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Linkin Park - Numb

: Numb
: 2.84 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 1208 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 376 İndirme
: 06-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Linkin Park - Numb )
  1. Земфира Тулеулина

    Я плачу вспоминая Честера😔😔😔

  2. muhammad nurkarim

    Andika kangen band???

  3. Эмиль Вафин

    Все поют без души. Лучше или даже наравне с Честором никто и никогда не сравнится

  4. kakipups müller

    Number 1 sing so baaaaaaadddddd

  5. Артем

    The last one the best of all !!!

  6. oZopHuk

    last is best

  7. Andrey Yurich

    Никола -лучший!!!Привет из России!

  8. Mr. Right

    The last is the best so far than the previous cast

  9. Iljs G

    Монгол тв топ!!

  10. Habibur Rahman

    I Love this song....

  11. Дмитрий Малявкин

    Number 0 and number 5

  12. unknown

    mongolian man is so stronger

  13. Agraj Singh

    If all of them reincarnated 100 times even then they will not come close to Chester's voice. The Russian guy probably need 50 reincarnations though.😇

  14. FrezerX

    Последний спел просто мега ох*енно!

  15. Jeremy McClanahan

    That was terrible

  16. The Bastion

    Oh my god that last one! Fucking amazing!!

  17. Wow Wow

    последний топчик

  18. Antonis Onis

    Clear clickbait on the screen .. “is that Chester” seriously ?

  19. Antonis Onis

    Not even close

  20. johnson singh


  21. Marcellino Evan Cheung

    7:02 the best

  22. Neuralius

    Shakira cover Numb

  23. Goober Squad

    Lps worst song

  24. Xiaomi China

    It's proved no one can ever copy Chester voice

  25. Emanuel Dominguez

    4 sin dudas

  26. littlegoobie

    First three were off pitch all over the place. yeah, just like Chester. The last one was the best of the bunch.

  27. ahmadichal_

    Kalo Ical kilms pasti dilibas nih

  28. DrSlash

    Best?? WHAT?

  29. Liani Yeite

    I like the second boy

  30. Iljs G

    Aiv bicom sow namp

  31. Roberto Carvalho

    i like the last one

  32. pfff

    The Bulgarian guy was really good

  33. Sandra Pratiwi

    Last guy so great

  34. Dillon Sykes

    So did the bulgarian guy ever perform this again? He should be a metal band frontman.

  35. Mohanz Channel

    herman li anjir

  36. Tabi Jozwick

    The Bulgarian one channeled his inner Chester.

  37. Yakub Sulung

    Number 4 epic

  38. Toxic Senpai

    0:10 is that an actual song ? if yes please tell me its name

  39. Elgwaps labasano

    Are you kidding me??? Is this?.. you called the best?


    Chester is the best

  41. Mike Concepcion

    im not that good singer but this vid is waste my time. just click 6:07

  42. Ismail Abdullah

    Chester is the best

  43. Tianz Zechreich

    number 5 is it?

  44. Elangbam Shivaranjan

    The last one nailed it🤘

  45. Jerod Webb

    Lol these are kinda shitty covers....

  46. ciela Phantomhive

    4 and 3 are great the other they need voice lessons.

  47. Jantzen Canlas


  48. Vladímir Putin

    Omg the last one is perfect

  49. marius dias

    Only the last one 😍

  50. andres halford

    Las últimas dos las mejores...

  51. arunrulez merc

    None can replace Mr.Chester. . . LEGENDS always b LEGENDS.. Let it B.

  52. Денис Хан


  53. Adam Popovský

    Český voice XD nečekal jsem to tady :).

  54. pua ka

    This chills goosebumps

  55. dinabandhu khuntia

    Everyone at another level

  56. Sergyn4ik Samirok

    Единственный, кто более схоже спел, последний человек

  57. Melamokratos

    They all "tried so hard" but none did a good job

  58. speedy

    The judge saying oooh linkin park with the accent sounds soo funny and cute

  59. Mianora

    They were all pretty iffy. If any it was 1 or 4. But even those were very mediocre.

  60. Jan Andrei Narag


  61. John Ornelas

    Lmao sounds like karaoki at the bar

  62. Wolverine Smith

    The last guy was the only one here worth listening to. He stared a bit tame but when he got to the bridge he really slammed it out of the park and sounded a lot like Chester. Everything after that sounded good.

  63. Hoonicorn 47

    None of them came even a bit close.

  64. Brayan Lizandro

    Espectacular el número 4

  65. Jonathan Ledwig

    @6:35 doesnt this man look like Ron White with hair.

  66. seven p.m

    wow gerts job form npl

  67. Drsaske

    What a freaking clickbait Picture....the Scene shown is not even in the video, and even less did anyone sound even remotly like chester.

  68. OrifSoft OrifSoft

    i think the last one was the wHat we expected , because the instrumental also were relaxing the play and it was so close as original version, The singer also really tried to keep it up like Chester , I don't know what you guys think but i enjoyed the moment 7:02 was so so close to chester! And the others such as in playing the instruments , singing was just horrible, i wish i didn't watch them !! CHESTER WOULD HAVE PROUD OF THE LAST ONE ! !

  69. UglyPanda90 na

    This is so bad omg

  70. der knüppelkunde 87

    RIP Chester...

  71. Eleazar Chocor


  72. Sourabh Mohre

    Chester must have smiled in heaven while hearing the last guy!

  73. Антон Гад

    До Честера даже близко ни кто не подпрыгнул, ну разве что последний, хотя нет!!!!

  74. Антон Гад

    Блеааааать у меня фонтаны крови из ушей!!!

  75. Tanvir Ahmed Rakib

    I regret listening them😶After listening chester's voicd,,, they are just nothing

  76. Bue Voice

    last the best

  77. Not a Stranger

    None of them compare to Chester

  78. Jack's Lost World

    That first one is the worst cover I have ever heard.

  79. Robert Koziatek


  80. Steven Rittiner

    If I was one of those judges I would've just lost it all hands in my face 7:02

  81. Max Mustermann

    Second sounds so cringe, i had to skip it. It sounds like it was recorded with a 3 Dollar headset at someones home Computer.

  82. Max Mustermann

    First one is really bad, I have to say. There are missing all the sreams at the end. And the way he was singing both Chesters and Mikes part, didnt work at all.

  83. Meaw Rock

    7.02 I like it .From thailand

  84. Jesús Vázquez Rodríguez

    Like Chester? Jajajajajajajajaja

  85. 1Billion Subscriber Challange

    Rip Chester Bennington :C

  86. Arin Lova

    7.02 you got it man. I can hear Chester in your voice. Damn... Its almost... Almost like Chester. Thank you whoever your name.

  87. Sho Na

    Numb Remake (Trap Mix) - @Support Guys <3

  88. MrTekyman

    Their pronunciation is awful so I can't even pay attention to their voices. Last one the closest

  89. Escravo Da Lei

    O último se parece muito com o Chester e foi o que mais chegou a ter a voz parecida

  90. negative ONE

    just another example why there wont be another Chester Bennigton

  91. Ktela Straus

    Well that was horrible.

  92. Tobi Uchiha

    Гавно никому лучше Честера не спеть

  93. Morgan Hicks

    Last guy was best

  94. ricksta 69a

    Nathink like chester

  95. ThyGreek

    They killed Chester and made it look like he took his own life. Who? You don't want to know.

  96. Korporal Kain : Max

    the last one was the best!

  97. Mr. Talent

    Which Blind Audition surprises you the most?


    The last one!

    Arin Lova

    The last contestant... Almost... Can be chester's high notes

    Jaybee Mangilit

    The last person he sung like chester pennington

    PLS Critic

    Anonym Nobodycares It‘s actually Mongolia🤣

    Paulo Martins Sobrinho

    The last one sounds amazing

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