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Megadeth - Prince of Darkness

Prince of Darkness
: Prince of Darkness
: 5.92 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 143 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 118 İndirme
: 03-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Megadeth - Prince of Darkness )
  1. Steven Malchiodi

    My favorite song the lyrics are powerful.

  2. lyrics music

    Prince of darkness Princess of light

  3. Phil

    I'm also the prince of darkness. People fear me!

  4. Jason Voorhees

    For Ozzy Osbourne ?

  5. JT B


  6. Laurie Graf

    This album has some of the best headphone songs I've ever heard!Listen to the doctors calling LOUD!!! You'll see what I mean

  7. ED.LUI -Ꮆ

    Acaso es un cover de rammstein??

  8. Hayward Jablowme

    I have destroyed more brain cells than all the nations beers.

  9. Trx 1136

    Their worst album (or Super Collider). Still better than other bands' worst album

  10. Carlos Eduardo

    Álbum Risk its optimus prime!!Mustaine innovation!!!

  11. Yisus SB

    The riff at 2:57 sounds like a slowed down One.

  12. Alfönso Rockjas

    I love that raspy voice!!!

    Hayward Jablowme

    I do too, but many don't. Fuck them.

  13. Alfönso Rockjas

    one of my favourite megadeth songs!!!!

  14. LikeLinus17

    Yeah, the 2004 remaster did wonders for this album. The original mix really downgraded it with its cheesy effects and drum computer sound. Praise Dave for making it more heavier and showing that Risk had some kickass songs!

    《 Sp00pular 》

    I personally felt that some remasters were hit or miss. The remaster definitely fixed this song, but I feel like it kinda neutered Insomnia by getting rid of the violin intro.

  15. MrMegaFredZeppelin

    Most underrated album from Megadeth, this whole album KICKS ASS \m/ \m/ ROCK ON!!!!!!!

  16. Jose Ortega

    Te la decico brandon ortiz , te amo !!!

  17. Kevin Bowman Studio’s.

    More Evil than Man

  18. Bobby Nance

    the most beautiful angel

    Ryan Killeleagh

    Yes Satan was and still is

  19. WilfordMays this song the only representation that Risk has gotten at Megadeth shows in the past 20 years?

  20. Alessandro Mariani


  21. Isaac Osterkamp

    To the world it's really like that for everyone.

  22. Javier Rodríguez

    4:41 \m/

  23. grass furnace

    Worst megadeth album ever


    Sokul krasnyachukov this song is good

  24. Jon Vester

    You know your a true metalhead when you think this this song is about Ozzy Osborne

    ben eadie

    i didnt think it was about ozzy but his name definitely crossed my mind when i saw the name of the song

    Ryan Killeleagh

    It's about Satan


    @Ryan Killeleagh in an interview Dave said he wrote it about Alcohol

  25. Dante Escobedo

    Megadeth - Prince Of Darkness - LyricsMy victims are rich of poor, young or old, strong or weakI cause millions of accidents, I am cancer in your bonesI fathered the lie, twist what you say, speak not the truthI am insidious, impartial, deep inside your chromosomesI take what you love, and leave you in tearsI imprison your soul, your hopes are my gamesI strip you of pride, my promise is in vainWhile you burn at the stake I dance with the flamesI bring poverty, sickness and deathA worthless handshake, the slickest thief, I steal your wealthI answer your prayers for greed and lustMore than evil, I laugh at your trustI am more powerful than all the armies of the worldI am more violent than violence, more deadly than deathI have destroyed more men than all the nation's warsI am relentless, unpredictable, waiting for your last breathEvil, more evil than violenceViolent, more violent than deathDeadly, more deadly than manI am yeah, yeah, I'm evil I amMy kingdom corrupt with dissentYour sins erupt by my intentI loathe your prayer, I wallow in sinLet the nightmare beginPrince of darkness, your satanic highnessPrince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded LuciferPrince of darknessI take what you love, and leave you in tearsImprison your soul, your hopes are my gamesI strip you of pride, my promise is in vainWhile you burn at the stake I dance with the flamesPrince of darkness, your satanic highnessPrince of darkness, the most beautiful angelPrince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded LuciferPrince of darkness, unpredictable, the prince of darknessPrince of darkness

    Kevin Bowman Studio’s.


  26. Dylan James

    I first heard this on the greatest hits album, so I didn't know when it was released, I just treated it like the other classic megadeth songs. Still good to me

  27. Kevin Bowman Studio’s.

    The prince of darkness has been made

  28. Nightwolf 88

    My victims are rich or poor, young or old, strong or weakI cause millions of accidents, I am cancer in your bonesI fathered the lie, twist what you say, speak not the truthI am insidious, impartial, deep inside your chromosomesI take what you love, and leave you in tearsI imprison your soul, your hopes are my gamesI strip you of pride, my promise is in vainWhile you burn at the stake I dance with the flamesI bring poverty, sickness and deathA worthless handshake, the slickest thief, I steal your wealthI answer your prayers for greed and lustMore than evil, I laugh at your trust

  29. Gunny Killer

    This song was their intro at a show i watched last year and it sounded pretty decent

    metalwound NSDR

    Me too saw them here in Spokane last year they played this for their intro

  30. Eddie

    I love this song

  31. Ryan L

    I can understand the dislike for this album but there are some good songs on this


    Well, in my opinion, as well as others, the "black album" was, compared to their first four efforts, "too mainstream." In other words, back then, and even today, the people who didn't like Metallica BEFORE are NOW liking them. In other words, back then, there WERE COUNTLESS reasons WHY A LOT Metallica fans HATED or ridiculed the "hair bands" as well as the pop/dance artists.

    Jimmy Rose

    AngelofAnguish yeah, but just cause a bunch of people latched onto it doesn't mean Metallica had the intention of changing their style JUST for the fact of popularity. No, they just wanted to do something a little different. And besides, what band wouldn't want to have a lot of fans? Of course they would embrace it. And I don't get how black album sounds like Hair metal (and yeah ik a lot of metal heads hated hair back then). Don't get me wrong, black isn't the best imo (it's my 5th or 6th favorite), but it's not horrible nor is it a sellout. I'd consider load/reload more of an attempt at selling out. And of course load, reload and even St. Anger are masterpieces when compared to LuLu lol.


    We shouldn't attack a band for simply wanting to do something different, Load & Reload was Metallica trying something different. If you stick to the same formulas and sounds people will attack you for doing the same thing over and over, If you do something new and fresh, they attack you for selling out or not being "true"... It's fucking stupid, at the end of the day, they're musicians, artists, it's exploring their craft that makes it worth while. You don't go up to an amazing painter and limit him to painting bowls of fruit for his entire life.

    Kevin Bowman Studio’s.

    Ryan L I laugh at your trust.

    Robert thompson

    @AngelofAnguish man I feel the same about this album. It's not completely trash, but I wouldn't go as far as saying Dave sold out. But you definitely tell this was a time he was getting sober

Prince of Darkness Şarkı Sözü
My victims are rich or poor, young or old, strong or weak
I cause millions of accidents, I am cancer in your bones
I fathered the lie, twist what you say, speak not the truth
I am insidious, impartial, deep inside your chromosomes
I take what you love, and leave you in tears
I imprison your soul, your hopes are my games
I strip you of pride, my promise is in vain
While you burn at the stake I dance with the flames
I bring poverty, sickness and death
A worthless handshake, the slickest thief, I steal your wealth
I answer your prayers for greed and lust
More than evil, I laugh at your trust
I am more powerful than all the armies of the world
I am more violent than violence, more deadly than death
I have destroyed more men than all the nation's wars
I am relentless, unpredictable, waiting for your last breath
Evil, more evil than violence
Violent, more violent than death
Deadly, more deadly than man
I am yeah, yeah, I'm evil I am
My kingdom corrupt with dissent
Your sins erupt by my intent
I loathe your prayer, I wallow in sin
Let the nightmare begin
Prince of darkness, your satanic highness
Prince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded Lucifer
Prince of darkness
I take what you love, and leave you in tears
Imprison your soul, your hopes are my games
I strip you of pride, my promise is in vain
While you burn at the stake I dance with the flames
My kingdom corrupt with dissent
Your sins erupt by my intent
I loathe your prayer, I wallow in sin
Let the nightmare begin
Prince of darkness, your satanic highness
Prince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded Lucifer
Prince of darkness
Prince of darkness, your satanic highness
Prince of darkness, the most beautiful angel
Prince of darkness, the devilish serpent, the dreaded Lucifer
Prince of darkness, unpredictable, the prince of darkness
Prince of darkness

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