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Megadeth - Wake Up Dead

Wake Up Dead
: Wake Up Dead
: 3.36 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 94 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 68 İndirme
: 03-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Megadeth - Wake Up Dead )
  1. isaac granados


  2. enel76piedras negras

    How many solos can one song contain? Pure metal.

  3. Munra

    Temaso lpm

  4. Caleb Heney

    3:33 anybody else catch the Metallica shirt? lol

  5. TheKAM1976

    0:26 the coke face

  6. Jaguer91

    A day without listening to Megadeth is a day wasted

  7. MasterGalahad

    80's special effects: Move camera in a random way.

  8. Jon Manau

    Dave is the only metalhead to make a fringe leather jacket cool!

  9. Random Fibers

    The kids these days dont even know what cool is...

  10. Bo Hunter

    Megadeth >. Metallica

  11. Space Ghost

    As far as guitar riffs and time changes, this is the best metal song of all time.

  12. Abelm2

    Dave y sus caras de malebolo.....xd todo un lokillo aguante colo...

  13. RP Fernandes

    Is this THRASH METAL??? Yeap, I believe it is, for SURE! Just keep on Dave, we, the ooold THRASH LOVERS need you to keep the Thrash spirit alive and KICKING!!

  14. AleDark444

    1:25 The best part

  15. Black Hole Rainbow

    If your head isn't banging at 1:25 you may as well get rid of it. 🤘

  16. BGB IG

    Hey Dave at least Megadeth made a music video before Metallica did

  17. Juanjo Sas

    I broke my air guitar

  18. Jantzen Golden

    The song that you play with your friends while your throwing a big ass party at your house drunk

  19. Scott Romans

    The best thing DAVE did. Is leave Metallica. They stole his whole groove of metal. He wrote Kill em all. And they fired him. Fuck Metallica!!!!! Lars and Hatfield are fuckin hacks!!!!!!!

  20. Hardworking Peasant

    Thank you for posting with love from Houston Texas 🍻

  21. Rebecca Fry

    The glory days of MEGADETH are long gone

  22. Jay Duncan

    Clueless music person: ''Wait, how do you wake up dead?''Dave Mustaine: ''Let me get my guitar and mike and I'll fucking show you!''

  23. Mojopin 70

    Poland only got 1 lead break, the rest are Mustaine , what was the point ?

  24. salim che

    dave killed em all with this song, so many riffs that could creat easily 5 songs

  25. Mike Tallica

    1:25 BEST RIFF EVER!

  26. Rm Rm

    Best METAL video ever! Represents the time to the “T”!!! Sorry Metallica you have the success, but not the honor!!!

  27. Chuck Ryan

    HBD Dave~~9/13 \m/ \m/


    one of the best Trash and solo - Video all the time!!

  29. John Patrick Mastrili

    Back in the days when MTV was totally headbangin and slam banging than today’s toilet bowl shit reality show. Thank god I was born in the right generation

  30. Fly house of truth

    I never killed those people

  31. Nicolas Rodriguez

    3:33 WTF

  32. One Punch Man

    This song makes me wanna sneak in my own house

  33. Alvin Thrashssacre 666

    Master Mustaine is wearing a Deathrow t-shirt, from the amazing album Riders of Doom, old school german thrash metal!

  34. Julio Kahverengi

    Is that the same place where they recorded Holy Wars video?

  35. M A

    Just awesome the youth of today's society should listen to heavy metal

  36. clayton ferguson

    cameras' coked out

  37. Super Mario

    Does anyone know which band stole the stage design that Jr references in the Rusted Pieces video?

  38. Nothings Something.

    Dave Mustaine woke up dead when he got kicked out of Metallica, but then he woke up MEGADETH

  39. reyes aranguren

    This probably one of the most underrated Megadeth songs

  40. reyes aranguren

    but megadeth is something else. that spider riff is so amazing

  41. ritchie hardee

    the guy with the metallica shirt probably woke up dead the next day after mustaine kicked his ass

  42. Virtual Reality Channel

    Goddammit I love that song. Why the fuck do I love that song so much?

  43. Thanadol Jarujinda

    WoW wow WoW....!m! 😀

  44. Average Gamer

    Love Megadeth

  45. Kutay Öztürk

    Wake up Dave!

  46. Moody Hyadd

    The entire band was fucked up on coke during the making of the shoot...legend has it that by the end of the shoot they were completely zooted. I'm 45 years old and since I was a kind I've heard and read many people especially musicians say Mustane is insane, a madman. I mean if the guitarist from Slayer says you're crazy I'm bound to believe it. #truth

  47. William Sears

    Absolutely rocks! I looked forward to this coming on headbangers ball... and when it did I was pumped!!!! Incredible

  48. Taha Zaffer

    566 people showed up 4 in the morning after too much to drink and pissed in the bed

  49. JohnnyV Val

    Boi jovi


    They were good but what are you mentioning them for here?

    JohnnyV Val

    @yearginclarke David jacket looks like the one Bon Jovi wore... sorry my voice to text... posted that


    @JohnnyV Val Oh got ya, my bad.

    JohnnyV Val

    @yearginclarke my buddy was, standing by me, we were joking about the bon jovi jacket... my vouce 2 text must of kicked in.... but its cool man...

  50. RP Fernandes

    Once again many thanks for the remastered version.

  51. Tommy Hui

    I sneak in my own houseIt's four in the morningI've had too much to drinkSaid I was out with the boysI creep in my bedroomI slip into bedI know if I wake herI'll wake up deadI wonder, will she find out?About the other, other lover...DianaWake up dead, you dieWake up dead, and buriedWake up dead, you dieWake up dead

  52. Козачок с ротом

    Everyone is talking about guy in Metallica's shirt, but did anyone notice Rattlehead at 3:36 among the crowd?

  53. Katya Lee

    I’m bet Dave’s daughter must be very beautiful like her dad


    Believe me she is. You are also, and you apparently like rock guitar also, that's awesome.

  54. Katya Lee

    Dave looks like his daughter when he was teenager

  55. Kai Thongsavanh

    Dave killed that Metallica fan in Black Friday, then the kid woke up dead still wearing his P.J.s and saw the light making it to a Megadeth video shoot.

  56. Buster Beagle

    How much they asking ?!?

  57. Virtual Reality Channel

    Megadeth is awesome.

  58. ben men


  59. EmoHunting666

    1:25 is where I throw my chair through the window and break everything in my house

  60. Wesley King

    Wake up Dad!

  61. Logan Shank

    This song so good it make me cum

  62. Chris Waddell

    Wake up Fred!

  63. TheMarsTV6662 King EH OUAIS BOUM

    Best Album Of Megadeth Peace Sells >>>>>>>>>> Rust In Peace


    I agree. Never saw what was so great about RIP. I mean it's not bad by any means, but it doesn't strike me as being as great as people make it sound.

  64. marissac870

    Love when the pace changes. Changed my life

  65. Dylan Grant

    What a home'O!!!!

  66. Jo Bckts

    Fate, became healthy competition. We just buy, listen, and share, Both Bands. Enjoy the Metal.

  67. Johnny Fountains

    the met shirt looks stupid.

  68. Andy Davidson

    The absolute best of all time!Kicks Metallica in the balls😝

  69. Jon Ilaw

    Chris Poland!!! Had flow like Holdsworth and Jeff Beck! The other guys couldn't compare.

  70. Delusion In The Brain

    Wish people understood how great Chris Poland was.

  71. Skin komika

    Esse é o verdadeiro metal que acabo,hoje só tem barulho core!!!

  72. Nord_Spirit

    Когда то затянутость риффов раздражала, со временем понимаешь насколько идеально все сделано. А последние 10 лет все довольно вылизанно и скучно. Но все равно любим! Ублюдок обещал тяжелый альбом, надеюсь выздоровеет и надерет всем задницы

  73. 3rd fourth

    man! the original line up!! 🤘🤘🤘

  74. R. James Toth

    It's metal, with a big dose of punk. Love it.

  75. Secret Squid

    Instruments in video Chris Poland: B.C. RICH ST-RST Dave Mustaine: Jackson King V 1986 (His own Logo and series)David Ellefson: B.C. Rich Ironbird Bass Gar Samuelson:Pearl Drumkit

  76. kiss rock n roll

    I hope you get better Dave.

  77. kiss rock n roll

    I love megadeth

  78. Lucas Manuel Gomez

    Que bueno que arreglaron el audio. Se bajaba repentinamente al inicio. Aguante el colooo


    Las caras k pone dave son brutales

  79. yearginclarke

    Why does no one mention how badass the solos are? The first two solos are what you call "face melting" quality solos, I love how he uses the whammy bar on the first one, just instantly takes you to another realm, simply phenomenal.


    потому что люди в своей массе говнари

  80. Alex Saucedo

    Love this SONG and video A heavy metal masterpiece A solid fuckin 10🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘

  81. Matt Schmitz

    Slash helped Mustaine with Heroin infused Riffs

  82. Ana Filipa Lopes

    Best video in metal history

  83. Tyler Gann

    Bummed to hear that Dave has cancer...

  84. El Shul

    Everybody talking about the guy with the Metallica t-shirt, but no one talks about the guy with the big-ass cap at 3:07

  85. Kevin

    Get better Dave! We need you!

  86. Josh Patterson

    a song to blast at literally 4 in the morning

  87. Robert Brook



    SFSGSW is definitely one of my faves from Deth, but I love Killing and this album. I had never heard Megadeth before and I was at a store where you could preview songs before you bought the CD (this was the year 2000) I listened to the beginning of this song and I was blown away...I had already gotten into 80's Metallica, but this was just fucking amazing with that opening solo and riffs. It's one of those albums that the cover art is as badass as the music. Actually the first 4 Deth albums were all like that thinking about it.

  88. Not_Kauze

    This is, Mustaine, Poland, Ellefson, Samuelson.

  89. Shawn Tsosie

    Anyone remember night tracks on tbs Fri and sat night, every once in a while they would fuck up and play good shit like this ! Then after 12 it's headbanger's ball , holy fuck that was a while back.

  90. Big E

    Another great song by megadave

  91. Nathan Carpenter

    I got a Dave Mustaine ad before this video

  92. Dylan Grant

    I can think. Of a frew people I would like dead!

  93. Cee My Comment

    Bad ass jam to this day

  94. Jay Guzman

    What bass is that?

  95. Dylan Grant

    Saw. Slayer! Live!

  96. arvis fletcher

    I have seen them live in Denver they where so loud

Wake Up Dead Şarkı Sözü
I sneak in my own house
It's four in the morning
I've had too much to drink
Said I was out with the boys
I creep in my bedroom
I slip into bed
I know if I wake her
I'll wake up dead
I wonder, will she find out?
About the other, other lover...
Wake up dead, you die
Wake up dead, and buried
Wake up dead, you die
Wake up dead

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