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Linkin Park - Given Up

Given Up
: Given Up
: 2.93 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 84 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 38 İndirme
: 06-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Linkin Park - Given Up )
  1. samuel games y mas xdd

    Any in 2019

  2. Cezar Lit

    Glad I've heard this man live on scene, shame only once...

  3. Kuya Bangs

    Take this all away, I'm suffocating.

  4. That_ Slav

    I can't belive of how many emotions this song gives to me

  5. Forsaille46

    Me to my grandpa: "Do you know Linkin Park?" My grandpa opening the glove compartment: "Which album?"

  6. Gamer Kid

    I’m not trying to be like omg BTS but ignore it weren’t for Taekookie... I would never probably ever found this song 😂 i love it🖤

    Gamer Kid

    if it weren’t*

  7. Jung kookie

    Am i the only one how came here because of teenager Jungkook ?

    Gamer Kid

    ha teenager more like emo baby kookie🖤💜

  8. C ruzin'

    Like. Ud ever know...

  9. victor alfonzo salas saez

    the best chester............ forever...!!!!

  10. victor alfonzo salas saez

    chester benington eras el mejor vocalista de rock duelale a quien le duela tu musica siempre sera escuchada por este fan asi que quien mas en este 2019 sigue escuchando este grandioso tema de linkin park dele like.....!!!!!!!!!!!! desde venezuela un homenaje a chester....!!!!!

  11. Declaneo

    This hits different now

  12. alexis tley

    Who in 2020?

  13. Apenas um solitário qualquer !

    Cadê os BR pow?.

  14. Callampaman

    Nobody:Babies at 3am: 2:27

  15. Matheus Alexandre

    Não sei como fazer isso

  16. Wandi Ohl

    Miss u Chester

  17. Mr. KiriLL

    бля вот это были хиты !!!!!!!

  18. nicole quilapi

    Ningún comentario en español :'(


    Acá un chileno

    cristian lauga

    Acá otro chileno

  19. Matt Tyrone

    Rip Chester, I struggle mentally often but your guy's songs help me out.

  20. LuckySpacetowngamer

    like si viniste por el rubius

  21. Reez Fared

    Reason i listening music 😎

  22. Pablo Moreno

    I can not say and I will not say he is gone he is just away

  23. Sambit Jena


  24. Samantha Green

    Miss your screams, Chester. You were and always will be the best. Much love.

  25. Andrew Rutherford

    Best song on the album hands down

  26. gelloyangster yang

    the killer scream

  27. Rupert Heide

    Super gut

  28. Nathan Young

    when the teacher says detention ''PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY"

  29. B E N

    best song linkin park

  30. regina humphrey

    There wasn’t nothing wrong with you Chester!!!! Rest Chester Bennington Rest!!!!

  31. Gaming Reptile

    This song is,soo mutch fun to play on bass

  32. Евгений

    Мы и тебя помним!!!

  33. Paolo Villariez

    100 likes i given up my fucking company.

  34. Mega Ascension

    I've had people ask me why I like Linkin Park. I always say "Chester's voice" as one of the reasons. They then ask me what I mean by that. I then cue up this song. Then they understand.

  35. kradfreezer23

    i am currently training to scream like chester does hereill post a video of me 10 years from now

  36. Ryan Teeple

    When you have a one night stand and they wont leave in the morning. 2:00

  37. Less is more

    This is the best metal song ever made.

    zsdsd sdzsdzsd

    Not metal, numetal

    Buffy the Liberal Slayer

    I dont think this is metal

  38. Zoltán Lukács

    I managed to find this song by searching for "Linkin Park - That really long scream song"

  39. Irma Rodriguez Yumayusa

    Why this is not in NFSMW?

  40. thomas watson

    Man.. Sorry for your troubles at the time.. I. Know how You feel

  41. CubertSacc68 DilbertSlapp69

    When class is taking to long so you stand up and yell 2:22.

    CubertSacc68 DilbertSlapp69

    When the eighteen second scream is over you'll probably receive a detention.



  43. flixo ytb

    Goodbye my favorite singer ever.😥

  44. TheTrevor339

    Red 2 Show me something

  45. Banditoz 79

    Best Scream ever in History i bet no one can Scream like he on this Planet in this Form this style RIP Buddy i hope you finde freedom now

  46. caleb gillin

    I'll tell chester just how much he is missed

  47. caleb gillin

    Life- I've given up

  48. Musaib Basher

    Chester the vocal beast!

  49. Karla Gonzalez

    Chester: Perfecto, saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱

  50. Brian Hallmond


  51. crawseN DirtyHand

    "I've given UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!"

  52. Stoss 42

    This song is fucking insane. It's ferocious and l hope the neighbours are enjoying it.

  53. K C

    Ultimate fav song by them.

  54. bertha alexander flores espinoza

    The best song ever....

  55. lomerf

    Nobody:Chester Bennington:( 1:05

  56. jr stickmiester

    Fortnite: black hole eventEvery 12 yr old: 2:00

  57. jr stickmiester

    Mortal combat:FINISH HIMMe: 2:10

  58. Open Eye

    This song is black listed for karaoke night. Chester is the only one these lyrics are allowed to leave their mouth. Please do not even attempt.

  59. Thedonato Versión manco:v

    Yo vengo por memesAlguien mas 2019?:v

  60. Elizabeth Rodriguez

    El megor rock

  61. Elizabeth Rodriguez

    Rip chester

  62. Alex Cotos

    Its so fucking good, God dammit!!!!

  63. Excommunicado Legend

    back when PL was an emo bandp/s: just a joke, i like LP like you guys too, dont be offended

  64. JESH the funny bunny

    I was playing this at 5am and got yelled at lol

  65. patrick grondines

    that long scream he did sounded like he was trying to damaged his vocal cords to bits but still R.I.P CHESTER

  66. KevinKnox Playlist


  67. Smoke_Ash

    orslok te va a comer el pito

  68. Anonymous Guys

    I can't stand 6 seconds screaming and he screams for 17 seconds '-'

  69. Cesar Bianchi

    This is the one he made to show u cunts! 🖕😎🇦🇺

  70. Eileen Ryan

    Depression can be so bad that it is a severe pain in your mind and body. It felt sometimes to me like my soul was in a vice, being crushed and twisted. It can feel like your body and mind are slow and heavy to move around. Chester began singing (screaming) about his pain and I recognized it right away. Rather than making me more depressed, I screamed along with him and felt lighter. Thank you Chester for bringing light into my life by helping to illuminate the deepest darkest pain. ✨

  71. Alejandro Perez

    My favorite song of linkin

  72. Fled From Nowhere

    "stuck in your head" and "sick of feeling" is how suicidal depression feels like.

  73. retarted hitler

    You can feel the pain in his scream rip chester we will miss you

  74. saumya goplani

    Me : omfg someone tell me how is he so good Others : he is a legend bro Me : thank u miss any hw for today

  75. BTS ARMY

    That 17 second scream proved his power🔥🔥🔥And why this legit has only 72M vi3ws???????

  76. jaime landazuri

    pensé que eran los sonidos de cuando aplaudes con tu novia en la habitación xd.

  77. LEGENDA Sanchez

    Like si viniste por el rubius

  78. Кайена Арельяно

    I haven't given up,But am one step closer to about to break, i know in the end,it doesn't even matter.I had to fall to lose it all.Maybe one day i will find somewhere i belong Before i bleed it out.

  79. sazi suber

    Chester ❤️ :/

  80. Mark The Dark

    That scream still shocks me

  81. Mark The Dark

    It sounded like Chester says I'm Sick Of Feeling

  82. Mark Reeves

    Don’t know what I find more impressive. The 17/18 second scream? Or the way he just gets back into the normal vocals straight afterwards? Most people would be choking if they attempted that.

  83. The Red Morgue Channel

    Does every single band have a form of Fans names?

  84. Ningshi shimray

    No one scream like a chester In this world . The Best ever screaming

  85. Carlos A. Sanchez

    2:00 screm in 3....2....1

  86. Styles P1 Fan

    Love this song! One of my many favorites❤

  87. jd hrahsel

    this song shows Dave Pharrell was a great musician, he was too good

  88. HowToBeANight HowToBeADay

    8019 people lost their voice at this song...

  89. Webby

    Chester has gotta be the most influential rock band singer that has ever lived.😥

  90. Blueschy

    I feel every lyric

  91. Robert Wysinger

    Man, those screams are sorely missed. Pun intended.

  92. Pasca Sergiu

    Everything makes sense now..

  93. 『Go』 and 『Go』

    About 2019

  94. Kaushik Seal

    Suddenly I can feel every single word of this song .

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