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Klasik Müzik - Schubert-Ave Maria Opera

Schubert-Ave Maria Opera
: Schubert-Ave Maria Opera
: 5.75 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 1102 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 577 İndirme
: 17-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Schubert-Ave Maria Opera )
  1. Ademin Elmaları

    Ave Maria!Jungfrau mildErhöre deiner Kinder Flehenim Tal der Tränen sei uns Schildlass mein Gebet zu dir hinwehenWir schlafen sicher bis zum Morgendein Sternenmantel deckt uns zuO Jungfrau, siehe unsere SorgenO schenke unsern Herzen Ruh!Ave Maria!Ave Maria!Reine Magd!Wir wollen gläubig dir vertrauendu süsse Jungfrau, unverzagtvoll Hoffnung zu dir aufwärts schauenund still uns Gottes Willen beugenda uns dein heilger Trost anwehtO Jungfrau, wolle hold dich neigendem Kind, das bittend zu dir flehtAve Maria!

  2. Peter Chisholm

    Your website is contaminated with malware. It is not possible to download sheet music at all.

  3. garm0nb0z1a

    Need to work on your meter.

  4. Criscuo 25

    E semplificata

  5. Евгений Гр

    Классно ! Super !

  6. Angelo De Angelis

    Perchè così veloce???

  7. Eunika Mazak

    Beautiful Piekna muzyka

  8. Anne Mintyy

    This so relaxing and amazing. 😍

  9. Lionel Felix


  10. Dr. Nutsack

    Why do the keys sound like that? Did you have to jack up the audio because of copyright claims?

  11. dont talk to me please

    Nice playing. Beautiful! Bravo

  12. Max Muro

    Sexy pants

  13. Sprousehart Is my life

    This was played and sung at my granddads funeral❤️ He really loved this song

  14. Doris Lopez-Aguilar

    love it I wish I can play the piano like that but im just learning still Well I havent even got to a year of playing the piano but I want to learn how to

  15. Beverly Wasielewski

    Love this soothes you to your soul!

  16. hagins media

    Wow, thanks for uploading this.

  17. s marie

    +Áve María, grátia pléna,Dóminus técum.Benedícta tu in muliéribus,et benedíctus frúctus véntris túi, Iésus.Sáncta María, Máter Déi,óra pro nóbis peccatóribus,nunc et in hóra mórtis nóstrae.Amen.* * * * *Hail Mary, full of grace,the Lord is with thee.Blessed art thou among women,and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary, Mother of God,pray for us sinners,now and at the hour of our death.Amen.* * * * * Ave, o Maria, piena di grazia,il Signore è con te.Tu sei benedetta fra le donnee benedetto è il frutto del tuo seno, Gesù.Santa Maria, Madre di Dioprega per noi peccatoti,adesso e nell’ora della nostra morte.Amen.* * * * *Je vous salue, Marie, pleine de grâce. Le Seigneur est avec vous. Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes, et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles, est béni. Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, Priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen.* * * * *Dios te salve, María, llena de gracia, el Señor es contigo.Bendita eres entre todas las mujeres y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús.Santa María, Madre de Dios,ruega por nosotros pecadores ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén.* * * * *Gegrüßet seist du Maria, voll der Gnade. Der Herr ist mit Dir.Du bist gebenedeit unter den Frauen und gebenedeit ist die Frucht Deines Leibes Jesu. Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes, bitte für uns Sünder jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen.

  18. Lolita De Leon

    I love this music at my funeral.

  19. Dietmar g

    Omg beautiful playing

  20. Awandja Ebhodaghe

    Beautiful 😭

  21. Maria Aldivete


  22. Bromethius88

    But what does it all mean ? Help me decode please ?

  23. Bob Anderson

    Nice thighs

  24. Pizza Streamer258

    Yes hitman blood money lol

  25. Loraine Dela Cruz

    What do you want Ave Maria, Chopin or Canon?

  26. Mattias Esquivel

    It gets me every time!

  27. Justin B

    I wanted to learn this, but honestly it misses a lot without a vocal. Top opera song though.

  28. xxMolangAdsxx

    Very nice and talented, plus, I give a 100,000,000 star, even off #BEAUTIFUL

  29. Bleh Channel

    This is really a beautiful song. Even when I see our lady of Fatima in some other videos.

  30. G L

    Muy bella canción :-)

  31. Marlon Orrego Acevedo


  32. Marcos Pedroza

    muy bien sigue adelante

  33. Susanita

    Que coisa maravilhosa! 💛

  34. Happi Fix

    I am learning this song! ☺️

  35. albainternational

    Ave MariaGratia plenaDominus tecumBenedicta tu in mulieribusEt benedictus fructusVentris tui, JesusSanta Maria, Santa MariaMaria, ora pro nobisNobis pecatoribusNune et in oraMortis nostraeAm

  36. Cliffraves

    i played piano performing arts some piano teacher learned me dunno what her name was something dalziel she said keep playing too fast and i need slow down :) must been about 20 years ago 42 now but still got some piano skill got out old keyboard and practised scales still there still got it.. never really played these type beutyful tunes but did get grade in piano. i remember. was playing grade 2-3 pieces. for some reason didnt carry it on. i will attempt play these beutyful pieces someday :)

  37. Sir Kobus The First

    give me that damn ICA silverballer now. this brings back nostalgia from the hitman games

  38. Carlos Manuel Mendoza Suarez

    donde puedo conseguir la partitura?

  39. Piano para Eventos

    Bonita versión. Muchas gracias por compartir!

  40. Colossus Colons

    I am absolutely in love with you

  41. Nate N

    Very well done

  42. Silvano Salvucci

    M olto bella

  43. Strawberrysunset23

    Song I want to get married to as I walk down the aisle

    Justin B

    This is more suited to funerals (hitman ;) )

  44. Валера Рохлин

    Прекрасная мелодия !

  45. Tourourous

    Hitman anyone no??

    Zeno Sama El Dios Sensual

    Yes ♥️♥️

    The Blorp


    Member of the SchutzStaffel

    well,i found this soundtrack after watching the half life 2 animation-our damnation


    Yeaaaaaah mannn

    Space Cate

    Tourourous yeeeaaahh

  46. Daniel Ramirez

    If i could play it like you... How do you do it ? :(

    Nate N

    Daniel Esteban Ramírez Guevara many years of practice

  47. Shelley Rains

    Lovely. I have downloaded the music and bookmarked the tutorials and I am going to love working on this until I can play it like you do. Thank you!!!

  48. ivan passamani


  49. 9363234


  50. Bbufkinator

    this was amazing. thank you.

  51. Aris Hinojosa

    I'm going to start learning how to play the piano soon and I won't give up until I learn this beautiful masterpiece


    Alex Ovenden this is awful advice.., playing piano should be fun and engage you. If you are only practicing scales you are not actually engaging with music. If you want to play a difficult piece on piano, but it is beyond your skill level, then the soundest approach is to not monomaniacally obsess about being to play this one single piece, but just find easier pieces that are fun that you can play more quickly. And this way you can slowly develop your play and then you can try again 2 years later.


    pArdON Me yoUng siR, i serVed yOu a cuP Of teA, bOn apEtite.. lmfao

    High Af

    How is it so far?


    It's going to take you a couple years lol

    雪だるま- Snowman

    have you done it?

  52. Connor Johnson

    love this beautiful song it is so pritty i am going to learn how to play it someday

    Bingo Bongo



    Conreman did you ever learn

  53. Alicia Rodriguez-Padilla

    explanations.Ave Maria, gratia plena.Maria, gratia plenaMaria, gratia plenaAve, ave dominus,Dominus tecum.Benedicta tu in mulieribus,Et benedictusEt benedictus fructus ventris,Ventris tui, Jesus.Ave Maria.(Some versions add the following)Ave Maria, Mater Dei,Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,Ora, ora pro nobis;Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus,Nunc et in hora mortis,In hora mortis nostrae.In hora, mortis, mortis nostrae,In hora mortis nostrae.Ave Maria1,203


    Thanks esè

  54. rhyspeart2001

    Does anyone know what level of demand this piece would be, if played as a GCSE exam?


    About 4

  55. Anthony

    very good

  56. Henry Meyer

    hey hey.. :-) thx.. now i can sing it without a pianoplayer :-)but for my opinion a little too fast, but its ok :-)

    Jago A

    @Henry Meyer you're right left hand is going too fast...

    Henry Meyer

    @Jago Areally?? i thought its just my imagination..

  57. Maria Le

    I'd there pedal for this song? Sounds like it but doesn't say on the sheet right

  58. Uditha weerakkody

    very beautiful...practise more

    A. Johnson

    Uditha weerakkody *practice

    Princess Fluffybottom

    What, she was perfect. What do you mean practice more?

    Justin B

    They spelt it UK.. ie correct English.

  59. cyrille pacary

    merci merci merci



  60. Tea Honey Lemon

    très beau merci

  61. DrStrangeLove2050

    did you play some kind of adaptation??It does sound different when it accompanies  the voice.....

    Multicuenta N. 7

    +DrStrangeLove2050 You don't say?

  62. Izzy's Channel 2

    beautiful tribute to Our Lady, Virgin Mary, Mother of GOD........thank you beautiful..............................all stress gone

    Loy Calina

    I Second this!This is a beautiful song.Try learning how to read sheet music and piano and play this on October.

  63. MAAK4

    Perfect!!! Loved that one!

  64. Musicmakeriv20

    Amazing. I love it.

  65. Erzsébet Varjas


  66. EVA FILM

    Mi mandi lo spartito x favore [email protected]

  67. Anilzoo

    the bass doesent sound good but its awesome

  68. Truth Wisdom

    Just out of curiosity! Who taught you plat the piano that awkward and totally unprofessional way? A real pianist knows how to finger without having to do those strange hand movements! You should be a dancer!


    Truth Wisdom - the raising of the wrist? Russian piano schools teach it this way...


    And you should shut the fuck up

  69. Em M A D

    Love this piece so very muchh ♥ been working in it for some time niw but ubfortunately, my fingers cant move as fast as the next guy

  70. lance raiku

    I'm going to learn this for sure!

  71. Martin Frostevall

    hit any key to continue....

  72. FreeSheetPianoMusic

    B flat major :)

  73. FreeSheetPianoMusic

    B flat major :)

  74. Lauren Bray

    What key is this in?

  75. WeekNightGaming


  76. Abraham Mulder

    nice piano!

  77. Admariadan Dantas


  78. Shuffles

    Beautifully done. I love Schubert version

  79. Yamila Emfarrell

    es muy linda cancion!!!


    This song reminds me a barcode on the head.

  81. Jamie

    What is the hard version? i think that one is hard im still working on that

  82. Sonidero MX

    me recuerda caundo me case quise que tocara el pianista de la iglesia esta cancion

  83. José Músico


  84. luiz sergio pereira pereira

    Maravilhosa interpretação. Parabéns e continue.

  85. Ginkho

    Man.. this is why I want to learn to play the piano

  86. DorianBe

    stupenda ave maria <3

  87. Rob Smith

    Great job.. Really enjoyed that

  88. olivia holyvia

    is this in c or b?

  89. blindmelonsoup

    nice trousers:P

  90. MegaMrHawk


  91. X14lovergreenX

    I can't find this version on that site D:

  92. bussiesakura


  93. LinaCatize

    yeah, this is the easy version

  94. Federico Malato

    i don't like some notes from the chords between 0.10 and 0.50...anyway, very good version :D

  95. VenomCold

    instead of hitting 2 notes with the second hand and right hand you just hit the base 3 sounds , not 3 x 2 notes , but sounds good too

  96. VenomCold

    hot pants , ( lol ) but i wanted to say that every time i hear this song i wanne play hitman >.<

  97. Marty Owens

    This is a beautiful high speed rendition of Ave Maria. Perfect for a bridal entrance in a small church.

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