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Klasik Müzik - Ravel-Piano Concerto

Ravel-Piano Concerto
: Ravel-Piano Concerto
: 20.11 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 92 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 68 İndirme
: 25-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Ravel-Piano Concerto )
  1. bill Bloggs

    Some Nice bits of crumpet on the violins the vibrato on my member and flutey things imagine the great bj !

  2. lesliebaker

    1 Allegramente 0:02 Adagio assai 8:023 Presto. 16:57

  3. Jack Stevens


  4. Berdj Achdjian

    Ce pianiste a vraiment une sensibilité qui n est pas la mienne. Quel ennui ! Le premier mouvement n évoque rien, ne dit rien, ne philosophe sur rien. Quant au second mouvement.... quelle merde ! Même Marguerite Long doit se retourner dans sa tombe. Quant à Celibidache et son ami pianiste italien le Maestro ! Eux sont hilares. Rarement entendu une version aussi peu émouvante alors que c est probablement un des morceaux les plus extraordinaires et si proches de ce qu a été les atrocités de la deuxième guerre mondiale... mais quelle merde ce pianiste de malheur je n irai pas plus loin.

  5. Sebastian Nugroho

    I hear Ravel's Fugue in the first movement.

  6. daniela anjo

    Incrível Samuel Bastos, tão sublime! Rip😢

  7. Christophe V

    Samuel Bastos au Cor anglais (@) sublissimie..RIP Maestro

  8. Ed Mayo

    I always come to this piece when I need to remember what a gift life is.

    bill Bloggs

    I don't it annoys me I wasn't trained from a young age at the piano. I know I would've been as good as him with the correct training and development

  9. Aleksandar Jankovski

    Jean-Yves doesn't merely "play" the concerto. He embodies it. He becomes it. His playing is just superb. For its part, the orchestra is great. And special mention goes to the first trumpet; he is a rock star. He flew through his solo as if though it were a child's play. Bravo!

  10. 僕の音楽日記よりKチャンネル


  11. 김동민

    The conductor seems his new lover.


    I used to be him xoxo

  12. Maria Roca


  13. lleau

    what wonder, Ravel meets Mahler

  14. Dirk die Libelle

    The interplay of the woodwinds in the 2nd movement would have made Mozart jealous. Utterly sublime music.

  15. pocari sweat


  16. lleau


  17. Kelvin Luk

    The brass is so much more prominent in this one.

  18. François Redhon

    Que du bonheur ! Exemplaire.

  19. 최병옥

    His second movt. Is so abyss.....

  20. Jean Daresse

    Sublissime ! Merci à TOUT-TOUTES-TOUS- ce-ceux qui ont rendu ce concert possible: le génie de Ravel, la qualité d'interprétation de JY THibaudet, le BBC, l'orchestre (+ tout ce qui a permis à chacun d'apprendre à jouer d'un instrument), les maçons qui ont construit la salle, ceux qui ont fait les chaises, les lumières, les techniciens présents, les fabricants d'instruments, d'écran, d'ordinateurs, Internet, etc et bien sûr la nature qui a tout fourni: les bois, métaux... Nous oublions un peu trop facilement toutes les conditions à réunir pour qu'un tel concert se produise et puisse être diffusé au monde entier. Grand merci !


    The Great Ives, unsurpassed interpreter of the French repertoire.

  22. Olivier Le Floch

    Ravel, quel esprit éclairé ! Adagio Assai un chef d œuvre si contemporain flirtant avec le génie de Rachmaninov ...

  23. 奥寺大輔


  24. JT Wolfe

    Music stops - coughing time

    Kurt Quinn

    Is that a thing at live classical concerts? It felt like a joke.

    JT Wolfe

    Kurt Quinn I think it just happens on its own. I’d rather it be between the music than when it happens though

  25. Justin Green

    Darn why does someone have to go and cough at 5:06? :-(

  26. Tejas C

    Bare goosebumps from that second movement fam.

  27. aida seuc

    The best!

  28. Gerardo Steve Munguía Williams

    Everything was marvelous until the third movement. The candenza of the 1st mvt is extraordinary, the 2nd mvt is also wonderful with the great solo of cor anglais... But the 3rd mvt is missing so much music, for instance THE MELODY OF THE BEGINNING!! Despite that, it's a beautiful and great interpretation, both the pianist and the orchestra.

  29. Paul Jones

    if you can play very very fast that does not mean you ought to be giving into that......

  30. Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang

    adagio 7:47

  31. walter randazzo


  32. Share Greats

    The technique is superb, but I'm afraid the music doesn't speak to me.

    Ann Onn

    One of my two favourite composers.

  33. jean pierre raoul jallet

    Le début du 2e mouvement est tout bonnement sublime, Ravel est un génie des notes mr Thibaudet un parfait interprète.

  34. charles koder

    Amazing Cadenza in the 1st movement, which playfully welcomes back the orchestra.

  35. Andrew Rudin

    A great performance. How wonderfully without affectation he plays the sublime 2nd movt. So different from so many others, who mistake the exceptional "simplicity" for an invitation to "do something". Bravo, Thibaudet, for letting Ravel be Ravel.

  36. DRAGOON009ify

    this is heaven!

  37. Uriel Natero

    Ives your playing is impeccable ----music talent Thank you for sharing your music ideas

  38. Rodolfo Arze

    Thanks, But, Who's directed?

    Jean Daresse

    Philippe Jordan. conductor

  39. Nofer Trunions

    At 2:17 @ 2x audio speed - it's a sound from the PacMan arcade game. The Horror, The Horror....

  40. goldberg11

    Secondo tempo no troppo impetuoso .calmati .

  41. Geert de Vries

    The cor anglais in the slow movement plays SO beautifully!


    Unfortunately the player Samuel Bastos passed away this week at 32. RIP.

  42. and Neko truecafein

    Who came from ''nodame"???

  43. Qiying Li

    Such a marvelous piece that blends together different styles.


    Love to see all the classical instruments play. Maestro Ravel concerto makes use of them all. Thank you YouTube for downloading.

  45. 田中真美


  46. sic sicoisse

    Ra-well done

  47. MrJapanese25

    Bettina Aust on principal clarinet

  48. Jasmine Schneider

    The piccolo player is so cute omg

  49. やんち


  50. arnab deb

    I get to see, the beautiful usage of classic instruments, which I have not the name even.. Thanks for uploading.

  51. Jonathan Chern

    David Fray plays better.

    Hubert BARIL

    +Jim Chan I disagree, they just play differently.

    Rob James

    No, he doesn't. You are physically attracted to him so your ability to judge his standard of playing is skewed.


    Rob James what the fuck is wrong with you?

    Rob James

    Explain yourself. What is your issue with my comment?

  52. hisashi yasuda

    It's great! I impress

  53. marisol urrutia

    De mis conciertos favoritos!!!!<3

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