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Metallica - Dream No More

Dream No More
: Dream No More
: 6.55 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 178 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 128 İndirme
: 26-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Metallica - Dream No More )
  1. androtaz01

    Fuck off already James - Cthulhu

  2. DoctorWoohoo

    Of all the videos they shot for this album, this one has to be the absolute worst. Given how awesome the song is, it also offered the greatest opening for something truly epic. It doesn't serve the song at all, it just serves that half-baked idea of superimposing that void-effect over a guy's silhouette which must have sounded REALLY COOL for, like, 5 minutes. Incoherent affectation at best. Metallica had bad advice on this. Why on earth would you give the video for a song referencing Chutulu to some f'n hipster? They should have got Jonas Akerlund to do this one too.(Also, I don't know what the hell all these idiotic, inarticulate comments are prattling on about and I don't really want to.)

  3. Dalton Bloxom

    Fuck all these unrelated comments. Song is amazing.

  4. Andre Gordon

    "Winged SalvationDeath by creationCthulhu, awaken(Wake!) Dreaming no more!"Ugh, these fit the Cthulhu Mythos so well. Perfect delivery by Papa Het as well.

  5. Ryab Smegger

    Been bouncing on my boys dick for hours to this song.

  6. Anthony Aguilar

    James reaction to the booty

  7. anthony bragdon

    Great heavy song with a touch of the Metallica that I grew up with.

  8. D-M-L

    It sounds like Soundgarden

  9. Antonio Gates

    My girlfriend masturbated with lars drum stick for hours and never got wet. I guess Lars drum sticks are too thin

  10. AisleRegretThis

    This is the best and only good song (IN my opinion) on this whole album..

  11. Fabián Jiménez

    La MEJOR Banda de METAL METALLICA sólo calidad de producto

  12. Fabián Jiménez

    Sólo METALLICA forever

  13. John Jay

    James is wearing the pirate shirt.

  14. Nathaniel Baker

    aye whenever me and my boi here's this song no matter where at we always bounce on each other's d(we take turns) gotta show love to eachother like this 1 time we went to the zoo and out of no where some dude was playing this out loud me and my boy were animal's that day since it was the zoo us the animals didn't do shit besides eat grass and shit so me and boy were proud that we did it not just for us but for the people who wanted to see us bounce on each others d #equallove

  15. Evill Merodaque

    Espero que o James saia da reabilitação bem e pronto para voltar aos shows.

  16. KingLich

    1:47 OMG

  17. naota3k

    Nice, got this one from Napster for free 47 tears ago though.

  18. Thomas Beckler

    I'd say this is definitely the heaviest song on this album.

  19. José Maurício Gonzales Praxedes

    Kthulu Awaken ...

  20. Lars Elessar

    I like this version of sad but true

  21. Shelby Sawyer

    i agree with Jaymz, this is my favorite song on the record.

  22. Evill Merodaque

    Muito bom

  23. Köksal Öztürk

    Sounds like Reload.. I love this song

    Mr. Opinionated

    Sounds like Reload are you insane. This is a Master of puppets level song.

  24. Fakumi Tugiwara

    Hey Erik good to see you buddy

  25. Catherine Collaguazo Martinez

    How to forget when Roman reigns made a song with metallica 5:41

  26. CRiVEN

    bounced on my boy’s fictional viking helmet horns to this for days

  27. Jammbi Goat

    why are they wearing white ..? Don’t get it

  28. tootallforyou112

    Fuck yall it's a good album

  29. david hefner

    VeryVery well doneExcellent

  30. Kulthazar


  31. hugo perret

    Heavy like m'y girlfriend

  32. Synthetic

    Bounced on m'boy's dick to this video for hours. Who are they again?

  33. milse

    bounced on my boys microphone to this for hours

  34. Kyrre

    straight off reload

  35. The Cryptid Hunters

    There is no way I'm just now noticing my boi Skjöldrs in this. Sowing torment and woe no doubt.ALL HAIL THE RED QUEEN.


    Helga, we feast tonight!

  36. Al Azif

    Bloop... 🐙 ...I'M Awake!

  37. Ecce Porfirium

    Anyone already has the worldwide tour dates for metallicas "Farewell tour" ? i am dying to get those..!NO MONEY DMT here

  38. Mshark

    bounced on my boy's guitar to this for hours

  39. Luke Mentessi


  40. revspikejonez

    1:47 bouncing on my boy Skjoldir's sword for hours to this

  41. Mr saiful

    Ok James... Ok fun joint... I love rockernroll..., oyyerh..... Tq

  42. Leah H

    This animation is so cool!!

  43. JC Denton

    My God, this Album is Groovy!!

  44. CCG

    Oh my Skilder he is actually in this... well then.

  45. Willie Richard Johnson Projects

    Anybody else here for myolneer? (Big money salvia)

  46. Bianca Lira

    Riff intro?

  47. Podds

    Yooo just listening to these because of the viking

  48. sayah sofiane

    big think to metallica and the time wil give a reaction to you

  49. El Jefe

    Lars sucks

  50. SYX

    Cthulu is supposed to be such an scary creature that nobody likes, but since we have so many memories with it hearing his name really makes me feel like his my old friend.

  51. Sebastián Apablaza

    put it on 1.25 and do headbanging

  52. XpOmOu

    How is this video track associate with the lyrics?

  53. Altemimi123

    All i can say is old is gold.

  54. Patmac5000

    2.7k people are pussies.

  55. weston robitaille

    Bounced on my boys wah pedal to this for hours.

  56. Giant Tampon

    Bounced on my boy's rapidly receding hairline to this

  57. Raul Camacho

    2:03 so Alice in Chains

  58. The X Reviewer

    Lol metallica went full retard

  59. Chris051

    Fun fact:This is Kirks favourite song on Hardwired to Self Destruct

    Adam Subitch

    Same here. Heaviest

  60. GOLDIE

    1:44 for the Salvia boys

  61. Mr Vengeance

    Not too fast, or too slow. Just perfect, and heavy.

  62. Bohdan von Dábelsky

    Stop bouncing on shit guys. Just enjoy the song before the cloud people know who to target. This is a burner account.

  63. Patrick Earthridge


  64. A Team

    Yes Metallica! Hell yes!🤟🏻

  65. Xndjdjf Dhsjeb

    Bounced on ma bois guitar to this

  66. D B

    Dave did the white shirts a long time ago

  67. Luke Frigot

    Kirk obviously didn’t get the memo of wearing a white top like with the other members 😂😂😂

  68. Thats No Moon

    Is that yoga dude 911?

  69. Super Duper

    HERE FOR THE FUCKING Lyrics by RandyBullshit 52 My goodness!You haven't heard enough voices yet!Your drum kit has 12 good drums no top hat!Men not paid enough for you baby!Virgin hair the look like his games will ruin you girl!Am I killing satan tonight from the open broken heartMind uprooted to the toes!

  70. Mario Burges

    All Killers no Fillers

  71. Matricaria

    This is what power is

  72. Ale

    *Lyrics*He sleeps under black seas waitingLies dreaming in deathHe sleeps under cosmos shakingStars granting his breathHe wakes as the world dies screamingAll horrors arriveHe wakes giving earth it's bleedingPure madness aliveAnd he haunts youAnd he blinds your soulAnd he loathes youAnd reclaims it allYou turn to stoneCan't look awayYou turn to stoneMadness, they sayCthulhu awakenHe sways in abyss returningInhaling black skiesHe shakes with a torture burningAll lost in his eyesAnd he haunts youAnd he blinds your soulAnd he loathes youAnd reclaims it allYou turn to stoneCan't look awayYou turn to stoneMadness, they sayCthulhu awakenYou turn to stoneCan't look awayYou turn to stoneMadness, they saySanity takenSeething damnationCthulhu awaken (wake)Winged salvationDeath by creationCthulhu awaken (wake)Dreaming no moreCthulhu awaken (wake)Dreaming no moreCthulhu awaken (wake)Dreaming no more

  73. Poxyclypse

    This seems to be more about Nyarlathotep than it does about Cthulhu.I know that Hetfield enjoys Lovecraft.

  74. Adam Subitch

    Love this tune

  75. SsgtHolland

    Kirk refused to wear white...that ole rebel!!

  76. Bloody vodevil

    load+reload,the best song from new album

  77. Rabid Bwah

    capt? what is this bounce my boy reference?

    Hugo Marques

    The dude with the hat with the horns that looks into the camera at 1:46 is a YouTuber that uses that meme. His channel is Comment Ettiquette.

  78. Shai Hulud

    Are those vocals gonna be a bit repetitive? Well since '92?

  79. Evil Dogger

    enter sandman pt.2

    Dark Slime

    The thing that should not be pt.2

  80. Tarmizi Ahmad

    1st time i see james in white shirt

  81. Wymiataczxp

    Iron Maiden: "Oh the dreamers may die, but the dreams live on."Metallica: "Dreaming no more." :(

  82. MyST Broom

    Transition from 2:01 to 2:03 is just... Midblowing

  83. Jack Einhoff

    Kutulu crashed a satellite holding my dick in with a magnetorquer.. Probably why they are gone


    Worst Metallica video ever almost.

  85. Ana Avery

    Why couldn’t the toilet paper cross the road?It got stuck in a crack

  86. kimmi ann

    Anyone else who doesn't give a shit about metallica and just here for some Big Money?

  87. kimmi ann

    BIG MONEYYYYY!!! This video is officially a meme. #Erik, You're a fucking GENIUS!!This is gonna get you like so much money. Hey, you still dating Veroinca?#INTERNETCOMMENTETIQUETTE #BIGMONEYSALVIA #BIGMONEY #ERIKHOFFSTAD #COMMENTIQUETTE #SPREADTHISLIKEHERPES!!!!!

  88. Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    It was through Metallica that I became an HP Lovecraft fan

  89. Paulina Kozak

    The Thing That Should Not Dream

  90. man iPreferChicken

    1:47 either comment etiquette or mike the music snob

  91. Rob Hoyt

    Master of Puppets era mixed with Load. Awesome!

  92. mvicksdog

    Bounced on my boy's Cthulu pills to this all night long then forgot why I was breathing, so gave up for 1000 years, then was revived by some future ancient shadow people who wanted a begat from a begat of king Solomon, only they fucked up and got bubble boy instead, who was like.. totally into anal, so they felt the need to placate their master, and gave up the brown eye for him repeatedly, only to come to the conclusion they wasted their time and he was a false prophet and skewered him while tweeting ted Cruz.

  93. The Destroyer Of All

    This song is Fucking Awesome!!!!!!!!!

  94. thederekjohnson

    James: alright, everyone wear a white shirt for this videoKirk: *_im about to end this whole mans career_*

  95. Frigorifero

    5:18 fucking heavy

  96. Ron Lanstad

    Stupid video

  97. xxx

    I dunno....but this number reminds me The Thing That Should Not Be...

  98. The Ban Man


  99. Kasey Carling

    second best song on the album! (first is spit out the bone obviously)

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