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The Rolling Stones - Angie

: Angie
: 4.12 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 177 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 160 İndirme
: 01-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Rolling Stones - Angie )
  1. Orchid Malevolence

    I've been listening to this shit since when I was a child. My father have collection of classic rock albums. Most of them are compilations. Had no idea this was by Rolling Stones.

  2. john blum

    god love you

  3. john blum

    TIM ACTON   ,,,,,,,,, good love you

  4. Risank Supriyanto

    Who brian jones

  5. haphoon21

    Mick could have been good as “the joker”

    Liam Rayder

    That’s messed up lol

    Orchid Malevolence

    Not even close.

  6. Daniel Llamas

    This video made me put a 🌹 on my acoustic. Looks beautiful!!

  7. Jamaludin isman

    Mantap the rolling stones salam buat sahabat dmn sj ana andi umriana umpung tamalanrea permai salam rahayu aku sangat merindukanmu sampai alhir hayat DJ Bdg

  8. Jamaludin isman

    Album jadul yg aku suka always slmnya...

  9. Darlan Guedes

    Não sabia que o amor doesse tanto

  10. Darlan Guedes

    Marciene você está a onde meu amor?

    Gaurav Gupta

    Please check out my cover of Angie . Thank you

  11. Django Z

    Suara telan piring hitam der 😍

  12. David Brandenburg

    my favorite song of the stones, the absolute best band of all time!.

  13. rushton9753

    This lot have got it all - What a band 👍🇬🇧

  14. Altes Beno

    And many years later he met Angelina Jolie

  15. Indra Rajbhandari

    Reminds me of the snowfall in Strasbourg and beautiful winter !

  16. LawrenceJ Hutchinson

    I bought the single in 1973 when it came out. Pretty, but really representative of the greatest rock band ever. If you want a true love song, you can't beat Mick Jagger's song for Brian Jones - Shine A Light!

  17. Абубакар Апкаев

    Аээнжеее! ООО БУУРИИФУЛЛЛ!

  18. Cynthia Corcoran

    Prodege DNA Cynthia Corcoran UN soprano. Angie. I'm rolling Stone fifty eight percent lead.

  19. Tina Hunt

    all the pink roses......

  20. Proshka Angel

    I listened so many times that I was afraid that the music record would be wiped through !

    Gaurav Gupta

    Please check out my cover of Angie . Thank you

  21. Luiz Murta

    Música que faz você refletir sobre a vida Luiz jaçanã

  22. Felix Felicis

    im looking for the guy who writes the lyrics


    J'ADORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Alessandro Zani

    I think this song has inspired Hotel California.

    el pic yei

    lol i think the same

  25. X хаккиX

    Русские 2019 есть???

    Светлана Рубинина

    Конечно я рада что хоть кто то появился спасибо

  26. Niagara Fallz

    I still want to think they stayed together in the end (:They had to find their way back. My ending to the song

    Gilvan Ribeiro

    Eu sou do brasil. Amo eata musica

  27. James Baldwin

    Great video. And it was a race against time to see if they could finish the song before Keith nodded out

  28. Mariam Sr

    Unpluged lagu angie rolling stones mantap sekali

  29. Angie 19

    Acaso soy la única a la que la llamaron Angie, pero no por ésta canción?😂

  30. James Baldwin

    I have a friend named Angelica. She hates the name Angie, and she can’t stand this song


    the drummer seems so bored


    Good good good

  33. Краковський Сергій


  34. Isabella Ribeiro

    Melhor não há

  35. Štefan Malček

    Super je to vždy krásne .Ďakujem Štefan

  36. britt martens

    My middle name is Angie with thanks to this song. My father gave me the name since he is a really big fan of the rolling stones❤

  37. Phillip O'Brien

    'remember all those nights we cried.....

  38. Randy Piplica

    Still one of my favorites. I was in High School when this came out.

    Gaurav Gupta

    Please check out my cover of Angie . Thank you

  39. michael moniz

    Hey Ang I love you sweetheart and I miss you so much you and Dilly will see me real soon I'm really sick I don't know how much longer I will last so I will see you soon

  40. Billi 56

    This version is without violins, and I like it better; while in the best known one there is also the orchestra. The Rolling Stones preferred the violin version.

  41. Gary Skadra

    They all look like they just st rolled out of bed 😂

  42. Frank Castle

    My family died recently.Wherenever i hear this song i remember them.

    Rim El Omari

    May they rest in peace. Be strong ❤

  43. Flor C

    Durisimos todos, especialmente el batero

  44. Edward Bagdasarian


  45. Adriano Barbosa

    Reunião Reunião

  46. graciela cantele

    Super tema thanks for sharing

  47. izmangr

    nobody could sing like Mick, that's why he's existed.I cannot accept any covers especially this song

  48. kefany Maldonado

    Q musicao !

  49. Aurora Boreal

    🤘 😂

  50. silvana campos paniagua

    que cancion mas hermosa.. trasmite muchas emociones..

  51. Simply Cynthia

    Best vocals on a song ever, period.

  52. Volker Schmoll

    Lost Emotions. So sad.... but I like it.

  53. Brenda M. Taylor

    My Father sang "Angie" to me with his guitar. He came looking for me during my saddest and confusing time.

  54. Amgad Nabil

    October 2019

    Ana Caroline Lima

    October teu cu. Outubro

    Gaurav Gupta

    Please check out my cover of Angie . Thank you

  55. Maria del socorro Chaves de Cabrera

    Unicos, divinos e inmortales. Los amooo siempre!!

  56. Andgy Appere


  57. sidnei leal


  58. Melany Brabson

    Where will it lead us from here?

  59. Anna Monrose


  60. Carlos Vinces

    Volado ese man cantando esa canción!!! Un crack 😎

  61. Ali Hasyimi

    Legendary 1983, 1984, ( 1985, 1986, 1987 )

  62. Lizveronica Moran

    Este tema no le gusta tocar a los integrantes del grupo solo Jager y Richard lo toca

  63. Kerry Radford

    Everything seemed better back then music, life,


    It was ....

  64. M R

    Blanca estás en el cielo, con todos los ángeles. Dale un beso a Paco.

  65. byxxx

    2019 from indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

  66. sixten gron

    Que voz linda cara isso que e rock bom

  67. Alvin Balasi

    But it's Okey and it's Alright.

  68. UndergroundGrower UK

    Umm this wasnt filmed in 1998 😂😂😂😂

  69. Smile Danny

    I love you so much ❤️😍🌻

  70. Berengere Gayat

    Ici radio tomates tomates qu'est ce que je dis Bruno ? ils étaient mignons aussi ! Ça c'est pour lui ! qui ça ? t'inquiète il le sait ! Ça s'appelle :"" balayette dans le.... '' une tête de lard.... Ici radio tomate radio venant des tombes radio de l'. Aube. Aube. Aube. Aube...... 'aube

  71. husin siregar

    Teringat ivan siregar,semoga Allah menempatkan mu di tempat terbaik disana kawan..

  72. Eda Efe

    Wow se bien 👍🏻

    Eda Efe

    Sorry guys mi french

    Eda Efe

    And my teacher is a fan

  73. Ágnes Gyebnár

    Fantasztikusan gyönyörű, imádom!

  74. GhosT sheLLz 75

    Last concert i saw with my late mother was AC-DC & STONES AT SARS FEST TORONTO CANADA! REST IN PARADISE Heather Marie Lindfors see you again....just not quite yet! 😉😊📿💙🙏🤝👱‍♀️

  75. Lee Johnson

    I need a white suit NOW

  76. Jan So lo

    Ayuda a salvar a Julian Assange!!!📖

  77. Brian Ellinger

    You saw the FED imposter

  78. Keily Yineth Gañan Ladino

    Nada como la música de la década

  79. Maria José Vieira Paiva Vieira Paiva

    This is fantastic song.

  80. ThinBlueLine Supporter.

    Keith looks great!!

  81. MaiMai

    Angie, Angie, when will those clouds all disappear?Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?With no loving in our souls and no money in our coatsYou can't say we're satisfiedBut Angie, Angie, you can't say we never triedAngie, you're beautiful, but ain't it time we said good-bye?Angie, I still love you, remember all those nights we cried?All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smokeLet me whisper in your ear:Angie, Angie, where will it lead us from here?Oh, Angie, don't you weep, all your kisses still taste sweetI hate that sadness in your eyesBut Angie, Angie, ain't it time we said good-bye?With no loving in our souls and no money in our coatsYou can't say we're satisfiedBut Angie, I still love you, babyEv'rywhere I look I see your eyesThere ain't a woman that comes close to youCome on Baby, dry your eyesBut Angie, Angie, ain't it good to be alive?Angie, Angie, they can't say we never tried



  83. Optic Nerve


  84. Ricky Parker

    The Rolling Stones didn't just PLAY Rock and Roll they LIVED it to the absolute BRINK! And somehow didn't go over the edge. Like Morrison Joplin and Hendrix.

  85. Candace Pilla

    Charlie’s gonna break into a yawn!

  86. aWAR girl

    🎶❤🎸 I'm an Angie 🎸❤🎶

  87. Dsennack

    mick taylor looks kinda dead insinde

  88. Megan

    I swear this is the sexiest man alive look at those lips there to die for 😍😘🤤

  89. Cecilia Sabanilla

    Siempre juntar agua de la lluvia para los patios y baños para cuidar el agua,

  90. Javier Zavala

    Es excelente poder disfrutar de lo maravillosa que es la buena música...Rolling Stones..

  91. Rita de Graaf

    IK haat dat verdriet in je ogen.The Rolling Stones.👅🎈🌹❤

  92. Encep Mamduh

    In 1975 the first time i was listening this dad turned it.till now....i like the rolling stones.thanks jagger

  93. J L. Wright

    Maybe one day

  94. J L. Wright

    Debbie although I miss you let me go on with my life I miss you soi. much.

  95. J L. Wright

    Debbie what's on my heart I left you you left me I miss you so much please let me live on

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