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The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black

Paint It Black
: Paint It Black
: 3.45 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 583 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 543 İndirme
: 01-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black )
  1. Irma Parra

    aun los siegos miran sonbras blancas .

  2. 7sinstocommit

    *_Joey 30 seconds before he decided to make a cult from a drawing_*

  3. AnnaMay246

    i came from shrekku's odyssey

  4. Dil Mark

    Most people in the comment section are *Girls dressed in Summer Clothes*

  5. Broken Potato

    I'm here because cursed image meme

  6. Lucas pontel boeno

    twisted metal

  7. XXShadoWXX

    He protecc He atacc But most importantly......He paint it blacc

  8. Hindrance

    I want to see it painted, painted blackBlack as night, black as coalI want to see the sun, blotted out from the skyI want to see it painted, painted, painted, painted blackYeah. You're welcome :)

  9. Abri_btw YT

    Who still hears in Novembre

    JA VI


  10. Tyler Ho

    When you needed to pee in the bush but the bush throws up.

  11. Tyler Ho

    Tik Tok:It’s free real estate.

  12. William Cortes-Colon

    I like the song so mutch

  13. Matthew Walz

    Listening in Saigon

  14. Neon Wolf

    Should I play this in my grandmas nursing home?

  15. Moxlonibus Krypt

    Best lyric video maker on plant Earth!!!

  16. Nando García Marqués

    Vanity. My favourite sin

  17. Lillian M

    It's funny when the official lyric video has a wrong lyric.

  18. The Third Reich

    Edgy 12 year olds be:

  19. Camerado

    I want a model T but it only comes in black

  20. Canthro the Canthro

    Came from twisted metal black


    This song is legendary. Brian Jones R.I.P.

  22. William Ulry

    So his lover died

  23. israel lares

    ▬▬▬.◙.▬▬▬═▂▄▄▓▄▄▂◢◤ █▀▀████▄▄▄▄◢◤█▄ █ー ███▀▀▀▀▀▀▀╬

    L D

    @Marie Ream yeah no shit

  24. JUAN 12345

    "I always wanted to be the first boy on my block to get a confirmed kill"

  25. Mr.clean

    Rip Sammy

  26. Sergent LOKIN

    Mafia 3?

  27. Zeynep

    0:07 how dare you

  28. helgrin

    someone tell me what does me this music change during girls walking in summer clothes remind me... It is like i know it but i do not...

    L D

    You want me to tell you what it means?


    reversed hitler be like :

    L D

    You want me to tell you what it means?

  30. РКН

    Подождите...Что-то пошло не так?Или все *чёрное* ?You can see that the word is white, but the truth is that everything is black... It's all black, but we know it's all about Avgan flashbacks...

  31. Juan Torres

    Se puedes ir a la verga

  32. James AHMADPOUR

    When you are in Nam and you walk into an abandoned house with your homies and you pick up a pink bunny with a wire attached to it.

  33. Tezbert

    Shrekku's vs minions battle theme

  34. Sad Boi

    When you hit puberty so hard

  35. Carsten Henkel

  36. Bro Gamer9005

    I see trees in toddler cartoons talk but most of em speak English not Vietnamese.

  37. M productions

    i cant believe he shave madusa

  38. CrispyTV

    anyone fuck with guitar hero 3

  39. FsTs Bandit

    Ah yes, another good song ruined by tik tok.

  40. Lovan Berényi


  41. ꧁le Pαωєℓ( ‾ʖ̫‾)꧂ ✔

    99% - Came here because of new TikTok Challenge1% - Normal People0.11111-524-5% - God told us to be here

    Marie Ream

    God does not exist

    Marie Ream

    I’d be dead if he was

  42. Emirhan ÇİRMENCİK

    If you want to know where this song came from, listen to Erkin Koray - Bir Eylül Aksami (1962).

  43. Sophitia Agna

    Tour of duty.

  44. Jenna Harrison

    I always thought it was wanted to see the sun blotted out from the sky at the end live and learn thanks u tube

  45. Naruto Uzumaki

    When the goth kid finally gets to express his feelings to the class

    Max Payne

    This is exactly it


    Damn big facts

  46. Jan Špak

    I came here from Mafia 3 demo

  47. Hitesh Tinguria

    Came from westworld

  48. T - S - unami

    This shoulda been on the Joker soundtrack... 💔

    kev t

    Devil's Advocate ending.

  49. Viivi

    It’s kinda sad that I know this song only because of TikTok :D

    Tony Vanella

    Not at all. Creativity stands the test of time.

  50. wolfie cristian

    Who is here from mafia 3? Lincolns bertrayal

  51. Bugal Boi

    This was the perfect theme song for mafia 3.

  52. Brandon McMahan

    Did the original lyrics not say "I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky"? Is it just me?

  53. Ryng Tolu

    Vanity, definitely my favorite sin. :)

  54. QuantiumTronax

    That's the type of song that Plays when you first get in a fight at school.

  55. KiviCode

    Try to listen to it with x1.25 speed

  56. Hit Wave Music

    *THESE LYRICS ARE WRONG.* He doesn't say: *I want to see your face painted black.* He says: *I want to see it pained, painted black, black as night, black as coal.* He doesn't say: *I want to see the sun flying high in the sky.* He says: *I want to see the sun blotted out from the sky.* Good job with the creativity, but with all that effort, you should have taken a few seconds to look up the lyrics before posting.

  57. Thicc Mango

    Teacher: ok class, we are going to Vietnam!girls: omg no I hate jungles and snakes and men hiding in bushesboys:

    Japanese Empire

    "Bring me the homemade napalm"

  58. Gavinbruh

    When it’s not black rolling stone:visible anger


    My masturbation theme🍆💦💦💦🍆💦💦💦💦

  60. exelarizer

    Why tik tok why

  61. Dragon Jai

    Who is here from yt tik tok meme compilations

    Japanese Empire

    I came here because i like the song

  62. NOODLE

    When you have a good idea for a comment

  63. Nicholas Dinh

    Why is everyone making Vietnamese jokes. I'm part Vietnamese and I don't understand the jokes so I get offended

    Japanese Empire

    During the Vietnam war the North have created a group called vietcong. The vietcong would hide in the bushes and ambush the american forces

    Nicholas Dinh

    @Japanese Empire what does it have to do with the song

    Japanese Empire

    @Nicholas Dinh the song was famous during the vietnam war

    Nicholas Dinh

    @Japanese Empire oh

  64. Pepsi Piggy

    When a fucking rock is better than predicting fate than the most OP jofoe in part 5

  65. eenayeah

    I feel like the vocals of this song are a bit low in comparison to the instruments. People who master and mix, what do you think?

  66. Get this channel to 100,000 subscribers

    Dude I heard this from band class lol

  67. S T O N K S M A N

    Who's here because of tiktok?

  68. Touhidul Islam Siam

    Who is here from The devil's advocate (1997) ft. Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves ??

  69. adamari

    Ever since Josephine Langford said The Rolling Stones was her favorite band I had to check them out. I am so glad I did because I fell in love with their music

  70. احمد نبهان

    BLACK OPS 3❤️

  71. GioGio

    "We're all slaves to fate"


    What did you do to dio?!?!

  72. Iván Martínez

    ¡Felicidades! encontraste un comentario en español.

    emmanuel Fabersani

    Ahora dos jajaja

    emmanuel Fabersani

    Ahora dos jajaja

    FBI- federal bureal of investigation

    Ahora 4Canción buena

    Iván Martínez

    @FBI- federal bureal of investigation jajajajaja :/ hermano cayo la ley

  73. Sky han

    Erkin Koray - Bir Eylül Akşamı "The original"

    seyhmus sincar

    Bekle dedi gitti - Duman

  74. Potato

    I remember being 7 years old and my dad playing this song in the acr and singing like crazy.GOD I LOVE THIS SONG

    Sam Strain

    I think everyone’s dad played this in the in the car at some point

  75. zEliminatixn-x

    Mafia 3

  76. Ivana Crncevic


  77. Mia Gutierrez

    This officially Tik took song now Just kidding it’s just ruined by tik tok

  78. MetalMissile

    Am I the only one that thought he said "I want to see the sun blotted out from the sky" instead of "Don't want to see the sun flying high in the sky?" 2:45


    MetalMissile Literally came to the comments for this. Seems to make so much more sense with the way I hear it

  79. Lloyd Bianas Jr.

    Mafia III brought me here but so did guitar hero also 🔥🔥💯💯

    Mark Milhouse

    Try ( joe cocker with a little help)

  80. Brickcop/ lego king /coolman

    Mafia 3 anyone ? 🎩🧤

  81. sky crapper

    Mafia 3❤

  82. Errur 404

    Damn bro I remember when the black ops 3 trailer came out. God damn I was so fucking hyped. That feels like for ever ago. God damn I'm too fucking old.

  83. Miss Dee

    Love it!!👍

  84. miauw gato

    _ _● ● _

  85. m rein

    Boy hides his lap with a book. Girl stares at his throat and looks down.


    He got a baby cock🤣🤣🤣

  86. Mohamed Soumah

    Me and the boys used to listen to this on the pongyang River back in NAM

  87. Mr Sir Owl

    wow Araki has a good taste in music

  88. Regan Gibb

    The beatles: yellow submarineThe rolling stones: pAiNt It BlAcK

    BLACK 66

    The Black Keys: Little Black Submarines

    Raul Costa Batista

    Gimme shelter

  89. don corlion

    Who's here because mafia 3

  90. GetraccdBOIII

    1900s people grew up hearing this 2000s kids grew up listening to this bc of COD And thots grew up listening to this bc of tik tok

  91. The Old Computer

    Why does everyone talked about Vietnam? I'm actually a Vietnamese myself btw

    Mr MAN

    this song is in many american movies that are about the cold war. The Vietnamese were a part of that war and so that's why people mention the vietnamese in the comment section

    The Old Computer

    @Mr MAN oh

  92. tuber boi132 379

    Red door: what a lovely dayBlack paint: im a gonna end this guy's career.

  93. Chicken Plays

    43k red doors disliked

  94. soviet kgb

    When u take off your headphones and it keep playing

  95. Cal Marsh

    I see it as being alone and persecuted. Like being in purgatory.

  96. 10spades

    The first time i heard this song when when i was about 6, playing twisted metal

  97. SupremeEL Profes'or

    He protecc He attaccBut most importantlyHe will get his revenge bacc


    Mafia 3 Reference Gotten.

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