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Linkin Park - New Divide

New Divide
: New Divide
: 4.09 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 123 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 74 İndirme
: 06-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Linkin Park - New Divide )
  1. Jonathan Larsen

    i all makes sense, but why does it feel so pointless?

  2. Thiago Gabriel

    R.I.P BR

  3. Ebert Pereira

    * Atibaia SP > LINK PARK 2019.

  4. Gavin Webb

    Heard these songs when I was little, and re discovered them thank you

  5. R Kevin Morales

    the best soundtrack foerever..

  6. Collin O'Hara

    1:49 gorgeous visuals

  7. faisal rashid

    Who else listening this song Nov_2k19 ? Rip_@chester

  8. Debadatta Giri

    Legends never die.... They always lives in our hearts.

  9. ThatGuySupreme

    Rip to the King of Youtube AMV's

  10. Nilson Gato-preto

    Brasil link Park 2019

  11. Nilson Gato-preto

    Os caras era fodastico

  12. J Ray

    RIP Ches 😥😇

  13. Docteur 420

    Nov 2018 Crew ? 🔥♥️

  14. Leon Syfox

    I'm sorry I didn't know Chester died I'm so sad now ..R.I.P

  15. Mushfiq haque

    15 million just reached

  16. Anshuman Nautiyal

    I remember when the comments weren't calender

  17. Wesley Ferreira

    Brazil Octubre 2019 RIP CHESTER

  18. jose coria

    I like linkin park very mach

  19. YBthe COOL

    He born , he sang , he gone

  20. Sai Nai

    Best line to me __________________In every loss in every lieIn every truth that you'd denyAnd each regret and each goodbyeWas a mistake too great to hideAnd your voice was all I heardThat I get what I deserve

  21. Jaruto

    qui écoute en 2019?

    Marek Jedrzejczyk

    Legends never die ❤❤


    @Marek Jedrzejczyk tellement

    Bernardo Arias

    Hello you speak spanihs?

  22. David Wahl


  23. abelardo bautista

    Octubre 31 ❤

  24. Plasma Game279

    В детстве думал что это телик сломался, даже звал родных, типо что телик расплывчатое изображение даёт, а это клип такой...

  25. JCResonator

    The good old days where my fat ass was playing Call of Duty listening to Linkin Park and Avenged Sevenfold and Elena Siegman... I honestly wanna rewind time If I think back to that time.

  26. Life4Eat

    damn...i miss them so much.

  27. Csyon HD

    The best Band ever


    Legendary song THANKS CHESTER

  29. eternalchumley

    Every loss and every lie like chester we miss you

  30. eternalchumley

    R.I.P Chester

  31. Matthieu Decroix

    My name is optimus prime....

  32. Злой Пельмень

    Поистене легендарная группа была...

  33. warren reyes

    Still listing this song hit the like

  34. Broke Record

    Linkin Park is wholesome Eminem.


    There both legends

  35. Jayanth Narayanan


  36. ken2400

    Can't turn the vol up enough.

  37. Isaiah Grover-Poch

    at 2:12 i seen chester spit

  38. ozan zoban

    R.I.P. Chester

  39. Yamilah Dvbb


  40. outthere cat

    I so love Linkin Park there music is out of this world no lie 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  41. Raiden x

    Still one of the best songs I've ever heard! Miss you Chester. 😥❤

  42. Mayukho san

    Let's rock

  43. wild night

    Chester vs New divide! i love it!

  44. Dragon ball super

    Música foda, várias lamentações

  45. Brennan Shea

    How do people dislike this🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡😡😡😡

  46. Brandonlee Maxim

    Truce all secrecy

  47. Jaylan Del Castillo

    Yay ❤️🔥

  48. Człowiek Skurwiel

    Siema All kto PL ?

  49. Emddev Trazsadzeg

    Cat: meow, meowDog: woof, woofIdiots:2019?,2019?

  50. Matúš Juhás

    This song bol in cobra 11 ❤️

  51. Matúš Juhás

    RIP Chester ❤️💙❤️

  52. JIM KUSH


  53. Vic0r

    My favourite song ever! R.I.P Chester Bennington...

  54. Gaming noob

    Don't be sad chester is goneBe happy he existed


    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss

    Grausion Gamerz

    Who is Chester?

    Gaming noob

    @Grausion Gamerz the singer of linkin park bro

    Fire Wolf555

    Grausion Gamerz why are you listening to linkin park if you have no idea who Chester bennington was

    jjrocks99 8

    @Grausion Gamerz the lead singer of linkin park

  55. Cloé Martin

    Chester I love you Reste In Peace❤️😢

  56. MD MAMUN


  57. german engineering

    What ever happend to the god damn transformers music video thats what this song was made for the movie!

    Mr Heru

    I think its expired and they edit transformers part

  58. Kamil Hakim

    Who's here because the song keeps on playing in their head after waking up? Because I do

  59. 123 hallo

    Biggest emotions now and forever.

  60. Michael Van xanten

    That is my favoriet song is New divide this song is for you miguel and china ried barnes You guys are family of us we miss our love ones of saba

  61. Michael Van xanten

    That is my favoriet song is New divide rest in peace chester we go miss you chester You are best singer in world linkin park is best music in world this song is for you esmeralda Johnson i miss you esmeralda

  62. brownie

    i dont know why this came up when i typed "🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮"

  63. Kruzi

    RIP Chester😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅🏅📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀📀😭😭😭😭😭



  65. Антон Кайгородов

    Очень жалко Честера! Прослушивая композиции в его исполнении у меня аж мурашки по коже!

  66. Mantenimiento Hidrico

    es mi musica favorita desde los 3 años

  67. Callidian

    If i can reverse the time I'll save you and you cousin ..Both are really important for me 💮💮

  68. Callidian

    149k comments. If you're reading this "you're legend" .. Enjoy your day

  69. Võ Ngọc Hân

    this song is the first song I heard from Linkin Park

  70. Jan Kraft

    Skvělá muzika ....,

  71. Quân Nguyễn Thành

    Time means nothing in front of legends...I will listen to this song until I die.R.I.P Chester.

  72. Diana Escamilla


  73. Eyner Chavez

    Where is the Transformers Version ?


    Our races United by a history long "forgotten", and the future we shall face together. I am Optimus prime, and I send this message, so that our pass will always be remember. for in those memories, We live on!

  75. Lavender Moon

    My son's Nick name is Chester and sometimes delirious 😭💓💯♥️

  76. Olena Dmtsun

    В каждом слове твоем крик, кому ты кричиш самурай, умри , я плачу

  77. Luis Marcos Kudlavis

    Morreu mas deixou um enorme legado de músicas espetaculares.

  78. Luis Marcos Kudlavis

    Super hiper mega Banda.

  79. zif-ir 1967

    This is a Great music

  80. Dennis Reynolds

    anyone know what this songs about ?

  81. Bang Naxxan

    Who here misses the voice of Chester Bennington?

  82. Agung Wijaya

    I Love You so much Linkin Park From Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

  83. Sir Ducky

    Rip Chester

  84. Roberto Assunção

    Eu só muito fam deles obrigado pela música

  85. Xavior Ford

    Did anyone else find this song because of transformers....just me ok

  86. dialejogama pro

    Descansa 😇🙏👆👼 en paz Chester marcas te mi infancia y juventud con tu música 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  87. Editor Premium

    Melhor música desde de sempre

  88. axel fuentes

    Can we make it 1B views

  89. Aghoezt Elha

    My favorite

  90. Dos_ Santos

    My grandpa told me about elvisMy dad told me about freddie mercuryAnd i will tell my future son about chester benington

  91. Анна Ковальчук

    R. I. P. Chester.😥😥😥Голос 2000-ых. Одна из лучших его песен.

  92. apdroid geek

    I miss my childhood, innocent, still learning, discovering interesting things , playing outside

    apdroid geek

    For some reason everything around me have already been happened, its not dejavu, its just nothing remarkable, unlike my childhood where everything i learned new would make my entire week.

  93. Smile click

    มาเด้อบุญกฐิน นาดูน สารคาม

  94. Memes for life

    RIP Chester. We love you

  95. Augusto Tejerina

    Si no le das like se muere tu mamá :v

  96. MegaDario1978

    I love you R.I.P.

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