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Linkin Park - What Ive Done

What Ive Done
: What Ive Done
: 3.17 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 180 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 97 İndirme
: 06-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Linkin Park - What Ive Done )
  1. Angel Yaxon

    For when the LINKIN PARK?NEW DIVIDE? 😎😍

  2. Brett Bruner

    Nice job keep it up

  3. Jonathan Ball

    Oh Wow! Just beautiful ❤️

  4. Treb

    we need a longer version, i cant keep raping the play button anymore T_T

  5. Andrey Ruban

    Малышка просто супер 🥰🥰🥰

  6. cristian fattori

    Penosa esibizione

  7. DeathBySlushPuppy

    More linkin park please!

  8. Eminem

    ร้องดีตรงไหน กุว่าที่คนฟัง เพราะน่า เย..มากกว่า เพลงนี้

  9. Ромео

    Валю її кожен день

  10. Samitha Zoysa

    Love it 💜 lovely ponytails❤️

  11. Emma Williams

    .... R u the 8th member of bts if not please be and do a clab with caleb hyles u both have AMAZING voices

  12. Kevin Gustavio

    Cover 7 years please

  13. Faska FDJ

    pedaso de frente tenes la concha de tu madre! saludos desde Argentina los vagoooos

  14. CometIson

    I love girls with ponytail its remind something.

  15. gonzalo licona

    hay cabrón, que voz.

  16. Bryan Lopez

    Dam just made my want to cut my ears off sorry but this is just one song u can’t do

  17. game vibe one epic show in op

    Lets be friends and in a relationship

  18. game vibe one epic show in op

    I love you call me 817 543 2747

  19. game vibe one epic show in op

    Hire me

  20. game vibe one epic show in op

    Haddaway life I'll sing it in person

  21. game vibe one epic show in op

    Shogogi aka wrecked ralph

  22. game vibe one epic show in op

    Shogorai kioplop

  23. Sumit Arya

    Check out my cover version of this song

  24. Revel

    10/10 Best anime

  25. Akash Nair


  26. Haki Nasrullah

    Request "the begining" ONE OK ROCK.

  27. Kidddrr Kudi

    I’m sorry but this sounds awful I can’t understand her at all

  28. Serk Syeksen

    Oh hell yeah

  29. Ильнур Акбердин

    Голос хороший. Но к сожалению эту песню не перепеть. Да и вообще все песни лп.

  30. DirtyCross

    You have an absolutely beautiful voice! But for LinkinPark you're missing that "scream like a demon"-Part.

  31. Mary Jane The Chef

    Great video lovely voice🤗🤗🤗

  32. Lưu Ước TULV

    from vietnam's whit love

  33. João Antonio Mister John

    Uau 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

  34. Jason Rosa

    Sounds like an anime outro

  35. Yousef Bici


  36. Danival Brum Barbosa da Silva


  37. Chris Moore

    Almost hear the Halloween movie soundtrack at the start

  38. Mixank8719 Москвитин

    Не Честер конечно! Но круто хреначит!

  39. kendal metaxas

    Damn asian girl r hot.

  40. Morgana Le Fae Unlock Yourself

    You can sing on my channel.I love this song. Well done.

  41. uxot

    Why you gotta be so beautiful...

  42. 비밀비밀

    Good Voice !!! 린킨파크 동영상보다가 보게되었는데 목소리도 좋고 노래도 잘부르시네요. 구독누르고 갑니다. 앞으로도 좋은노래 들려주세요. 파이팅!!!!!!!

  43. jan bjerregaard

    that face looks very moisturized xD

    Uncle Iroh

    jan bjerregaard would you rather her be dry and crusty lol

    jan bjerregaard

    @Uncle Iroh maybe she needs to hold back on the moisturizer a bit xD, but no to moisturize ur skin is very good :D

  44. jogando jogos

    canta muito

  45. Stanford Henry Bismark Lee

    주현이 엄첨 이쁘다

  46. 이whee


  47. L G

    Beginning sounds like Halloween theme

  48. Thomson Emmanuel

    Thank you sis ❤️

  49. Kabol Pujianto

    indonesia mana ni like nya👇

  50. Mary Whiterabbit

    ❤ this

  51. badrul Hisham

    Autobots, roll out! 😎😎😎

  52. Lim Swee Hoe

    Does anyone know the instrument at 1:05 onwards?

  53. Tsumaya Senka

    ไม่นึกว่าจะ Cover เพลงนี้ด้วย (รู้ใหมตอนผมฟังครั้งแรก ผมฟังตอนอายุ 10 ปี ตอนนี้ผมอายุ 14 ปีแล้ว แต่ต้นฉบับของเพลงนี้ถูกเผยแผร่ตอน ค.ศ.2006 ซึ่งมันนานถึง 13 ปีมาแล้ว)

  54. I_M GANESH

    This song was absolutely masterpieceBut you can get real feeling when you watch ORIGNAL video

  55. Aftab Siddique

    It is great joy to hear LP song in you voice, please do it more

  56. Joshua Bynoe

    Damn girl, you beautiful and talented.. Prop's to you sis 👏

  57. Grégoire Stemmelin

    It may be the first time I subscribe so fast, wow, you deserve it ^^

  58. Tulop

    Girl your hair is awesome

  59. Ryan Zeller

    She's stunning, as well as amazingly talented. I love her voice :)

    Uncle Iroh

    Ryan Zeller alright man don’t get your neck beard in a twist lol

    Ryan Zeller

    @Uncle Iroh Hey man, don't be jealous xP

    Uncle Iroh

    Ryan Zeller i was just messing with you lol

    Ryan Zeller

    @Uncle Iroh Lol I know you were. That's why I put that emoji at the end. I've never heard the term Neckbeard until you mentioned it lol. That was actually a pretty good burn on your part x)

    Uncle Iroh

    Ryan Zeller thanks man! I’ve never seen the emoji xP, guess we both learned something new lol.

  60. ErRa MoOd

    Pięknie :)

  61. germnicogu

    Wonderfull fiel i hope y have a big sup

  62. 방탄소년단정국

    حزينه رائع😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤😭💔❤💔😭❤💔😭❤💔😭❤💔😭❤💔😭❤💔😭

  63. Wushuhai Osoki


  64. Damien Platinum

    I Ligit thought she was going to sing in Japanese


    She is a Korean singer-songwriter

    Damien Platinum

    @이동혁 my bad i meant Korean

  65. prince galia


  66. Михаил Вадимов

    O My Got! So much pretty girl!!! So beautiful voice!

  67. rocky larantuka

    Mantap...,jgn berhenti mnjdi youtubeer..☺☺🤐

  68. Ryuka Black

    That pony tho 100 😂🔥🙌

  69. Nanta Arias


  70. Kim Raudenbush

    While i like J.Fla's cover, NO ONE can match Chester. RIP

  71. LoloKsyu

    Чиптос люмбит чампстер

  72. 프레셔

    rip chester

  73. אַשְׁחִית שְׁקָרִים


  74. peter griffin

    good cover but i wish it was in english

  75. Robin Miller

    Beautiful voice and face.

  76. Я Предпочитаю Быть Анонимным

    Wow cute chan sings Rock :3

  77. Eleumei Emerald

    I remember hearing the original for the first time just like yesterday. I fell for it ever since. Chester this one is for you. 💝💝 💝💝💝🍡🍡💝🍡🍡💝💝🍡🍡🍡🍡🍡💝💝 Miss you! 💝 💝🍡🍡🍡💝 💝🍡💝 💝

  78. Megan Gaspar

    Man version is better

  79. April Villegas

    Can you Sing in the end? ❤️❤️❤️ Your voice is beautiful❤️

  80. Clemens Felix Allstedt

    Try to learn screaming. pls!

  81. hello unknow

    you have a nice voice but i think you have not the right emotions and fellings for the song

  82. Virtus Honestas

    What a cutie

  83. Gath

    Oooooffff... so good

  84. Eleumei Emerald

    Ches brother this world is just not the same without your voice

  85. Texas Zygote

    Beautiful voice but this is definitely strange as hell...

  86. Angelo Lima

    Awesome job awesome voice you should start your own symphonic metal band


    Buena voz, pero esa canción solo es para Chester

  88. edi

    My eyes are glued to her pony tail. I've never seen hair shine this bright and in red while moving.


    edi SameIs it the lighting or the actual color of the hair?

  89. tehSunBro

    As soon as that chorus came up you made Chester proud.

  90. S Lyn

    head always sways to the left when doing hard/high notes Kekw omegalul

  91. Natchanon Witayauppatump


  92. Billy Maulana

    You re so beautyful

  93. Dreadnaughty

    Thank you, Youtube recommendations. Doing your job properly for once.

  94. Alexis Boyz

    Уау, какая она красивая!

  95. Willian Henrrique

    N sei oq é Mais bonito,q voz a dela Ou ela

  96. Brutus Dutch BE

    Chester would be proud on you 😭😭😭😭

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