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The Civil Wars - I Had Me a Girl

I Had Me a Girl
: I Had Me a Girl
: 3.47 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 204 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 174 İndirme
: 26-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Civil Wars - I Had Me a Girl )
  1. Jeremy Chandler


  2. d3sigN8t3dDruNk

    Just commenting b/c Sons of Anarchy brought me here...

  3. Devon Bradley

    Everyone out!!

  4. Jennifer Green

    I want my baby to play this song!! Sooo sweet!!

  5. Malaya Grazes

    Who is here from sons of anarchy

  6. Ricky Joyce

    Fan and would love to see Jack White with them.

  7. Steven Whaley

    Love this song so much! So natural.

  8. sarangminmin

    Sons of Anarchy

  9. Brandon Yannayon

    Big fan for several years of this group. I use music like theirs to help me with photoshoots. It creates a great vibe in the studio.

  10. The Drifting Cosplayer V2

    GET OUT!!!! JACKIE!!!!!

  11. PentaTonya FanGirl

    😇😈 Oooooo!!!

  12. Ruben Morales

    Who else here from son of anarchy?


    Ruben Morales I am. 2 minutes to 8, full table for the vote.

  13. pat sloan

    sure do miss them....they made awesome music, together.....

  14. Jack Taylor

    That opening instrumental

  15. Bruno Cesar Bittencourt


  16. Evan Doty


  17. Erwin Lemay


  18. Ohorat

    Wattpad pozdrawia💞

    ppp ppp

    Tak też szukałam czy będzie ktoś z watt 😂

  19. Katie Anderson

    it sucks they are not together anymore

  20. IamMcLovin

    Full table for the vote, EVERYBODY OUT!!!!!!

  21. Matthew Rivera

    Sons of Anarchy was definitely a good show haha.

  22. Ivo Martins

    sons of anarchy bring me here

  23. Tiger Mitchell

    WOW!!!!!! I have been missing out! Amazing sound!

  24. Feather Black



    you mean "EVERYONE OUT"

  25. Geez_ Mahn

    I miss you guys so much. I love john Paul white's solo stuff though.

  26. águila

    good shit

  27. Bobbi Fox

    Quite epic indeed.

  28. Jim Gieber


  29. deisumus

    I know this song from Hell on Wheels.

  30. Gizem DUMAN

    I had me a girlWho taught me those thingsA young man should knowDown, down on my kneesI’d beg and I’d pleadTo learn a little bit moreOh that woman taught me to prayI saw Heaven every dayLord, she couldOoooooooOoooooohhhhohhhhOooooooOoooohhhhhhhhhhI had me a boyWho buttoned me downDrew me a lineHe, he washed me as cleanAs a sinner could beShowed me the lightOh that boy, he taught me to prayBut for all of his spit-shinin’ waysLord, he couldOoooooooOoooooohhhhohhhhOooooooOoooohhhhhhhhhhI had me a girlLike cigarette smokeShe came and she wentI slipped through his handsTo my back door manUnder his chinOh that woman taught me to prayBut for all her wandering waysShe couldOoooooooOoooooohhhhohhhhOooooooOoooohhhhhhhhhh


    Gizem DUMAN thank you so much

    Gentlemen Of Fortune

    So the song is about a cheating whore?Who knew? 😂

    Neil ᛫ ᚾᛖᛁᛚ᛫ᛗᛖᚨᛞᛟᚹᛊ

    Thank you!!! 😉

    Neil ᛫ ᚾᛖᛁᛚ᛫ᛗᛖᚨᛞᛟᚹᛊ

    @Gentlemen Of Fortune brill!!! 😅😅😅

    Steven Whaley

    I think they say go instead of ooohhh

  31. Gavin Volaire

    Upvote if you were looking for the Tom Waits song but found this and liked it.

    Daniel Kisenko

    9gagger detected lol

  32. Ben Taylor

    2 mins to 8........SOA fans will know


    It certainly is, yes.


    what's soa

    Mahir Jackson

    Blue51 Sons of Anarchy

    Ki113r cr0w

    Blue51 mental retardation its just the acronym

    mpande the root

    for a full table vote

  33. Anthony Moore



    +Anthony Moore You missed a lot

    Anthony Moore

    +Hnf F My daughter turned me on to them. Bought a new iPod and I had her set it up for me, and she was kind enough to add some of her music. We both have VERY similar tastes in music. She told me that they've split up! BIG BUMMER!! We both listen to ALL different types of music so it worked out GREAT!! Have a nice night Hnf! Tony

  34. Angry Leprechaun

    The look on Jax's face when he realized that C4 was under the keg. (Oh shit) EVERYONE OUT, NOW!

    Ben Taylor

    Best scene ever!!!!

    Jen Wheeler

    Angry Leprechaun great name

  35. July Toothless34

    They separated.

  36. Seamus Dromey

    Thank you Shazam but more importantly thank you SOA. What a show!!!

    Ben Taylor

    It's the best show ever

  37. Gideon Hanes

    Everyone out. NOW!

  38. December Girl

    love this song

  39. HolandaChiquita

    Wow I clicked on it by accident, but the first seconds of a Jack White kind of sound had me hooked immediately!!!


    @Swat90x That is so cool! :)

    Jim Gieber

    A little bit of Jack White influence. lol He has a black hat on I bet while singing this one.

    rob baker

    +Jim Gieber full table

  40. Lane Smith

    this song has given me the chills the past 4 times I've listened to it, great job the civil wars!

  41. sharon dianne

    They are awesome. They have a funky country beat to their music. Love them

  42. November

    This, this is fucking amazing.

    doug h

    +Swegescopes NO, this is THE CIVIL WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome to the groove

  43. VersusTheWorld 81

    Full table...

  44. jean watson

    I have always said the MASTER is really the SLAVE

  45. Ali Black

    my favourite track on the LP.

  46. Jess Elaine

    Definitely one of my favorite songs by them...this fucking rocks. <3

  47. Louise hope

    The Sons brought me here👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌🏻😍

    Ben Taylor

    When the Kings left c4 and the clubhouse blew up.

  48. king nig

    Sons of anarchy was the best show

    Ben Taylor



    *Hell on Wheels

    Gentlemen Of Fortune

    Black Sails

    Mace Camp

    And it still is


    @Gentlemen Of Fortune Brooo. Black Sails could literally be the biggest sleeping giant ever but people won't know about it😭🙃

  49. marko ifebo

    Excellent !

  50. Aaron Owens

    I hated the clubhouse exploding but it was a deadly scene

  51. HollowMatt

    "Norwegian Wood (the bird has flown) by the Beatles .....turns out Civil Wars wasn't as original as I thought....

    Fioree Tepes

    +HollowMatt did u really listened to both songs? they are not the same, is not stealing. They may sound alike but it is because is the genre, if they are inspired by the Beatles well of course It'll sound similar, I've seen this in other bands and they are not stealing someone else's style, they are just inspired on it. Damn I think I'm being clear in what I want to say

    Mike Tee

    @HollowMatt 5 words that are in the same sequence dos not constitute plagiarism for music. Sampling on the other hand is not only stealing but it is also an admission that you are low on creative power.


    @Mike Tee thanks for clarifying. I love them, but you can definitely hear it. Sometimes it gets caught and there are lawsuits, but sometimes it goes under the radar. mojo did a top 10 on it. Thanks again man

    Mike Tee

    @HollowMatt Again, there isn't a copyright court in the world that would rule this a copy. Same genre of sound but otherwise devoid of infringement.Hence, there has never been, nor will there ever be a successful litigation of it.


    @RuDee Sade if it was they could have said so. And I know what an homage is, and it involves royalties of some kind I think

  52. Natalia

    Thank you, Pandora... I have fallen in love...

    Leah Christine Burian

    Same tho

  53. Lauren Eklund

    They sound just as good rare :) Amazing job!

  54. Grays Del

    this song is so badass

  55. Ian Costello

    such a good song

  56. Dartanius100

    Chibbs: ...8 o'clock...Jax: Full table for the vote! EVERYONE OUT, NOW!

    Breno Arias

    me too. haha

    Ellis Recon

    @Dartanius100 only one "B" on chibs lol

    Matthew Rivera

    Dartanius100 SOA <3



  57. Chris Chinnock

    sons of anarchy has some good music

  58. kyliatrandom

    Dude they got back together


    I know. :( So sad..Joy started her solo album a week ago i think. Maybe one day they will realize that we( their fans) need their music so much!


    Yeah, there music is very unique and beautiful:)


    Unfortunatlly, no. :(


    I know that she's working on a new album right now..


    Nope, I'm sorry my friend, any news since January/February with that Grammy The Civil Wars won.

  59. Danielle _

    Just discovered this band, and just discovered that they broke up, WHY CAN'T WE HAVE NICE THINGS.


    probably because they realized their own relationships and sanity wasn't worth pleasing the masses...they had something special. i say we should just be happy that we got to witness their musical magic for as long as we did. <3

    James Smith

    AlwaysCrazyKindaLazy die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain

    Kendon Sigl

    She wanted to resume her career in Pop music. He didnt. Thats why they split

  60. ash otaci

    SAMCRO <3 

  61. Yadi Acevedo

    They are magnificent.. So sad they cant keep making magic. Sorry, music.

  62. Patrick Daniel

    Chucky, where did you get this pen


    John Creasy delivery guy must have left it

    king duck

    John Creasy What delivery?


    8 o'clock.......

    Despoina Varotsaki


  63. Zen M

    love love love love love this song....oh! and the acoustic version is amazing too!! 

  64. jordazford


  65. GodBless 1111

    Hi Anmol :)

  66. Naziha Bouzaiane

    Love your voices! 

  67. Francesca Ioannidou


  68. scorpiosrule100

    Love this song

  69. Merlinda Obrian

    i get so into that song that by the second verse no matter where i am i start stamping my feet and singing out loud 

    Eli W

    Me too!

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