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Klasik Müzik - Schubert-Marche Militaire

Schubert-Marche Militaire
: Schubert-Marche Militaire
: 5.04 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 362 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 266 İndirme
: 17-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Schubert-Marche Militaire )
  1. TSFRG studios inc.

    This reminds me of Disney


    love this song Schubert.

  3. my husband is big marvel

    This is how I practice for listening compre tmr

  4. Silvia Rühsen

    King of sverige did well to his grandchildren - prussian and france and austria and britain - got ashes on heads as it is known

  5. ming ming


  6. Cosmic_ Guy

    O Level flashbacks

  7. Rafał Witowski

    Szubert był genialny.


    Schbert come to my 5th hour band to watch me play march militaire.


    march militaire is my favorite Schubert


    This is the english language listening comprehension exam 2019 paper 3 you will be hearing a total of 7 texts. Answer all the questions in the booklet. You will be given 1 and a half minutes to look through the paper at the end of the exam

  10. Nestor Ariel Fernandez

    Que hermosa marcha militar más de la paz que de la guerra, pero ambas estan asociadas a la historia de la humanidad y por ende de la música.

  11. az productions

    English Language listening comprehension examination 2019. Secondary 3 Express bla bla bla

    az productions

    @zarif aniq HAHAHA its legit a coincidence that we did LC practice today lol

    chicken pickle

    having my LC on friday and i cant wait LOL (also LC is my last paper so YEY )

    az productions

    @chicken pickle omg omg same! I also hving LC EOY this friday, haha! All the best man!

  12. uriesgalaxy

    Me: *flashbacks to Listening Comprehension exam*


    i play it in band.

  14. Alpostpone

    This has been playing in my head for last 20 years and only *now* I learn what it's called. I can finally die at peace. x ͜ x

  15. 문병찬

    뽀로로자극음악 클래식


    Love this song Schubert.

  17. yosika

    A song that is not enough with the word Very Good!(I think there are some strange parts because I use a translator)

  18. lucia daayata

    My school's theme😂

  19. fallen ice cream

    This is the tone of our shool hymn

  20. Titus Soh

    Haha lmao

  21. Ethan Yeo


    I got no name

    ah shit... I didn't prepare for this

    Caldwell Pope

    @I got no name ah shit... here we go again...

  22. Don't Lose Your Edge

    English psle compre anyone?🙌

  23. timeless ツ

    Try it at 2x speed lmao


    timeless ツ sounds like a fly buzzing around

  24. Wong JiYong

    Who else hears the words "English language listening comprehension examination"If u do then you are a Singaporean

    Tan Yu Liang

    I also hear this too! and guess what? I'm a Singaporean Buizel! I'm Special!

    sg transit

    Now got new song in between questions

    Razzy Playz


  25. 陳彥曦的主要頻道 Kyle Tan's Main Channel

    any singaporeans?

  26. Lucca Parolo

    I played this in high school :)))))

  27. كرار قاسم

    I from iraq this is music very beutfal becuse it not speed also take me to alife fact.

  28. samuelesco590


  29. DrewPicklesTheDark

    Set the speed to 1.25 and it becomes amazing background music for games and such.

  30. alexandre schoumacher

    Moi j'aime bien la marche militaire de franz Schubert c'est mon chanteur préféré Alexandre

  31. Kyaw Thu

    And with thisI shall defeat those tea sipping sissies from across the pondJust like how I defeated the Austrians*_Napoleon before the Battle of Waterloo_*

  32. sailor7k

    i swear god i heard this somewhere before..

  33. Preferred Jackin

    Sounds like offenbach music and military music

  34. Роман Петрик


  35. Dirk Peter Hellwig

    Danke für diese Musik 🍷❤

  36. Isis Carvalho Noronha

    Bom dia acho que estou vivendo em algum país estranho pois sou analfabeta não sei o idioma lámentavel isis peco meu genro e filhA mais tenho que cFazer paciencia

  37. serge chandioux

    c'est à ce rythme que devrait se dérouler les guerres !! elles seraient en dentelles .quelle merveille cette composition

  38. chris dsa

    Too perfect😘😘😘Real music 😍😍😍

  39. J - Jordan

    Tradition Pur !!

  40. DrewPicklesTheDark

    My favorite track to listen to when I am on the moon in a base blasting the shit out of aliens and spinning fireballs.

  41. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    I am astounded that this performance is incomparable . From Tokyo in Japan where deeply loves this genius composer . Which national are you watching this video ?


    The Netherlands / オランダFantastic music!

  42. Ramon Suarez

    A jolly military march,while listening I'm imagining Mr. Bean is leading the march.

  43. Joergen From Bergen

    Where is My christmas presents mummy!? I dont want to waight to after julbordet

  44. Witches In Broomsticks

    This was our School Hymn.

  45. Lightning Jake

    Anyone know a double bass solo on this, I want to improve on style, I have everything down pat, expect style. My teacher said,”A great bass player differs from a okay one in many ways, Great bass player make the song that they are playing perfect and fix everything little thing.” Following up with,”You need to learn styles of music and how to transcribe the piece of music on your instrument exactly how they play it.

  46. Klemátisz Szimonetta Rose

    I like it so much!!

  47. Shu-Yue (Olivia) Wang

    I just started learning this and I think it will be great!

  48. Klemátisz Szimonetta Rose

    Love it :)

  49. Touya Takeda

    てか 絵上手

  50. JOSE NI

    dont put a dislike. please. ç

  51. Mariana Chen


  52. dignity Coolmaster

    Wow.after I've been dead for this long it's like life was breathed into me.though I have life.awkward .xD

  53. Little Huntress

    Band class brought me here

  54. Kurt Cobain

    Did this song in band

  55. Sarah Petra Stellington

    Hey! I actually recognize this from Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games for the Nintendo 3DS! Gotta love the music in the 20km Walk Race event! :) :D

  56. Geopanda Slayer

    Robeats brought me and dont judge

  57. random293

    0:00 to 0:46 english listening comprehension(real men will understand what this means)

    Tooty Musique

    Haha Singapore!

  58. Alexandre César

    Super pang

  59. Lucas del golfo

    This remember me victoria 2.

  60. 時空の歯車と希望の星スピンフィーバー4


  61. Eskil

    Sweden celebrates Schubert once a year, Christmas Eve. "Christmas with Donald Duck"


    Yes, I know - horrible or not ...

  62. Edit Baby Einstein things

    This is the 5 song from Numbers Nursery & it also in World Of Rhythm

  63. Chandrika Rao

    Better than Despasito....

  64. Steamboat Willie.

    Happy Holidays.


    Cc les gens

  66. do-nutbotherme 084

    Challenger for the Famicom brought me here

  67. Erik Årman

    Christmas in Sweden! :D

    Jens Toft

    But here in sweden part of it is censored

  68. Danial XIV

    Vienna is where he borne

  69. Danial XIV

    Germany should be proud

  70. Alain MARCHAL

    Sublime , Merveilleuse marche !

  71. We Ha


  72. Pablo Rubin

    Nice job

  73. Rachel Tan

    The music used for listening comprehension.

  74. HighGeneral Blitz

    O Level Listening students would know

    Fyy Isverybored

    Searched the comments for this. Relatable.

    This is Not me

    My primary school uses this song for listening comprehension too


    yup same here

    Hissam Ullah

    I did O Levels in English but haven't had to listen to this.


    they changed it 😔 to Our Life Of Togetherness

  75. Jobey

    I’ve been looking for this song for a decade

    Frosty Snoman

    what a coincidence

  76. jerusalemden


  77. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    The best vigorous music which quivers the soul of the person .

  78. Antimanele104

    The beginning sounds like a classic villain introducing himself: like when the Hooded Claw introduces himself to Penelope Pitstop or the big bad wolf to the three little pigs.

    sleepy hollow

    I'm surprised someone except of me knows Penelope Pitstop)))

  79. Rosa Angela

    Beautiful performance! Brilliant. Thanks. I love it.

  80. vesteel

    This transcription is by Leopold Weninger and the conductor is Hans Knappertsbusch w/ the Vienna Philharmonic

  81. MarcellusTheGreen

    I was supposed to learn the piano version of this when I was a boy.   Guess what?   No chance, you English types!!

  82. Paul Tarquin

    Mon morceau préféré...!

  83. Jacob Washington

    Fun Fact: This was used in "Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games: 3DS version." The song takes place at the 20km Race Walk. It plays at the start of the event, and then, the "Can-Can" theme plays when it's close to the finish.

    Fernando Callistis Du Nord

    Actually, that, and a sketch from a mexican comedian known as "Chespirito" acting as Napoleon brought me here. Hahahaha

  84. bullnutzz

    I can play this on piano but it doesn’t sound nearly as good with out violin

  85. Rafael 2005

    br alguem na moral?

  86. Juan Jose Clavier

    Solamente Belleza y Marcialidad, para tropas celestiales........quienes desfilan ante El Creador.

  87. Nailita Schubert Hatsune

    Increible !! me encantaaaaaaaa >o< <3 <3 <3 (non )7 waaaa por que dura tan poquito???

  88. Haydee Cufre

    Franz schubert un genio

  89. Крум Радослав

    Нали си имаш написана за какво е почваме сега ето всичко ти излиза глупости.

  90. Abby MabbeL

    Me siento como un heroe jpg.

  91. Frederik Høyrup

    While a genius and the most productive of Sallieris students. He, unlike his fellow student, Ludwig. Died FAR too young... No millitary in this one. How many millitary hymns did Ludwig ever do? Ill give a clue. Its a LOW number...

  92. Steven Munson


  93. Edit Farkas

    What a talent he had. Great music.


    Funfact: for Singapore, our english listening comprehension exams always start off by playing thIs. This is giving me severe flashbacks to O levels.

    Dylan Wang

    And like all the listening comprehension in your time in the MOE education system

  95. 성명제


    Крум Радослав


  96. Richard Rodriguez

    hip hop dunt hold a kandle to this

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