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Klasik Müzik - Vivaldi-Autumn

: Vivaldi-Autumn
: 9.24 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 188 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 148 İndirme
: 25-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Vivaldi-Autumn )
  1. The Red Pill

    Have you noticed in the 4 seasons that Winter and Summer are in Minor and feature manic movements, but Fall and Spring are in Major and have balanced, steady movements.

  2. Берендей

    это мощно

  3. Mustafa Ali

    I am drinking wine and thinking about my girlfriend listening to this

  4. Thomas wetche

    I listen to This 24/7

  5. Trilly Fan

    it's poor quality (video)

  6. Mk4

    Automn is the most noble part of the year. So is this playful play.

  7. Zaki

    *Lovin' this high quality*

    Kristen Pate

    Zaki add me on ig scroll strixz

  8. Vlad Vladut

    Vivaldi pe cat este moartă

  9. one direction and spoon

    Ten years...

  10. Wayne Auten

    Vivaldi created heavy metal. Fact. He just lacked a distortion pedal.

  11. John M

    perfect day to listen to this, being the first day of autumn....

  12. Jess Kroos

    Happy fall equinox 2019 🍁🌾🍂🍄🧡💛

  13. Spanky 'Gremlo' Mcgee the Cupboard Creature


  14. Frank Parker

    Thank you Summer for the last moments spent with my Mom at least, may she rest in peace. :-( xxxxxx Welcome Autumn.

    Richard Scott

    What a nice tribute. I am sorry to hear this.

  15. Sana HMT

    Tomorrow is autumn🍁

  16. Villi V

    Which is better; this, or Winter?I can't decide!

    Wayne Auten


  17. Jad Hannah

    Fuck the Ad man! I was enjoying listening this masterpiece and suddenly an advertisement interrupted it.

  18. norbert nagy

    High Quality is 240p?



  20. Katalin Gaspar

    Now this my friends is the absolite shizzz!!😊😊😊

  21. Azul Azure

    FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, i'm crying because of the beautiful life we can experience, i cant express myself. this is too much, this is LIFE, this is ¡¡¡¡BEAUTIFUL!!!! , we are Here in order to make this ART TRASCENDENTAL. we need LIFE to witness this ART. WE need this ART in order to be witnessed by this life. I Love <3

  22. Nikos Papachristodoulou

    Επιτέλους, για μια ακόμη φορά, έφυγε το βασανιστικό καλοκαίρι.με τις ζέστες και όλα τα κακά που συμβαίνουν στον πλανήτη.

  23. Samuel Smith

    7:14 Europa Universals 4

  24. Amani Salamah

    Only someone who doesn't understand the true meaning of the art of classical music wouldn't love this piece.

  25. Amani Salamah

    Happy Thanksgiving ;)

  26. Alecks


  27. Tyrone Freezy

    honestly its kind-of a downer cuz this piece isnt that well known, its really nice to listen to this

  28. ANTS Plantation

    op solosit

  29. Mosley Shoahs

    Autumn - The ginger haired stepson of the Four Seasons

  30. unfixed spaghetii

    di molto

  31. Argon

    3:09 I thought they were going to play the BF5 theme

  32. Allaa Elhusk

    still listening to it in 2019

  33. Second Childhood

    Daaaamn girl, killing dat violin

  34. Silhouetto of a Man

    There's a special place in Hell for that ad that played in the middle of this beautiful piece...

    Kenneth Lisungan

    i feel you


    and thats why you use adblock.

    Don Vance

    These ads are annoying and irritating ...


    No ads, no music.

    Guillermo Garraton

    I couldn’t agree more!!

  35. HappyJared YT

    The winter song was just used for a shampoo add on tv 😑

  36. HappyJared YT

    The winter song was just used for a shampoo add on tv 😑

  37. anna mess

    Me and my sister always watched fairytales when we were kids. (My country makes a lot of the classical prince-princess movies)There was one I enjoyed because it was dark, but sweet and it had the best soundtrack. The prince went searching for a wife in 4 kingoms (spoiler alert, he found the best wife at home) and each kingdom had it's own atmosphere. Just now I realized that each kingdom had one tim of the seasons playing in the backround.

  38. Paras finn

    Came for the peaceful second movement, stayed for the joyful first and second as well.

  39. zeffe0528

    How i feel about autumn. I really loves it.

  40. Iveta Mukuchyan Fan

    It's fantastic 👌

  41. collick100

    Beauty on all levels.

  42. Morganic Smoothie



    Dicen que no hay que vivir del pasado en este caso quisiera vivir en el pasado!

  44. Dylan Amin

    Everyone says ”High quality” as a joke, but they forget that this was posted in 2009 lmao chill


    High-quality performance, in this case

    Villi V

    @anlongv yeah

  45. Hannah Magill

    The only reason why am on this video is because my I was blessed to have to learn this for a music test <3

    Second Childhood

    Hannah’s Life ugh plays the only 30 second part you don’t recognize lol

  46. kvg :]

    Sucks to be me

  47. PwincesMR _

    Pure beauty

  48. Beychella BabyCakes

    About a half beat too fast

  49. Mike Brown

    Studied the "Four Seasons" for a term at school. Beautiful music. Makes me feel happy every time I hear it :)

  50. David Suazo

    Beautiful video 💙😀 Happy Day💙💚💛💜❤️💙

  51. Just Another Youtuber

    i like how i've been listening to summer spring and winter too many times and i completely forgot about autumn till now

  52. Sistine Fibel

    Autumn 2 remembers me of wind,while Autumn 3 remembers me of harvest festivals.

  53. the commenter

    This basically plays in the head of every obnoxious rich cunt 24/7

  54. Cool Dude


  55. Rosana Effgem

    Welcome Autunm in south hemisfery...

  56. Cristiano campos


  57. Lislayne Evelyn

    omg high quality is for the sound

  58. rachelle ann mijares

    ang galing

  59. Goran Matijevic

    Who, said, "Otum" is boring? Who?!

  60. Paul Saharov

    Friends Autumn Paradise.

  61. kiki0girlify

    autumn is my favorite of the 4. so much life but at the same time more mellow that spring or summer but just as intense as winter

  62. ely galindo

    I have to practice this song it's gonna be hard but i got this concerts coming up ooooffff

  63. Cαmilo Andrés

    I love as the ambient is put it in the song

  64. Hinatachan360

    Vivaldi is my absolute favorite composer!

  65. William Mertens

    This comments section is incredibly surreal because it's a bunch of normal people enjoying music and then out of nowhere *bam* 4chan nazis with anime avatars

  66. Manel Ab

    Masterpiece indeed!

  67. tasker_989

    44-45 seconds in

  68. Lilya Woodburn

    Is anyone else reminded of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony? I keep picturing centaurs galloping around Bacchus drowning himself in wine as I listen to this

  69. Marco Palenzona

    while James Bucket is right... Vivaldi was a brilliant composer, especially seen the time he live in. And I LOVE this music. Relaxing, impressive, great.

  70. Mikko X.

    "High Quality" Has only 240p, but nonetheless a great video!

    Ashot Vardanyan

    You can't get better quality from 2009 video.

    Guillermo Garraton

    The “High Quality” is in the audio.

  71. spaceinbetween

    doesnt even sound like autumn? Dumb head ass Vivaldi, its supposed to be reflective and nostalgic



  73. Pat Gogan

    This was the pinnacle of mankind everything afterwards was and continues to be nonsense

  74. Post-Modern Czechoslovakian War Factory

    Really beautiful!Anybody, have a good understanding of what makes music sound like it belongs to the autumn season?Please let me know, if anybody has thoughts. Thanks! :D

  75. Alican Güldoğuş

    Doctor : You have 10 minutes for live

  76. 윤여건


  77. Corrine Pouliot

    it's that time of year errybody

  78. Siddhant Lokhande

    Autumn 2 is soo beautiful!

  79. Diane of the Giant Clan

    My favorite season of the year has finally arrived! :)

  80. Chelovyek

    Perhaps the best performance I have ever heard of this concerto.

  81. LoopyLou1079

    Amazing, so skilled

  82. lil nerd

    0:17 "Darum lieb ich alles was so grun ist..." (german kids' song)

  83. Aengus Harrington

    why would people not like this?

    Sleeping Owl

    Because they're idiots.

  84. nebicimpsikolog

    Çok güzel

  85. Bobbin-Bonehead 1033 VanHalenJackson

    Happy first day of Autumn.

  86. Gozarusan


  87. BFF Challengers


  88. BFF Challengers

    I love that music

  89. Susan the best piano player

    I love autumn its my fave season

  90. Emilio Manz

    Rip vivid

  91. SrmthfgRockLee


  92. Kerry Flowers

    Looks like 296 DEAF people watched this magnificent video!...

  93. Petros

    This was in diary of a wimpy kid

  94. Boris Čarný

    Too fast...and quality isn't best.

  95. Felipe Gustavo

    Amazing !!

  96. kayla rossmiller

    Doing this song as a solo flutist 😊

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