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Klasik Müzik - Schubert-Erlkönig

: Schubert-Erlkönig
: 4.13 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 302 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 224 İndirme
: 17-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Schubert-Erlkönig )
  1. Justin Frerich

    I had to listen to this for music, but now I'm just listening to it because its kinda good, help me

  2. The Delivery Boy

    Why does he sound like my choir teacher wtf

  3. CallMeh BlueRaspberry

    At 3:38 you can see his soul in the Elf King’s hands 😱😱😱😢😢😢

  4. CallMeh BlueRaspberry

    I’m never going out riding a horse at night- if I try riding a horse for a day. ;-; wow. Thanks to this horrifying animations.

  5. Green tea Edits

    If you dont understand put subtitles

  6. Green tea Edits

    I watched this in class

  7. Ana guillermina Fernandez-carrera muchova

    Uuhh, en el 3:28 está la parte que da más miedo. 👻

  8. da96103

    Solution: Get a pianist who can play faster so that the horse can reach the courtyard faster before the elf king takes the child's soul.

    Snicky Doodle

    its very hard to play at this speed already!!

  9. da96103

    The video looks like the Malaysian wayang kulit.

  10. yriafehtivan

    Whoever did this animation did a beautiful but inaccurate job.

  11. Bhim Sen Hansda

    What. Do. They. Mean. By. "Aroused"!? What shit translation is that? Genuine question. And one more, what is "train" intended to mean here?

  12. Гутлер

    Das ist so wunderschon dass ich weine

  13. Queen Daphne

    I came here from music class at my school

  14. Petra44YT Nein!

    Why did they never play this to us in school?

  15. Blub Blub Blob

    -The son must be real hot-

    Blyat Blyatrakov

    Why? Why would you comment this?

  16. gumnastik_ girl_2008

    Wer kommt auch von Deutschunterrichten 😂

  17. Daniel Boag

    Lord Humungus recites this in Road Warrior

  18. Julie Whitman

    acadec/demidec gang?

  19. Jeffrey Figuereo

    I can’t understand what they’re saying but somehow I get all of the emotion and the story from the singer! Great piece!

    Adrian Vera

    Jeffrey Figuereo its translates in the captions

  20. Firstname Lastname

    So does that singer have a tongue ring?

  21. PARADISE giovanni gobbi and friends Zermatt 2006

  22. 。CHERRYさん


  23. Rodrigo Santos

    Elf King: Come live with me, little boy!*BUNDESPOLIZEI! OPEN UP!*

  24. Alina R

    Macht nur mir das so Angst?!?😂

  25. Partho Roy

    Not to be confused with Bach's "Coffee Cantata," Der Erl-Keurig

  26. Friend A

    so in the paganini movie there are several instances of this song playing one of them being the endcredits why is this? it was by shubert and i dont think paganini performed this song it feels out of place considering every other piece in the movie is composed by paganini himself.

  27. Saxicus

    Me, studying humanities: "huh, I wonder what the erl king sounds like"*Listens to video*Wow! It sounds like.. something I really don't wanna listen to again*goes back to spanish music*

    K B

    A C A D E C AOur teacher played the song in class for us, though

  28. papa bless

    I'm surprised so many comments are in English haha

  29. stuckmannen

    this anime is good

  30. Olivia And Friends

    Middle School nostalgia

  31. Rashawn NIFFANG

    I heard this song from school and I could not sleep

  32. Thinker Man

    Kaguya-sama Love Is War Doujin serie takes me here (Chap 18)

  33. Gerard Robert Liñán

    There's a catalan cover:

  34. PointyTailofSatan

    Doh! I can see the wires! lol (it's a JOKE!)

  35. Nicole WolfyCat

    This on the piano is a pain. You have to continuously press one key on the piano the entire song

  36. PandaBreadLover

    I wondered what it said so I turned on the English captions. It's a really sad story. Kinda scary. The artist portrays the piece beautifully.

  37. Nicole WolfyCat

    This is creepy so I disliked it

    Adrian Vera

    Nicole WolfyCat its supposed to be creepy you dope

    Nicole WolfyCat

    Adrian Vera, oka, no one asked you

    Adrian Vera

    Nicole WolfyCat 🤪

  38. Ivan Christian

    Coming here from The 8th KAC (Nostalgia) by KONAMI

  39. PoSSiblY

    Anyone here from academic decathlon?

  40. BioSh0ck B.

    Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind ?Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind;Er hat den Knaben wohl in dem Arm,Er faßt ihn sicher, er hält ihn warm.Mein Sohn, was birgst du so bang dein Gesicht ? Siehst Vater, du den Erlkönig nicht ?Den Erlenkönig mit Kron und Schweif ? Mein Sohn, es ist ein Nebelstreif.Du liebes Kind, komm, geh mit mir !Gar schöne Spiele spiel ich mit dir;Manch bunte Blumen sind an dem Strand,Meine Mutter hat manch gülden Gewand.rMein Vater, mein Vater, und hörest du nicht,Was Erlenkönig mir leise verspricht? Sei ruhig, bleibe ruhig, mein Kind;In dürren Blättern säuselt der Wind. Willst, feiner Knabe, du mit mir gehn ?Meine Töchter sollen dich warten schon;Meine Töchter führen den nächtlichen ReihnUnd wiegen und tanzen und singen dich ein.Mein Vater, mein Vater, und siehst du nicht dortErlkönigs Töchter am düstern Ort ? Mein Sohn, mein Sohn, ich seh es genau:Es scheinen die alten Weiden so grau. Ich liebe dich, mich reizt deine schöne Gestalt;Und bist du nicht willig, so brauch ich Gewalt.Mein Vater, mein Vater, jetzt faßt er mich an !Erlkönig hat mir ein Leids getan! Dem Vater grauset's, er reitet geschwind,Er hält in den Armen das ächzende Kind,Erreicht den Hof mit Mühe und Not;In seinen Armen das Kind war tot.

  41. mistysoda

    Elf king: I love you. I'm aroused by your beautiful form.FBI OPEN UP!!!!!

  42. TheGamingPolitician

    Young boy: *E X I S T S*The Elfking: I’m about to end this mans whole career

  43. Hisoka Rising Star

    Sakamoto bring me here

  44. Minerva

    Back when I still went to school, I had to learn this ballad by heart. At this time I was already a little creeped out by the lyrics but now after watching this video, the animation and voice of the singer totally topped this. Now I actually started to like this ballad AND I'm creeped out by Erlkönig's animation. Awesome video.


    Bellissimo? ❤

  46. Sigrun Hüttner

    ich muss das am klavier können und ich will nicht

  47. Nemanja Živojinović

    This is amazing

  48. Greta K.

    Jeesus Christ! I‘m german and this is so weeird. Like I knew the Erlkönig before but in singing? Really? That takes away the seriousness.. like I had to laugh and that‘s not what it is supposed to do


    Das ist Schubert. Show some respect!

    Greta K.

    worldreporter14 ich habe nie was gegen die Musik gesagt! Ich finde nur, dass das so dramatisch gesungen wird, dass es wieder komisch/seltsam wird 😅 ist ja nur meine Meinung, also ist ja alles gut


    From music textbook in high school, such a masterpiece ! even I know nothing about German .

  50. Prenit jain

    I must say the animation style is really underappreciated in the comments.

  51. bag3lmonst3r

    "I love you, I'm aroused by your form..."Ok, so in other words, the Elfking is a pedobear.

  52. Luna Lovegood

    I agree that this version is beautiful, but if you are interested there is another version I would recommend. Is is by a german a capella group called Maybebop. Their interpretation is a bit more modern and the poem is easy to understand.

  53. Youtube Poop Kids

    Erlking: *lightly brushes hand against boy's arm*Boy: My time has come.

  54. MoonChild

    3:52 nicht zu verwechseln mit dem "ätzenden Kind" :D

  55. Studio Mouche

    Der Erlkönig is a Pedo

  56. FrostedMoon

    Imagine playing lizst's adaptation.

  57. FrostedMoon

    I feel bad for the father. What do you do when you are in a dark forest with a delusional child scared to death?

  58. MissZoey007

    Why are germans so disturbing?

  59. Ari CM

    This is touching.

  60. Justin Rodgers

    Noice! I listened to this in music yesterday XD

  61. Eva Russell

    "Erlkönig" is the Romantic version of "It!"

    Sophia Castle

    This is facts

    James Cornfoot

    Accurate. Erlkönig IS Pennywise

  62. Chris Gross

    I always wish that Dwight Schrute would have mentioned that as a child he learned this song. It would have been perfect for his background. 😂

  63. Joseph Padla

    Chika can play this in a melodica

  64. Lizurdman

    Did anyone come here after Watching : 'Havent you heard? Im Sakamoto'?

  65. Getilce Almeida

    Eu sou a única brasileira q tô escutando essa música?

  66. Dejan Petrovic

    A theory is, that the Erlkönig was a pedophile.

    Hilmar Zonneveld

    Well, the following verse is certainly very suggestive...Ich liebe dich, mich reizt deine schöne Gestalt (I love you, I am charmed by your beautiful figure)Und bist du nicht willig, so brauch ich Gewalt (and if you're not willing, I shall use force)That's the Erlkönig (elven king?) talking to the child. Please note that this all seems to be in the child's fantasy.

  67. 『ElektriikAtk』

    Anyone here from Rammstein?

  68. Jean Pierre Dickès

    Quelle mise en scène ridicule.

  69. Grant Putnam

    Screw music lessons or Sakamoto, has anyone else come from German class?

  70. Hellen Lohanny

    The Gifted

  71. michael bayer

    ... Erlkönig is always CAR CRASH - Like faster U can - and the end always the death - with the Proton Proton Typ Like Physik. It is the Shadow man of your live. The Same is by Richard Wagner the Walküre.

  72. Adlin Martinez

    I still have nightmares about the pianist puppet

  73. Kassandra Dimopoulou- Modinos


  74. ich halt

    Das ist wirklich nice .... ernsthaft

  75. Katha_rina

    Warum gibt es kaum Deutsche komis? Deutsche Kartoffeln, wo seid ihr? 😂

  76. Sandro Saladze

    Can someone recommend other pieces like this?

    On Wenlock Edge

    How about this:

    Sandro Saladze

    @On Wenlock Edge oh, just saw your reply. Thanks for the recommendation

    On Wenlock Edge

    @Sandro Saladze you're welcome. Same singer pianist and film maker. Plus added bonus of the Brodsky Quartet! Subscribe to our channel to see new releases coming up in the next couple of weeks

  77. Zigzag Lychee

    Came here from Sky Castle. This suits Coach Kim perfectly because she is like the Erlkönig!

  78. Umut K

    There was a German comedian called Heinz Erhard.He made from"Erreicht den Hof mit Mühe und Notin den Armen das Kind war tot"- Reaches the court with toil and dread. - The child he held in his arms was dead." Erreicht den Hof mit Mühe und NotDas Kind lebt, das Pferd ist tot"- Reaches the court with toil and dread. - The child's alive; The horse was dead.

  79. Francesca Dalbon

    Mien vather, mien vather, if you know what im saying

  80. Greta Xanthe

    i give this a like

    Francesca Dalbon

    oh samesies

  81. giggins campos

    Like si estas aqui por sakamoto

  82. Yu Mi

    3:29 pitohui's part

  83. Ocareening

    Dang, that was intense! I've heard the piece before multiple times, but I've never seen the English lyrics before. Had me on the edge of my seat!

  84. Laurent Ripoll

    Live version of Erlkönig with english subtitles here :

  85. りぃ。




  86. marinara724

    The elfking's face from the front makes me uncomfy

  87. İceTo '

    Anyone here from The Gifted?

  88. Roman Doust

    We listened to this in music class

  89. Kevin Atkinz

    I was brought here by Sakamoto.

  90. 市川雅子

    なんかこの曲 宝塚のオペラミュージカルに合いそう!

  91. Alexander lennon

    Das ist suppa !!

  92. シャチ氏


  93. Zoe Kirk

    If someone hasn't made a metal cover of this, it needs to happen stat

    Francesca Dalbon

    dont you worry im onto it

  94. Vigo Kovačić

    3:35 Am I only now noticing how the Erlkönig took the sons soul?


    Wow I didn't even realize until you pointed out!!!

  95. Brandon

    Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto!!

  96. Sarah the great

    Just got recommend this video . Truly beautiful

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