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The Civil Wars - Dance Me to the End of Love

Dance Me to the End of Love
: Dance Me to the End of Love
: 3.04 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 325 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 257 İndirme
: 26-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Civil Wars - Dance Me to the End of Love )
  1. Barlas Atalay

    That cracking noice of the seat has been killing me slowly since 2012

  2. Ed Fulginiti

    Pure amazin!

  3. Kristina Alexsis Stefanova

    Incredibile belliiii loro è bella la musica

  4. Ben Markus


  5. Oblak u pantalonama

    Still listening..

  6. nurlane Barskih

    Maks( zella day hypnotic of) dance me to the end of love...

  7. arktana

    Wow that was beautiful! beautiful interpretation and performance

  8. Noir Belmont

    These Are anyway gipsy chords

  9. BaByLaStrAnGe

    They're the perfect couple , match made in Heaven .

  10. Cass Salazar

    that feeling and the passion she oozes is pure bliss

  11. Sia Ahmadi

    Her passion in singing is such a turn on. So sexy.

  12. Екатерина Тимаревская

    Прекрасное исполнение... У девушки вообще голос... мурашки по коже....

  13. Татьяна Иванова

    Свое прочтение этой песни! Понравилось! Но, Леонард -БЕСПОДОБЕН!!!

  14. Voices

    One of my favourite band. To this day I wish you could come together again to make wonderful music

  15. baris gungor

    Lovely....touchs heart..grüsse aus der türkei,assos..if you come to turkey pls write me...

  16. Helena Gronfors

    🌹 Very beautiful seeeee 👀 she's singing 🎶 and he 🎸 since. 💋

  17. Levent Erigüç

    Let him sing

  18. Liv Artan

    1:39 the way she looks at him has my heart melted

  19. When in doubt, be a unicorn

    I miss them

  20. Екатерина Тимаревская

    У нее превосходный голос)

  21. Mădălina

    Is 2018 and still listen this band, was one of my favorite band and i like to come back and listen their music. The chemestry beetwen them is amazing

    bloher zz

    WAS amazing

    Dayanna Torres

    Mădălina me too girl me too!!!

  22. Steve Pavamani

    This song should have been on Black Mirror.

  23. Jhenny Oliveira

    Essa química e entrosamento não se encontra em qualquer lugar, nem em qualquer banda ou duo. Vocês são perfeitos! ❤😢

  24. фанат М5

    Это прекрасно браво❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️;жаль группа распалась😢

  25. kavunicibalik0

    çok güzel yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  26. Narayani A

    They own this song, freaking beautiful, perfect cover!

  27. rexsolomon

    She is the quintessential definition of feminine!

  28. Jennifer P

    My god! So beautiful 😍 sigh

  29. Ece Babayigit

    I find her attitude unrealistic he is more natural than her.

  30. Bobby Brooks

    ok..... I'm a grownassman and I cried.

  31. Austin Hackney

    Leonard would have loved this, I think.

  32. James Madison

    captain jack sparrow?

    Uriah J.

    James Madison thats sposed to be funny or sumn?


    I thought the same thing when I walked by him at Target in my hometown 😂


    He look just like him Yes 😊

  33. sufian tambolat

    for the love of music get back together

    Ma Gali

    they can't, too much fire between them, they'd get burned and their marriages too...


    @Ma Gali What do you mean by that "too much fire"? why did they break up?

    sleep is for the weak

    Anna they were married to different people but I think they were having an affair or something and their spouses found it so they ended the partnership


    @sleep is for the weak That sounds like something a fan or the media made up to make the break up more interesting.

    sleep is for the weak

    Anna 🤷‍♀️

  34. swarley stinson

    4 yıldır her gün bi kez dinlerim terapi resmen

  35. Елмар Зербелиев


  36. Tuğçe Boyun


  37. ilhan kılınç

    Biz de yaşadığımızı sanalım işte.

    Melis Onar

    ahahah aynen




    Ne alaka

  38. Pauli yañez

    amor eterno al cover <3

  39. LaylaIchinose

    Amazing performance and amazing performers!

  40. Antonio Valerio

    Hermosa voz Oh my good coool

  41. Fre Sha Voca Do

    Who thinks she could've been Scarlet Witch on Age of Ultron? xD

  42. Lucas Cezaro Costa

    Adorei essa música!!! *---*

  43. BlazzingSaber

    That gypsy dance though <3

  44. _Dot Connector

    the sound for a live performance is not as clear, it almost ruins the song. 

  45. Evelyn Ann

    I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them!!!!!!!! ♥ #TheCivilWars  

  46. docmal100

    How to fuck up a stunningly brilliant song.....

  47. Bree Eerb

    His smile when she sings the high note at 2:34 ♥♥♥ Their on-stage chemistry was so beautiful.

    Jason Umbrellabird

    Shame about the whooping tho.

    Jamie Groom

    rugshort Whooping?

    Jamie Groom

    rugshort Whooping?

    Katherine P

    @Jason Umbrellabird whooping cough? lol

  48. Jul ofDenial

    A most beautiful, moving and poignant rendition!! I played it a thousand times!

  49. Lucien Pijl

    Some songs are best left alone...such a deep and beautiful song when sung by Cohen.. this cover sucks...bigtime..


    this is the sexiest cover ever, of anything

    Nazia Adnin

    @6Orion agree

    Christina Luise

    +6Orion i totally agree

    Gabriel Daniel

    You guys are crazy!


    Sexy? Yeah, but totally at odds with the feeling of this song, especially if you know its origin, what inspired Leonard Cohen to write it.

  50. Joe Paris

    "Dance Me To The End Of Love"(originally by Leonard Cohen)Dance me to your beauty like a burning violinDance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely inLift me like an olive branch, be my homeward doveAnd dance me to the end of lovePlease dance me to the end of loveOh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are goneOh let me feel you moving like they do in BabylonOh show me slowly what I only know the limits ofAnd dance me to the end of lovePlease dance me to the end of loveLa la, la la la, la la, la la la, la la, la la laOh dance me to the wedding now, oh, dance me on and onAnd dance me very tenderly and dance me very longWe're both of us beneath our love, and both of us aboveAnd dance me to the end of love, oohWon't you dance me to the end of loveLa la, la la la, la la, la la la, la la, la la la

  51. Amanda Lindsay

    I'm so mesmerized <3

  52. g piccolo

    Brilliant rendition . I wonder what they see when they view these songs since not being together. They just hit every high together and it has to be heart breaking.

  53. costass nic

    amazing chemistry!!! beautiful cover :)

  54. glamsrocks5

    Hey pass on my chanel to watch ours cover of Dance me to the end of love with my good friend <3

  55. janepstein1

    Heartful...soulful....undeniable chemistry.....

  56. Imm Toxic


  57. Karen B

    It's like if they were making love to the surreal. 

    Anne Karolyne

    I felt exactly

    Karen B

    @Anne Karolyne I still get the chills every time I listen to this's pure magic. Words can't describe the feeling.

    Ziia Zoozoo


  58. hakan erdal

    congratulations on your great comment!

  59. inaday avisday

    Sure hope they work out the troubles and get back together again...Soon!


    nokturnna83 not gonna happen!

    Dalion Heart

    Unfortunately nope. The issue lies with John White. He hates being away from his family, and he felt the two had just become something he never wanted to be. They're both making solo music now.

    Appie Raey

    I m still waiting

    bloher zz

    @Dalion Heart He was crazy in love with Joy and didn't want to break his own family at the same time. Hard to be in such situation. She was VERY seductive.

    Kabir Kuznetsov

    @bloher zz Yeah, too bad that not many people know about polyamory. If only their respective spouses could accept this additional love between JW and JPW… everyone would've won: those two, their families, and music lovers. And music itself. That they ended this duo, it's just heartbreaking.

  60. Katarzyna Borowiecka

    I just love them so much! Their voices matches perfectly and I absolutely love their own music and their covers! <3

  61. MrsTheKing1

    I just did the most hilarious gymnastics so I could keep my earphones in while they sang. I couldn't bare to press pause and interrupt them!

  62. yvette isabeth

    i think i just lost my virginity by listening to this

  63. Richard Severson

    Pretty easily

  64. jay1bug

    Can't stop playing this....excellent version :)

  65. GnnWlker

    Absolutely beautiful

  66. Elizabeth Pratt

    Joy FEELS the music, she gets lost in it, and with John Paul there to help direct it it's absolutely no wonder they're as wonderful as they are <3

  67. Eric Hofmann

    It is impossible to say emotions.It is impossible to sign emotions.It is impossible to sing emotions.Leonard wrote, and wrote, and could not break the impossible. Buckley, Wars, Grannis... to do the impossible.

  68. Chris Stewart

    That must be a personal but not informed opinion because from what I see; she is expressing emotions with her hands that words cannot express while singing

  69. Tori Kelley

    Im in love with this song, its beautiful.

  70. mojogoboom

    After the two minute mark JPW is just fucking amazing. I love the both of them, but sometimes I want just him to sing.

  71. SarcasticLipStick

    I love them its beautiful harmony

  72. ajrogers92

    Johnny Depp and Kate Beckinsale formed a band?

  73. Abdulaziz B

    making music like this will end up by making babies !!

  74. Rob James

    I just discovered them the other day.I`ve got to say I`ve really been taken by their sound.Their harmonies are mesmerizing.Hopefully any problems they have had will soon be in the rear view mirror and they find their way back to making more great music.

  75. The Master of Critical Disaster

    What duo was this :)?

  76. Cinknot meow

    Please make music together again!!!

  77. 1Folkmuse

    They were never married, they were never an item. She is married with a child and has been for some time. She originally came from Santa Cruz are in California. See my comment above.

  78. 1Folkmuse

    Having been in theatre as well as working with many artists such as the Civil Wars I have seen a good many performance where there is tremendous chemistry on stage but not off stage. I knew one duo for years who were an exceptional duo on stage but couldn't get away fast enough from each other fast enough once they got off stage. They knew they had something that work on stage but their personalities were so very different off stage, in some ways that was why the were so successful.

  79. Andrea Decolongon

    they were never together as a couple... they were a couple only in songs but their voices do make romance for them... they were married in different persons

  80. Lauren-Ashli Alexander

    I refuse to believe this much sexual chemistry in song does not translate in real life

  81. Zaria

    ok....really can't do it anymore. ......I'm so serious...I feel such a bad chill when I see them/hear them singing now. its heartbreaking. can't just.. can't looking at old videos will not change the cold weather and hatred seen and heard . Ugh....

  82. Zaria

    I think someone just said ..ok the chemistry is too much knock it off....and. it happened. it makes me want to cry seeing John look that way. not the happy and smiling john I've seen. its the cold, we have to stop john... *tears up*

  83. Zaria

    John doesn't look in love anymore. you can just tell something's off. is it just me?

  84. eNeNe

    Why are you pushing this so hard? Are you his wife?

  85. Jeannette Gonzales

    Why? It is a beautiful rendition of it.

  86. John Steffen

    I use to love this song now all i feel is hate when i here it

  87. Kirsten Olsen


  88. Calvin Colbert

    Don't have to be a rocket scientist to see what's going on here. Clearly she is in love...he is not. Hence, "irreconcilable differences". The end.

  89. BrittanyAnnTodd

    The only words for this video should be: HOLY HELL THAT WAS AMAZING <3

  90. Mehmet Ali GÖZAYDIN

    Every song have a best performance which is beyond all of the rest. Here it is.

  91. Beth Cooke


  92. Kaan Öztürk

    These guys make me smile

  93. Kelly Frankel

    How beautiful is Joy? I mean c'mon dudes...I love this duo.

  94. ahmet azman


  95. ilban orkun karamuftuoglu

    tekrar tekrar dinlenecek ve sürekli insanın ruhunu okşayan bir şarkı mükemmel

  96. Daniel Mcnichols

    ehh its only like 97% sex..

  97. Andrew Vigil

    Didn't she just have a kid?

  98. rahim karahan

    çokk mükemmellll

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