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Klasik Müzik - Haydn-Surprise Symphony

Haydn-Surprise Symphony
: Haydn-Surprise Symphony
: 5.69 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 127 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 98 İndirme
: 25-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Haydn-Surprise Symphony )
  1. Jake The sneakerhead

    my teacher said old concert used to be picnics and the symphony would be back ground music so he made this to like get there attention

  2. gamer 123

    So scheiss Musik

  3. Ravin Hewage

    When i heard the fist chord, i jerked up, then burst out laughing

  4. M4GN3TIC _

    0:40 turn up your volume

  5. Enrique Cornejo

    Saben mi profesor de historia me inculco esta musica cuando era chico y es mi musico preferido el padre de la sinfonia me gusta mucho escucharla

  6. J.S Bach

    Tchaikovsky Symphony No.6 Pathetique around 9:30... the change of movements...

  7. fheljun Epili

    0:46 a literal suprise

  8. Tame Impaler

    Dadada dadada DA!...

  9. Barter Banion

    The original earrape

  10. Elliot Sam Depasucat

    Now I know why it's called surprise

  11. Mae Sy

    its real surprise haha

  12. aesthetic bean

    0:45 jumpscare warning!

  13. Chaosboy_X

    This melody is so quiet I can barely hear anyhfjsöjsl

  14. szs voc

    nice and good a lot gn

  15. S H A N E

    So helpful

  16. Jaeyoung Song

    It's really surprising tho. The first surprise makes me shout and it was lit. It's a masterpiece.

  17. Tfrne

    Haydn had a big dick to be pulling this shit in 1791

  18. alex9920

    I was born in the wrong era. The 21st century sucks.

  19. Mobile Gamingscxz

    This song was played by my Teacher yesterday❤

  20. Priscilla Flores

    Hadyn hiding and lost his head

  21. lorenzo1304_


  22. Mateusz Ponikowski

    What's the surprise? I didn't get scared

  23. yoongi as my ball of beatitude

    0:49 MY HEART ALMOST LEAPED OUT OF MY RIBS. GOD. i wasnt wearing headphones and had my volume to the max, placed them beside my ear— goodness gracious.

  24. Loraine Isuga

    all this music but this made me a scared cat even in the slow part of this symphony HAHAHAHAH, likeee oopss

  25. expiredpotato

    it's been 2 years yet 0:47 still "surprises" me smh

  26. gayiindu ganganath

    nicely done HAYDN!!

  27. Atasha Tuna

    My teacher in music wants us to listen to this... ITS SO BEAUTIFUL BUT I MIGHT DIE BECAUSE OF HEART ATTACK WHAT THE FISH

  28. melisa meda

    It scares me so much O_oO_o

  29. melisa meda


  30. Rimuru Official

    G9 students magsilabasan kayo

  31. Shayla Bellard

    Everyone in the comment section talking about the "surprise" at 0:47, but here I am wondering "why are there so many fricking composers named Franz?"

  32. Red

    I asked mom to listen to this, she agreed then she asks me: why this simphony is calle...OH MY GODMe: first time?

  33. Fuhlix

    The earliest jumpscares in history

  34. Squidy

    For anyone reading the sheet music, take a shot every time you see "p" or "f"

  35. Demonitized

    after the first scare, my ass is sweating for the next one.

  36. Kimberly

    this is the first time I listened to this and man, I just had a mini heart attack wth.

  37. ruby magora

    Im so alone at 2019waaaaaaa😰😭😢

  38. Jason Specifically

    what a madlad

  39. Interruptus Contra Natura

    0:47 hekkin bamboozle

  40. Crystal Price

    This piece was scandalous at the time.

  41. TylerHasCoolSocks

    Y’all don’t listen to enough classical if you get scared by this

  42. Robert Parel

    Mozart and Beethoven.

  43. Joycon train

    1 word, nintendogs

  44. Ömer Hacıibrahimoğlu

    This is a really suprise .

  45. MG Shenanigans

    I nearly died... 0:46


    *M A S T E R T R O L L*

  47. Alex Wu

    it deafened beethoven

  48. wtfitzal

    ok but this piece is actually really beautiful

  49. Niko

    I'm going to find ways to troll people with this for the rest of my life

  50. Joachim Ardiles Jukie

    When I first listened to this, I knew he was Haydn something

  51. 로라 [Laura]

    The 18th century troll

  52. Sara 313

    If you already know what is going to happen and you keep the vokume low, its not gonna be effective

  53. bob baggins

    He obviously didn't give a toss about the faint of heart

  54. Henry M. Stanley

    Rip all wigs in palace concert hall

  55. Javi Martinez-Ortiz

    Top Ten trolls throughout history

  56. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Ah The Good Ol' Days When He Was Still Alive

  57. Sir issac Rollingcat

    Didnt think when i added this to sleep playlist

  58. Timéo LUX

    Weu ass letzz ?🇱🇺🇱🇺🇱🇺 hahaha

  59. emptyspotlight

    Nintendogs anyone?


    Yee Yee

  60. Mexican Dan

    Those Haydn symphonies make me feel so fulfilled in terms of humor

  61. Kaiser de Emperana Zeelze the 4th

    Lmao remember he created this for a Prince who always fell asleep in his performances? Dude didn't know what was coming for him.

  62. SeaGold


  63. sipsip srat

    Papa Haydn wrote this tune, and a chord is coming soon...It will be a big surprise; open sleepy eyes...BANG!!!!!!1!1!1!1!11!!I bet you don’t know what the heck just woke you up from that deep sleep,I won’t tell you, no I won’t. Just look at the music notes.IT WILL MAKEMUCH MORE SENSEIF YOU LOOK AT DYNAMICSSSSS........As this piece comes to an end, I hope you enjoyed, my friend!THESE ARE THEDYNAMICSTHIS IS LOUDThis is soft...Please try notTo fall a--sleepWhen papa Haydn’s sympho-nyper-forms.

  64. Quirky Panda

    jumpscare alertsXD

  65. Belén S.

    2:51. Does here start a 3rd variation on this theme with variations? Or is this the second part of the 2nd variation?

  66. IGitzDiz Music

    Most People Who Listened To Theses Concerts Where Really Rich, So When They Got Drunk They Fell Asleep.So Haydn Made This To Scare The Sh*t Out Of Them.

  67. Allison Road

    Lol I’m playing this on grandparents day 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  68. Allison Road

    # If I ever listened to this, I think I’d have a heart attack #

  69. Sanaa The Great

    Was the suspense worse than the surprises for anyone else??

  70. The MathsMaster

    Surprise. True to its name.

  71. abdumad

    i literally shat myself

  72. yasmin

    lol i used to play this for my nintendogs all the time

  73. Itz_Oreo

    i forgot what u called an ear doctor,anyway,my sister just walked out the bathroom soaking wet,lets just say the "surprise" made her slip,now whats the name for a back doctor again,im telling u i'm normally not jumped but i swear i threw my pen ....i cant find it.....imma need another one-_- Joseph haydn u owe me a BIC ballpoint pen boi -_-

  74. Stephany Sanchez-Escalera

    This dude was playing fortissississississississimo

  75. WilGum Zeep

    I knew it was coming up and got scared still

  76. Seltiyel

    I can still see the smile on my music teacher's face when he told us we were going to listen to a symphony named "Surprise", and someone asked him why. That smile, that damned smile, he didn't answer and proceeded to push the sound to the max.Everyone jumped to the ceiling, while my teacher was having the time of his life.I've never laughed more in a class, ever.Thank you teacher, you're the best

  77. MF-RasuL

    I swallowed a banana when the drop came and now it's sticking out my ass.

  78. Delaney Finn


  79. Jane Fabella

    "Why did you get scared?"" 'cause Franz Joseph was haydn then he surprised me!"

  80. Josip Subasic

    I was literally listening to this is science class while doing my worksheet. I was in the freaking zone when this happened. The "Surprise" part happened and I jumped like 4 feet and my teacher told me to play it at max volume. An I did and like four people screamed. Lol

  81. Clip Productions

    The Boom Was Actually Supposed To Wake A Lady Falling Asleep During The Performance.

  82. Dustin Broussard

    I have always liked the variations on this piece.

  83. Shady._. 999

    Who else plays this on saxophone

  84. Memoria

    My piano teacher told me this composer and payed for the king. The king would fall asleep during his performances, so the composer wrote this song to make sure the king would never fall asleep again.

  85. Dikki

    my poor fucking heart

  86. 18b Andreas Winkler

    zup a wiiideooo

  87. Paper Air Force

    Now, listen to the Banana Split's theme song. notice the similarity?

  88. shushu oO

    This is music to make you sleep ♥️😻 yaas

  89. Tifff is here

    Read comments before listening, now I'm a little sad I didn't get the satisfaction of being scared by classical music

  90. Joseph Gonzalez

    Music’s cure for constipation

  91. Jakie Beltran

    omg i finally found this from when i first joined orchestra in fourth grade and all the other kids got scared but i didn’t ahhgood ol days

  92. Kushaans playlist

    I’m doing an analysis of this symphony for music class project. Beautiful. That sudden fortissimo would startle anyone.

  93. Hey! It's SayJayTay!

    Hahahahaha! Just played this to my 17 year old son and he jumped out of his skin at the first ‘surprise’! You’ve still got it Haydn!

  94. StringNavigator

    Haydn was ahead of his time.

  95. Dragon Dream

    I replayed one part and I knew it was coming, but I still jumped

  96. charlie brown

    Love it

  97. Reza B

    I think one of his audience was fell asleep during the concert so he made this 0:47

  98. Iemo Me

    No wonder why Beethoven went deaf.

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