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The Civil Wars - Forget Me Not

Forget Me Not
: Forget Me Not
: 2.94 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 97 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 54 İndirme
: 26-06-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Civil Wars - Forget Me Not )
  1. Chris Compton

    3:02 is quite haunting. Such a shame :-(

  2. Chelsea knouse

    Still listening in 2019! Will always be forever faithful too these two beautiful souls!

  3. Daniel Draper

    My forever Louise Nightingale.......yes the only one

  4. pie app

    Cool can hear her feet walking

  5. pie app

    Pretty colors

  6. pie app

    Guitar iout of tune

  7. Larry Hunley

    For some reason, I think of Gram and Emmy Lou.

  8. Olivia Ceja

    I think this is one of my top 3 favourite songs of theirs. I love them ALL, but Forget Me Not is a sweet positive gem in the sea of hauntingly beautiful yet tragic melodies.I'd want this to be the song I dance to at my wedding if I ever get married.

  9. Cloe Williams

    the song is so beautiful!

  10. Ramona Luxury-Yacht

    I could not walk in those shoes let alone balance and walk on that rock wall

  11. Zach Moore

    Here's the street view of the location of this performance. It's in Birmingham, Alabama, overlooking the area known as Southside and Downtown B'ham further to the north. I used to mow a lawn on this street. Very nice homes, with excellent views.,-86.7849689,3a,75y,58.21h,72.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_gPDnBjgCqYm7EBwkZMm3A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

  12. Trollificus

    Of all their videos, this is the one where it most seems that JP is singing directly to Joy. And vice versa, of course. Beautiful. Two very different people, I think, despite the supernatural vocal affinity they had. Hopefully they'll reconsider and work out some way to make some music together. This would make a lot of people very happy. And they'd probably get paid, too. As music pros, they should be able to figure it out.

  13. ece

    You two sound really great <3 i love this.

  14. Clinton Sinclair

    lets get that guy an nd filter. i guess the knobs are too hard

  15. caroline Oliveira

    i love this song.

  16. Aisles Music

    oh good lord this is great.

  17. jonathan Agurtho Isla

    very nice

  18. Ezgi Çelik

    böyle gıcık bir tipe böyle güzel bir ses ha.adil diilsin dünya

  19. Mathilde B

    everytime. my heart. uh.

  20. Zach Moore

    Kudzu......I don't miss that.

  21. Stephen Wallace

    of course your playing has a lot to do with its - will be buying and recommending to friend

  22. Stephen Wallace

    please tell me what guitar you are playing - i love the sound


    +Stephen Wallace It's an old Martin guitar

  23. vanessa cazares

    I love this song

  24. vanessa cazares

    love this song

  25. Qrismel

    This song is amazing! Everything is amazing! Loves from Turqie :D MashAllah

  26. Sammy Dube

    Why couldn't they together? Ugh

  27. Morgan Downing

    They are gorgeous.

  28. UnderHerPillow

    Why did they delete their old youtube channel/videos?? I can't find any of the old videos like this one :(

  29. BritishBiker Matt

    If you like these you may like my Acoustic Duo Band

  30. BigBrianStormer

    The Civil Wars would have worked out if these two had have met when they were both single

  31. furabo

    I'm sure that such beauty and love remains inside their souls and someday will revive their dreamy duo

  32. Loddy Dah

    She is just so talented and adorably scrumptious. And he is handsome, charming and so creative. This song is Perfection.  Me <3

    Faer Elizabeth

    Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!!!

  33. Brian Shelman

    Why is everyone so quick to play the cheating/sexual card? Why couldn't it be artistic differences? In the music industry when you begin to make a name for yourself you can go one of two directions... #1 - Follow the money and become a slave to a record label that dictates every aspect of your career while you are under contract... Or.... #2 - Stay true to yourself and your art. Is it not possible that they wanted to take different paths? Case in point, John Paul is still making music and Joy is........?

    God is good

    What's sd

    Sabrina Davila

    Joy just released a beautiful full length album named Venus.


    Watch the video again -- dude; these two were SO INTO one another the magic was palpable! I don't think either one of them and certainly not both are such good actors. Whether they actually had an ongoing affair ( that's where my money is) or it was never actually acted upon that volcanic passion for one another was the key to their artistry. I am SO SAD they couldn't get past it all and reconcile. They were by far the best duet EVER.


    Just listened to it. Its pretty good actually. It's so obvious though that - if you listen to both her and John's new albums - they are not even close to being over each other... in whatever way apply.

    Dennis Felling

    So quick? Still returning to these videos years later, and still thinking there is NO distinction at all between their chemistry and their "art." It's almost voyeauristic to watch the adoration from her toward him and all of the just barely not touching, and his more shy giving into it .. I do not believe it's exaggerated or acted for the sake of a more interesting video.

  34. Al Self

    Favourite flower💜 new favourite song💜

  35. Mallory C

    Anyone know here this video was filmed at?

    Nathania Nhouyvanisvong

    +Mallory C yes!  I've been here and it's an awesome place to watch the sun set :) it's on Crest Road in Birmingham, AL.  It overlooks the city!

  36. Joel David

    Just love how raw and unedited this video, and how carefree and beautiful the song is. These guys really need to get back together. No one compares to them.

    Faer Elizabeth

    You sure said that right!

  37. Cliff Dunning

    Just discovered this group...then in the same beat found out they haven't been together for over a year. Relationship issues, sexual tension, or spouses intervention? Wish they would get back together. Fantastic sound.

    Lori B

    I think it was more his side than her 's.

    Lindy Orwin

    @Cliff Dunning explained here


    I just listened to Joy's interview, which was fascinating! Thank you for posting it!

  38. Tom Brady Peace LOVE and Acid Art! :D

  39. Doug Bays

    Havn't heard anyone hotter


    My favourite song of my favourite duo.

  41. Klare Moon

    She's so graceful. I'd have fallen in that hole of bushes. :/

    Christy Yarasavych

    Xtermcuzdystrophy xxxxdxdzDdddddddszx Styx du x$

    The Fairy Tale Pony

    +Klare Moon same here I have no sense of balance


    What if there are multiple takes where she fell in?

    F i g u r a t i v e l y

    equinshadox maybe.

    Leah Christine Burian

    Lmao same XD

  42. Alfred Menace

    Beautiful! I love listening to them sing!

  43. CountrySherry

    I wish you guys would make up, you make such beautiful music together and we all miss out. I had tickets to see you. Life is too short let go and make up!

  44. Piper Albrecht

    I was planning on making an Ode to Remadora video, but I can't decide between Forget Me Not by The Civil Wars or This Life by John Paul White. :3

  45. Angela Mayfield

    She makes me nervous in those heels.  LOL  

  46. Sezer Kayas

    Bunlarda hep ayakta.

  47. akacj7

    this never fails to get me. its one of the songs, and videos, that keeps me coming back when i need to come back down to earth.

  48. balletshoes141414

    They are absolutely amazing.

  49. Hanli Zam

    I absolutely LOVE this song. <3 I love the video, and how natural everything just.. is. It's wonderful. 

  50. Pat McGrath

    Forget Me not please

  51. Christopher Ha

    This breaks my heart...:(

  52. Shoe0nHead

    their voices together always manage to give me chills. it's a shame they broke up so early in their career.

    Lori B

    @Laura Donnell nope, she was married. I think it was jealousy of the wife of his.


    @Laura Donnell That's all I can think of. Matters of the heart supposedly hurt the most, right? I mean if we can feel it, it's gotta be there, right?


    OMG SHOE :o this comment predates your videos. nice to find you out in the youtube comment section

    whatever man

    I always thought they looked kind of wistful when they looked at each other, guess that's why

    F i g u r a t i v e l y

    Aaron tally they're both separately married already.

  53. acousticguitargeek1

    I really like these guys, it doesn't happen often but they inspired me to write a little song about them. John and Joy

  54. Andrea Hubbard

    Cute as Spring Flowers !! Awesome Acoustics !!!

  55. Morgan Myers

    They're perfect.

  56. Alexandra Elliott

    I want her shoes.

    Sophia Nikolaou

    Me too!

  57. Ashila


  58. Eliza Oliveira Mollo

    Love it

  59. Mars Escubin

    And Bam!! A music video!

  60. mackenzie stanley

    Man, her husband was the manager...Im so damn curious as to what happened.

  61. Dave Collins

    God forbid u use a bad word here. OMG. They r perfect together, but met under the social auspices of our domesticated premise. I listen to all kinds of music, but when I see them together live, it makes me cry and I'm a guy. Pretty power stuff.

  62. ominous warning

    They don't know they're meant for each other...

  63. Emily Snyder

    I don't get why they broke up/are on "hiatus". They look like such great friends. But if I didn't know they weren't together, i would think they were

  64. Selia Baxter

    jfc, that was gorgeous! Why can't they play this stuff on the radio? Well, actually it's probably good that they don't because I'd end up closing my eyes and swaying and the next thing you know I'm dead

  65. sc1212able

    Isn't she the most perfect BARBIE DOLL

  66. Please Leave Me Alone

    They're both married to other people with children, but it's a nice thought.

  67. Casey Mclendon

    Great suggestions in the about section! LOVE Poison and Wine and Barton Hollow I think these 3 are my favorites!

  68. Smile

    I've never heard a duo more perfectly matched. Their voices just flow together!

  69. giantschick21

    Soul mates....Those two! <3

  70. eli johnson

    johnny cash and june carter reborn!

  71. Nancy Dias

    This reminds me of my late hubby and I. We were just like them! Well they're better! Lol

  72. xoxobrittanynicole

    I'm the only freak that memorized what they said in the beginning right?

  73. Madeline Cathleen

    Hey everyone! My sister and I are starting a folky duo with ukulele and vocals, and we just did a cover of one of Hillsong United's tunes "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)", and we'd really appreciate if you gave it a listen! It's on my channel! :) Thanks so much!

  74. Cindy Duck

    Awesome!! So precious! And those vocals were spot on.

  75. SavedBy0

    I think so, too...atop Red Mountain!

  76. Grapefruit Moon

    Wait! Where are the crazy video angles and the 14 instruments and electronics on their voices and the sex??? I thought that was a requirement for today's music. In disbelief!!!


    Their new album is AWESOME!! I Just got it, and I am in love!!!

  78. TheLonelyOutlaw

    Yeah....they're still broken up.....sad sad time

  79. karmaman101

    Yeah...she's definitely giving him blowies on the side.

  80. misterwizzerd

    Ummmm.....people.....they aren't a couple and as a duo they are broken up for the time being. Regardless, THIS is the civil wars I miss and long for.

  81. Muna Mohamed

    They didn't. Joy had an interview recently and she said that they fought and had to cancel their tour but they came together and recently released a new album.They're not broken up, just were fighting

  82. Joseph Rodriguez

    So jealous

  83. Dan R

    This is a wonderful expression of love.

  84. The Daily Unique

    He must be really tall or she must be really small

  85. nirvanax888x

    They are back together. Their new album comes out in august. And they've just released a song called "The one that got away"

  86. Biene Wal

    I can't believe they broke up (as a band, not a couple, obviously).

  87. impossibledreamer

    Wouldn't this be a fun song to play at a wedding?

  88. Jessie Vaive

    walking on a ledge in heels is talent enough. Then you go an add a voice like that.

  89. Max Barr


  90. SuperCat day it’s our bedroom

    I am a metal head, and this is what u call pure talent !

  91. William Lannon

    i want to raid her body

  92. Janis Benson

    KUDZU all over that downward hill. HAS TO BE in the Deep South they recorded this one.

  93. KYLEizaFOX

    I love the bugs. Just makes the whole vibe of the song come to life.

  94. KYLEizaFOX

    haha Shall you get a prize?

  95. The Muh The Clock

    that great view!!!!

  96. Jessie Neikirk

    All it took was one listen to this song and my boyfriend and I knew that this was our song.. These two are amazing.. My favorite artists hands down..

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