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Metallica - Murder One

Murder One
: Murder One
: 5.38 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 146 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 113 İndirme
: 26-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Metallica - Murder One )
  1. playthrashmetal

    God this song is underrated.

  2. 4oKa8o

    ничто нельзя пронести сквозь века и тысячелетия, кроме искусства. музыка - самая лёгкая ноша для времени из всех видов искусства. картины ветшают. скульптуры ломаются. музыка следует за поколениями сквозь войны и репрессии невзирая ни на что.

  3. The Fake Eric Mitchell

    I wonder why they never played this song live? This song wasn't bad at all... :/

  4. Al Pacino

    Holy shit this song is pretty fire

  5. sjoerd vandeneertwegh

    The riff is kinda like the imangrant song ps great song Rip lemmy

  6. Earth

    Murder 2.9K

  7. Pink Juice

    This new shit is actually really good and I like

    The Fake Eric Mitchell

    It's not really new anymore

  8. ToxiKDragon 117

    I cry with this song :'c......

  9. 471ll4 BG

    You can always learn some history from metallica

    Nik Papag

    And sabbaton

    471ll4 BG

    @Nik Papag and maiden :)

  10. Kakyoin Noriaki

    This sounds like oldschool metallica kinda, like something off of black album or maybe even ride the lightning

    The Fake Eric Mitchell

    Not Ride the Lightning..... More like Load or Reload

  11. Sara R Aparicio

    Lars face lmao 🤣🤣🤣

  12. Вадим Цветков

    Фу, какая гадость, эти метамфетамины. Опиоиды - вечны!

  13. Vladimir Kharaustenko

  14. Johl Benedict

    Awesome rip lemmy

  15. Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    “Lemmy will always be with you”-Obi Wan Kenobi

  16. Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    Don’t forget RIP Fast Eddie Clark and Phil The Animal Taylor

  17. Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    “Remember who you are” - Lemmy to Metallica

  18. Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    Lemmy = Mufasa

  19. Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    You don’t go to see Metallica and ask the fuckers to turn the music down

  20. Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    Pisses me off that people always shit on Metallica even when they do something purely out of kindness and generosity. Shows how ungrateful a lot of people tend to be.

  21. Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    Lemmy loved Metallica. He/Motorhead covered Enter Sandman. The one song people call Metallica’s sellout song.

  22. kool kold

    RIP Lemmy

  23. john Vat



    Coming from a guy who listens to Otilia Lmao xD

  24. Epic Leaf

    Rest In peace Lemmy.

  25. G Birdo

    Metallica’s worst song. Riff is lame. I can’t believe I’m saying that about Metallica.


    G Birdo 3:25

  26. bassist panda

    Legends supporting legends

  27. Sariefudin Hadi Wijaya

    Saya kira lemmy akan bangga akan hal ini 👍

  28. Raptin 159

    Rock on in Valhalla Lemmy

  29. anticolor new

    the best of the beast

  30. Theadore Bundy

    i hate Metallica sell out,,,JK they rock lol make my baby

  31. Misirable cat thats trapped in a jar

    so this song is about lemmy right?sweet

    The Fake Eric Mitchell

    No, its about Santa

  32. Yo Yo

    1975 HawkWind

  33. Josh Theurer

    "Not Cocaine" btw

    Doom Bee

    Josh Theurer Lemmy was anti coke and heroin fyi

  34. Earth

    Murder 2.8k

  35. Feelit

    For me this song is the best one of Hardwired. The tribute to Lemmy is awesome, but the sound of this track... Damn. I keep coming back to this one and I think this will become a classic.

  36. Nightmare Gigi

    I lernt some about this man, thx Metallica

  37. IAmTheZoid

    What a great tribute to Lemmy...


    Motorhead x Metallica x Gorillaz animation style = crossover of the all Time

  39. Daniel Mojský

    Ist more power song for me, as Master, The Frayedd ends of sanity and much more

  40. Diego Viviane Guedes

    Lemmy forever

  41. C H

    lol i know im not the only one that sees the parallels between the story of lemmy and the story of dave mustaine lol

    Andrew Manning

    Yes but nowhere near as iconic.

  42. Daniel Wood

    F**king amazing 👍👍

  43. Sasha

    Coooool respect Lemmy 😀

  44. wlod nat

    Sounds like a cheap mix of Welcome Home and Dyers Eve. King Nothing...

  45. Juan José omar Villalba

    METALLICA!!! 🔥💪🤘

  46. generic username

    3:13 kill 'em all!

  47. José Maurício Gonzales Praxedes

    Fantastic Song , Fantastic Album . #TheKingsAreBack

  48. Warhead Ratul

    Still hear your thunder 🤘

  49. Mr Lewis

    Fucking Kick Ass!

  50. Shads K

    Tribute....RIP lemmy.🙏

  51. Zachary Knight

    Rest in peace lemmy

  52. Boris Strelbitskiy

    Чото как то охуенно вышло!

  53. Sarcastic Hyena

    "Such a waste of a cigarette" -Accountants

  54. Jacob Sult

    THE ACE Is smiles down at Metallica

  55. Kerry Geiling

    Lemmy is god!

  56. White Wolf

    Mom: Turn that off Now! Bon Jovi is real rock music! Listen to its my life!Me: 3:30


    *plays here comes revenge*Mom: *suprised pikachu face*

  57. thomas christopher

    Y am I just now hearing this in 2019

    Rosie Whitfield

    Maybe you are. I heard and played this in Early 2018.

  58. Aaron Crocker

    Awesome tribute for an awesome frontman, brilliantly captures the whole vibe of "The man in black" RIP Ian 'Lemmy' Kilmister, -Born to Lose, Lived to win- Much thanx and respect to the 'Tallica boyz, seeyaz in Melbourne on the 24th of October 2019, Fuuuucccck YYYeeeeaaaahhhh!!!!!!!

  59. freedoms not free freedoms not free

    Tribute to Lemmy... period

  60. Adi Ibukic

    In the video Metallica is showing Lemmy kicked out of Hawkwind on a road cause of drugs, Lemmy forming Motörhead also for revenge to Hawkwind, Metallica being of course on Lemmy's side of story.. But this is exactly what happened between Metallica and Mustaine! 😄

  61. Sasuke Uchiha

    ¿Tribute for Motörhead?

  62. LPV Rock

    Come on, play this focking song live!!!

    Metallica Elsa Anna Olaf

    Play Hardwire in its entirety

  63. consciousnick -

    Directed by Dr. Rockso

  64. Alvar555

    A great tribute to a rockstar!

  65. Francesco Massimi

    R.I.P. LEMMY

  66. Scott Bruckner

    Why is Lemmy here?


    This song was a tribute to him

  67. THE END RG11

    For Lemmy Killmister For the metal that is the real music

  68. Jeffrey Mesenzeff

    The original Bad Ace.... Lemmy

  69. WordPlay

    ace of spades that how cliff said to kirk i want your bunk

  70. hmm you

    0:38 The cigarettes say "Lemmy seriously harms you and others around you"

  71. Ja-nathen

    5:30 Jesus rob looks like a god

  72. Higzy Teflon

    He exacted his revenge by fucking their women and then forming Motorhead > It just doesn't get any more BOSS than that!

  73. Joe De Luxe

    Talking about the song I don't like it very much. The most interesting part is the video

  74. Star Fyodperor

    Man... What happened to Metallica... They used to have such a good high production... But it seems that nowadays Lars is just recording the first thing that comes to his mind and is forcing everyone to go with it...

  75. Seth Johnson

    so glad my sub went away before he flipped everyone off

  76. Tolosko Games

    que video foda vei

  77. Soulless 404

    After this video i wanna to listen motorhead, thats really cool

  78. James LeClair

    If you like this tribute I suggest checking out a video by Kreator called Fallen Brother.

    Niklas Freericks

    It's all for Rock n Roll by Airbourne is an awesome tribute to Mister Kilmister as well

  79. phuree.

    Intro = And Justice For All

  80. joe

    Why is Lars so such shit at drums

  81. Em B

    Whoa 😮 Awesome vid!

  82. robby G

    God this is a badass song.

    Donald Privette

    Fuck Yeah Man

  83. Randi Szöküld

    Cannot stop listening

  84. Pablopax4

    Nice Job Mr Robert Valley, I love the colours especially, but it's all great. best, Mike C.

  85. Marinos Kouloumpis

    Underrated badass song. It's such so heavy

  86. Elmo Blatch

    Lemmy was incredibly overrated if we are to speak honestly. He was a piss poor song writer, a miserable father, a sodden drunk who by all accounts was almost impossible to be around because he smelled so bad. How did he shag all those women? They were too inebriated to notice his stench. If Lemmy were were here, he would smile and agree with this comment. He was a con man, but he was an honest con man.

  87. Anthony Genovese

    RIP Lemmy.


    What the Fuck.👏👏👌👌🙌🙆🙌🙌

  89. Victor Tirado

    Are they ever gonna play it live?

  90. Гитара Мастейна

    Double garbage

  91. Sanya Mad

    Э типо Лемми?

  92. ricard modo

    1.5 speed is how this song should sound


    Metallica's worst song. What an absolute fucking joke. You're gonna pay tribute to Lemmy by making a piece of shit. Saxon did Motorhead justice with their tribute "They Played Rock and Roll".

  94. Ronald Clemons

    Lemmys memory will always go on through music. But is any one else hearing rehashed motley crue riffs?

  95. Roman Korvinus

    actually this song was wrote about Lemmy about 20 years ago on the Manson Forums. He knew the lyrics existed, I assume anyway!

  96. Christian Cardenas

    rip lemmy

  97. just bass'n

    Okay one more time

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