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Megadeth - Holy Wars

Holy Wars
: Holy Wars
: 6.06 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 79 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 50 İndirme
: 03-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Megadeth - Holy Wars )
  1. Glytch420 Wey

    Prayers out to Mr. Mustaine.. They sure showed Metallica!!...Ha!

  2. google play store

    Chilling how this song aged with so much truth 29 years on..

  3. Sandy

    Fucking love it 3:45-3:53

  4. Gwayne Gan

    Skinny jeans and high cut shoes

  5. Samantha Young

    Metallica or Megadeth?

  6. Maximiliano Kavaldy

    megadeth lo mas grande

  7. Dylan Grant

    I'm TJ.h

  8. Dylan Grant

    Yes we are!

  9. Dylan Grant

    So cool!

  10. triggeringdick

    *"I MIGHT BE YOUR MAN"*Megadeth- March 12th 2009

  11. KingKobraJoe

    Some dude recommended that I give Megadeth a listen,I have to admit I’m not disappointed at all.

  12. Sebastián Fallas

    Viva COSTA RICA!!!

  13. George FOX

    Big four of thrash (25% trash)Megadeth MettaliccaFuckthraxSliar


    Megadeth Kai ta miala sta kaggela.🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘💪💪💪

  15. Nostrum84

    What the FUCK lost the words to describe this time-series of signals

  16. Diego rene

    Dave Mustaine has completed his throat cancer guys

    Iker Pinneaple!

    fake news

    Danny Kujo

    His throat cancer TREATMENT*

  17. Çağan Ege Kaya

    I believe in you DAVE get well soon ❤️

  18. royal nass

    speed metal

  19. Pilsoo Kim

    best technical metal

  20. SicNDaHeadRumz. 781Death.

    Nick menza was beast on drumz tho!!!

  21. Elmo


  22. Johan Agliata

  23. Angela Shamon

    someone donate these poor men some shirts

  24. Kuro No Kishidan

    If you dislike you not rock

  25. Rene Funes

    La canción más destrozadora de todo el trash Metal!!!

    crispop el rockero

    Thrash metal

  26. Shane Jaisari

    Before 1 billion squad like

  27. RPA


  28. Laura Stephenson

    I don't usually imbibe in body shaming, but if you're going to show it off: those scrawny boys with their little man boobs need to put some shirts on.

  29. Pepper Revolver


  30. TheAlexandrenevski

    an absolute masterpiece

  31. hut 64

    This is what pushed metallica to make the black album metallica metallica as good as it was cause megadeth was about to take them out in the war of metal!

  32. jt708083

    Megadeath is AWESOME! When I was a kid I had a Megadeath patch on my jean jacket. I wore it to the Confirmation class at the Catholic grade school I went to. I only went three times and only went there at all because my father wanted me to. The last time I went there something strange happened. I had this feeling briefly wile the teacher was talking that there was something of a spiritual nature just above my head because it felt like from there grace was pouring into my soul and it made me think of Pentecost and the tongues of fire that appeared over the apostles and Our Holy Mother's head.When that happened the teacher seemed to look directly just above my head and when he did that his jaw dropped wide open along with his eyes and tears started pouring out of both of his eyes. After several seconds he put his hand on his face and wiped away the tears. He turned to his right walked several feet and then turned to the class and said "some day one of you in here is going to do something very important" and then he went back to teaching class as normal. I thought to myself "is he talking about me. I did seem to perceive something spiritually just above my head and he was looking about a foot directly above my head". Then I thought to myself "am I having delusions of grandeur. I am not a religious person and I am only here because my father wanted me to." If I wasn't there I would probably be hanging out with my friends and doing things like smoking, drinking and listening to heavy metal music. I have never shared this with anyone including any priest from the area I'm from because I don't trust them. Decades later it turned out that many priest from the area I'm from were child molesters so it turned out to be prudent not to trust them.

  33. Laura Paiva

    Caralho, que clássico. Essa música levanta até defunto.

  34. Chris Kersey

    Director: Alright, boys... shirts- take 'em off.Band: Okay.

    Dafyd Maddz

    * *'Phil Collen Likes This'* *

  35. roberto isaac salvador mujica

    Está canción en vivo la tocaban el doble de rápido jaja

  36. Ian Fan

    Who needs drugs when you have Megadeth solos (and riffs of course)


    Try drugs and megadeth fucking outstanding

  37. Gaspar Guerra

    After 28 years, the song is still relevant both lyrically and musically

  38. Dafyd Maddz

    So much more than a thrash song.. A song within a song almost. Awesome

  39. Rocky rocky

    Song come and goes ,but this is past,present and forever and ever....

  40. Robert Huismans

    Musicality and technique sadly must say better than Metallica.

  41. jerjerbinkz04

    I love both megadeth and Metallica but I like megadeth a little more because Dave mustaine is fucking awesome

  42. Sufiyan Zaheer

    Anyone know where I can buy a new air guitar

  43. not sure

    no more wars for Israel

  44. Petra Sirait

    once in lifetime song... no other can make... only MegadetH (dave marty david nick)

  45. Melinda Pelham

    Omg his voice is awful. Metallica is so much better, let me count the ways. Dave is very funny though and a phenomenal guitar player so I'll give him that.

    Dafyd Maddz

    I'm not a big fan of either, however I'm getting more into Megadeth as time goes on. I can tell you without bias Metallica pound for pound especially instrumentally could not carry these guys spare cables..Marty and Dave to Hetfield and Wahmet... Nick Menza to Lars?? Its not even close.

    Melinda Pelham

    @Dafyd Maddz its charisma and this is what draws the people in. Their songs are way better, deeper, more relatable, not just thrash. I'm not talking about their overall playing of instruments. Although they do kick ass. Their overall success is the proof of why they are so loved.

    Dafyd Maddz

    @Melinda Pelham Fair point, I've been in cover type bands over the years and can definitely tell you that if you can't play live, you ain't going nowhere as a band lol. You wouldn't see that with Megadeth (this line-up in this video). I just can't take metallica seriously at all. Horrible vibrato and sloppy picking from Kirk more often than not.. Lars constantly losing tempo.. Not acceptable when your supposed to be metal legends! It's all subjective for us here of course but as I said above if we're talking about the actual talent/abilities it's fairly obvious as an instrumentalist myself who's got the upper hand, is all 😜 I like James Hetfield BTW, I always thought he could do better.. But hey, they're millionaires and I'm a guy on YouTube lol.

  46. ASDF

    Peak Megadethh this shit is so good. I remember this coming out in the 90's, yes I'm old.

  47. juanjocor5

    Venom es mejor que esta mierda, hail venom

  48. Starling Grey

    I don’t think Dave has ever looked more scrumptious than here - Junior too. Hope you beat the fuck out of the cancer Dave....and leaves you still with your glorious ginger hair and voice 💜💜

  49. Sebastian Podżarow

    Zrzyna z KAT 🎸🎤⚡😁

  50. John M.

    Bad ass ! That's all I can say man. No other words.

  51. Kamson Kam

    The drummer still have arms and legs after this song ?

    Mason Johnson

    You must have never listened to Dragonforce

    Kamson Kam

    Mason Johnson ... hmm.. will have to check it then.


    @Mason Johnson 1)Dragonforce aint as technical as Megadeth 2)Why are you comparing a Power Metal band with Thrash?

    Mason Johnson

    @HACK ROM PLAYERPlease, define "technical." The original comment asked how the drummer still had arms and legs after playing this song, implying it is a difficult song to play. I don't care which band is more "technical" the fact is Megadeth songs are easy to play on drums. Whereas, the speed at which Dragonforce plays at is near impossible on drums for a large majority of people. Any amateur drummer could play a Megadeth song on drums

  52. pzkpfwiv freak

    imagine if they would have stayed together?

  53. Bombasticated

    now thats a rock n roll

  54. Jose Daniel

    This song is a legend for the Metal :D <3

  55. Lee Bailey

    Fuck me after all these years, all of em, this song is still bloody epic!

  56. Ricardo Marquez

    Where is the button "EPIC"? 🤘🎶🎸

  57. Ted Striker2112

    Nick killed it on this release!! RIP drummer buddy.


    chuck norris has afraid of dave mustaine!

  59. chunis pidron


  60. Николай Закруткин

    Был я в израиле Бога не видел, может, Сотона там научил людей любить

  61. Gabokill xD

    Si ablas español y te gusta el metal dale like 🙏🤘🤘

  62. spud dangler69

    Dave is the chuck norris of metal

  63. Douglas Carvalho

    2019 e meu pau fica duro nessa música

  64. DevoutionAura

    after ive heard this song i always hear the intro in hangar 18 in my head

    Carlitox b

    when I hear hangar 18 I always hear the intro of return to the hangar in my head

  65. Denver_DinkleBerry _

    when metal bands actually looked manly

  66. Yudi Gunawan

    Who's the giant band in the world..??MEGADETH...

  67. The hoodies

    Im a metallica fan but i still Think megadeth is also a good band

  68. ブBlyse

    My first time listening metalic and its awesome !

  69. Bol 15Z

    ¿Quién le da dislike a esta obra maestra? ¿ARMY's?

  70. AdamBJ

    What guitar is Dave using in this video? Is it just a plain Jackson King V?

    János Győző Hegyvári

    I think it is a pro king V

    Robert P

    USA KV2 Jackson king V

  71. Fire Praise

    My life story put to music as I slowly rust in peace.A true, organic metal masterpiece that shook me to Its very core Of my walk and faith in God.Nothing has nor will ever come close.Thank you, Dave Mustaine,For listening to God To write a true masterpiece Which is speaking to my pain on my son's 19th birthday today.P.S.: Do kick the shit out of cancer for us, Will ya, please?I have lost 3 members of my family on my late father's side due to this horrific evil.Also, Lost a dear aunt of mine from my motrher's side due to dementia at this time last year.I am praying to God to give you the strength to overcome.May God richly bless you and your family in this moment...Your finest hour lived in His wonderful mercy and grace ( Psalm 91 ).

  72. フラミンゴ

    Dave was die at today

  73. Oscar Luna

    I’m Mexican , and all my respect for Dave , wishing you soon recovery, he is strong man and is not his time yet, 🙏🏽🙏🏽 for you!!! God bless you .... “Megadeth “ for ever 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

  74. bwgti

    No shirts.Just killer riffs.

  75. Beter Briffin

    Dave is going to slay cancer

  76. Fritz Klingenberg

    Subtitles: (heavy metal music)

  77. Harris Richardson

    6:11 RIP NICK

  78. 太郎ねり

    ムスティンは独立して良かった 後の四天王となる存在エレフソンと会えたことがなによりだったね

  79. G Manning

    just the best, schooling everyone else

  80. Abigo

    Великолепно! Спасибо!

  81. DefLeppard247

    Greatest metal song of all time

  82. ペスト


  83. Carlos Ramirez

    Metal perfection, megadeth rules!!!

  84. Sétima Esfera

    God #Bless you, Dave!

  85. Tommi Sakaranaho

    Im going to declare holy war agains dislikers

  86. Dead inside Mcgee

    I mean I get that they’re all young and wild so they’re not wearing shirts, but did they have to put the drummer in bike shorts?

  87. Wilman Imbachi

    Excellent.hp metallllll

  88. Александр Струков

    the greatest and most powerful album of ham metal

    Carlitox b

    ham metal? hahaha sounds tasty

    Dafyd Maddz

    @Carlitox b Mustaine and Marty got tasty *chops* on this.

  89. Philip Pouponneau

    I think no master race no more disgrace is more fitting

  90. MATUCK

    уважуха .... стариканы, это уж история!!!!!! всем привет из России)))))

  91. Murad Vahabov

    "Ginder devil" Dave Mustaine

  92. Matheus Martins

    Algum Br?

  93. Miko Keränen

    ( heavy metal music)

  94. Adham Ghaly

    Everything about this song is perfect except the view count.

  95. Un Ciclista contra el Sistema

    Ideal song to cross the American track of Army training...bufff...

  96. sli p

    captions lmao

  97. Chris straubel

    Megadeth is better then MetallicaCHANGE MY MIND 🤘🏻

    Расул Джамулаев

    Sorry but Metallica its Mustaine

  98. Carlos

    El mejor tema de Megadeth, al lado de Tornado of souls!..

  99. Hamza Khan

    God please take justin bieber and leave dave with us you already have nick, cliff and dio.

Holy Wars Şarkı Sözü
Kardeş kardeşi öldürecek
Brother will kill brother

Arazi boyunca kan dökülmesi
Spilling blood across the land

Din için öldürmek
Killing for religion

Anlamadığım bir şey
Something I don't understand
Denizleri geçen benim gibi aptallar
Fools like me, who cross the sea

Ve yabancı ülkelere gel
And come to foreign lands

Koyunları, inançlarını isteyin
Ask the sheep, for their beliefs

Tanrı'nın emriyle öldürür müsün?
Do you kill on God's command?
Bölünmüş bir ülke
A country that's divided

Kesinlikle ayağa kalkmayacak
Surely will not stand

Geçmişim silindi, artık rezalet yok
My past erased, no more disgrace

Aptal naif duruş yok
No foolish naive stand
Son yakın, kristal berraklığında
The end is near, it's crystal clear

Ana planın bir parçası
Part of the master plan

Şimdi İsrail'e bakma
Don't look now to Israel

Anavatanınız olabilir
It might be your homelands
kutsal savaşlar
Holy wars
Benim podyumda
Upon my podium, as the

Her bilgiyi bil
Know it all scholar

Karar koltuğumda
Down in my seat of judgement

Gavel'in patlaması, kanuna uymak
Gavel's bang, uphold the law

Sabun kutumda, lider
Up on my soapbox, a leader

Dünyayı değiştirmek için dışarı
Out to change the world

Hazreti olarak minberimde
Down in my pulpit as the holier

Sen-ebad-in-Allah'ın elçisi olmak
Than-thou-could-be-messenger of God
Organize suça karşı savaş
Wage the war on organized crime

Sinsi saldırılar, kayaları iter
Sneak attacks, repel down the rocks

Çizgilerin arkasında
Behind the lines

Bazı insanlar
Some people…

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