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The Civil Wars - 20 Years

20 Years
: 20 Years
: 2.93 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 241 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 177 İndirme
: 26-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Civil Wars - 20 Years )
  1. Manfred Von Richtofen

    Good stuff.

  2. Tia Trione

    In junior high/high school, I had a huge crush on this guy. He introduced me to The Civil Wars. I still think of him often, especially when I hear this song.

  3. Clint Wolf

    Heard them on S.O.A. Soundtrack... Yeah wow definitely dark, romantic yet intriguing. I’m sorry for being late on finding these diamonds after the dirt has been dug. Great job! And yes she is sexy! Lol

  4. Jerry Runstrom

    Soo miss these two creating as one......

  5. tony ebner

    Johnny Depp sure has a hot girlfriend.

  6. PabloDiver

    How could they not fall in love with each other?!

  7. Maro Mishtey

    Again here in 2019...There is so much intensity in their chemistry.... Like the way she looks at him show the full level of love she is so intense... And the way he looks back that's so adorable ... They look great together... Wish they were still together... miss their music 😢

  8. Kevin N

    She oozes sexual energy... he had to get away from it.

  9. becky chain

    I'm crying

  10. Milo Greenee

    I miss you so much in this 2019.

  11. Darrien Day

    its 2019. i want the unfiltered truth of why this ended. i was in love with this duo when they were around (maybe as much as they were with each other?)


    That's why it ended, to many made up rumors!

  12. Suyanne Gurgel Souza

    Br letra Há um bilhete debaixo da porta da frenteQue eu escrevi há vinte anos atrásPapel amarelo e uma foto desbotadaE um segredo em um envelopeNão há razões, nem desculpasNão há álibis de segunda mãoApenas alguma tinta preta em algumas linhas azuisE uma sombra que você não vai reconhecerMmmMmmMmmNesse meio tempo eu estarei esperandoPor vinte anos e vinte maisEu estarei orando por redençãoE seu bilhete debaixo da minha portaE seu bilhete debaixo da minha portaComposição: John Paul White / Joy WilliamsEnviada por Priscila, Traduzida por Priscila, Legendado por dheboraRecomendarTwitterWhatsappGoogle+Live at Eddie's AtticThe Civil WarsOuvirAdicionar aos favoritosMais músicas de The Civil WarsPoison & WineDust To DustBarton HollowDance Me To The End Of LoveThe One That Got AwayTo Whom It May ConcernDevil's BackboneI Had Me a GirlFallingThe Girl With The Red BalloonVer todas as músicas de The Civil Wars

  13. Shawn Beak

    Her voice is unreal. It stirs my soul, now THAT's natural talent.

  14. Dieter Bergholz

    I Love this song. I cant stop listen to there music. I hope they reunite.

  15. Tedderman johns

    Completely mesmerizing and remarkable, a novel sound I didn't realize existed.

  16. light of god

    Keşke sizi önceden tanısaydım, yeni keşfetmem üzücü

  17. Johnson Au

    My soul

  18. angela crowley

    Hes in love with her voice. Not her. He leans into it while she leans into him. It's evident how she feels. They're soul mates, but not the forever kind. Sometimes we make beautiful music with people but still have to let them go. We aren't meant for everyone we'll love and will love us. They're music is bittersweet because that's exactly what they are. This could be their last reunion. Or maybe another will happen in 20 years. Or perhaps another lifetime. Their music, though, will forever be an ode to an unforgettable connection.

  19. Paul Blake

    So special, that was not chemistry, it was pure God given. I respect both of them to honor their marriages. But, being selfish, I so wish they were together. Heavenly...thank you and I am so pleased they are both excelling independent of each other.

  20. Ashley Mathews

    Joy really looks at him like she's in love and it breaks my soul

  21. Lauren

    It feels so erotic watching them, like they are making love to each other.

  22. Venkman

    You can't have that sort of chemistry and not be in love with each other. They were deeply in love, knew it was wrong since they were both God I miss them

  23. John Bebe

    Thanks Civil wars for all the great and special music. I wish you well for the rest of your lives

  24. Andrew Brown

    The thumbnail picture... hot

  25. A Divinis

    Sizden çıkan bütün şarkılar harikadan da öte.

  26. Thomas Paine

    Oh, to have a girl look at you like that! To have her voice caress you like that, while you caress her in turn; even if it's only with your own voice. You can see her fingers, gently moving to caress him in return, the music, his voice. Put down the guitar John Paul, get on your knees and beg her forgiveness. Kiss her until she weeps with joy and her soul splinters, than hold her gently and tell her that it will all be alright; you are hers, she is yours and come ruin or rapture you will never let her go again.

  27. netdoctor1

    Fucking kidding me, YouTube: 12-minute commercial between songs?Assholes. Somebody is gonna make you obsolete soon.

  28. Øh Ms. Believer

    first MCR then i had to go through this duo break up *cries*

  29. No Stop

    They have significant others but love each other? That's fucked on my many levels. Yikes.

  30. Des Owen

    One Of My Favourite songs from Them Is From This Valley ...👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  31. fancifulfilly

    I guess folks will keep on believing what they want to believe about these co-writers of such awesome and beautiful music. If it warms your little hearts to think that JPW and JW had some torrid affair, nothing is going to stop y'all. I happen to think Joy was being honest when she told an interviewer that their connection was not of a romantic nature, but it was just as deep. When two songwriters who work together so closely also perform together, they often feel a connection so strong it's a high like no other. They do have a connection to the music and each other while they're singing together, that's as intense as if they were engaged in a passionate affair and that is just as real. But, it seems, only another musician would understand that. If they had ever shared tender feelings, I don't think they would *still* have hard feelings on either side. Maybe for a while, if someone got really hurt, but not a years- long deep freeze. I believe it was irreconcilable professional differences. But if that is the case, there's always a chance that way down the road one of them will have a change of heart, say, in "another 10 or 12 years, maybe longer..."

  32. Keith NotKeith

    wow - capo way the hell up to 7 - so Bm as if Em - easy to make that little lick like that.

  33. Matthew Doherty

    She's so intense

  34. trhip03

    There's a note underneath your front doorThat I wrote twenty years agoYellow paper and a faded pictureAnd a secret, in an envelopeThere's no reasonsNo excusesThere's no secondhand alibisJust some black ink, on some blue linesAnd a shadow, you won't recognizeMmmMmmAnd if it means I'll be waiting twenty yearsAnd twenty moreI'll be praying for redemptionAnd your note, underneath my doorAnd your note underneath my door

  35. Ashley Garcia

    New favorite Civil Wars song

  36. Iasmin

    we all secretly know why they broke up

    Riaz Ali

    "I never had relations with that woman..."


    Yep. Sad.

    anna heath

    Riaz Ali where did he say that?

    Julius Peralta

    I mean just at the way they look at each other. They are perfect together.

  37. Starr-Ella Brunelle


  38. Mike Anderson

    Come back to me

  39. Kaitlyn Hand

    This is amazing. They work so well together!

  40. Sreb

    This is my favourite pass time these days. Watching their videos from way back...

  41. Goat Lord

    Damn, this is like sex. I like their chemistry!

    Amy B

    It's so intimate, you almost feel like a voyeur. I never heard of them until recently, and had to find out their whole story. You just don't get music like this without a strong connection.

    Goat Lord

    Exactly, you almost don't dare to watch them because it is so intimate. Wish I had something like this; )


    Yeah well... they broke up. Their chemistry wasn't enough! Should have taken physics as well!

    Goat Lord

    Hahaha, maybe not enough physics indeed

  42. Jim Atkins

    Thank You SOOOOO Much for putting this video back up! The performance (and you) are brilliant!!! :)


    I've never seen it before but I am glad it is back. I am sure it is Joy's side who put it up as it looks like her and her husband took control over the Civil Wars legacy but whoever did's very appreciated. I just saw JP perform the other day. I so wish they were together still...never got to see them live.

    Kerth Gersen

    You can still hear Joy singing harmony on JPs' new album, you just have to provide it in your head. But that's really, really easy.

  43. Sema YILDIRIM

    3-4 yıl öncesi ilk dinlediğim ,en güzeli

  44. D F

    John Paul is the sexiest guy I ever saw, he makes me quiver inside

  45. Corley Stanford

    They put this vid back up!!! YAAAAAAAAY!!!! :D :D :D

  46. Denise Layne

    How beautifully you captured the twenty or so years I waited for my love who has came and is now gone... I only need this song to take me there again. Thank you from the bottom of my ❤

  47. Seamus Flanagan

    i luv u

  48. Claudia Maria L.

    I love this music they meet me into the heart❤could listen forever ,its very beautiful,to bad i see civil wars never live

  49. Katherine Dawson

    In 20 Years i want to remember how they look at each other

  50. CLG Ops

    You have added to the beauty of life and this will stand for eternity.

  51. Sam Art Drallop

    This is like reliving a deepened heart break for me and very much interprets what its like to lose the one you love so immensely that no matter how deeply you berry the past it will remain living in your heart. I do hope they meet again in life....

    Guy Fawkes-Day

    Sam Art Drallop you’re right- it remains alive in the heart.

  52. Nalleli J

    oh my God the way she signs to him closer and closer.....

  53. Christopher Mitchell-Lay

    2:14 - Their vocals on 'For 20 years' gives me shivers here

  54. CCB OKC

    That's a tough lyric...."In the meantime I'll be waitingFor twenty years, twenty more".....

  55. loodchuck

    I've heard and seen a lot of music in my life! 300s if not more  of show from R&B, punk, hair bands classical and opera. I just love music. I prefer to listen to people who do their own works , which is what drew me to Joy and John . This is some of the most beautiful work ever composed! Here's food for thought for all those who purpose romantic connection. In all likely hood they in the physical world! They remained true to there respected mates Joy had a baby .   john had children of his own ,But in spiritual world John and Joy's soul connected in a way so few people do and dream off. Or else this music couldn't have touch so many including their selves. and that is what's undeniable.

  56. Fareeha Mahmood

    I just came back to watch them look at each other because oh i am in love with that !

    Tobias Löfbacka

    +Fareeha Mahmood yup, me too...there´s just so much love there...absolutely beautiful! =)

    Fareeha Mahmood

    +Tobias Löfbacka so much love. It's incredible. Makes me want to have the same kind of love *_*

  57. Zaria

    miss you two

  58. Jack Daniels

    This is a petition to The Civil Wars:Please, please, please! Make ONE more song together! We love your music and we miss hearing you guys play! Please, just one more song, I won't ask for anything ever again!Like this comment if anyone agrees!!

    Calypso McKnight

    They don't even speak sad :(


    Do “Hallelujah”

  59. Sandra Gonzalez


  60. S J

    I miss them. So bad. Their music felt like magic, and so was their chemistry..

  61. Denver DuBois

    It occurred to me tonight that this song, written quite early on, is actually their epitaph. And perhaps a prediction...these two will likely talk again, but it will be a long, long time. The cord's not entirely cut, but it's been buried very deep indeed."there's a note, underneath your front doorthat I wrote twenty years agoyellow paper and a faded pictureand a secret, in an envelope.there's no reasons, no excuses,there's no secondhand alibis,just some black ink on some blue linesand a shadow you won't the meantime, I'll be waiting,twenty years and twenty more,I'll be praying for redemption,and your note underneath my door"

    Chris Gordon

    That is part of the story. JP wanted a break from the road to be with his wife and 4 kids, Joy wanted to seek greater success. It's true that her background is more pop whereas JP's is traditional folk and blues, but the 'irreconcilable differences' were based on there career choices and goals as far as we know. There is an npr interview where Joy delves into this a little bit.

    Joe Ford

    You have no idea how much this is true

    Larry Smith

    @Chris Gordon Still not sure that's the whole story, but, in my opinion, if Joy wanted to go pop, she was crazy. The last thing this world needs is another pop singer. What we desperately need is music like this.


    And Joy's one album is called front porch?😔


    The note is on the front porch, she is waiting for him! But he isn't the man that she used to know!

  62. Michael Allen

    Perfection. I am thankful that their music came to be, if only for a short time.

  63. Eileen O'Brien

    The guitar is so beautiful!! (the singing as well, of course)

  64. Savannah Hunsaker

    her eyes kinda creep me out... looks like she's bout to eat him

  65. Kai Kai415

    Just wow

  66. Sasha Briana

    This makes me so sad that they couldn't work out whatever problems they had. Going to miss hearing new music from them :(

  67. Elena Rose

    I miss this:(

  68. Jim Atkins

    The absolute favorite version of my favorite Civil Wars song. This is indeed a masterpiece of writing, harmonies, and emotion. AMAZING!!!

  69. Vanessa Blank - Bushcraft & Abenteuer

    This Song is my soul! Wunderfull.... thanks from bavaria

  70. BeautifulLasers

    Damn I cant stop listening to this

  71. Connie Btl

    Υπέροχη χημεία ...

  72. Julie Birkeskov

    There's really no denying that their chemistry is insane! :)

  73. Al Kidd

    I really liked the performance. The male's voice, however, needed to have been given more amplification; he was so low that it was difficult for me to hear clearly his words.

    Larry Smith

    I would suggest that his voice has to be that soft, like an internal monologue, questioning himself. So make an effort and learn the lyrics really well so you can feel that monologue. I've done that with a lot of songs I really like (especially where it's hard to understand the lyrics), and it really enhances the experience.

  74. Lenny Jay

    Sometimes the reunion of magic such as this is inevitable, in spite of whatever discord exists on the personal front. I look forward to such inevitability. (:

  75. Zaria

    Jon Paul is beautiful

  76. Kodiak Gales

    Why did they broke up?

  77. Megan Durrence

    I've only just discovered them and I'm hearing about a break up? That's so awful :( This is such a beautiful song <3


    @Megan Durrence they were never together romantically but it was assumed they had really strong feelings for each other, despite their significant others AND children... they split as a music duo due to this because they didn't want to break up the other's family... i dunno. it's a real shame though, their music was and still is amazing. :(

    Shawn Beak

    There was something there. What I would give to have a woman look at me like Joy looks at John Paul.

  78. Caleb Todd

    Why did they brake up?? I like them alot

  79. Kate Chamomile

    Dear Civil Wars,I miss you. I love you.

    Hanna Banana

    Kate Chamomile 😢😢😢😢

  80. aimee

    love her and him they r so good together sad they broke off

  81. Natalie Gelman

    I really liked your video! :) Check out my music channel I think you'll love it too!

  82. Sharon Ricklin

    I love this!

  83. Jewel Segulah Leah Green

    Musical soul mates... Didn't know it was possible before I heard these two.


    Jewel Segulah Leah Green 💔

    Brandi Bowman

    Gillian Welch and David Rawlings are the same way. Musical soulmates for sure.

    Sofia Milas

    Civil Wars. R.I.P. 😔

  84. Fatima AlJanahi

    This song gives me chills.♥ their chemistry is so strong and the way she looks at him is just ahh indescribable!

  85. Grays Del

    yall heard the news rite? we need to do something to get them back together :( can't bear this! 

    Christopher Teale

    They must have a good reason, you don't break up a band like that for trifles. It's "right" be the way ;)

  86. Sathya Srinivasan

    oh the way she looks at him! :)


    idk how she continued after that. I'd be fucking dead.

    Sathya Srinivasan

    ikr.. ;\ They belong together. They should at least do more songs together.

    Barely Protestant

    They're both married.

  87. pleasca2000

    Damn it, she melts your heart with those eyes and voice :|

  88. job1181

    Who knew Placebo could sound like this. Go listen to the original, its like two totally different songs. Would be interesting to hear them cover Sucker Love and Special Needs by Placebo.

    Piper Albrecht

    This is an original, not a cover... 20 Years by Placebo _is_ a totally different song...

  89. Mikey Parker

    joy, your voice is so sexy and gives a man chills...

  90. Kitty Pandora

    Lol super pretty

  91. Eddy Gatez

    My favorite song by them, it's incredible- new YouTube musician, only have 1 video, but I'd appreciate if you checked it out :)

  92. Ronson

    anybody else notice the same acoustic hook as in Ed Sheeran's "I see Fire"? noticed it right away.  check it out.  

  93. Jon Laughlin

    The Underground Railroad of the Abolitionist John Brown has churches corrupted to outright Menshevik communist revolution, because businessmen were financing illegal activity, that was later hung for murder and high treason.  Lincoln's use of his cabinet to invade to retake the Confederacy was Bolshevik, as the USA today is to the left of Communist China.  Bolshevik-Menshevik instability with 666,666,666 commies to Senator McCarthy of Red Scare under the minister of ideology; is Communism use for Roman Catholic Curses of the Ascension; Nazarene, Damascus by snow blindness hit Saint Paul, Ephesus, and Galatians.

  94. Samantha Rossi

    this is so amazing, it sounds better live than recorded! :)


    I know right!? They were truly beautiful together

    Larry Smith

    If you're talking about this video, it's not live. It's produced, engineered, and altered to make it sound this way. Like any music video. The only difference is that they are singing as it's being recorded. But there were probably multiple takes.Not trying to be hateful. It's a beautiful song, they were a tremendous duo, and their real live shows were incredible. But this isn't truly live.

  95. D Lynn

    L-O-V-E.   Miss them.  :'(

  96. Curtis Garrett

    Please listen to My cover of "20 years" by "The Civil Wars" Any likes and shares are majorly appreciated :D

  97. Chandler 77

    This version in church is easily the best one I have heard. It has genuine heartfelt emotion. Favourite song at minute.

  98. Cerandipati

    After John Paul's Grammy 2014 speech, I'm pretty sure they're done. So much tension and hate has been built up. This is a tragedy. This will be one of my favorite songs and one of my favourite videos of the pair. 

    Howard Parks

    I feel that "rift" has been badly misinterpreted; he could have made that speech with Joy by his side and we wouldn't have thought twice about it. We of course can't know from the outside, so this is just my opinion. I do hope they reconnect... in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, whatever it takes. They are not fools. They know what they have.

    uplateagain 634563

    @Howard Parks if they DONT reconnect in some way in the next 5 to ten years ill be really shocked. But if fleetwood mac did it I dont see why someday they wouldnt.

  99. Joe Hu

    Damn! I love this duo! I made a cover of this song on my channel. But I screwed up the last 2 lines. Haha

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