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Megadeth - Lucretia

: Lucretia
: 3.67 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 66 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 44 İndirme
: 03-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Megadeth - Lucretia )
  1. Johnny Fountains

    I plan on playing this, for the weekend.

    Johnny Fountains

    @Derrick Crawford Maybe today on my channel. Before the NFL game.

  2. Александр Бердник


  3. Wess's Guitar Shredding Lessons

    Def one of my fav solos of Marty!!

  4. Johnny Fountains

    Lucretia is the name of Dave's grandma,

  5. Loukritia Dana


  6. The Clown


  7. Rizki Ramadhan

    This is my favourite megadeth..awsome

  8. Steven Buckner

    Baddest ass crunchin rythm ever created

  9. Jrock 23

    This song is decent, but that opening riff is fucking terrible.

  10. Erick Landaburu

    Best megadeth solo ever courtesy from lucretia

  11. MattDaGuitarist

    Tornado of Souls and Symphony of Destruction solos are masterpieces, but Marty definitely had a ton of amazing solos like in Lucretia!

  12. Danfrombackhome

    This song is better than holy wars

  13. Ethan Gilworth

    This song is so vile, I adore it

  14. Grizzly 15

    Ha, ha, ha, haaaa!

  15. Michael Rainer

    Been watching Mindhunter a lot this week. This seems like body dismembering music to me. lol

  16. Jesus Robles Palafox

    Para mí, el mejor álbum de megadeth

  17. Jah Rod

    Where’s the dude who comments the entire lyrics in the comments?

  18. Matthew Clayton

    An absolute masterpiece

  19. Peytonal Official

    Best lyrics I've ever seen

  20. Lars Janse

    Those bends!

  21. Kemal Idris

    Megadeth is my religion!!!

  22. Christopher Harry

    A masterpiece musically anyway, but love the lyrics in this song too

  23. John Burns

    Could this album have been any better?

  24. The Adventures of TNT

    This is the best song on the fucking planet!

  25. Erebear

    00:00 When you make a joke about the opening laugh in Lucretia

  26. Henzo Andrianjanaka

    28/06/19 a 0h25 c chiant la canicule

  27. Michael Horn

    Stay strong Dave! You will win!!!

    Mark Richardson

    Win what?

    Michael Horn

    @Mark Richardson Dave has throat cancer


    "Amazing Solo are Fucking Genius".

  29. davidfirechops

    God damn 😭😭😭gold

  30. Abotz way

    i love the song bec of the solo

  31. Limi Thonger

    If I had to choose one song from Megadeth for the rest of my life... I'd choose this... underrated song.

  32. Cameron's Music and Gaming Land

    When you have your playlist on shuffle and hear that laugh out of you the chills! 😱😱

  33. Joey Frontz

    These guys are good they should start a band.

  34. Jake B

    I like Dave's solo better

  35. Al Gore

    Most underrated solo ever

  36. Chris Breen

    Ever notice that Hangar18 kinda sounds like the James Bond theme?

  37. Alkabuko Dikcisszel

    Instead of "deeper state", I always hear "Dave Mustaine"

  38. Michael Horn

    Ya,another kick ass song!

  39. DecipherTheCode

    Who knew a song about a ghost in an attic could be so badass

  40. Thoudam Nanao

    0:00 when she told u not to nut inside her but u did...

  41. Jonas O

    OMG, Mr. Marty Friedman !!

  42. Shawn McCord Jr

    00:00 when you see your fat pay check...

  43. Álex Hernández

    One of the best songs by Megadeth

  44. randall scott burress


  45. James Heitfield

    lucretia!!!! merece ser tocada ao vivo,não desmerecendo nenhuma das obras que vieram antes ou depois mas estes contrastes de solos de guitarra são fenomenais!

  46. ricky mop

    children of bigotry allies who raped kids at `nam, shame on them, victory belongs to the defender, anti nato

  47. randall scott burress

    UI asked the dOG? watt am I too do with These fucKin Glasses? said not noww / i'm not a psycho -analysist???????????????

  48. RattleHead

    Nobody talks about the verse riff in this song. So badass

  49. Genesis H


  50. gymnassfan

    Anyone else noticed the bossa nova elements in Marty's solo? That guy was a genius back then.

  51. mauricio riquelme

    El mejor solo del disco, quizá del lustro...delicado... sinfónico...una obra de arte... claro...hablo de Marty Friedman... cuando conoces a Megadeth.....sabes de quién es el sólo

    Libertad con objetividad

    Este si no estoy mal es de Dave

  52. Ambition-

    zarate por tevez

  53. Dylan B

    This one song alone kills anything Metallica ever did. Love Metallica though.

  54. Richard Paulus

    Whenever I hear the laugh at the beginning i always picture Dave mustaine dressed up as a little old lady with a babushka and

  55. Snek

    1:58 YAY!

  56. Matthew Freiley

    That hey at 0:53 is about 50x more badass than the remastered!! Really the WHOLE song is!!

  57. Subhojit Roy

    The 2 solos by Friedman and mustaine have to be the 2 of the greatests solos of all time ..... What a pair ....

  58. VisitArgentinaNow

    LOVE this SOLO. Give a sh_t if its good or bad technically. Simply LOVE IT and the whole song!!!!

  59. DaN1Gs100

    my fav song of rip

  60. Øyvind Wang

    This is a brilliant track that still deserves to be played on their set-list today I think. It has as a very melodic and nice lead-parts started of played by Marty , before Dave overlaps with some bluesy bends that later builds up to som full serious shred all over his guitar-neck. :))) - Totally a great track that I always have found very catchy and entertaining. Yep, 10/10 from me! :)

  61. Mark Richardson


  62. CraZ Frug

    This is epic

  63. AK Albabtain

    Fuck you Marty .

  64. tron cohle19

    Intro sounds like buckethead

  65. granudisimo


  66. Joe King

    Weird I know. But for some reason the rhythm during the solo is more appealing to me.

  67. MrMpalmer33

    This whole album is inspired - I love it.

  68. Rush Rumman

    We all love the big 4. But when it comes for a great solo like Tornado of souls , lucretia , symphony of destruction , hanger 18 Marty has his own league. Metallica has a few good solos but stop comparing Marty with Kirk. Marty is miles ahead than the other guitarists of the big 4.

  69. fiori


  70. Amen McMahon


  71. Kip Blass

    This should be in one of those "try not to bob your head" challenges...

  72. yonathan valensia

    Marty solo is so sick

  73. The Çügüman

    i cant stand how people hate on daves solo. martys solo is perfect imo, its melodic and soulful. but man do i love the organized chaos of dave. it felt so good hearing these solos back to back and i think they were thinking the same

  74. Cogollo Pestoso

    Ese solo de guitarra me suena con un aire de guitarreo español


    700th comment nic

  76. Ace Simmons

    Classic Metal Album

  77. Big M

    0:00 When you had weed before recording

  78. Jason

    Fuckin Mustaine....Close as a man can get to being a God....Pure fuckin genius.....

  79. Tim Rohrer

    0:00 - 0:34 makes me think of the 1950’s

    Tim Rohrer

    Corn Ball because of the way it sounds. It sounds like rock and roll a little bit.

  80. KingOfStillwater Boss

    Why does Marty think he was underutilized?

  81. Ajit Vincent

    Legend has it that long long ago naughty Dave made a deal with the devil.... No one knows what Dave got in return but the Devil got Guitar lessons! \m/

  82. Desrt Ego

    1:03 now that's a killer riff...

  83. Ivone Zubieta

    gran album

  84. orangeRANGE81

    0:00 When you know you are damn right

  85. BrigandOfBagnolo

    0:33 Now, I like both Metallica and Megadeth, but that riff is way too similar to the one in Through the Never.Metallica took quite the inspiration...

    Robert S

    This came out before the black album

  86. heavyrules669

    The solo in this song is one of the best in metal.

  87. EndOfEntertainment

    Cool stuff :)

  88. lindus jones

    just met Dave Ellefson at horror hound. gave me a tutorial on this song. Great guy, great bassist

  89. Ilya Santonov

    Liteië iltuhura kse maurä omneutï? 😂😂

    Ilya Santonov

    0:00 ausrije kuhur kauseuijra

  90. Mariode

    This album is hot as fuck

  91. stabsAlot97

    Good fucking music

  92. gingataisen

    When you realise this isn't even the best song in the album.

  93. Hawk

    IDK how Dave manages to sing this and play at the same time. So many syllables in one line.

    John Nelson


  94. Russ Freeman

    That verse riff, tho!!!

  95. Mat Demaz

    Such a catchy and original track. I fucking love it. The intro reminds me of early Iron Maiden a little bit. Can't believe I always used to skim through this record. I was stupid. What a masterpiece.

  96. Zero

    Lucretia is the best song from Rust In Peace, this solo and the lyrics is simply amazing

  97. Brian Spellbergio

    do you think Dave just bitches to the ghost in his attic about metallica all night ??

  98. Pranab Ghatowar

    2:07 lead starts

Lucretia Şarkı Sözü
Sitting up, late at night
I tiptoe through the darkness
Cold as hell, black as spades
Aware of my immediate surrounding
In my place I escape up into my hideout
Hiding from everyone
My friends all say,
"Dave you're mental anyway" hey!
Drift into a deeper state
I stalk the cobwebbed stairways
Dirt grits between my feet
The stair creaks, I precariously sneak
Hypnosis guides my hand
I slipside through the walkways
Sit in granny's rockin' chair
Memories are whirling by, yeah
Reminisce in the attic
Lucretia waits impatiently
Cobwebs make me squint
The cobra so eloquently glints
Moonbeams surge through the sky
The crystal ball's energized
Surely that like the cat waiting
Lucretia rocks away

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