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The Civil Wars - Kingdom Come

Kingdom Come
: Kingdom Come
: 3.40 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 117 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 73 İndirme
: 26-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Civil Wars - Kingdom Come )
  1. fluffypancakes 8

    It's so good to listen to this again. Brings back memories. I was only thirteen when I heard this--it was a part of The Hunger Games soundtrack and I was a huge fan of that series back then. This was their first song that I listened to and I was immediately hooked by the amazing harmony and the power of their vocals. Six years later, through their breakup and all, I still am in awe every time I watch them.

  2. Julia Harty

    2019 and still missing them!!! 😭😭😭😭

  3. Ziia Zoozoo

    Joy bravely looks at John. John holds back his emotions and looks back shyly...😍😍😍😍

  4. I want AllTheDogs

    Haunting. Beautiful. A truly tragic breakup.

  5. Pato Gago ➒

    Bom d mais

  6. Michelle Ruiz

    Buen Vídeo Amigós👍😊🎶💕💕💕:-) son los mejores Gracias👍

  7. neng nida

    i love her voice

  8. Feriday

    Wait—who that guy in the background ??

  9. Rose Wood

    This song is amazing it makes me smile its like my heart is beating to the tunes who ever dislikes this song ur heart must be stone, but best song and sweetest song ever (^•^)

  10. are you listening?

    Run, run, run awayBuy yourself another dayA cold wind's whispering secrets in your earSo low only you can hearRun, run, run and hideSomewhere no one else can findTall trees bend and lean pointing where to goWhere you will still be all aloneDon't you fret, my dearIt'll all be over soonI'll be waiting here for youRun fast as you canNo one has to understandFly high across the sky from here to kingdom comeFall back down to where you're fromDon't you fret, my dearIt'll all be over soonI'll be waiting here for youFor you, for youDon't you fret, my dear(Don't you fret, my dear)It'll all be over soon(It'll all be over soon)I'll be waiting hereDon't you fret, my dearIt'll be over soonI'll be waiting here for youFor you, For youRun, Run, Run AwayRun, Run, Run Away

  11. Tuğçe Eren

    Either way, I don't wanna wake up from youwhat kind of dream is this?

  12. Isabel Pohjanen

    I'll probably never be over these two

  13. Olivia Ceja

    I will never get over the beauty these two created.

  14. giang tran

    I still miss them so much

  15. bren h

    Did you guys see thaaaat?!?! he wiped his hair out of his face, as did she after him and then he wiped a tear out of his eye. My heart hurts.

  16. Christian Becker

    an excellent piece of music!

  17. The Trashiest

    Rewatched the hunger games recently and heard this song and god it makes me so sad they broke up and thg is over :(

  18. Loo B

    Damn I hope they find their way back to each other in another life and create more beautiful music.

  19. Kerth Gersen

    So, I finally found out who don't like them and their singing and songwriting: HIPSTERS!! Saw some comments on a review of Barton Hollow at the AV Club, HATED CW. Their criticisms were mostly self-serving inventions and imaginary flaws, but yeah, there are such people. Just so ya know.

  20. serge max vincent

    Voices blend ...yeah !

  21. Trollificus

    To those whose want to take the mature attitude that everyone who sees signs of intimacy in their unbelievable chemistry is being prurient, consider:a) The 'denials' of any kind of affair are very carefully phrased not-exactly-denials.b) Singing is a physical act, and duet singing can indeed be very intimate.c) They toured by themselves (no kids or spouses) during 2009-2011. A lot. d) people who claim direct, on-site observation say they sure seemed to be 'together' during that time.e) Their performances, watched from first to most recent, show a clear arc from great personal affection (intimacy, little touches, singing to each other holding eye contact, etc...) to less and less such interaction. To the point that the video of their last show, last song, shows JP will not even look at her, and she is just...broken. And the singing stays, perfect, pure...And F) The sound! The perfect, or beyond perfect, merging of voices, and the lyrical content of the songs they wrote is just...well, it's more than I can believe that they are just 'selling the song' with so much passion, with zero personal feelings involved. Just don't fly.I hate TMZ, EW, the whole celebrity-selling media and the people who consume it...and yet...and yet. This story has hooked me, partly because of the stunning music, partly because they're attractive (and adults!), partly because of the mysteries behind it all. Turned me into one of those idiot people who get way more obsessed with the lives of the "stars" than they should. But I am so obsessed, I'll even point out one totally inappropriate fact: After 10 years of childless marriage, Joy had a child after touring with JP for a year. Just sayin'...

    C F

    Well about the kid could have been a way to reconnect the marriage/save it, too.

  22. Trollificus

    "It'll all be over soon". All too soon, dammit. Together they were a gift from God. If you like singing, human voices singing together, you know there's just not many like this. Binging two days on CW and JPW and it still hurts that they can't find a way to make this magic any more. Damn.

  23. jlwood83

    I swear they might as well be making love! it's ridiculously Sexy and obvious they want each other...

  24. алиреза мирзай

    pure talent ... so sad they seperated

  25. Robert Morris

    So pure. Can't let it go either. Joy is ethereal and John Paul just takes off. Awesome!

  26. Arriane May del Rosario

    I love how they look each other's eyes when they sing :)) love ❤

  27. Co weetie


  28. Jim Atkins

    Absolute perfection! And live! So very impressive!!!!

  29. OMN Z.


  30. Joy Brereton

    This is so special. Well done, guys;

  31. Rose Rose C

    Argh it sux they split. I can never get enough of these two. They were so perfect together. 😢😢😢

  32. Dweller of the Forest

    AGH! SO....BEAUTIF...UL.....

  33. Stephanie Jamieson

    Love their pairing so sad their no longer together such amazing team they make such beautiful songs together

  34. Karina Marinho

    adoro essa musica

  35. saraliz30

    It's like a punch to the gut. I just can't let go. So. Damn. Good.


    i feel your pain!!!!!!

    PS Semfuego

    saraliz30 same here 😰😢😥😓😣☹️☹️☹️

    Kerth Gersen


  36. Tribute Guy

    The woman signer is hot. I could fall in love quick. ❤️

  37. Anne Sampson

    they adore each other.

  38. Hâm Hấp Hằng

    Fits The Hunger Games perfectly

  39. salih

    Three wishes camel

  40. Ignacio Medina

    Qué les pasa?!?! wow

  41. LRivera782

    Joy and John Paul were pure magic together. So sad things didn't work out.

  42. Vogelkinder

    So good. Too bad it ran away. And hid.

  43. Big Joy Seven

    Yes there second album was not as good. Much more polished, produced and overall john paul white relegated to background singer. The magic was list in that album. Apparently he fought for them to keep it minimalist, and she and her husband pushed it in the direction that got recorded. No wonder the split. But JPW ths sound he was true to was what fans loved. Look at her over produced solo effort post civil wars, pretty awful.

    Rose Bow

    She was actually a Christian pop singer BEFORE The Civil Wars, and that background must have just habitually influenced her artistic decisions even when it came to a non-pop project. I personally like some of her post TCW stuff, but I do agree that stuff like this is definitely her best work.

  44. Luana Rodrigues

    i miss this

  45. Hillary Trevor

    greatest song for hunger games

  46. CloudsHideTheSun

    Such a shame they split. I don't think I've ever seen two musicians with such chemistry. They were so in tune with each other.

    Circuit Cosplays

    Wait wait wait hold the truck up. They broke up? I JUST FOUND THEM! FUCK


    Yep. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Get on Spotify and have a listen to their Barton Hollow album. It may help to dull the pain.



    Eva Lykakis

    CloudsHideTheSun i

    Brad Geltapfel

    I assume you've found the New Orleans concert and a ton of others by now? That's all we've got now, along with the two albums. If you want to give the music an extra edge, more poignancy, watch their live performances in chronological order and then ask "What happened?"

  47. Andrea Decolongon

    they ahould have stick to this formula but the 2nd album just sounded different , much far from barton hallow

    Brad Geltapfel

    It's almost mixed, under their managers' direction (her husband), as a Joy Williams promotional album, with JPW as a "backup singer". We all know he was way more than that. That, plus the finances, with Nate Yetton taking a manager's cut, may have been a cause of the breakup. (but I still sense a more intense, more personal subtext to the whole thing)

  48. kaitlyn hakel


  49. cookiemonsterkooky

    the fact that they broke up as a band breaks my heart. Their harmonies are breathtaking. And the chemistry they have is amazing

    I want AllTheDogs

    Ugh! They were so perfect. I hate that they aren't singing together. Like, literally, so perfect. The way they feed off of each other.

    Yusuf Baskoro

    wait, they are broke up???

    Han Po Gee

    Yusuf Baskoro yes they did. i also discovered them 3 yrs ago only to know they were already disbanded 😭

  50. Angelus Anatema

    I love it!

  51. lifelikejosie

    I love this so incredibly much.alwaysso many Hunger Games feels

  52. SNeik


  53. SNeik

    я люблю тебя лиза

  54. V ASH

    Finally , I found this song after a long time

  55. Aneta Molek

    I like this moment 2:38-2:46 :)

    Shannon Lee

    And at the's like they both just got caught making out. Adorable.

    Brad Geltapfel

    Both almost guilty but a little proud, too. And they should be, their singing, together, is like...orgasmic, right?

  56. 39Bosski

    I get goose bumps every time I hear this.  I downloaded and played this over and over for days on end. It's just surreal.  Love it!!

  57. nicole contreras

    2:27-2:34 The way the look and sing to each other ☺

  58. Thomas Lege

    I had no idea TJ Miller was such a talented musician.

  59. Romain Dugeay

    such a powerful song

  60. Miriam Araújo

    It is a beautiful Sony i love The Civil Wars AMD The Hunter GamesIf se burn you burn with US |||

  61. Jayden Cardinal

    This song helped me through talot of hard times

  62. Travelling Zeby

    Totally spellbound !

  63. luisa fernanda molina patiño

    Ustedes alegran mis idas con sus hermosas canciones :3 

  64. Jim Atkins

    Amazing live rendition of "Kingdom Come"! Once again (as always) perfect harmonies, lilting guitar accompaniment, and pure emotion in both the lyrics and the performance. It really hurts to think of "what could've been" for these two. This is just "Musical Perfection"!!!

  65. Inazea Anazazi

    love this song soooo much!! thanks for that!

  66. Sasha The Chimera



    +ruthiejable Its usage has been seriously upped since the advent of The Vampire Diaries. :D


    I actually first discovered the word from watching the show How I Met Your Mother



  67. Nathaniel Bennett

    Is this from The Hunger Games? If so this is a sad sad song. Man, I just finished watching mocking jay again - film hits you like a hit in the gut, it's very good.

  68. Dianis Aguilar

    la mejor cancion :) :) yupi yupi ponis por todos lados la drogaaaaa la droga ya esta haciendo efcto bueno me voy cabalgando con mi novio sentauro yupi

  69. Alice Janscep

    Hermosa cancion....

  70. Morgane Tierce

    j'adore vos voix et cette chanson est magnifique merci

  71. Ola Cudakiewicz

    I'm in love.

  72. sarah arrowsmith

    This song tho!!!!👌👌👌💖💖💖

  73. Tommi4judah

    I've never seen such a connection between a man and a woman that wasn't romantic in nature. Maybe that was the problem. Maybe that connection was spilling over into personal parts of their lives. Splitting would be the noble thing to do since they're both married.

  74. Fabian Chiarella

    Sencillamente bello !!

  75. Fernanda Rengel

    this song gives me chills

  76. Beatriz Caldas

    How could they break up? They're just so perfect together! Their connection is pretty clear in this video! Such a beautiful couple (unfortunately not a romantic one)!

  77. Aliyah Blank

    Sadly they split they were my favorite duo ever! :(

  78. Michelle Chetrit

    one of my fave songs by them!!! they are so cool and love their music

  79. Tania DaSilva

    I am infatuated with how they perform their music together. When they sing it's like there's this little deep seed growing in their hearts and it grows and blossoms as they push words beautifully out of their mouths. The way they look at each other just melts my heart.

    Luis Escobar

    Totally agree

    Matt Eduardo

    This.  Yes.  Exactly.

    William Guzmán

    Sadly they separated :(

    Butch Dye

    It's all of you peoples imagination. I dont see any loving look between them. it looks like two people just singing a song. i see why they broke up.

  80. MARxSx1

    Today is a sad day for every fan of the civil wars :(

    Bella Thorne’s Dyslexia

    Why what happened?

  81. 121yami

    awesome :D

  82. Kiyah Washington

    Love this song off the hunger games

  83. malaya hand

    I love this song

  84. Elle J

    Goosebumps ...

  85. Amy Hong

    Dios Mio, la voz de Joy Williams es realmente hermosa *-*

  86. Kayla Ray

    Love this song imam learn it on guitar!

  87. Piper Albrecht

    Why does everyone I know in person think this song is depressing...?It's beautiful :'3

  88. Lisa SCOTT

    I still think this is better than safe and sound though that one is really great too

  89. Lisa SCOTT

    I still think this is better than safe and sound though that one is really great too

  90. Jason Light

    Are either of them performing solo?

    Piper Albrecht

    Joy is working on a new album and has several released, John Paul came out with an album (The Long Goodbye), as well as a few singles, before The Civil Wars, but hasn't released any since. 

    Brad Geltapfel

    JPW released "Beulah" this spring. It's good and you can hear Joy singing harmonies on it! (in your head)

  91. lpsmermaid

    This is from the hunger games

  92. Suchismita Basu

    Love this song. Its like listening to a song while you're asleep and it makes you feel more cosy. Their voices are so soothing. :)

  93. Els Lcs

    They are so talented ! Its beautiful

  94. Bettina K.

    i can't stop listening this

  95. Sara Farnsworth-Paine

    Beautiful absolutely beautiful

  96. job1181

    After watching all their performances together I have a weird feeling that because they never got together romantically it lead to the break up of their band. When you're meant to be with someone and they with you but you force yourself to be with someone else, it just makes it too painful to be around each other.


    +job1181 "they never got together romantically"I could be wrong (I often am), but I think it's exactly because they DID at some point "get together," that (being as they're both married to other people, and have kids) they had to break up the act.Check out their song, "The One That Got Away," and consider that one of their producers is on record as having said something to the effect of, "OMG, it's all right there in the song!"Not to suggest that it's any of our business anyway, mind you...Either way, it's a tragedy that the band is no longer; a lot of great music that we're never gonna get to hear now.

    Brad Geltapfel

    They toured by themselves early on, to small venues: record stores, schools, small bars. There are people on record who were around those performances who said they sure as hell seemed to be "together". Also, and sorry if this is a little sleazy, but she was married for 8, 9 years, childless until she got pregnant during that period, and childless in the years since the breakup. Just. Sayin'.

    kikyomiko101 miko

    @Brad Geltapfel lmao. Ook

    esperanzo gomez

    No, Depp's (lol) head got too big for his hat and he didn't think he needed to have company on the stage. How wrong he was.

  97. Thorne Digger

    Olivya oreoBD if you haven't noticed that safe and sound is by Taylor swift FEAT. The civil wars.Taylor swift is singing basically the whole song.

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