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Klasik Müzik - Mozart- 34. Senfoni

Mozart- 34. Senfoni
: Mozart- 34. Senfoni
: 3.62 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 146 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 109 İndirme
: 17-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Mozart- 34. Senfoni )
  1. Landon Valestra


  2. Srinivasan Iyer

    So 429 actually don't like this music? How is this possible? I can't believe that tastes can legitimately be this different. I feel those people must be insane.

  3. Duaa Fattash

    Genius genius genius! !!

  4. Franco Javier


  5. ESTRELLA Gomez

    Definitely this music transports me to the infinite..

  6. Gil Mosko

    Finally! An interpretation that is played fast enough. Really well done!

  7. Philémon Matray

    TAGADA !

  8. Trippy Kid

    i absolutely love this music. im very into dubstep and hip hop/rap but this is so beautiful

  9. shi moo

    waw i really like it 

  10. Faustyna09

    Mozart jest równie genialny jak nasz Chopin ^^

  11. Hugo Alberto Cerati


  12. Antonio Balderas

    Feliz cumpleaños mozart!!! Happy bday!!!

  13. MusicMakesitBetter

    I'm playing this song at my Spring Concert in band!!!!!!

  14. Benedetta Saputo

    Lo amo!

  15. Raymond Venice

    Classical Music are timeless.Why? Because good music does not have a timeline.

  16. Schizokrat

    mozar öldü amk

  17. diadriven2

    With life and music

  18. diadriven2

    Mozart was complicated

  19. flux molusque

    le genie de tous les temps

  20. Anna Falco

    reminds me of little einstines lol

  21. denise Lucain

    L'incontournable Mozart.... C'est juste génial!!Bonne soirée!!!

  22. Marta Wojnarowicz

    like, like, like, awsome, like, like, like, awsome, like, like, like ...

  23. DeathIsTheOrgasmOfLife x

    i listen to neo classical progressive metal and technical death metal, but i ame back here to enjoy music at its finest.

  24. Sean Keogh

    Oh this sounds like drops of heaven rolling around inside me !!

  25. ElectronicWuss

    Any GCSE music students here? :)

  26. sara talaat

    wonderful <3

  27. Confident Bean


  28. Ms Temptation

    I love this piece. Mozart rocks.

  29. Jared Entwistle

    I love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Pera1904

    I don´t know who performed this but the tempi seems to me as perfect and the clarity of the instrumental groups too. Simply a very good recording!

  31. Sócrates Medina

    Qué belleza musical

  32. hicham eddarif

    i like mozart and other geant of sinphoni music....i think why they music have a succufly..because they work in a silent atmosphere i mean around know no cars no machins no engin..etc

  33. The Angry Uncle Vinny Show

    that music is from the beginning of Magic In The Mirror Fowl Play trailer

  34. Lord Cal

    Helps me draw manga faster!!

  35. Jairo Hurtado

    Música agradable a mis oidos

  36. Poli Mitova

    Музиката на Моцарт за мен е музика,чийто автор е гений!

  37. Валинур Рафиков

    мы все одинаковы

  38. Piroscar El Armadillito

    ¡música del cielo!!!!

  39. Xavi Roca Ticó

    AWESOME, este hombre no podía ser más que un genio.

  40. tsisili

    Tausendfach gehört, doch wer weiß schon, das es sich um die Symphonie Nr.40 vom Herrn Mozart handelt;-)?! Gehört das nun zu dem Wissen, welches stets abrufbereit sein sollte??? Ich meine ganz eindeutig JA!!!

  41. Ahmed Sh Hendy

    Oh My God The Best Music Ever <3

  42. Ramanathan Suryanarayanan

    very pleasant to hear even toa person like me who has deep rooted interested in indian classical music. Mozart is a gifted person. i was lucky to have visited his birth palce in salzburg 

  43. Jim Hill

    Breath-taking.  Absolutely perfect. Right up there with all my favourite pieces of music, and while I'm listening to it I cannot imagine anything being any better. 

  44. Yolo 79200

    yes yes yes

  45. bilos4

    Wolfgang Mozart nu  a fost un geniu! De ce? Pentru ca nu putem vorbi de el la trecut.Mozart este !

  46. Alex GG


  47. Acer Tellez

    biolagicol GENIS

  48. Soikot

    why so complicated 

  49. Marie

    That was actually a nice Pantene advertisement but I'm not sure what it has to do with their product, lol.

  50. Matt Kostopoulos

    studying for finals means listen to mozart... yay

  51. Benito Vazquez

    Beautiful. \m/

  52. TheRest IsSilence

    Mein Lieblingswerk von ihm.

  53. fujisima33


  54. Gopher Baroque

    Love this piece. Brings back so many memories from when I first heard it over 45 years ago.

  55. Emilio R

    I am highly devoted to Bach, but this symphony is a gem!

  56. analia graciela Franzoi

    AMO,esta sinfonia,como veran no tengo un estilo de musica,me gusta y ya. Asi soy las notas flotan en mi es tan lindo...

  57. Stefan Campan

    qwerty :-)

  58. Ashi Grewal

    Best symphony for me :) Great so good beginning! I love it

  59. MusicNinja2987

    flawless music

  60. aramjudge5

    I like it

  61. Shehab Ahmed

    وعرفوآ إنك حبيبيّ .. وعرفوآ إنك حبيبيّ :) 

  62. MozartChopinTchaikovskyTHEBESTS

    Yesterday it was your anniversary of death.. Rest in Peace King of Music!! You still are the greatest composer!! None could achieve your perfection in music!

  63. NationalVideoWatcher

    So badass dat avatar B|

  64. Andreea Schiopu

    Mozart was a genius !!!

  65. Kyle Gullings

    1. Molto allegro -- 0:062. Andante -- 7:403. Menuetto -- 15:234. Finale -- 19:43

  66. Bitconario


  67. Nelson ThePrimate

    No clarinets. :-(

    Kari Kääriäinen

    Sure there are.

    Nelson ThePrimate

    You would hear them at 01:27 for instance. This seems to be a recording with oboes only.

    Kari Kääriäinen

    @Nelson ThePrimate Oh sorry you mean in the recording. Yes, sure sounds like oboe, in the second movement particularly.

  68. coğrafyacı Nese


  69. Gonzalo Fernandez


  70. тодор тодоров

    Хармоничност,която само гений,като Моцарт може да създаде!

  71. Jeff Reznik

    I think this is my favorite of all the Mozart symphonies. Brilliant!

  72. TheThinkingBee25

    The music is used in the Sims, when you decorate your house especially. (the beginning) :))

  73. Giuli Kharazishvili


  74. Moramay gomez lopez

    La musica clasica penetra el alma y estas son excelentes, yo escuchaba esto en mi primer y unico embarazo. Me mantenia despierta y relajada, ademas con los sentidos bien alerta, sentia muchas emociones y aprendi a escuchar cada instrumento, me encanta.

  75. christian lill

    This is a incredible boring interpretation. The conductor must have been on valium!

  76. Costantino Putzolu

    ascoltare  mozart mi rilassa tantissimo, mi dà tanta serenità e concentrazione.Costantino Putzolu 

  77. Eric Neira


  78. gogolplex74

    Come to Brazil

  79. ⵍⴻⴽⴱⴰⵢⴻItachi 676


  80. Uziel Arias L


  81. Mathew Joseph

    Pls add a stumbled upon button.

  82. Brett Burke

    331 people listen to rap

  83. Natural Hair & Seamoss RB

    Perfect listening after studying..lots of passion also

  84. John Jones

    329 assholes stumbled across this page as of this writing.

  85. Helen Lauer

    I have a strong impression this is a Toscanini reading, but I can't be sure at all of the symphony he was conducting for this; maybe the NBC symphony orchestra.I'd love it if someone could confirm or correct me on this.

  86. Ahmed Younis

    I Find his Requiem if a Much higher quality

  87. Muhammad Srir


  88. Adam Paulus

    Mozart helps me transcend all thoughts to a state of being much higher than myself. 

    Emma Roussely

    He helps me when I work ! :)

  89. Kiran Baez

    ur AWESOME

  90. Till

    My favorite Music ever!!

  91. Nils-Erik Mauritzsson

    Ehhh?..this is going to fast!! :(

  92. Laci Csilcser

    In my opinion, it is THE Symphony. Absolutely brilliant

  93. Josh Reynolds

    Lol homework time

  94. cr c

    this should be top comment

  95. ClistmilsGils

    Mira quantos españoles oíen Mozart^^

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