WITH HIS FAMILY! Amen.dys·to·pi·a/disˈtōpēə/Learn to pronouncenounan imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic.

  46. Guilherme Montenegro

    So, the death drives an automatic car.

  47. PatrickSilent

    2:38 Yes, Dave, indeed you must. Keep fighting.


    He just announced that he is in the final stages of the treatment and the doctors are saying that it's looking good for him


    @SomeFinnishDude Yeah, I read about that. That's great!

  48. Vlad Ionescu

    Dave, you must destroy the cancer at its root.


    They did, he's looking good.

  49. One Eye Odin

    His growing

  50. Gustavo Noobzera

    Vic rattlehead is the best mascot

  51. Erick Naples

    The music, the solos, the animation, the cinematic, everything is genius work🤘

  52. Stellarion Prime

    mhm haha .... 1:09 Lars Ullrich !!!! xD

  53. shinéu lagunat

    *Stay strong Dave*

  54. semper lacrimare

    Since when can Vic see outta his visor?

  55. snaggletooth 70

    Awful boys,jeez,come on

  56. Sedat Şahin

    Is that lindybeige at 1:11?

  57. richark leon

    Kiko gaves to Mustaine a fresh air view.

  58. Evan Phillips

    An Eversor on a slow day.

  59. Rahul Rao

    Well appreciated your work😈

  60. UNLEASH- HELL666


  61. Max Max


  62. Cristiane Tenreiro

    O destino extraiu o supra sumo do Metallica... Dave Megadeth Mustaine...Quero ver algum metálico sair e for capaz de criar algo nível bigFour com discos obra prima e discos versáteis e premiados e com certificação como o Cripting e o Risk.Mustaine NoRules!!!

  63. Yovi Andreas

    Chris adler

  64. Kristina Nurro

    lovin it

  65. Thanadol Jarujinda

    Big 4 !m! 😀😀😀

  66. IV Baldwin

    This is the song that it makes me hard megadethead

  67. ahmet çavuş

    3:20 guitar literally cummed

  68. RealSquirtleCat

    References you might have missed1:34 Super Collider1:46 So far, So good, So what!2:22 Hangar 16. Cryptic Writings on her head3:06 Hangar 183:08 (for a split second) The system has failed3:21 Hangar 16 & Hangar 18

    Domina Tenebris

    thank you \m/

  69. Maximus Gigantos

    Il tuo PUTOS sa che cazzo è la vera minaccia! Sostienilo prima che sia troppo tardi!!!

  70. theredbaron057

    lol "Hangar 18" at 2:28

  71. Bruno Lima


  72. Thrower 740


  73. Super Soap

    This music video is badass!

  74. Đỗ Duy Lê

    It seems like he wrote this song just for him. #fuckcancer

  75. Bilb Ono

    if Dave doesnt make it then im going to take my 600$ Jackson j32 V-style guitar before it was bought-out by Fender that Dave Mustaine used at times on many songs and paint "RIP Dave Mustaine" on it. i owe so much to him. im not one of these fans who knows everything about his life and all that, but the dudes music has been part of some of my favorite memories. the first time i heard of megadeth was as a kid seeing Sweating Bullets on MTV and it blew my mind, it was the first time i had seen a ginger like myself be so kick ass.i really hope he stays strong, i dont personally know the guy but i feel like i do in some strange way. im usually za cynical fucker who doesnt get sentimental about shit, but idk. hes gotta get through this and make some music man. i hate life. im closing in on 30 years old now and i now take life so much more seriously. my younger self was such an asshole, i didnt care if i died and i acted like loving life was pussy or some non-sense. ... anyways, this beer is for you Dave. much love. cheers.

  76. Кибела. Магазин плитки.

    Megadeth is the best trash metal group!!! Russia-Moscow very loved Dave Mustaine and his band! Good luck Dave, We wish you a speedy recovery.

  77. Anton Osepyan

    Metallica "Hardwired...To Self-Destruct" VS Megadeth "Dystopia" = Hamburger (McDonalds) vs Michelin Steak. Megadeth is the best still 2019

  78. Jason Stevens

    Speaking of cancer...

  79. Пафнутий Залесский

    Профи хули!

  80. Пафнутий Залесский

    конечный зачёТ!!

  81. randall scott burress

    I dumped tim learhy years ago and went strate for alan watt's .and lost my monkey in south carolina?

  82. Jared R

    Hanger 18 Three

  83. Domenic Vitanza

    Prayers to Dave Get well.

  84. Pawan Chettri

    great solo

  85. Jantzen Golden

    Dave I hope u beat this cancer we already lost Cliff we cant loose you stay strong Dave my prayers are with you


    He recently announced that he is in the final stages of the treatment and the doctors are saying that it's looking good for him

    CrimsonMenace 77

    Struggle is real isn't it

  86. DavidSixSixFive

    I like how the kid at the beginning is holding a Blastech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol.

  87. Vinicius Sabará

    Brazil with Dave, we love u

  88. Christian Delgado

    la cancion increible, pero el video quien se los hizo un estudiante? amateur

  89. Thrash Cujo

    Hangar 6.9

  90. Kenny Russell

    Did they spend $10 on this


    This probably cost 25 grand to make. Animation is crazy expensive.

  91. Just Papy

    Dude these videos still looking weird

  92. Ricardo Javier Rodríguez

    Esto es insuperable...

  93. Andy Chinn

    Love this Song!

  94. Sixto Acevedo

    Kiko rules!

  95. Ugly kid husse


  96. Jason Stone

    2nd best lead guitarist, or vocalist in Megadeth. Still better than Metallica!

    CrimsonMenace 77

    Marty thougj bro in ashes in your mouth! My God and Menza damn that shit is tattooed in my fucking soul bro!

  97. [ michcio]

    Nobody:Germany:"The quickest way to end a war is lose"




    85% of deaths were on allied side in ww2

    d 86san

    @Fallschirmjägergewehr Due to the URSS....

  98. James Heart

    You deserved it.

  99. tridev kotwal

    Thats chris adler🤔

  100. Michael Dahan

    The lyrics are incredible.

Dystopia With Şarkı Sözü
Bilmiyorsun, efsane gider, sana zarar verebilir
What you don't know, the legend goes, can hurt you

Sadece korku içinde yaşamak ve ölmek istersen
If you only want to live and die in fear

Bize gördüklerimizin yarısına inanmamızı söylüyorlar.
They tell us to believe just half of what we see

Ve kesinlikle duyduğumuz hiçbir şey
And absolutely nothing that we hear
Ne pahasına olursa olsun twised gerçeğe karşı
Resist the twised truth no matter what the cost

Başımızdaki yanlışlarla haklarınızı destekleyin
Supplant the rights with wrongs inside our heads

Tüm soruların cevaplara getirilmesi
Outlawing all the questions to the answers

Birisi öldüğünde kimsenin hoşuna gitmediğini
That no one likes when someone ends up dead



Bilmediğin şey, efsane gider, sana zarar veremez
What you don't know, the legend goes, can't hurt you

Sadece bir kafeste yaşamak ve ölmek istiyorsan
If you only want to live and die in a cage

Panik var ve sokaklarda kaos var.
There's panic and there's chaos rampant in the streets

İşe yaramaz düşüncelerin barış olduğu yerlerde öfkeyle karşılaşılır
Where useless thoughts are peace are met with rage
Demoralize edilmiş ve overmastered insanlar düşünüyorum
Demoralized and overmastered people think

Bir savaşı bitirmenin en hızlı yolu kaybetmek.
The quickest way to end a war is lose

Diktatörlük tyrannicide ile başlayan biter
Dictatorship ends starting with tyrannicide

Kanseri kökünden yok etmelisin.
You must destroy the cancer at its root



Kaynak: LyricFind

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