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Metallica - Hardwired

: Hardwired
: 3.03 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 257 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 132 İndirme
: 26-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Metallica - Hardwired )
  1. Neptuna

    first song i ever heard live, on that day, in that place. god damn was it the best

  2. varun v

    What tuning are they using for the guitar?It's not standard tuning

    NoahIsEdgy91 _

    All their live performances now are in e flat, it sounds kick ass to me lol

  3. Rahi Abrar


  4. Kirito /kirigaya

    1:29 hello darkne-JAAAAAMESSS!

  5. MadMax

    2:05 it starts low

  6. Boni Dean

    MetallicA: were so fuckedMe: Fuck yeah

  7. supporter

    1:10 i only can imagine that feeling😥

  8. Mateus Ribeiro

    what's the name of the intro song?

  9. Geo Loris

    Металлика лучшие. Это семья за что их и люблю.

  10. capellan0

    Металлика - НА ВЕЧНО!

  11. Yayang Metclub

    Every activity always starts with prayer ..... good luck always

  12. Анна Осяева

    Джеймс, мы в тебя верим! И ждём)

  13. mas wiwid

    From indonesia 👍👍👍\M/

  14. Lance Dizon

    the beginning of the video feels like a rocky movie

  15. Oilibhéar Bléinigh

    Who's there after learning James got into rehab couple days ago😔😔 15 years sobber down the drain...

  16. Cava

    Legends 😎😎🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🎸🎸🎸

  17. evanescence fan

    Can anyone tell me what that song is at the start


    The Ecstasy of Gold

  18. يوسف فارس

    be strong James 💔

  19. S M

    That band sounds good. I wonder if they will play my highs-cool reunion

  20. Justice For All

    своим полу спортивным прикидом Хеммет разрушает всю мою веру в железность традиционного металла)))

  21. oof oof

    imagine creating a small high school band and it turned into this 😳

  22. Fyreater 149

    Does anybody know the name of the song playing before hardwired? Thanks

    Frank S

    Fyreater 149 Ecstacy of Gold by Ennio Morricone

    Fyreater 149

    @Frank S thanks

  23. Lukas Goj

    Finaly i've Heard Metallica!!!!

  24. Robert Lacko

    In the name of desperationIn the name of wretched painIn the name of all creationGone insaneWe're so fuckedShit outta luckHardwired to self-destructOn the way to paranoiaOn the crooked borderlineOn the way to great destroyerDoom designWe're so fuckedShit outta luckHardwired to self-destructOnce upon a planet burningOnce upon a flameOnce upon a fear returningAll in vainDo you feel that hope is fading?Do you comprehend?Do you feel it terminating?In the endWe're so fuckedShit outta luckHardwired to self-destructHardwired to self-destructSelf-destructSelf-destructSelf-destruct

  25. Insira um nome

    Yeah 👊🏻💥

  26. João Pedro Santanna Gomes

    what's the name of this introductory song?

  27. Mang Kibul

    Edan 🤘🤘

  28. extra fulger

    The sound of dude yeaay is funny🤣🤣🤣🤣👇👇👇👇

  29. Los_Doges


  30. Acox4616

    i love how to the intro reminds me of enter sandman

  31. Get Some Pits

    Moshed with Jim brewer at this show. Respect

  32. Трудовик Петровичъ

    Это великолепно!!!!

  33. Zoraya Rosquete

    Su fama los convirtio en un grupo de bobo mejores bandas hay

  34. Kahaan Karkaria

    Please tour INDIA MetallicaI BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. PJC


  36. Axel hz

    Metallica Is the shit!!!

  37. Spiro Nikita Ielivitch

    James looks like a metal cowboy

  38. Sergey Pavlenko

    what say?

  39. elo elo 320!

    I love Metallica!🎸✌

  40. quadrocopter flyaway

    ну как всегда, все хуёво выступают ТОооооооооока в россии, классика

  41. ömürcek

    Another powerfull starting 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻.

  42. Manuela Gil

    THANK YOU FOR existing Metallica! Long Live JAMES HETFIELD! ❤

  43. Glenn Scannell

    Dazwrqaaqa. Good music

  44. Glass Empire TV

    What a life

  45. Thanadol Jarujinda

    Oh Yeah...😀😀😀😀😀😀

  46. Michael NikoLivE

    *Metallica Мы Вас ЛЮБИМ!! RuSSia.*

  47. Jan Folke Rørvik

    Metallica is as cool as a mental institution.

  48. Sun Rock Plus

    2019#SUNROCKPLUS Brasil Gostei


    Hey Metallica can you do another concert in Australia please I’m a huge fan

  50. Adrian Stoica

    Hey at least im not listining them cause i forgot there was a Mettalica Concert and i didnt know that.

  51. No more sorcery 4 me

    Since i i was born i love yov all i fvcken love mettlica

  52. Evo K

    i would love to see a collaboration between Metallica and Wu-Tang Clan ... the two most influential bands in their respective genres

    Unsubscribe from my channel

    Evo K i dont if that’ll work bc wu tang are a rap group and metallica is a thrash metal band. But i love both

    Evo K

    @Unsubscribe from my channel it's been done many times... just think Linking Park and JayZ... Limp Bizkit Method Man... Aerosmith with RUN DMC back in the day... thing is that Metalica is a very versatile band and WuTang well they are the Wu and anything is posse



  54. silent phantom

    Is kirk wearing a shirt from 2001 space odyssey?

  55. UnbeatenPath1

    3:32 Jeff Hanneman's ghost in the Luck jersey?

  56. Alfredo Diaz

    2:43 dude headbanging like a motherfucker lml

  57. shitpost

    3:21 wtf is his wingspan


    0. Its hard to have a wingspan when you lack wings. I mean, unless he drinks red bull.

  58. E P

    Fantastic amazing biggest 4 ever horsemen😎🤠🤘👏🎸🎤🎶

  59. Rojas CH

    A no roof playing your song in documental. Minut 8:10

  60. Владимир Мосолов

    i love metallica

  61. John Stitt

    Happy Birthday Mr. Hetfield


    They always come out hard!


    I LOVE THIS!!!!!


    JAMES is not running. JAMES does not have to run!

  65. roxanne

    bruh i was there and i enjoyed every fuckin second

  66. king mopar

    Saw them my first time in 87 opening for Ozzy and 8 times between and justice and the black album..then started taking my sons and we have seen them maybe another 8 times or so..haven’t seen this tour freaking good every time..

  67. will Grello

    i remember when metallica was a band and not a corporation

  68. 보바tv

    쩐다... 다른 말이 생각이 안나네

  69. Сергей Лисаконов

    For you there is a cool melody - do not regret

    Сергей Лисаконов

    I love you brothers

  70. bsklasika

    nice to see Kirk being the main man.

  71. Unearthed Sound

    Metallica are King

  72. NikitaZel

    Hello... Thank You very much for learning and performing Victor's song. Everyone knows your songs, You are a very famous and most importantly favorite band in the world. You have a huge impact on the world. I'm a small person and I think that my message is lost among many other such songs. I just want to ask one thing. Please put to the video with the song Victor hash tags. #Russian rock Thank you all who have read and understood. Thanks to Your speech, I realized that despite the policy, we are all PEOPLE with a capital letter. And we are one. I write this message, I have tears of joy in his eyes, what are you fellows. I wish You and Your families health and all the best

  73. Toversnol

    That intro... you guys are beautiful people!

  74. RiffSlayer879

    Metallica = gods

  75. Adam Smith

    Metallica 😍😍😍😍

  76. iHalveien

    are they making a metallica movie?

  77. DjBubbamusic

    Metallica are playing all the old and special numbers, on this and there next tour, to get all the earlier albums of recorded material in a live version, because they are about to release the "ALL STUDIO ALBUMS LIVE COLLECTION in 2020" that release is going to be called.TWENTY TWENTYso it is going to be yet another great MET-YEAR.. at least thats what i dream now the idear is put into your lets make it happen...

  78. Сергей К


  79. Yuses kid M

    They has incredible performent..unbeliavable!!!

  80. littletone

    Kirk getting a massage -- fuck, I wish I had that. I do 24 sets in three days at 45 mins a pop, and that's a slow week. I know how he feels.

  81. Стефан Мельник

    Дерьмо, а не мелодия. Дибильный набор ламаных звуков.Полнейший калл🤮🤮🤮

  82. O. Keskin

    kings of metal

  83. Ronnie Soulman

    The worst hair Hetfield has ever had.

  84. Jan

    1:30 the left oneWhen you try your best but don't six siege

    Rafael Assis

    "Six siege" hahaha

  85. Clifford Dabo

    Get em Lars!

  86. Hillfield Band

    You have always been our role models...goose bumps

  87. Anthony Sclafani

    thank you for uploading so many live vids

  88. Боря Буилори

    Moscow sity 🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼

    Нуад Йопут

    Только сити по другому пишется.

  89. c c

    Deja vu

  90. Siti Rohayu

    Mael xpdc😘

  91. Nicolás Salcedo

    I want you to return to Colombia on November 10 of this year I am a big fan

  92. Kieran Williams

    Every time I hear Hardwired Start It brings me back to Vancouver 2017

  93. Jose Garica

    How much do you guys think forearm massage guy is getting paid? lol

  94. Robert Rokra

    Zawsze z Wami !!!!!!!

  95. Bryan Pico

    music fondo?

  96. 한건희

    In the name of desperationIn the name of wretched painIn the name of all creationGone insaneWe're so fuckedShit outta luckHardwired to self-destructOn the way to paranoiaOn the crooked borderlineOn the way to great destroyerDoom designWe're so fuckedShit outta luckHardwired to self-destructOnce upon a planet burningOnce upon a flameOnce upon a fear returningAll in vainDo you feel that hope is fading?Do you comprehend?Do you feel it terminating?In the endWe're so fuckedShit outta luckHardwired to self-destructHardwired to self-destructSelf-destructSelf-destructSelf-destruct

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