How I wish i was there too
This is lovely. My school had no choir. I was very musical - 4 grade 8s , perfect pitch etc etc.... I went to university and wow there was a choir - my first time. I sang and sang and sang but the very first peace in the Chorus was this piece. I know almost every note to this day 30 years on.....
"Never was I so devout as when I composed The Creation. I knelt down each day to pray to God to give me strength for my work….When I was working on The Creation I felt so impregnated with Divine certainty, that before sitting down to the piano, I would quietly and confidently pray to God to grant me the talent that was needed to praise Him worthily." -Hadyn
that tenor tho - he is really, really enjoying the soprano's performance. I love his little smiles XD
A melhor e a mais completa obra do genial F. J. Haydn
Trata-se de uma obra técnica e sem paixões tratando de uma de muitas composições musicais do compositor. Realmente o acho genial.
Is there any link of performance of original version? Can anybody help?
Original version?! This is the whole piece and recording wasn’t invented yet in the 1700’s!
"Not I, but a power from above created that." - Haydn
It feels Wonderful to know that Haydn is my Brother’s Ancestor.
Blessed you are
i was like "why so many dislikes" I thought that at 3:19. One second later I knew.
Excellent performance , terrific vocals, and especially beautiful to listen and understand!
very nice recording. very nice soloist. choir very nice, and haydn is forevermore in my favorites list. i do think the ladies are a step above in execution, but i don't mean that in a disrespectful manner to the tenor, bari/bass---just musically a bit different, at this that choir, but they will mature even more in sound as they age as singers. there are many times in this work where that big adult sound in tenor, alto and bass is especially needed, but i would purchase this disc for my music library. :) one final comment...the space is extremely live, wonderful and all, but it can exaggerate those high throw away notes and some tuning issues---flat or sharp, either can be bothersome. for a good learning comparison, listen to john nelson's presentation by the netherland choir and orchestra. solist pretty good.
The worst 'Let there be light' ever ...
Vraiment beau a entendre
A PRAYERafter Hayden's "Die Schöpfung"I am wanting nothing and finding it all again, in you, O Lord:...a flood of “I want” and a pull-back to "I want not" finding a fabulous fortune!I open to a higher desire that accepts and surrenders:...humbly accepting my inheritance from You ...and wondering what remains when I have given up all wanting.I am learning anew and “know” what I have always known:...that there is no need to pray for need to write the treatise-poem.You give me that safe place, Lord -- I can rest now:...I am protected from every horror...protected from the pitiless hearts of others.I am like water over shallow riffles, over rocks:....smoothly I flow downhill and find empty waiting pools of light...smoothly I flow and sparkle.Make me flow with You, O Lord:...following Your voice...making me perfect like the river rocks and pond pebbles.It is the hour before summer -- the cosmic force behind the spectacle of The Creation is incomprehensible: ...I have submitted...I have yielded, O Lord.
This work has a lot of Handel influence
Hadyn was the teacher and Beethoven the pupil
Je remarque dans les commentaires suivant les chefs-d’œuvre classiquesà saveur chrétienne (par exemple de Bach et Haydn), qu’il y a beaucoup de « cecidevrait vous faire croire en Dieu ». Bizarre. Personnellement ça me fait surtoutcroire dans le génie humain.
Thank you, Benoit (?) As an atheist I have been told 'You know a lot about the Bible' or 'But you sing all these religious works!' Some find it difficult to accommodate the idea that these are works of art - they belong to everybody! Like the Sistine Chapel or St Paul's Cathedral. Merci mille fois! RWJ
I heard this playing over the loud speaker at my local McDonald’s and was immediately sent into a primal rage and had to be removed from the store
I came from tumblr as well
Më töö
Since when does McDonald's of all places place classical masterpieces????? Are they living in the 1600's???? :)
The English rendition is not quite there for me...Lawrence, please watch Dr. Harnoncout do this magnificent work in German.
This is nice I love it
Having performed this work over 12 times and know the Bass Solos off by heart, it's always a delight to watch anyday
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Eine der besten Leistungen!!
very excellent performance
God’s Word put to music to glorify God as only Handel can do!
Haydn, correction
Just music, wonderful music. Leave the guy with the white beard out!! Haydn.
Beautiful rendition hoping to hear the pipe organ
ez valahogy a közepe táján szétesett...
way too fast
Beautiful performance.
This English line is quite different. I so much love the clarity though. No mumbling of words. Large choir, i hope no case of social loafing.
In Ghana we call it chewing groundnut. To describe when singer may be mumbling but doesn't know the lyrics but pretends
Louis Adu-Amoah 😹😹😹 or aburo ne nkate
There is something wonderful about a good student orchestra performing a great work. I have experienced this myself live at Portland State University. And this is why every good university needs to cherish their artists.
I cannot count how many times i have watched and listened to this. Yes, the music is wonderful but the artists -- choir, orchestra, soloists and conductor are superb. I love the Tenor's slight smile during the introduction to "In Rosy Mantle". It makes me wonder precisely what was in his mind or whom he espied in the audience.
I'm 12 minutes in, on my 1st listen.
Very good performance only I wish that the conductor has more energy in him
A beautiful piece of music, done excellently for the construction of this orchestra.
I have sung it in German. It's bizarre to hear it in English.
Wow, that is really neat. I can see why you think so. Its still very beautiful.
what language is this in
@Wyatt Spier he responded without even a hint of irony
I have not heard this English translation before. It seems to have corrected a lot of the awkwardness from van Swieten's original.
Beautiful choral sounds - absolutely loving the choir
My college choir is doing this as our end of semester performance. Checking it out to see what we're getting ourselves into!
All the best
@Sommy Uwakwe He ended killing himself, realised he wasn't worthy.
The soprano, Emily Birsan, is world class. A most wonderful, all round performance! Merci, and God Bless.
Wonder-FULL! Thank you.