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The Who - Baba ORiley

Baba ORiley
: Baba ORiley
: 4.68 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 105 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 66 İndirme
: 08-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Who - Baba ORiley )
  1. Francesca Bozzetto

    Everyone's here for Stranger ThingsI'm here for CSI NY

  2. Bunne Rabb

    This may be the most anthemic rock song ever.

  3. TheRobin356

    one of the best intro in music history

  4. JamesTavRule

    My friendly American penpal Joe Pera recommended this track to me. I'm pleased to see that it is indeed as pleasant as he described.I will check my local record shop for this tomorrow morning.


    rip aniki

  6. ankit kumar

    I loved this song before stranger things existing

  7. Eternal Flame

    Who is still listening 2020

  8. No Name

    So the police arrested Pete Townshend (Lead guitarist for The Who), who also played for this song here, for using his own credit card to access CHILD PORN SITE(S) which he admitted to doing. Townshend is yet another famous person whom the law has gently handled or "let go" unlike the millions of other non-famous pedophiles. So thanks for supporting aka WORSHIPING yet another Rock'n Roll PEDO here, they really need more Sheeppeople like you all. By supporting famous pedos today your greatly helping the PEDO CONTROLLED ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY to rape even more infants, children and teens for our next generation. Bravo idiots. Brav'fking'o. *DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

  9. Sailor Jupiter

    No pierdan el tiempo en buscar la letra, aquí yo se las dejo.Out here in the fieldsI fight for my mealsI get my back into my livingI don't need to fightTo prove I'm rightI don't need to be forgivenYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahDon't cryDon't raise your eyeIt's only teenage wastelandSally take my handWe'll travel south cross landPut out the fireAnd don't look past my shoulderThe exodus is hereThe happy ones are nearLet's get together, before we get much olderTeenage wastelandIt's only teenage wastelandTeenage wastelandOh yeah, teenage wastelandThey're all wasted!

  10. Yo soy Joha

    Stranger Things? 😍

  11. sky walker

    CSI:MIAMI and Dr. House

  12. Shipper Trash

    5,300 people who obviously have NO taste in music

  13. Hello_3223

    Need for Speed Most Wanted brought me here...

    nemesis stars

    Finally someone else

  14. GBSwishhh

    I can't work in an office.I don't like wearing suits.I like to ride.Fixed gear, steel frame, no brakes, the bike cannot coast. Pedals never stop turning.Can't stop, don't want to either.

  15. Sambeef K

    House MD Season 1 Episode 14

  16. ham and cheese

    Loudest/clearest=best version... on YouTube anyway. Thank you boys. My children will rock to this in their cots.

  17. ひよこ米

    Aiden burn forever

  18. Jason Barbush

    1971 was an awesome year for music. as well with the Grateful Dead.

  19. Toastertott

    Yep that’s me, you’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

  20. Spettacoloso Sognatore

    The Girl Next Door!

  21. Tom Zielinski

    I'm here cause I was a teenager in the 1970s. This was our music man, and we partied, 70s was the bomb!!!!

  22. Imran Abdullah Khan

    Glad to see my country's history in the music video.

  23. chainkep _

    ⚪🔵⚪🔵⚪🔵⚪🔵This song has changed my life

  24. Don't even think About it

    I don’t even remember it being in Stranger Things, I’m just here because the song is great

  25. FabianpawTM

    Need For Speed: Most Wanted 2012 ❤️ Such an awesome game.

  26. Eva Hurtado

    Ok but Daybreak brought me here...

  27. Reitia

    stranger thigs has brocken the balls.

  28. Fake Justin Y.

    Yep, that me you probably wonder how I got in this situation.

  29. John von Shepard

    how i got in this situation in the first place

  30. John Leddy


  31. Filippo Castoldi

    "sooo, yes this is me, and probably you're wondering how do I end up in a situation like this...Well hold on and fasten your seat belts, here we go..."


    Woah woah You see that guy right here

  33. hans musta

    anyone can tell me the instrument in the intro that makes that fast sound?

  34. Hadesaw

    Only song that can never appear on tiktok

  35. steve wilson

    just a brittish Classic!

  36. Andrew Siefker

    Yeah. Thats me. Now your probably wondering how i got into that situation. Well ill tell you. It all started in the summer of 87’.

  37. A. Ericsson Mantilla

    Dr. House. Premium Rush, Robot Chicken’s Star Wars, Can this be in Despicable Me 4 next?

  38. καρ διά

    Kwown this in Dr house S01E14

  39. the explorer

    Hi this is me when I grow at this

  40. Gabrielj 977

    I had a 10-45 (dead carcass in the road) to deal with.Jay is not coming out of that damn Catholic church! Why should I have to explain it? It’s cut & dry. It’s all in the book.


    Family guy?

  42. Jack Douglas

    fuckn commies

  43. Silvana Gili

    Che video pazzesco!!!che musica in credibile!!!!!che tempi!!!!

  44. Wauon

    That’s how best song ever is born 🤷🏻‍♀️

  45. Silvana Gili

    Che epoca favolosa!!!!che musica!!che ritmo!!!che vita piena di speranze!!!,graz ie!!!

  46. First Last

    What is this stranger things? Is it a movie?

  47. Viper Hareous

    Sim, esse sou eu.Você provavelmente tá se perguntando como eu entrei nessa situação...

  48. AlterRektMLG


  49. Ahab

    Aca por Segurola y Habana

  50. zainab ahmed

    Am I the only one who hears the similarity in Best Song Ever by One Direction and this. Was Best Song Ever sampled?

  51. Mash

    Crime Scene Investigation brought me here...Awesome theme

  52. Michael moore


  53. cableaddict

    What exactly do ANY of these video clips have to do with this song?

  54. Valentin

    Stranger things saisons 3 & Daybreak ❤️❤️❤️

  55. maurice perigord

    The Who brought me here

  56. Nafisah Mohamed

    The keyboard "ding ding ding" gives me a three aspirin headache.

  57. eL145

    Josh's journey continues - #Daybreak

  58. Diego Figueroa

    Daybreak ep. 3🥰

  59. guilherme ajin


  60. LANoR -L

    yup that's me

  61. Germano Nzodi

    I am here because of Daybreak, thanks Netflix. Wait a second those look like boomers and Gen X

  62. jose Teixeira de Belo Horizonte

    Muito bom ou melhor muito ótimo

  63. Dog Pope

    My marching band played this song for one of our drills.

  64. Fool Slayer

    Yep, this is me... you're probably wondering why I'm making this comment.

  65. Nektar1n

    I was born in the wrong generation...

  66. Suqq a Kacktus

    0:00I don't think anyone one needs to talk for him, It's Bob Dylan*Applause*"Yes, I hear you well, but I think you have the wrong man"1:06

  67. jez thandi

    One of the GREATEST Songs of all time! Just LOVE it!

  68. otavio 777

    CSI MIA...ops :/


    CSI New York. CSI Miami is ''Won't get fooled again'['

  69. Jenny Morella

    When my son was a little boy, he could drum this song as well as Keith Moon. How I wish I had the opportunity to record it back then. Every time I hear this, I can't help but see his 10 year old face jamming away.

    نجي خبار

    Jenny Morella www you

  70. Earl Erland

  71. PeezyBo24k

    The girl next door... Thats all im gonna say, if you know you know haha.

  72. Sofia Kubekova

    Am here because of House.... :3

  73. Cannibal Kreator 666

    The EXODUS is here... No this is not trash metal

    Jonathan Newman

    Its not metal

  74. Helamá Soares

    Música linda do caraiu. Filha da puta

  75. Rodrigo Molina

    When the good ones don't fight, the evil wins

    Francisco Oliveira

    O Sínodo da Amazônia é um bom exemplo, deixou de ser um acontecimento religioso para se tornar um evento geopolítico.

  76. Rodrigo Molina

    Quando os bons não lutam os maus prevalecem

  77. Ň Ɨ Ć Ø

    This song was literally soooo rad when I saw it yesterday at the Hollywood Bowl. This song will always be a legend. (NOT BECAUSE OF STRANGER THINGS 3)Most of the people that like the song and band only because it was used in stranger things are fake fans.

  78. Sandro Aguila

    Inglaterra es el principal deredador de la humanidad occidental

  79. Christiano Paz

    Blue Man Group?

  80. Meme Boi

    So this is me your probably wandering how I got here

  81. Villor Villani


  82. all you need is love

    OMG, everyone here came bc of series

  83. Alexander ERHARD

    Who rock forever

  84. john has left the chat´re probably wondering how i got into this situation

  85. GamerFrancis TV

    You're probably wondering how I got in this situation

  86. Dirkie N

    who is also jumping around in his living room ?All these good drummers...?? 😀😉🎹🎧🎤💿🎸🎼🥁

  87. saphiffer talbert

    the who i love these guys

  88. Daniel Sepulveda Hernandez

    ¿CSI NEW YORK? Someone...

  89. Eleanor Grace

    Im here because of sense8 not because of ST lol

  90. tom finegan

    Anybody else here because they’re going to So Cal to see them

    Dan King

    Not no.But FUCK NO

  91. Canal do Byers


  92. TakeABrickToTheFace

    Yep *THATS ME*

  93. Vincent GONDRAN

    Stranger Things 3 Trailer ❤️

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