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Klasik Müzik - Ravel-Pavane for Dead Princess

Ravel-Pavane for Dead Princess
: Ravel-Pavane for Dead Princess
: 5.88 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 108 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 80 İndirme
: 25-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Ravel-Pavane for Dead Princess )
  1. Ex Umbra

    Septette for a Dead Princess. Has anyone else made the connection?

  2. Wanda Circus

    gershwin copied his style i think

  3. Mira Pyrz

    Beau . Merci

  4. marti-grecia Odalyz

    however, as i listen, i hear the princess come to life again!

  5. Celina Franco

    Música divina música. Pra acalmar minha alma, meu coração!

  6. thekoiponds

    Listening to this while raining outside...perfect...

  7. Carolyn Handrock

    I’m a french horn player. I love playing Mahler, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev . . . But the horn solo at the beginning of this piece will always be my favorite solo to play.

  8. Luc Orient

    This article in English has it right:

  9. Luc Orient

    Actually, in French (the original language, and the original title) it's "Pavane pour une Infante Défunte" which almost sounds like a poem in 5 words because of the alliterations and the repetition of consonants (especially the "v"). The piece has nothing to do with a deceased princess though allegedly it would have to do with a certain Princesse de Polignac... whom Ravel never knew.The English Wikipedia article doesn't mention this, but the French version does: article in English has it right:

  10. Pilotx3mm

    Kousei would not play this shitKaori is not a princess, she is a star

  11. Hamish Owen

    Favourite piece ever

  12. qquark99

    Awesome is too puny a word to describe this composition and this rendering

  13. Partho Roy

    Pavane for an Infant in Default

  14. oxo123


  15. LolaLivesHere

    Reminds me of all the love I have lost, all the opportunities I have let slip by, and yet all the beauty that still awaits me as well as the darkness.

  16. Media Penguin

    Ddi they play this at Di's funeral? I mix it up with that Faun thingyo

  17. David Camal

    Sounds like Carlitos way song

  18. brainstorming eje

    The gentle rain is more beautiful while listening to....

  19. gerrlichstudios

    scenic and beautiful

  20. 210 Vodka

    Паван для мёртвой принсесы.

  21. Aaron Wayne

    Found this due to Soundcloud comments on Nujabes Aruarian Dance and im glad I checked out the link :D

  22. Ron Wylie

    The beauty of being brought up in a working class home is there is so much I have yet to discover, I always had a feeling for classical music though, school was a great start and I discovered that I already knew and loved some classical music from school, Joy from"The Planets" was my first discovery because I found I had been listening {and even singing it } as "I vow to thee my Country" for years. I later found that Holst was asked to write a hyme but was so worn out he just couldnt do it and it was his daughter that said why didnt he use part of "Joy" as the hyme and so it was. Since then I discovered some wonderful music and a great love of opera too, especially Puccini

  23. Rosi

    La primera vez que escuche un fragmento de ésta composición fue en la pelicula de Batman, el caballero de la noche asciende. La escena en que Bruce baila con Gatubela y me encantó.

  24. Dj Ad

    AMAZING............people will still listen to this in 500 years......

  25. Kartax Music

    I am crying

  26. 가연

    I’m a big fan of classic music but didn’t had my particular taste....But Rabel is so amazing. His music is like seeing Monet in a museum with a sea-view.

  27. Murat Ünal

    Too much pain an saddnes. This makes really sense. The best thing i ever saw for love

  28. saskia316

    I love the breathiness of the lower strings as a new phrase enters. Or maybe the conductor is grunting like a jazz musician?!

  29. Schwi

    The image captures the mood so well

  30. Mossa Chima

    there's a lot of emotional dads in this comment section and it makes my heart warm

  31. Ash Tang

    me: the title is so beautiful and totally bring out all my imagination to the pieceRavel: wtv the title has nothing to do with the composition, i just like sound of those words lolme:

  32. selfless

    Thank you for the upload but it's a real shame that the painting is not in some ultra HD resolution as it deserves to be.

  33. jim lieb

    Got my composers mixed meant Debussy’s Trois Nocturnes. It’ too late. Time to sleep.

  34. jim lieb

    If you like this also try Ravel’s Trois Nocturnes or his spectacular Daphnis et Chloe. Either works wonders if you need music to day dream by or just to relax to as I will soon do after writing this tonight. ciao.

  35. Polsth Baynoon

    3:40 I was expecting the Shrek theme to begin while hearing these notes


    it all makes sense now...


    At 3:40, Ravel's musical road diverges, the diverged road leads into the realm of Shrek, but he chooses to stick with his pavane.

  36. Mario Arias Olvera

    que bella melodía.. muy reflexiva

  37. Nella Hashimoto

    Sorry sent dislike message in error twice. Absolutely love this music. ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏

  38. Paul Winters

    Arnt they all, dead that is, Only now its the little miss princess thats left

  39. Molly Ringwerm

    Is the oboe a little flat or is it my ears?

    Mossa Chima

    I wish I could tell. Ur ears must be really fine-tuned.

  40. PianoWorks -LAB -Aguiar

    Fantastic !!1 Dear !!!

  41. Whichsideruon Saoirse


  42. kralicaaleks

    listening in the dark during a thunderstorm while depressed as fuck about this grim point in my life, and my bleak future, or lack thereof


    u can ride it out my man... i believe in you, and remember no one can predict the future so don't be so sure that yours will turn out bleak.


    @immaSHRIMP thanks dude, appreciate it

  43. Abhishek Sharma

    who all came here after watching the dark knight rises

  44. jeffrey dol

    Hoi Nicole

  45. master blaster

    this is some good shit right here

  46. Goodlier Nash

    Who's here after watching the Ball scene from the Dark Knight Rises?

  47. Seriaz Sound

    I hear a lot of Ghibli in this

  48. petitmirou

    0:33 I almost listen to Aruarian dance in this part

  49. mama mia

    I never listened to this while my grandma was alive. She died only a month ago. She was a princess. I treated my own grandmother wrong. This song is for her.

  50. Allen Quartermane

    I have always treasured this since I was a young pup in the early 1950's.

  51. Pan Z

    Did you know this song would cause a chain of inspiration, with the most recent example being Nujabes's Aruarian Dance?

  52. Jonathan Gandara

    It sounds pretty similar to Respighi! I love it!

  53. if6was929

    NPR played this after reporting the news that Princess Diana had died, such a sad moment.

    Paul Giloi

    Glad I didn't hear it at the time. It would have devastated me.

  54. Lady Sky Moon

    This classical music piece is perfect for bedtime and traveling using your imagination.

  55. William Berry

    Your lie in april.

  56. wm c barker

    love this

  57. Huixtocihuatl

    Anyone knows the story behind the title?

  58. Alana Schaak

    Sound like "the bygone days" from porco rosso to anyone else?

  59. Tyrax _

    For those looking for something similar to this joe hisaishi has a similar style

    Pranav Sivakumar

    Takashi Yoshimatsu as well

  60. laurent contini

    Ravel, Debussy, Satie, Fauré, l'école française dans sa beauté et subtilité, souffle délicat de "luxe, calme et volupté"

  61. Bren C

    This reminds me of Rurouni Kenshin Trust and betrayal or something like that 😌

  62. Sim ber

    il y a des instants de beaute de melancolie apaisants en ecoutant cette merveilleuse pavane dans ce monde brutal tellement necessaires

  63. 딸기우유

    The first 10 seconds reminds me of another piece I don't know the name to. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

  64. S U C R E

    3:40, I find it intriguing that the melody here is vaguely mimicking that of 'Dies Irae'. After all, Dies Irae is otherwise known as the melody of Death.. Fitting for a piece like this.

  65. Diana A

    I swear this was featured in the third? Harry Potter movie! It sounds so similar to some of the score

  66. Nathaniel Jordan

    This song helped me in 1999 when I was away , such wisdom I thank you Mozart

    Hubert Sashegyi was written by Ravel, at a time when Mozart was long dead.

    Nathaniel Jordan

    Oh ok it was on a tape cassettes that I was informed in was he this is very interesting

  67. Riley Hunt

    Calming, sad and sensual at the same time

  68. Kalyandra

    I got to play first horn for this in my college orchestra one semester. It is still one of my very favorite pieces ever.

  69. Alexiodas

    This was so magical to listen to. Where has Ravel's music been all my life? 💫

  70. 별뚱병

  71. Mr. Man

    I think about Anastasia Romanov.

  72. Bast Yougataga


  73. Skyleigh

    Such a beautiful piece! In my orchestra I'm playing the 2nd french horn part on a trombone and it's so difficult to get the sound right, but when I do it's so pretty :)

  74. mentalaçıdan

    ağlamadan dinleyemiyorum:(

  75. Gabby Santos

    Please. Play this at my funeral.. ♡

    Laurent Lapinte Lestang

    Are you only a princess ? One day in Arles the baker girl said to my daughter 'for you my nice princess !" And Eléonore said "eh mum, the lady knows me !" :°

    Gabby Santos

    @Laurent Lapinte Lestang of course yes. My dad never lied to me (u.u)

  76. n n

    Some points from the programme for "CONCERT MUSIQUE AU MUSEE 2004 - Andrew Russo".Ravel said of the piece [nb it's not a "song"]: "Ce n'est pas la déploration funèbre d'une infante qui vient de mourir mais bien l'évocation d'une pavane qu'aurait pu danser telle petite princesse, jadis, à la cour d'Espagne." (Marnat , 1986). [Marnat: did the Ravel catalogue]Basically: It's not a funereal dirge for an infanta [Spanish princess, nb not "enfant", child] who has just died but the evocation of a pavane which such a princess might have danced, at that time, at the Spanish court.Piece dedicated to Winnaretta Singer, the princess Edmond de Polignac, one of the Singer sewing machine family; she died 1943, the piece is 1899, so she's not the "dead princess." [what follows tl;dr, I know, my own input]So what is the significance of "pour une" [for a]? --not pavane danced by, but written or danced on behalf of? (OK I take the point that Spanish "por" is tricky to translate, into French or English, but even if a Spanish infanta is evoked it's a French title, of course.) Even if Ravel says it's not a threnody, the funereal dance aspect surely comes through here? But I think one line of reasoning might go something like this: Ravel offers his "pavane" (musical composition, ground-breaking in the period, maybe not recognisable or danceable by 17th century Paduans, or even infantas of the 17th century) to a living princess (Singer/Polignac). He wants her to have something the critics would like (apparently it didn't work out that way, although of course the public loves it). She's helping pay his bills, she's hardly his Venus (or Edmond's for that matter) but she is his Maecenas (probably misspelled, Virgil's patron). But he's also projecting himself back to the 17th century (cp. Velazquez): what kind of pavane would a then-living infanta dance to in a melancholy mood (cp. Burton's c. 1630s Anatomy of Melancholy, melancholia can be good)? Of course, such a "real" infanta, ie a historical one, would be long-dead ("defunct") by 1899. So: "pour une": in his imagination, offered to a real infanta by a real composer in say 1670, but also, in reality, a work offered to another real princess in 1899, but to listen to, rather than to dance to.Oh, and since this comment is already VERY long: "se pavaner" in French means essentially to "strut about." I get the impression of a peacock, which in French is "paon". [You can replace the "o" with "wa" to get the verb, ie pa-wa-aner", and the noun follows , or vice versa] Adds a touch, maybe. OK, so it's supposed to be a dance from Padua, but maybe Ravel (French, not Italian) got his roots somehow twisted?

  77. Michael Haddleton

    This is what they should have played at Lady Diana’s funeral.

  78. loveld Lu

    this is for the milk and honey island of the Caribbean Puerto Rico😚😍😊😀 Voracious ravenous insatiably, glamour beauty.people heel such delicate to the Maxima with resplendent toward courage and bravery.I believe you are the most special loving unique sense of Soul and Spirit that fulfill your every Needs & Wants.Spectacular dear me to reach such Heights between difficulty and never stopping never giving up continue arm to you Puerto Rico Yuan store enhance and trust and love with such passion motivation to continue on your battle to secede achieve the goals you set before youLord, have mercy on us,Christ have mercy on us Lord have mercy on us Christ hear usChrist, graciously hear us God the Father in heaven have mercy on usGod the Son, Redeemer of the world, mercy on us.God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.Holy Mary.Holy Mother of God .Holy Virgin of virgins,Mother of Christ.Mother of divine grace .Mother most pure.Mother most chaste.Mother inviolate.Mother undefiled.Mother most amiable.Mother most admirable.Mother of good counsel.Mother of Savior.Virgin most prudent.Virgin most venerable.Virgin most renowned.Virgin most powerful.Virgin most merciful.Virgin most faithful.Mirror of justice.Seat of wisdom Cause of our joy.Spiritual vessel.Vessel of honor.Singular vessel of devotion.Mystical rose.Tower of David.Tower of ivory.House of gold.Ark of the covenant.Gate of heaven.Morning star.Health of the sick.Refuge of sinners.Comforter of the afflicted.Help of Christians.Queen of Angels.Queen of Patriarchs.Queen of Prophets.Queen of Apostles.Queen of Martyrs.Queen of Confessors.Queen of Virgins.Queen of all Saints.Queen conceived without original sin.Queen assumed into heaven.Queen of the most holy Rosary.Queen of of God who takes away the sins of the world spare us oh Lord man of God who takes away the sins of the world graciously hear us O Lordman of God who takes Away The Sins Of The World hair have mercy on us pray for us a oh holy mother of God that we may be with you off the promise of Christ.

  79. TomCL 2000

    Hate to critique such a wonderful piece of work but this version ( like most orchestral renditions of this piece ) do this piece such an injustice. The original piece for piano written by Ravel is not mournful or sad - Ravel never really wrote a sad piece in his life - it is reflective certainly but it maintain’s the Ravelian warmth everyone adores so dearly. The way this piece is performed makes it seem like a dead pavane for a princess as opposed to a pavane for a dead princess ( which itself is a nothing title as Ravel himself he simply enjoyed the phrase “infante defunte” ). This piece is supposed to be just as full of life as any other piece of Ravel - just with a sombre undertone. Those who butcher this piece are very lucky that it is impossible to make Ravel sound truly awful.

    Tallwhalebob Gaming

    TomCL 2000 no hate but such a beautiful piece sounds pretty soothing when it’s more sad

    TomCL 2000

    Tallwhalebob Gaming I beg that you listen to a version closer to the original. Of course it is all subjective, but this piece was written to sound a certain way and this performance doesn’t do that.

    Tallwhalebob Gaming

    TomCL 2000 I actually like both and in my opinion I kinda like the sad version better but that’s our different opinions 🤷‍♀️


    Source to the original?

    TomCL 2000

    theLoveRocketjr this the performance closest to the original tempo on YouTube.

  80. Zainab Rashid

    Came here after I watch Mr. Brain (jdrama),i really like this version. Although in the drama it is piano version..

  81. Sam Knapp

    She is gone nowThe people dancenot for the life lostbut the life foundSmooth steps on blank stoneAll but the princewho mourns alone

    Julius Caesar

    If only they knew what life it would bring.

    Catherine Peake

    Divine poetry!

  82. Mika Hell

    Maurice's music is incredibly rich and colourful.

  83. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    Can this masterpiece save and heal the darkness and suffering of people,s mind ? I don't know . However , this masterpiece quietly penetrates my heart .From Tokyo in Japan Which national are you watching this video ?

    Bill Miller

    It can, definitely.Just this moment it does for me.

  84. monique cavard

    si émouvant j'adore Ravel et Debussy et Mahler ce tableau est magnifique merci .

  85. Josh CD

    I think what makes this particular performance so good is that it is the "dream of olden days" that Ravel intended when writing this piece, instead of being a sad song. It is true that this version brings a sort of debussy-esque feeling to it, which to my eyes is an immense compliment.

  86. Andrea Marchetti

    3:10... part b of Impressions by saxophonist John Coltrane

  87. LUCKY Games

    Porcco Rosso with the rip off

  88. Kodai Kokoku

    Rest in peace, Naomi

  89. David Legoux

    La princesse est morte, vive la Reine... 💕

  90. Clifford Hamm

    No actual princesses were harmed in the making of this pavane.

    john cunningham



    Maurice Ravel was a French composer, the original name was : « Pavane pour une infante défunte. »

    Simón Dellepiane

    @herve30able1 Refering to the nobiliary title, not to an infant.

    Mossa Chima

    don't be so sure Clifford

    Patricia Aiken


  91. Flobbit

    what a wonderful song


    u stupid ass thats a piece

  92. M Vuk

    I play it on repeat, until I fall asleep.

  93. Bao Tram Thai

    I think I'd cry anytime if listen to Ravel works :< because those are so beautiful

  94. Donna Posey

    Thank you lord for this

  95. Dark Darkiz

    i watch clannad and i saw this song they said this song name Maurice Ravel

  96. Sudeep Ambati

    I came here from aruarian dance.

  97. Nicholas Ortega

    the ancestor of aruarian dance

  98. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    Ravel,s works is Forever . Forever is Ravel . Other than this song , there are no songs that conveyed the waves of deep emotion to the depths of my heart . From Tokyo where is the cherry blossoms in full bloom everywhere . Which national are you watching this video ? 2019年4月12日

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