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Metallica - Wherever I May Roam

Wherever I May Roam
: Wherever I May Roam
: 5.86 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 228 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 191 İndirme
: 26-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Metallica - Wherever I May Roam )
  1. Виталий Мосалев

    who is 2019?

  2. A.D.D

    Jason's Deli sandwiches....fuck you Kirk.

  3. Yayat Kere

    Mantap metallica gak ada matinya top bnget

  4. Bong Acode

    The Best and the Beast👊🍁

  5. IT'S ME FROM 713

    Only 8 million views? WTF?

  6. Nazri Buang

    Mayfair Magazine

  7. Stephanie Cota

    Every time lars flips his hair....mmmmm

  8. Rafael Thiago Nunes

    Dr. Rafael Thiago Nunes. Cro:86.497 Cirurgião Dentista. UNIMES. Escutando METALLICA consegui um DIPLOMA e voce tirou seu Diplominha de TERAPEUTA via CORREIO?? 4 meses durou ??? Vai bando de INÚTIL. Aqui é ROCK PORRA. Não gosto de vocês.

  9. Rafael Thiago Nunes

    METALLICA Melhor banda de HEAVY METAL do MUNDO. Tem FÃNS no MUNDO INTEIRO. Enquanto um TERAPÊUTA OBRIGA você assistir a Reuniãozinha de BOSTA FORÇADO. Para que Serve um TERAPÊUTA, para Trazer CIGARRO e Papel HIGIÊNICO ;). A VERDADE. 307 dias limpo

  10. Kemang World

    2019 and still... From Malaysia

  11. Debbie Chapman

    Love it

  12. james murat valentino

    this is very intelligent song

  13. tbtb tbtb

    Roaming mode on

  14. Jonathan Voth

    "I lay stripped of all but pride."Everything is everything...

  15. Sharon Mitchell

    KICK ASS!!!!

  16. gent


  17. Алексей Нестеров

    Металлика master this world.

  18. Telling Stewart


  19. Ant Man

    I fucking love this song but they really could have done a better clip for this song.

  20. red dragon


  21. jacqueline chairez

    I just got into metal not too long ago and I truly feel blessed af

  22. Алексей Нестеров

    Великий альбом Великой группы

  23. Yıldız Tunuslu

    King 🍺👑

  24. Lance Shepler

    The very last album that Metallica put out that was epic until recently when i came across some songs in this same vein. I couldn't believe it.

  25. Markus Steitz

    know i understanb why the put down the jason bass on "justice".

  26. Mauro Murador

    By myself but not alone

  27. M Rabeh

    By myself but not alone ! Police came twice because Its very loud .

  28. Diana Restrepo

    Que buenos tiempos de Metallica 😈🤘

  29. S.M .Photography

    The best Song from Metallica

  30. Sony Argonolo

    2019 anyone?

  31. TremorChrist Lester

    Easily one of my faves by Metallica along with One, Ain't my Bitch, Enter the Sandman, Unforgiving

  32. Petar Mitonov

    Asking a

  33. Merle Langlois

    As an adult I find Metallica doesn't sit well with me anymore, but I felt the sudden need to listen to this song. Metallica with Bon Jovi production.

  34. Adamson

    CAN SHE NAME 3 METALLICA SONG? I cant do that. if you gave me a tune maybe i know it hahah..

  35. ElChurro Gamer

    still wandering to eternity

  36. Hot Rockin'

    Why does everybody love Metallica?

  37. Homero Rodriguez

    Wherever I May Roam, yeah

  38. 佐竹義治


  39. joel750

    This song should be the Anthem for motorcyclists everywhere. “Where I lay my head is home” / “Carved upon my body lies but still I roam” sends chills up my spine because this is what a Biker’s life is all about. “Rover Wanderer call me what you will!”

  40. 666 SHADOW


  41. Paulo Henrique Santos

    I am wanting for you James in 2020! You will recover your health!

  42. Tj Cherry

    when i miss the bus and have to walk to school

  43. Edison Mustaine Thrash 666

    Who ListeningThis "Heavy Metal" MasterpieceIn201920202030EternityMetallica Fan Forever 🤘

  44. alstomars 252

    5:16 I WANT IT NOWWWW!!!!!!

  45. karen vanessa torres holguin

    Chimba de tema.... ufffff

  46. codproboss 123

    I really love how metallica makes their videos. Just amazing,dont u agree?🤘❤



  48. Dawnna Lafferty

    Metallica kicks ass

  49. 1gX0r Broduei


  50. liem 1139 headphones

  51. Tony M

    The Gods of Metal

  52. Öner Demiroluk

    Live in Istanbul 1993.......

  53. Robbie Williamson

    Thanks to this very song I am still alive today.. #Metallicasavedme

  54. Anthony Genovese

    When my mom was growing up, her father was in the coast guard and he was able to take his family all over the world. So everytime I hear this song I think of that

  55. Tyler Cook

    This song makes me wanna write down Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo ten times and post it on a public cork board, so that ten more people can feed the good super natural forces, thanks Lars for the inspiration.

  56. Paulo Henrique Santos

    I'm wanting you James in the next year in Brazil!!! I bought my ticket already!!!!

  57. Ivan

    1209 liked it again by flipping the monitor

  58. Nestor Gumble

    el PUTISIMO albúm de los divorciós, bastante bueno !!!

  59. Fernando Moises Soria Rangel

    Mother fuckers ....

  60. Zion Ramos

    My school played this song at P.E

  61. Eduardo Diaz


  62. Hawkeye

    I can almost smell the metal.

  63. Vas Zav

    Клип-хлам, песня шедевральная, одна из моих самых любимых, но, к сожалению метла скатилась.

  64. mauro rodriguez

    When Metallica change metal for Pop music

  65. JustEis

    I thought they had all the rights to their songs... Why is it here on this channel. Just curious

  66. Luna Norah

    One of my fave Metallica songs!!

  67. AussieMick

    THE MOST POWERFUL CLIP IN THE BOOK well OK arguing the facts lenghth and breadth the USA and one day my voice was somethin sweet I heard the ole whervere I may roam and still to this day that aum young fella there Kirk, oi champion god bless I am stripped of call not blind thats fckn brilliant man

  68. Nikki Nikac

    WHEREVER I MAY ROAM 💙💜💚💝🧡💔💛❤💘💖2019

  69. Lucas Nicolás Muñoz Huenuman

    Best song off metallica

  70. Ian

    A lot of the people commenting here need to learn how to spell.

  71. Ivan Tapia

    Hace mucho que no lo escuchaba, 2019.

  72. Richard Valle

    Increíble...este rock , me hace mejor los días cuando trabajo con maquinaria pesada , y el peligro está latente , y este.rock me pone en alerta máxima ja

  73. Schwabenpower 666

    When Lars was good

  74. Darren Swann

    Can’t remember the last day a never listened to this fucking song

  75. Дарья Антонова…..

  76. Алексей Чебеков

    Kirk's solo is incredible

  77. Yen Van headphone

  78. Christoffer Olsen

    i want "my body lays, but still i roam" on my tombstone

  79. Marie Lombardo


  80. Raphael Agosto

    Hells yeah...

  81. fede018

    How does this video just have 7 million views?

  82. Cheryl Grimaldo

    Definitely something BIBLICAL. My thoughts RESURRECTION.

  83. Genesis Contreras

    Remember; the BEAT IT song sounds better in all the sounds of michael jackson than METALLICA garbage =)


    You’re an absolute moron. Metallica’s music is way better than any piece of garbage that kiddie molester put out

  84. EET FUK

    Happy birthday black album!

  85. MonicaG

    I will never tire of this

  86. Shelley Charging

    I have chosen the song to be played at my funeral. I loved when I was younger. And never ever forgotten it. Love you guys until the end.

  87. Christopher Aguilar

    Beast song

  88. Priscila Xavier Do Nascimento


  89. dreadedwheat26

    an anthem for life.

  90. Marc 1979

    Where does one go beyond wandering??? 😀😀😀🤘🤘🤘🤔🤔🤔

  91. Marx Ruiz

    U can make a really big tower with the metal in this song.

  92. mudvayne88

    С днём рождения, батя Het! Моя любимая песня)

  93. Marcelo Martinovic

    Esta cancion me recuerda mucho mi epoca de escolar....esta cancion para mi es la mejor de black album....nunca le dieron el lugar q se merece.....

  94. ghap lexi


  95. ツJuniorE

    Pedazo de canción!

  96. Eddie Addam

    2019 anyone ??

  97. arturocobain

    La epoca dorada de Metallica

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