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The Who - Wont Get Fooled Again

Wont Get Fooled Again
: Wont Get Fooled Again
: 7.83 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 112 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 72 İndirme
: 08-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Who - Wont Get Fooled Again )
  1. R Evans

    Atrocious camera work. You'd never know they have a bass player....

  2. bobby thomas

    We do not get fool again ---9/11 / 2001

  3. Kevin Bullard

    So if you find thousands of images of child pornography on Pete Townsend's computer does that mean he's a great guitarist who is a pedophile or do we overlook that?

  4. Rick Slick

    And this how we rock kids.

  5. Frosted

    An absolute amazing performance ! ! ! 🤩To fans of The Who please bear with me as this is a long but definitely REWARDING post. Most of this comes from an English (born in London ENGLAND) lad. In 2017 I asked an English Deep Purple fan about rock in the UK in the Seventies.This guy aged 13/14 in 1970 was blown away by the - In Rock- album released by Deep Purple in 1970. This English hombre from 1970 - 77 saw:DEEP PURPLE, Black Sabbath, Uriah HeepRolling Stones T Rex with Marc BolanDavid Bowie, the up until 1976 little known band callled Queen, the when it came to playing live, mediocre at best Led Zeppelin AND in complete contrast. . . The WHO to name but a few . . . Lol.Ritchie BLACKMORE - is our mutual hero. In 1979 Blackmore gave an interview talking about lasting influences from the 70's. Blackmore talked about Pete Townsend ( PT) and his immortal contribution. Pete Townsend - and his ability to go from his unparalleled ability to play rhythm and effortlessly segue into lead. In the video for - Won't get Fooled Again - PT does it repeatedly. Wow . . . Blackmore also mentions ... melody. The Who were a innovstors, were thete first and a melodic band. Look at their singles e.g. Pinball Wizard etc .PT's ability to play melodic rhythm guitar and again, brilliant segue into a solo or lead break.Gunslinger Pose - apart from Townsend's patented " windmill " and his constant jumping bean movements; it's his gunslinger pose, again re-watch this video and you will see it. Jimmy Page - blatantly copied this move from '75 onwards. You can clearly see it in the self titled LED ZEPPELIN 2002 DVD !I'm sorry but fair is fair and many of Plant and Page's stage moves from 1972 and onwards, are heavily " borrowed " from The Who.PLANT versus DALTREY - it was that cheeky Keith Richards who points that out. Keef initially thought that Zeppelin aesthetically were clones of The Who. Lol.WHY - Roger Daltrey had the same long haired blond locks, the voice and definitely the stance. Daltrey in concert would lift up his Right hand, look to his right and hold that store and twist for about 10 or more seconds . . .would break the pose and then energetically dance around. Plant circa 1972 would do the same but then put his hands on his hips and then thrust his hips forward and suggedtively thrust them left and right. One critic called this braggadocio. Bonham versus Keith Moon - in my opinion BOTH were a amazing drummers whose style formed their individual bands style. Bonham was NOT better than Keith Moon. The Bonzo versus the Loon battle is, and WAS, both moot and and redundant.The Good Guys - both John Paul Jones and Jon Entwhistle were brilliant bassists and musicians. In the last decade we have found out that John Paul Jones was THE driving force behind Zeppelin.

  6. Eric S

    I just saw the who with an orchestra behind them and the sound wasn't as big as this.

    Love Me Like A Reptile

    You sure you weren`t in an elevator?

  7. Rubics

    I can hear him...just cant see him

  8. joseph humphrey

    My favorite hard rock band growing up in the 70's. Punk attitude combined with impeccable musicianship. And maybe more importantly, great songwriting. It always comes back to the writing. The message of this song still lives on, and always will, unfortunately.

  9. John Obrien

    Back in the 80's i saw john entwistle play in a little club in Boston. He and the guitarist had a quick back and forth guitar war. The guitar player ended up on the floor bowing at entwistles feet! True story. Most awesome bass player i have ever witnessed up close.

  10. Vincent Fernandez

    It looks like Townshend don't need to do any effort to play the guitar. Like the guitar is just an extension of his body. It just incredible...

  11. Vincent Fernandez

    It looks like Townshend don't need to do any effort to play the guitar. Like the guitar is just an extension of his body. It just incredible...

  12. King Of Sync

    4:14 John's only appearance in the video.

  13. F Figo

    Pete is wearing a pair of leather shoe and see how high he jumped, imagine he wear a pair of Nike Air... John and Alan Spenner’s would have to be the best bassists in rock’s band.

  14. Hilarion Mora Duran

    Queen chingon

  15. Michael Rauch

    Look how cool Entwhistle was...this is a great vid

  16. vanessa cricklewood

    awesome !!

  17. Idolily-Susan

    I rather like the two video split screen.very visually appropriate & appealing.

  18. John Paul Jones

    Really missing that OXCAM...

  19. Brian Boe

    lube tv awsom clap

  20. Ecio Giordani

    This double images is no good.

  21. TheSeeker1960

    Why am I seeing double? I gave up drinking years ago

  22. conan howard

    I never realized how good Keith moon was , I recon he was one of the best drummers in the world .even better than Ginger Baker

    Stephen Carrahar

    agree, Keith had more to offer, very gifted.

  23. Jimmyt

    Very cool!! Thank you for the upload. I had only see the Kilburn version from The Kids are Alright movie. This must have been the second day filming as I know they did a couple "concerts" at Shepperton / Kilburn. The version is a bit cleaner and I think Pete hadn't had quite as many brandy's. But I'll take The Orrible Oo' any way they arrive. lol

  24. Thomas

    This was.... the last show....

  25. aazonbrain 1

    I love the Who but the Kilburn concert is mostly just sad, especially knowing its back story. They hadn't played together in a year and Keith's physical deterioration had finally got the better of him. Just not together as a band. Its not terrible but its no wonder they shelved it. The Shepperton stuff is definitely better but still plodding. I wish all the time that Keith could have stayed with us. He could have gotten back into shape. Simple bad pill taking habits got the better of him. Terrible shame.

  26. Captain Sunday

    These guys are good but kinda dorky.

  27. s13hgp

    The first Super Group.....cream were light years behind.

  28. The Big Picture

    John never got much camera love...cuz he just stood there. But of the greatest rock bassists of all time.

  29. James Kendall

    Sized this down and stared into the screen but couldn't see stereo.Morals that we worship will be gone. Super great vid always fresh asa daisy. They decide and the shotgun sings the song. Change it had tocome, we knew it all along. Fighting in the streets. Tip my hat to the newrevolution. History ain't changed. World looks just the same.Hollywood '19 was a fine soundcheck. Meet the new boss.

  30. Jay Evans

    Epic just Epic

  31. kurtzcol

    ya i think i would have lost my mind if i was there

  32. Earth Has Curve

    Um...Is just saying 'wow' understating?

  33. harry Wyatt

    Best band ever, and I was proud to have seen them at Manchester belle view in 1975 when I was 15. Thanks to my best mate who's brother drove us their in his ford cortina

  34. Douglas Wilken

    Quanta atitude para aquela época

  35. lesteranddonna

    Entwhistle bass player of this century

  36. Porter Mortarswan

    Even a laggard Keith Moon, there are imitators of. Holding Keith Moon means an end to showing off.

  37. Ernest Kinas

    This proves that even on an off night the Who were/are the greatest band in human history.

  38. moisesitolife_ 17

    THE BEST PART!!! ( 7:35 ).... Keith Moon was FULL OF ENERGY!!!! R.I.P. brother😭

  39. iseeolly

    Anyone else watching this wishing they had some drugs to hand ?

  40. James Kendall

    Okay class let's parse and dissect this.Meet the new boss same as the old boss.I'm an atheist so don't answer to any of their ilk.The Who's a band in person. A Hollywood band from Britain.They'll play again soon but I'll be at some other show.Townshend's taller than Daltrey and plays way rad involvingswingin' his arm around. Hollywood rock'n'roll like the Beatles.

  41. Marcin Nowakowski

    Incredible! ❤️

  42. Silas Howell

    Anybody else come here because Your Favorite Band Sucks?

  43. Robert Bold

    This band is amazing

  44. James Kendall

    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.Never fooled, just overpowered.

  45. James Kendall

    The Who played this for me in Hollywood last night.Pretty much like this.

  46. Fuser Aten

    The Best Band Of The World

  47. Martin

    Such a bunch of pimped up poseurs....But just the best ever.Who, the fuck are you.....?

  48. Airsoft Ghost


  49. TheTiedye123

    Pure Energy, pure togetherness, pure musicality but overall pure magic!

  50. ceo of racism

    John just being the coolest man in history

  51. Will McEwan

    Turn it up to 11!!

  52. K Avgs

    Waouh What quality!Amazing artists!Thanks for sharing! :))

  53. papincampos

    I'm trying to find a comment better than all others... I failed... All are typed by wise people with good taste in music!!!

  54. Christpher R Fritz

    Amazing that when I was listening to this, in high school, that was it! I never saw any film! It was the music.. and nothing else. Now... I'm watching the 'visual'. Where was this shit BACK in 1977!!😠

  55. James Kendall

    America's in the hands of republican pigs from Kentucky.Vote as a citizen 'til I'm blue in the face but the constitutionguarantees a republican government. Y'all saw what we didto Hiroshima and Nagasaki in '45. That was legit but so muchwarmongering since then what with the Bushes and Reagans.Getting rid of that "electoral college" system would be a start.Trickle down economics that all the jesus worshippers vote for.More heaps of money for the rich and a penny for the poor.That's the American way. Young boys from Kentucky enforcethe American philosophy of hate.


    Democrat Harry S Truman dropped the bomb in '45...

  56. chris fryer

    simply stunning

  57. Metal upyouras

    Super Song

  58. Moinak Bhattacharya

    Keith moon, electrifying

  59. Yosua Ferrusca Rosas

    una cancion en especial que me recuerda cuando era joven y esa llama de la libertad se encendio en mi ,que aun perdura en estos tiempos

  60. TheSanityInspector

    Fine performance--but Shepperton is the one for the time capsule.

  61. Smith


  62. Darryl Loveridge

    Watch it and decide who gave the best performance out of the four of them. Then watch it again and I bet you change your mind to another member of the band. All four are outstanding.

  63. James Kendall

    We are the Who and this is how we're gonna be.

  64. Robert Messner

    Always loved The Who! Keith just annihilated the drums! Most unorthodox playing yet sounds perfect! The band together was simply majestic! Sorry but no Keith and it’s just not the same! No knock to kenny Jones! But Keith was the glue!!!!!

  65. Lukedishwasher

    The most dynamic thing John Entwistle does is casually take two steps back when Pete takes a run and slide over to his side of the stage. And I love him for it. What a band.

    Geoff Poole

    I think Entwistle's static stage presence and intricate bass lines held the band together on stage. We'll never know but I think things would have been too chaotic if he'd been leaping around with the rest of them. Entwistle's bass playing on Quadrophenia is sublime.

  66. Ian James

    Definitivamente solo para conocedores no para ignorantes

  67. Ian James

    Una banda súper completa el mejor baterista, el mejor bajista uno de los mejores guitarristas y uno de los mejores vocalistas


    the who is my idol long live keith moon and john entwhistle

  69. Vallliiiddd

    God dam put the camer on john hes going nuts

    Gabriel Flores

    Ok this time it doesn't matterThere's an ox camera if you didn't know, its freaking awesome.

  70. Carlos Gonzalez

    Is it only me do Kieth Moon and Jim Backus look like brothers?

  71. jernt dood

    moon's playing on this is insane

  72. Linda Howard

    Split screen Double The Who 👍🏼💜❤️😎

  73. mitsuhiro takada


  74. Craig Bendall

    You could power a city with that energy

  75. Jeff L. Smith

    Actually the split screen makes the band seem bigger in a way, and that's the effect they've always tried to achieve with their sound. So: weird but cool.

  76. GrayWoIf

    The Who in this era to me is the greatest live band of all time

  77. John Martin

    One for George Bush Jr.

  78. Mac Sound Solutions

    The Who were like watching a freight train at full speed on the verge of derailing yet somehow manage to stay on the tracks. The craziest loose cannons of rock.

  79. glizta42

    Saw them live twice in Stadiums of over 70,000 people. Their energy was outstanding and yes they moved like this for 2 hours! I pushed my way to the front just so I could get close to Daltrey. What a powerhouse! Body surfed, got thrown over the wall, lost my shoes, and it was totally worth it! Gorgeous man!

  80. Jasun Light

    Keith Moon is Dead Now. I saw an Excellent Tribute Band to the Who.............................Called The Who Experience from Southern California. I highly recommend you see them if you get the chance.

  81. Daniel Lawson

    Double Who...!!!

  82. framodcole

    Did pete find a kid? Is that why he is jumping?

  83. nonsailor

    Why is The Who an eight piece band?

  84. jimbomusic

    What's wrong with this picture?Don't get me wrong - I worship The Who as much as most, but please; tell me how one slams a closing chord 7 seconds after one has thrown one's instrument on the stage?

  85. Nuttymeemps

    I get shivers watching this. 👍

  86. Patrick Roy

    The Who: Roger, Pete, and Keith going apeshit while John is being the coolest man in existence.

  87. Caren Tipler

    Perfect Rock and Roll

  88. Michael Legoo

    Im out of air guitars! I smashed all of them on this video!!!!

  89. Michael Siracuse

    This should be anti Donald Trump song!

  90. Maz of Destruction

    Pete surely can move and jump a lot. What an energy!

  91. J Larry Brewer

    Man John’s tone on this song just slays me!!!

  92. Donald Mitchell

    THE WHO!!!!!!

  93. only1utdanditsleeds

    Now THAT is rock music. Take note you current plastic manufactured auto tuned twats of today's music factories. Watch, weep, and learn and acknowledge that you will NEVER produce a sound or a song like that

  94. MrAnarchris

    that bass tho! so fucking loud

  95. ElusvOptmst1

    I wonder if Pete developed arthritis in his ankles. lol What a active group of guys. The Who will always be a phenomenal band look at this performance! Wow.

  96. Roberto Bernardo

    Did Townsend drop his Les Paul?

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