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The Rolling Stones - You Cant Always Get What You Want

You Cant Always Get What You Want
: You Cant Always Get What You Want
: 4.82 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 100 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 84 İndirme
: 01-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Rolling Stones - You Cant Always Get What You Want )
  1. Rey LaRush

    What’s the story of John and Yoko being at the shooting of this video? Bed peace with the MJ? I don’t think so...

  2. hundredcaws

    i can see power of Mick is ambiguity. or double level of irony. he is cynical and honest at the same time but different levels. he is too smart to be on one level only.

  3. ナイトンマスオ


  4. mafela ralte

    How can they get famous with this fuckin freakin song .. it's the devil's work.. 😈 😈 😈

  5. mirza beg

    Greatest R&R band ever

  6. vitez44

    I saw her today at the receptionA glass of wine in her handI knew she would meet her connectionAt her feet was her footloose manNo, you can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometime you findYou get what you needI saw her today at the receptionA glass of wine in her handI knew she was gonna meet her connectionAt her feet was her footloose manYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes you might findYou get what you needBut I went down to the demonstrationTo get your fair share of abuseSinging, "We're gonna vent our frustrationIf we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"You can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes well you just might findYou get what you needI went down to the Chelsea drugstoreTo get your prescription filledI was standing in line with Mr. JimmyAnd man, did he look pretty illWe decided that we would have a sodaMy favorite flavor, cherry redI sung my song to Mr. JimmyYeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"I said to himYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes you just might findYou get what you needYou get what you need, yeah, oh babyI saw her today at the receptionIn her glass was a bleeding manShe was practiced at the art of deceptionWell I could tell by her blood-stained handsYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes you just might findYou just might findYou get what you needYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes you just might findYou just might findYou get what you need, oh yeah

  7. Just Me

    WHO is on the - BONGO & the - KEYBOARD

  8. Porter Mortarswan

    "I saw her today at the . . ." I remember her at the piano. What a goddamn corporation. A quick one will always win this shit in the silence.

  9. SMC Gmail

    Mick's as cool as fuck

  10. GOGOgomes

    I can't quite pinpoint the drug, but i'm certain that some was involved

  11. GOGOgomes

    even the BTS kids doesn't look like chicks as Mick does

  12. Демьян Болховитин

    mediocre freak out of place

  13. Демьян Болховитин

    want to hit him in the face, overrated group

  14. Jerry Keese

    Thank's for this video. You and Keith have never let me down.

  15. Melinda McClellan

    Rock n roll circus

  16. Ophiuchus123456789

    I don't think Brians guitar is even on here. He's in his own drugged up bubble. He looks like some confused sad clown in that get up.

  17. Marcel

    the coke is strong in this one..

  18. Sri Rohenia

    What happened to music???? It use to be so magic!!!

  19. EET FUK

    Coked out Mick

  20. ป๋ายุท จันคารพุธ


  21. i just wanna leave a comment on youtube

    this gave me a weird chubby and i'm not even gay. incels who think that only LMS matter need to watch this. this is not a good looking face, but by god this guy had everyone in the audience wanting to get busy with him

    Jesse Collins

    i just wanna leave a comment on youtube gay

    i just wanna leave a comment on youtube

    @Jesse Collins hahaah

    i just wanna leave a comment on youtube

    mick was sexy af

  22. Jikay Quinalayo

    you would see John Lennon as a fan of Mick Jagger in the end of the video..

  23. Lucy Brilmayer

    Jagger is a little bit creepy 😂

  24. jwardbass

    Where the fuck is Brian Jones' signal? It's completely silent.

  25. Candace Sturtevant

    You might get the man you need, if you rock and roll it true.

  26. sabedoria x

    É muito bicha esse homem uhahahahahaha

  27. Ping Guerrero

    He needs extra butt then the rest is history. Boom!

  28. kdkirby1985

    That shirt is 5 sizes too small for him

  29. Marcos Lino

    ¿Soy yo o John Lennon estaba entre el público?

  30. kewrock

    The Who buried everyone that night.

  31. fatisabel Velasquez

    Aww Brian was still there

  32. jofh yhyh

    3:29 RIP MIC

  33. Robby Clark

    Was that John Lennon at the very end??? Would that time line work out??

  34. Angela Barretto

    Mick Jagger looks like Harry Styles lmaooo

  35. Dion Johnson

    Great song performed by an ass

  36. Tyler Durden

    "honey !" ^^

  37. MrNihilist74

    Was that John Lennon at the end?

    Giulia Solari

    Yes, it was him with Yoko

  38. Kyle Rowland

    1:16 when your amazon delivery arrives

  39. Tyler Morris

    Got that adderall jaw going lmao.

  40. kingcalafia

    Was this filmed yesterday?

  41. Procommenter

    Your phony wife looks like Ed Asner a lot. She's fatter than an EastPittsburgh teamster, in case you forgot. She's lame & color-blind &stupid. She's got huge thighs & her infatuation with pork rinds ain't1 thing that girls in love with cottage cheese could blame on Cupid.I watched you moistly lust in the lobby of crapped-out Bing Crosbyfor a Negro-lip smooch from television show rapist William Cosby.

  42. Silvano Jose Pooll Sanvicente

    Very very good

  43. Daniel Burdick

    Brain's guitar is turned off.


    No it’s not. The Stones mixed him very low for the release. I have the isolated guitar track from this where you can hear his playing on both this and the other songs if you wanna hear it

  44. Daniel Burdick

    10/25/2019 President Trump Delivers Remarks at the 2019 Second Step Presidential Justice Forum. Ends statements with "And God Bless the United States of America, and then they immediately start this song. The Cabal Globalist Criminals wanted the World. Those who strive for Imperial Power always lose it, eventually. Every dog has it's day. Q

  45. john hiskings

    mick is a creepy fucker but has a good voice

  46. Gotzon Legorburu Marcos

    yes we cup!

  47. Bertram Winkle

    He reminds me of Brandon Rogers •∆•

  48. New Movie Trailer

    So fucking gay shit

  49. PhilippeAquilaniAndre

    I never expected John Lennon to be in this

  50. Girelys Guzman

    The vibrancy!!!! I love the patterns n colors man!!

  51. Girl Afraid

    heard keith richards wrote this in a hotel room, recorded it, then passed out.... and recalled it sometime later when he played it back. not sure how true, but sounds pretty cool. personally think brian jones wrote it, as well as some other earlier tunes.


    That’s Satisfaction you’re thinking of. Brian actually hated this song. Two songs which were co-created or largely created by Brian are Ruby Tuesday (he plays piano and recorder; he wrote the music, Keith wrote the lyrics) and 2000 Light Years from Home. He also had a heavy hand in Paint it Black. He plays acoustic guitar, sitar, while Keith only plays electric guitar.

  52. Baliza

    My favorite flavour is [insert your favourite flavour here]

  53. Mouko#1 The Real One

    2019 anyone enjoy......

  54. Jimmy Pimps

    hi as a kite

  55. instaglaz_ naroda

    Как же он крут!!!😊👍

  56. Merli Catan

    Man i miss Brian so much 😔💕

  57. Ethan Sumner-LeGere

    In another life Mick Jagger was a stripper

  58. Hannah Banana

    Mick jagger has my heart like woah I may be 17 but still

  59. Hannah Banana

    So since last week I’ve been watching this everyday for ten times

  60. Lemon Sisters Forever

    You can’t always get what you want..... let me take that further, You can never get what you want... that’s true peacefulness That’s true happiness 😃It’s finally over, watching this video. Thank you life🙏 🍋💪🏻

  61. bOJan bOjoVIc

    I saw her today at the receptionA glass of wine in her handI knew she would meet her connectionAt her feet was her footloose manNo, you can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometime you findYou get what you needI saw her today at the receptionA glass of wine in her handI knew she was gonna meet her connectionAt her feet was her footloose manYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes, well, you might findYou get what you needAnd I went down to the demonstrationTo get my fair share of abuseSinging, "We're gonna vent our frustrationIf we don't we're gonna blow a fifty-amp fuse"You can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes, well, you just might findYou get what you needI went down to the Chelsea drugstoreTo get your prescription filledI was standing in line with Mr. JimmyAnd man, did he look pretty illWe decided that we would have a sodaMy favorite flavor, cherry redI sung my song to Mr. JimmyYeah, and he said one word to me, and that was "dead"I said to himYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes you just might findYou get what you needYou get what you need, yeah, oh babyI saw her today at the receptionIn her glass was a bleeding manShe was practiced at the art of deceptionWell, I could tell by her blood-stained handsYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes you just might findYou just might findYou get what you needYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantYou can't always get what you wantBut if you try sometimes you just might findYou just might findYou get what you need, oh yeah

  62. Олег Черненко

    Jagger impossible

  63. Mohammed Z. Rahman

    The colour and lighting is done so well in this vid

  64. Dana Perez

    Every time I don't get something I want I come to this video

  65. Adam Meek

    it's KAHNT not kent.

  66. Marcelo David Taglialavore

    Taba lennon ,fijo

  67. dante avello

    Hank Mudy likes this song

  68. Adriano Mennillo

    J love Rolling Stones

  69. ChiCcy SolByul

    I just saw half of this vid from a K-Pop star's instagram called T.O.P loved him for listening good music like these >3

  70. pigwa genonefa

    You really think they do drugs????

  71. Maria Vitória Moraes

    When I realize that Mick Jagger reminds me of Monica Geller.

    Abigail Arellano

    Maria Vitória Moraes 😂😂😂😂

  72. Lily Bull

    Mick being a drunk mum

  73. HowardTheFrog

    ALl those women he said You can't get what you want to probably have had an illegitimate child by him...

  74. Mark Bastin

    Lennon approves at 04:26

  75. Richard

    wow to have been in that audience !

  76. Henry Berrisford

    Dunno how that girl felt about Mick, somewhat aggressively, telling her she can’t always get the man she wants 😂

  77. Andrian Gayda_egg

    There better than the Beatles

  78. Lawrence Ahern

    is Mick Wearing Lip Stick ???

  79. Kario

    that dancing must have been drugs. has to be

    pigwa genonefa

    You think they do drugs????

    Mauro Marchão

    They didn do drugs

    HeyHeyMaddie HeyMaddieHey

    @pigwa genonefa noooo, why would the rolling stones do drugs? They are total angels, I don't think they could even look at heroine (just kidding)

  80. Patsy M

    Will Trump use this again in 2020??? lol Jagger has no azz!

  81. Greg M

    This is fake smegma

  82. Joesph Smith

    What a time to be alive !

  83. old soul 1111

    mike jagger looks like ashton kutcher

  84. Steve Allen

    As Keith said..."who the fuck is Mick Jagger?"

  85. ankinator89

    That "Coke" jaw clench.

  86. Алексей Василенко

    Что за нах, этож Найк Борзов.)))

  87. Terence Steele

    Who TF disliked this video???

  88. Patrick Atendido

    John Lennon sighting at the end haha

  89. Fariz Ramadhan

    beatles?never heard of em.long live the stones!

  90. Cynthia H

    Sound like my bank account on the first of the month 🤷🏽‍♀️

  91. The Band Soul

    Nobody screams like Mick anymore

  92. hakunamatata2000


  93. Ivan Milovanovic

    Just a BIG Shit

  94. anne hudson


  95. frank valadez

    Anyone see the colors

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