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Metallica - I Disappear

I Disappear
: I Disappear
: 4.10 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 150 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 117 İndirme
: 26-05-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Metallica - I Disappear )
  1. Marco Chavez

    Man I'm so glad Hardwired came out and erased my memory of this song...

  2. Amber Johnson


  3. Joseph Reed

    This is definitely one of my favorite newer songs from Metallica!!

  4. Coolnicknameguy

    the part where Lars is runing in the building.. thats pre 911 right? but almost inside view..spooky matrix glitch

    Fawn Del Maibalz

    Yes, it explicitly says 2000 in the title Sherlock...

  5. noe Garcia

    Love this song so long and I'll still listen to it

  6. A 93

    Fuckking goood song !!!!!

  7. Ken Clague

    Soulfly's monument valley video was better.

  8. Charles Leon

    Lol at this video. Even though I grew up with 90s Metallica, when they were megastars, my favorite era is the skinny 80s thrash kids era, so thats what I think of when I think of Metallica. Point being its easy to forget just how ridiculously huge this band was from 1991-2001ish, lol at the band members being action heroes. Cool song though \m/

  9. Steven Lee

  10. anjun

    Ah good ol Napster Metallica, I definitely downloaded this on there lol.

  11. Seven Vettuci

    Oh snap scotty Kilmore is the drummer😂😂

  12. Jeffrey De Guzman

    uploaded 8 years ago and only 163k views? was this really that unpopular?

    Ethereal Catholic

    Jeffrey De Guzman This was my favorite post 1990 Metallica song.

  13. Miguel Quezada

    Perrona rola

  14. Alis Imb

    2:35 drummer best style ever!

    Ryan Lewis

    A basic snare roll? I guess...

  15. Silly Bollocks

    What happened to the geezer who jumped out the window man?

  16. hostile graveyard

    any guesses on y kirk can't keep a straight face during the filming here?

  17. Dimos V.

    Πολύ καλό...

  18. Adeola Ola

    Kirk stranded in the desert kind of reminds me of True Detective S2. I'm sure it was filmed in the same location.

  19. Luis Ramirez


  20. NastTheMetalhead

    Γαματη ταινία και υπέροχο τραγούδι!!!!

  21. Kevin Guziec

    This is actually a solid jam

  22. Aaron B

    I feel like Jason in this video every F'ing Day at work..... then when I leave I drive like James!!!!!! 🤘🤘

  23. Eed Supriyono


  24. metalslugmasters

    This song is called Prelude to saint anger.

  25. legalizekbn


  26. Vadik Sham


  27. Francisco Liboa


  28. zepsett

    Crazy to Jason so engaged in a product, then gone the next year. It's almost as if it was his song...


    Was it???? 😮

    Ethereal Catholic

    lilyvampwolf Yes.

  29. Adi Lind

    From Kazakhstan with Love ❤❤❤

  30. Fr. Pat Noise

    "I'M GOOOONE!!! I'M GONE, MAAAAAAN!" J. Hetfield - 2000

  31. Fr. Pat Noise

    This was the last song Metallica put out before they went into therapy, got in touch with their feelings and lost every rough edge they had left.

    Ethereal Catholic

    Fr. Pat Noise Bingo

  32. Felicián Szarka

    ,,i disappear"*napster disappears*

  33. Устюгов Дмитрий

    My favorite

  34. M J

    6/21/2019 lml

  35. cswace62 Wilson

    Relate often times heer... 🗣️🎙️I'll Disappear 🏌️🤘

  36. Isabel Fernandez

    Esta cancion es lo maximo


    It’s ironic how this music video shows Jason newstead @1:22 this is right before he left the band and Kirk,Lars,James treated him like shit for 14 years and Jason said fuck it I’m out

  38. Slick Ceretto

    Little did we know Jason Newsted was actually going through some shit similar to 1:22. He got fed up with Lars’s corporate bullshit and actually quit the band. Bravo dude.

    Kirk Hammett

    He quit bc James didn’t let him work on echobrain.

    Paul Braun

    @Kirk Hammett what a shame...hope James gets better and all mend and jam on

  39. Ricardo Rodríguez

    I love Metallica

  40. Dhany Iconic

    Dave mustaine was on that plane.

    Travis Messenger


    Alex Spencer

    This needs all the like on YouTube.

    Barbarossa Sea-crusher

    Dhany Iconic indeed 😂😂😂tall to rule

    Angela Ballard

    For god and country.

  41. Аня Погорелова

    2019 а я все смотрю этот шедевр

  42. Sk Anik

    childhood memoria

  43. Юрий Пшеничный

    Уже наверно раз 150 смотрел и никак не насмотрюсь

  44. Kenneth Newell

    I saw them perform this song in St. Louis. It was great

  45. warmecanic

    That black Camaro 67 is the shit.Bien perrón, we.

  46. Vasilii Xxx

    The best ! Metallica .. hello from Russia

  47. Алексей Жуков

    А кто там к ним залез в конце на скалу, звукорежиссёр штоле?


    Том Круз

    Андрей Анастасьин

    миссия невыполнима 2 посмотри на всякий случай

    Kozzy Rock

    @MadGamesInc может и не Том Круз, но мужик на него похожий)

  48. Юрский 1

    Солист в этом клипе похож на оборотня супер!!!

  49. Юрский 1

    Все сука,красавцы!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Юрский 1

    Барабанщик себуется от душы,лайк!!!

  51. Иван Селиванов

    4:22 and look who it iiiiiis

  52. Иван Дмитрусенко


  53. Shit

    St. Anger Snare

    vcr_archives 1977-1987

    I never noticed that :D but he's using it carefully

  54. BLC Screen GamingTTV

    woooooooooooooooooooooOMG metallica rocks

  55. Marcin Wojtyczka

    old, good Metallica with Jason, jesus.... wheres that Metallica

    Benjamin Karic

    Marcin Wojtyczka what's wrong with Rob?

    Tim Bennette

    Well considering they always cut newstead from the mix & Kirk or James played the bass track What are you missing? James or Kirk on bass?

    Gene Code

    I see Jason but where is Jesus?

  56. Caroline Ribeiro


  57. Ivan Petrow

    HELP! Who knows the background words (lyrics) from 3 min. 14 sec. - 3 min. 31 sec.? It sounds like:(I’m gone) (I’m gone)(I’m gone)(I really gone)(I’m gone)(I’m gone, baby)(I’m gone) (I’m gone)Am I right??


    +Ivan Petrow Yeah

    Ivan Petrow

    Thanks, Bro! I glad to hear that I'm not the only one who can hear the same!

  58. Georgios Seitopoulos

    I DisappearHey Hey HeyHere I go nowHere I go into new daysHey Hey HeyHere I go nowHere I go into new daysI’m pain, I’m hope, I’m sufferYeah Hey Hey Hey Yeah YeahHere I go into new daysHey Hey HeyAin’t no mercyAin’t no mercy there for meHey Hey HeyAin’t no mercyAin’t no mercy there for meI’m pain, I’m hope, I’m sufferYeah, Yeah, Hey, Hey no mercyAin’t no mercy there for meDo you bury me when I’m goneDo you teach me while I’m hereJust as soon as I belongThen it’s time I disappearHA!!!Hey Hey HeyAnd I wentAnd I went on down that roadHey Hey HeyAnd I went onAnd I went on down that roadI’m pain, I’m hope, I’m sufferHey Hey Hey Yeah And I went onAnd I went on down that roadDo you bury me when I’m goneDo you teach me while I’m hereJust as soon as I belongThen it’s time I disappearDo you bury me when I’m goneDo you teach me while I’m hereJust as soon as I belongThen it’s time I disappearDIS-A-PPEAR HUH!!!I’m gone I’m goneI’m goneOh yeah I’m goneI’m goneI’m gone babyI’m gone I’m goneDo you bury me when I’m goneDo you teach me while I’m hereJust as soon as I belongThen it’s time I disappearDo you bury me when I’m goneDo you teach me while I’m hereJust as soon as I belongThen it’s time I disappearDisappear

  59. Maximus Aralieous

    Thanks for uploading this song with superior video quality. It really sucks watching 360p lol. On a side note, this song ROCKS!

  60. Marko Gonzalez


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