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Linkin Park - Waiting For The End

Waiting For The End
: Waiting For The End
: 3.58 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 103 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 57 İndirme
: 06-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Linkin Park - Waiting For The End )
  1. Rahool Ram

    Voice of an angel <3

  2. Atoeus Gaming

    aaah yeaaah

  3. FlorBunbury


  4. Peru

    9 anos já... Eu tô ficando velho, parece que foi ontem que eu ouvia isso na rádio

  5. Arturo Jara

    Pocas bandas pueden tocar a tantas personas como lo hizo linkin park

  6. Jody Johnson

    He had something inside just like you and me

  7. Castiel3232

    RIP Chester Bennington 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘❤❤❤❤

  8. Ana Rilla

    Hardest part of this song is that it helped me a lot with struggling with depression, to feel my emotions (like with other songs of LP). But it didn't helped Chester...

  9. Роман Бэлин

    Они лучшие

  10. Kurniawan Khaerudin

    16-11-2019 ☝

  11. A S T H E T I C

    Thank you...thank you for everything ❤😔

  12. G. Ramirez

    Bruh .... I hit the gym hard with this song !!! Miss u Chester !!! 😢

  13. Elric 8

    I discovered this song at a board games lounge. Now I know it's a good place. This song😍😍

  14. Marvin Mejia

    mi favorita 🙇

  15. Su alk

    2019 😍

  16. Jonatan Simoes

    Saudade desse tempo!!!

  17. Billy J. Sobolik

    the most underrated linkin park song.

  18. CHrome 47

    So... Me.

  19. Johnny Rayo

    I love you Ama

  20. TMcarpeR

    Missing you all!

  21. andika dohc


  22. Kyn Mawnai

    I thought it felt right but the right was wrong

  23. Pinto Gaming

    Who's that 22k. JB fans?

  24. Prakash M

    _All I wanna do is trade this life for something new__Holding on to what I haven't got_

  25. Rie ya

    Still so underrated.


    This song opens a wormhole for me which leads me to another world

  27. Kh Avirishi Singha

    From childhood till now thank you linkin parkThank you chester...

  28. xX Mázin Xx

    thank you gor the legacy you gave to us. A song that all movies about life should have. RIP dear Chester.


    I got 99 problems

  30. Adam Balcazar

    Damn. Love the hell out of this. Beautiful song!!!

  31. KarlCraft playsKC

    So in the end, they were still waiting for the end

  32. M I A L .

    Whenever i felt left out or alone. I used to listen to linkin park songs. Btw their songs complete my childhood.

  33. ก้าว พิชิต


  34. Gina From

    Brilliant album, one of the best of the 2010s

  35. Roman F.

    The only Rapmetal that I know

  36. Jay R Faigmani


  37. Stoss 42

    I bet Chester is rocking out in heaven

    Kroxis !

    ammm nop suicide = to burn in the hell something like thousand suns burning his skin ;)

    Stoss 42

    @Kroxis ! what a load of bullshit !!!

  38. Sean Wang

    "The hardest part of the end is starting again." -Linkin ParkI think I just found my senior quote.


    @Troll Bot OK boomer

    Troll Bot

    @Ezekiel Reyes hi

    Troll Bot

    @Neoni hi

    Ezekiel Reyes

    @Troll Bot hi??

    Ezekiel Reyes

    @Neoni are you talking about my dog he's a pootle half multese???

  39. Tess Kaiser

    GOD....WHY WHY WHY! so freakn amazing,talented.....and YOUNG

  40. kaustubh arekar

    trade this life for something new

  41. frosty comeback

    Goodbye chaster :(Waiting for the end.


    Esto es arte

  43. Wise Choppa

    Certain songs i hear and its first time but it sounds so perfect it's like u already know it like they pulled it from the heavens

  44. Kaira Gandy

    After having a total abdominal hysterectomy in 2015, I understood every word of this song. Illness forced me to let go of the hopes of birthing a healthy child. When I hear this song, I smile. Life regenerates itself and I am grateful for it.

  45. Cliffa Hamilton

    Be strong my Chester fans. I love you guys.

  46. Cliffa Hamilton

    I feel Chester's painnnnn. Wish he was here. I love you Chester so damn much.

  47. Raissa Costa

    Alguem? 🇧🇷

  48. Roberto soldado

    The beast music

  49. Asso And

    Чета не пойму ваших комментариев , переводите по русски.

  50. Francis powell

    Linking Park, never bound by any genre

  51. Zach Tarbell

    Such gifted talent...R.I.P. Chester... :'(

  52. Johnny Gaming

    Holding onto what I have't got!Secret message hidden! 😁Hold on to that cause one day, you just might have it, just believe! 😁

  53. Carl Ricohermoso

    Chesterrrrr 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔

  54. shubham poddar

    This is my fav lp song 🙂

  55. Nikki Cade

    This is beautiful symphony of the way life alludes you. Always want different but every love , loss, pain,happiness makes us who we are . Life is beautiful messy thing

  56. scott lamoureux

    To bad chester swung life away

  57. メダ瞬JUNSUINA

    Linkin park

  58. yuilt

    Sitting in An empty room trying to FORGET the PAST

  59. yuilt

    I will never forget

  60. Darwin Cabarrubias

    'Cause we're living at the mercy ofThe pain and the fearUntil we tell it, forget itLet it all disappearits been 8 years, now i finally understand what this song meant

  61. Michael Merritt

    3:04 is 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    Kroxis !

    nooooo Chester is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 in hell

  62. KakSource

    This is real suffering that Chester had to go through, nowadays is full of fuckups who pretend to be depressed to obtain comfort... What a cruel reality....! cheers up, we will one day remove all this suffering once and for all, or at least... I hope so...

  63. Smith Ramaiana

    I came here because I feel awfully bad! It hurts so fucking bad! So bad! All I want to do is trade this life for something new!

  64. Muheet Hassan

    Chester why did you caged me with your heavenly voice?❤

  65. Irfan Irfan

    I'm holding on to what I haven't got....This is the part that really true to me, who's with me?

  66. Doctor Strange

    Duality-EyelessWaiting for the End-In The End

  67. Andre Lisboa

    Welcome backi know isn't your first time here

  68. Ad Summer

    mana suaranya orang indonesia? ayoo

  69. Muh. Ikram

    Miss you, Chester :')

  70. Susan Vanessa

    Alguien en español???

  71. Viki

    You’ll never ever be forgotten. This song is really hard to listen to ☹️ to know he was struggling, ugh. Heartbreaking.

  72. SubSeventh466

    Haters will say it's CGI. This is just the power the band has.

  73. Aladinata Official

    I miss you'r voice broo 💌🤓

  74. Matilde Ruivo

    One of their best videos for sure 💗🔥

  75. Ужас Кошмаров

    Chester, we remember...

  76. Ammad Sarwar

    Artist Never DiesLegend Never DiesChester you are alive in Our Hearts.

    Robert Illingsworth

    Chester will always live in our hearts

  77. Rick Grimes

    "The hardest part of ending is starting again." 💔

  78. fayas_official

    The most beautiful thing about LP tracks is that, they will somehow resonate with our soul in different stages of our life. So if you don't get the soul of LP tracks. Don't worry move on with your lovely life it will meet you somewhere on the way then just embrace it...Love

  79. Digi Nox

    RIP Chester

  80. cecilia candali

    I wish I’d known about him before he died.......

  81. Ibrahim Alvi

    it seems like chester is having life-ending throughs and mike is trying to console(help) him.

    Rose Gold

    To me it seems like foreshadowing. Chester is waiting for the end, but now Mike will need to move on on his own. Picking up the pieces, where to begin? The hardest part if ending is starting again."

    Ibrahim Alvi

    @Rose Gold I wish someone could predict this foreshadow. What a tragedy.

  82. Jose Aldair Castillo Corzo

    Antes esta canción me hacía sentir mejor. Ahora sólo me duele.


    Expectacular Linkin park 2019

  84. מוטי אמינוב

    At 1.25 speed it's sound pretty damn good

  85. La Lagartija De Tu Patío Comentó

    F for Chester :,(

  86. TheShortJoke

    My dad was the biggest LP fan I know. His death made my love for Linkin Park even more prominent - (to the point I know every demo and have seen all content ive gotten my hands on) Chesters death has brought all the feelings of my dads death back plus the loss of my hero and role model. I miss them both so much. A part of me died on May 2nd 2014 and July 20th 2017. ITs hard to listen to these songs I used to listen to them with my dad and then my siblings (who i dont see anymore) and even though its my favorite band of all time, I have a hard time listening to it often. I love this song though. so much. RIP Chester, RIP Bruce

  87. Maria Gabriela Manriquez

    I miss you so much chester.... thank you for leave us your voice

    Rotes Bayern Herz

    Maria Gabriela Manriquez im miss him too

  88. John Cypher

    Peace for ALL

  89. D Mart

    Probably one of the best songs ever made

  90. masha bear

    2019 Indonesia anyone? 🇲🇨🇲🇨


    Wonogiri Jateng 🙋

    Budi Le Roux

    Me, from Kepulauan Riau

    Mr.Sp Plontus

    From ngawi,jawa timur

  91. Kristan Manohar

    the visuals omg!!!!

  92. vedant vasisht

    What was left when the fire was goneI thought it felt right but that right was wrong All caught up in the eye of storm Tryin figure out what is like moving onI don't even know what kinda things I saidMy mouth kept moving and my mind went dead So picking up the pieces now where to begin "THE HARDEST PART OF ENDING IS STARTING AGAIN"

  93. Joseph Trevino

    I miss hearing Chester. ☹

  94. Вадим Симоненко

    Гавно ибаное.... слушайте [Amatory]

  95. city of gaming

    I'm depressed. I also think suicidal thoughts. But, the only thing that stopped me was how people that love me will feel.I don't have too much to say except this-Don't end your life, over social, or learning problems.Ending it all just doesn't worth it. Just think, about how your family will be devastated. Or, how your friends will be upset.Or, if someone likes you, How do you think will they feel?As Slackerphilosopher said, "Talk to someone about it"Please do.Yours, C.O.G

  96. La Lagartija De Tu Patío Comentó

    Quien la sigue escuchando? :)

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