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The Rolling Stones - Crown Sugar

Crown Sugar
: Crown Sugar
: 3.51 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 86 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 66 İndirme
: 01-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Rolling Stones - Crown Sugar )
  1. flobeeone kinobee

    Can we have a concert pitch version

  2. Guy Wilcox

    Brilliant video, very helpful. Many thanks.

  3. Colby G

    This is one of the best resources for someone wanting to learn this song on guitar

  4. Captain Charisma

    Isnt it interesting how the first classical composers were Bach and Mozart etc and the first blues was Robert Johnson and Jazz Coltrane Dizzy and Miles and rock Stones and Beatles music bursts forth in its highest form without hesitation when all other life requires gradual incremental development 😊 ...something to think about

  5. Dwayne Tempest

    Great job thanks brother

  6. Patrick LastName


  7. fredgien

    Top of class!

  8. robb spencer

    Floating hands gives great lessons.


    robb spencer LoL

  9. Donald Trump

    Really nice job of teaching, Thank you.

  10. Bob Nicholls

    I was hoping you would play it all the way through at the end. Fantastic tutorial. I am 75 years old and just bought my first guitar (Chinese strat copy) and I am determined to learn so I can play this before I kick the bucket lol. Subscribed in Thailand

    Shutup & Play - guitar tutorials

    Hey Bob. I ALWAYS do a demo of every song I teach. SOmetimes they're in a separate video. Its always best to go to my website. Everything is much easier to find. Cheers, Andy

    Bob Nicholls

    @Shutup & Play - guitar tutorials Thanks Andy

  11. Bill Warkentin

    I saw the Stones here in Phoenix a few weeks ago on Aug. 26th. Great show that inspired me to learn some Stones' songs. Great lesson! Thank-you very much!!

  12. Angel Rivas

    This song fuggin rocks

  13. James Nusky

    good information. Thank you

  14. Kari Bannerman

    A vile racist tune

  15. Steve Shannon

    Great stuff

  16. TheHundrethmonkey

    Simply the go to channel for my lazy missing parts and progressions. Thanks man.

  17. Brody McCain

    This sounds right to me

  18. Mama Dzaki

    Hi , please how to play (lead) intro Confessin The blues ... Please



  19. MrPiperian

    WHEEE FUN! Luv this. Had NO idea Keef hung in a G tuning for all these rockers. I'm 62 and still learning. SO easy to play this at practice and make everyone GRIN. LOL

  20. Lloyd & Chris Smith

    How can 44 people not like this AWESOME lesson !

  21. Nick ODonoghue

    The all down strokes rhythm you see alot of you tube players use does no justice for this great riff. The rhythm is so dynamic to get the feeling or groove you need to get this great riff into your fingers. Thanks for time you took to make this lesson. Nice one.

  22. jacko717

    Would love to hear you do "Wicked As it Seems" by Keef, you hear the subtleties that others don't.

  23. Michael DeAngelis

    Keep posting have a gift.Its In g open? Thank u!!!Man. I've been so close.............but so wrong for all these years! Thank you!

  24. Dafreo Empanist

    Great lesson. Clearly you are one of the best out there. Thank you, sir!Flawless freak of nature you are.

  25. jacko717

    This guy is without a doubt the most accurate of all the YT dudes, top marks👌🏻

  26. Kevin O'Donnell

    Fascinating video! As a piano and once-acoustic guitar player, I’m just wondrous at all the guitar licks Keith and Mick (Taylor) employed to bring about this song. Since I’ve seen the Stones seven times in concert over a 40-year period, I’d agree that they are indeed the best rock and roll band in the world!

  27. robert morin

    The classic Richards/ Stones guitar attack played correctly to my ear! Very well sounding and very well explained-bravo! Never knew about the tuning though! I am wondering if it's the same on, "Can't You Hear. Me Knocking"? Sure has the same vibe!

  28. funguy4utube

    You are so good and so accurate that I bet even ‘James James’ comes to your site to consult your expertise. And THAT is an extremely high compliment

  29. Guitar Overkill

    🤘Excellent lesson. You have a very good ear.

  30. Gonzalo Fraguglia

    Its In g open? Thank u!!!

  31. dacosta0656

    KR used open tuning

  32. Tony

    Man you nailed it. Once again, I learned it wrong and gotta relearn it right. You are the master. Amazing ear for detail. I don't even bother looking at any other how to song videos anymore cause I know you are the only one who has it right 100 percent, down the the tiniest detail.

  33. teddy pendergrass

    its funny to think how many times i tried to learn this NOT realizing it was a different tuning. did the same thing with a julian hatfield song until i realized she was using a baritone guitar. ha ha

  34. Spike Taterman

    Love the subtlety in the voicings that is often missed. Nice job!

  35. Macreebc

    Andy, Always a top notch post. Thanks so much. By far you are my "go-to" guy. Always a pleasure to drop some cash to the cause. (I hope others do the same to help the cause!)

  36. 2skyland

    Thanks man! To my ear the tone is spot on too...thumbs up

  37. busch1424

    Great lesson and shows why there a great band. Thanks

  38. João Correia

    Great Job ! Thank you

  39. DC Crank

    Amazing lesson.., I play the song, but learned plenty of subtle changes. Great tone aswell! Wow.

  40. repetitivemotion

    Oh crap, I gotta tune down again?! Now I need another guitar on stage to play this.

  41. GunzRloaded

    Excellent Lesson....thanks...!!!Cheers...!!!

  42. Richard Lawson

    the guitar is truly the show me instrument.....great lesson...always wondered how that lick was played!!

  43. Sébastien C.

    Contents :00:00 Beginning01:18 Tuning DADGBD02:04 Keith Intro Riff04:20 Keith Intro Riff 206:10 Whole Keith Intro06:44 Mick Part Intro08:04 Keith Verse 110:02 Keith Chorus 112:02 Keith Verse 213:08 Keith Chorus 214:32 Keith Chorus 316:47 Mick's Part17:50 Mick Chorus 20:04 Mick Verse special riff21:00 Mick the whole verse21:25 ConclusionThanks mate for this excellent and very complete lesson !

    jcarlos Rodriguez

    Tuning D-G-D-G-B-D

  44. Kurt Klein

    I'm really impressed with your lessons! You are nailing these perfectly and I love your teaching style. Makes me want to pick up the guitar again! I've had a copy of Let It Bleed in my truck CD player for some time now, it's all I've listened to. Occurred to me that as much as I enjoy listening to the virtuoso players, you don't need to play at any higher level than what the Stones achieved. It's brilliant...

  45. Jaime Mino

    Excellent lesson.

  46. Wataboutya

    I don't believe one could find a better guitar tutorial for this tune. It sounds exactly like it does on the Sticky Fingers album.

  47. Power to the People

    Could listen to you all day.

  48. Tonka Goldman

    I wish i could do that.

  49. Martin Ortiz

    Have you covered Gimmme Shelter? If not could you? Cause you're the only one I would wanna learn it from :l

  50. Chris Miller

    Great lesson! And a great classic stones hit

  51. Ralf Eul

    Great lesson!

  52. Jeffrey Beane

    Your lessons are the bomb! So insightful and spot on,thank you for your efforts.

  53. Johnny B. Good

    This is some really great music, thanks for doing it.

  54. Spokz Wheeler

    Great lesson thank you so much I just started learning this in the last few days and I was trying to work out what Keith was playing at the end of the song and you nailed it for me at 16:31 I knew there was something very different but had trouble working out chord position.Awesome lesson you've given a very detailed way of playing it I'm finding it a really fun song and open G feels like such full fat sound I'm really enjoying, Cheers Spokz

  55. Corey Zimmerman

    For those of us who aren't beginners......please play the whole song first.

    Shutup & Play - guitar tutorials

    Hey Corey. I pretty well always do a demo of what I'm teaching in a separate video. Click on the pop-up 5 seconds in...

  56. cgrinna

    Keep posting have a gift.

  57. C More

    Such a beautiful guitar song

  58. Tim C

    Sir, thanks for teaching me yet another fabulous guitar classic:) Already learned how to play Nothing Else Matters and Wish You Were Here from you, both awesome songs that had been on my bucket list for way too long! I'll definitely donate to your cause, keep on rocking! All the best from The Netherlands:)

  59. Hangyu Feng

    This is one of few "true" Brwon Sugar lessons online

  60. giffy5775

    This lesson is too good for a bar gig

  61. Edward

    very cool.......thanks for all your instruction

  62. Simon Holdaway

    I love this guy. Amazing lessons made so simple. How can you not donate a little something for this work?

  63. Bart Scrivener

    Nice work, Andy, excellent attention to detail !! Love it, Bro ! and THANK YOU !!

  64. Hywel 4

    nice to see an american having a bash at this.

    Shutup & Play - guitar tutorials

    Except that I'm a Canadian! Cheers

    Hywel 4

    i was referring to the continent. you have a neat right hand technique

  65. Tba 1

    Nice! How about a complete tutorial (intro, fills, solo as well) on "Gimme Shelter"? I'd like to see you do it in standard tuning since it's more convenient!


    You mean lazy?

  66. Dougsie

    i'm so thankful for this channel! Are there other songs that use open G tuning from other than the Stones? Not that i don't like the Stones but i would love to learn different songs from another band using this tuning. Would you please do an Open G songs list? maybe?

    jim diskin

    Dougsie the black crowes do a lot of stuff in open e and open g.

  67. A Mills

    What amazes me is how much better this sounds on an LP rather than any tele or other Fender. I am a Gibson/Gretsch man and I guess this shows why.

  68. A Mills

    You are the very best on yt.

  69. Jamie Jones

    What is Mick Taylor doing, while Keith is playing these open G chords?

  70. Blues4Winter

    in addition to the great instruction, great editing, clear communication and you execute the parts right after you mention them. I've been playing for more than 35 years and LOVE your lessons.

  71. 2PLAY acoustic duo

    SOOO GREAT!!! Thanks

  72. Willi Gari

    Thank you soooo much for this. I really appreciate that you dissect both Keith's and Mick's parts separately. I'm playing this with some friends and fib myself hitting notes that just seem to dominate the original recording. Sometimes it's Keith, sometimes it's Mick. I'm blown away by your ability to play all of these variations from memory!

  73. yossarian

    thanks so much for taking the time to make and post this lesson ! :O)

  74. TheBentwrist

    You get great sound that's very authentic.

  75. Johnny B. Good

    Thanks Andy for your hard work, I feel good making a donation to you as its the best money I've ever spent for the quality of the teacher and his sharing his talent, will send some next, month, as long as I'm using your site. John

  76. Johnny B. Good

    Andy, I see you have the covers off your paf's, where do you set your pickup heights?

    Shutup & Play - guitar tutorials

    Hey Johnny. There's a link to my gear page in the description box below every video I put up but the pickups on my LP are Suhr Aldrich. I bought them the way they are without covers. As far as pickup height, I couldn't tell you as I have a Luthier that I've used for 35 years that sets up the guitar for me. The guy is amazing. He always gets it playing and sounding fantastic. Cheers

  77. Johnny B. Good

    Thanks Andy, wow, you are one of the best guitar teachers I've ever seen or heard, I wish you would make a mistake once awhile so I would know that you and Tim Pierce are human.

  78. Herc Engineer

    Great videos, keep em coming!

  79. Lazy quack

    You're so kind teaching us

  80. Ion Know

    I’m excited to learn this! If possible, could you do a tutorial on Lindsey Buckingham’s “trouble.” But how he plays it live now? It’d be awesome, but I understand if you can’t. Great as always! :)

  81. Phillip Serventy

    Could you do Diamond Dust by Jeff Beck?🙏🏼

  82. Elias Salehi

    could you please do a lesson on Lindsey Buckinghams live version of Stephanie, its a beautiful fingerstyle song.

  83. Chip Cavallo

    Another great lesson, as usually!! I really enjoyed this (and realized I’ve been playing it wrong for years!!). Thanks

  84. Keef

    Hey Andy, thank you for another superb lesson on one of my favourite Stone's songs.  I don't believe you have ever done a lesson on Johnny Winter. I have a request for Be Careful With A Fool from his album Johnny Winter. There are no decent lessons on YouTube. Cheers!

  85. Devin V

    Hey Shutup & Play, have you ever thought of doing some Greg Kihn? Maybe like “Valerie” possibly? Would love to see it. Can’t wait for the next video. Thanks!

  86. Johnny B. Good

    This the best Lesson on this song I have ever heard, Thank You

  87. John Random

    Hey I've been a follower of Years for a long time now!! And I really appreciate the accuracy and precise detail you give to every video. Was wondering if you could do a video on Tangerine by Zeppelin

  88. batpatrol49

    Another individual who is a great source for explaining Stones songs puts a capo on 3 and plays the Eb chord in the shape of C, and so on.

  89. JMmmn Liberal

    Cant this song be played in normal tuning?

    jim diskin

    John Michael not properly !!

  90. Dick van den Berg

    wow! The most detailed explanation ever. Great!

  91. francisco alves

    Very good, teach the music Cutting Crew (I've Been In Love Before) please.

  92. Hotxpeppers

    honestly if i had money to spend, i would give soo much from it to you . I really love your work and your generall attitude in your Clips. Much love from a young guitarist who cant afford a teacher and trying to learn by himself ! Greeting and keep on rocking dude !

  93. Northbound Academy

    This is great!

  94. TheBentwrist

    Great stuff!

  95. Brian Milidrag

    You are the ONLY one I have ever supported with my dollars....there is a reason for that! Well done sir!

    Shutup & Play - guitar tutorials

    Thanks you very much for your support Brian, without it my website and youtube channel wouldn't exist. CheersAndy

  96. Michael Caliri

    Thank You

  97. khrie rups

    I'm not buying it unless you do the lead lesson on ingenious lil wayne solo..I'm gonna unsubscribe and put thumps down button..i meant it..(ah no emoji to express my felling my bad)

    Bill Sylvester

    your kidding....right?

    khrie rups

    lol how could be more serious I'm just kidding i mean Lil Wayne a joke guitarist come on


    khrie rups lil Wayne?????? Fuck youYou can't spell Crap without RAP

  98. jim diskin

    hey if you really wanna have some fun try this in open E capo 3rd fret. you get to keep all 6 strings and the tighter tuning makes the guitar really ring like a bell. personally i find the song is even easier to play this way than in open G.

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