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Klasik Müzik - Handel-Water Music

Handel-Water Music
: Handel-Water Music
: 4.01 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 158 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 129 İndirme
: 17-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Handel-Water Music )
  1. merou kou

    Encore un beau souvenir d'enfant ! J'avais sept ou huit ans quand j'écoutais cette magnifique musique certains soirs quand papa allumait sa radio à touches piano. C'était dans les années cinquante en Algerle.

  2. kate elliott

    During that storm when Michael fish got the weather wrong I went out roller skating to the post office xxx and used telegraph poles to stop xxx

  3. Nova

    Reminds me of this show called one piece they play music like this in the background

  4. Vicente Pg

    tengo que estudiar alguien habla espanol

  5. soda ouma

    I remember this song from a princess dress up game I-

  6. Masgaz

    who's watching in 1717?

  7. kate elliott

    Like Galileo x

  8. kate elliott

    And a kick ass team x

  9. kate elliott

    He used visualisation of dancing notes x

  10. kate elliott

    Obviously used mathematics prob didn't take him long x

  11. kate elliott

    Handel and vangelis rule xxx

  12. kate elliott

    I thought about mounted police and dog handler but drew said firearms. His arms are on fire. I sent off to the met a letter xxx

  13. kate elliott

    Thankyou Deanna for teaching me dressage and the gentle use of the pellam bit xxx

  14. kate elliott

    Beautiful for dressage x

  15. marc renditioner

    great shame George was doing a lot of "horse and was known to be unable to keep his joneses down"""

  16. Miguel Guillermez

    Beautiful piece from the Baroque era. Who cannot like this piece?. It took creativity with a great mindset to come up with a masterpiece like this.

  17. jeet singh

    Het lova plz come here

  18. 4 aubrac

    Joli 👍

  19. Oludotun John Showemimo

    For what event was Handel commissioned to compose these piece? Majority of his pieces, he wrote them for special events.

    Pranay N

    From what I heard, this was for a party at the River Thames held by the King George I, hence the name water music.

    Oludotun John Showemimo

    @Pranay N so King George I asked Handel to compose it for the event. Am sure Handel was well paid for composing it.

  20. Calvin Jacks

    Anglia Television Brung Me Here

  21. The Free Jiggly Jello

    Sounds nice but I prefer Twoset’s interpretation, they really understood the music and played it how Handel intended for people to play. They really captured the true essence and emotion of the piece. Handel would be proud

  22. Abi Pemberiadi

    Brace yourself, Twoset comment is coming

  23. Michael Talmadge

    my pleasure

  24. Hict XXV

    Who come to this after watchin twoset?

    Jasar 88

    I don't know what is that, but I came here after Reading good omens

    Ariamay Araclay

    @Jasar 88 it's a Chanel of two violinists, they are pretty funny btw

    Jasar 88

    @Ariamay Araclay thanks, I checked them now

  25. Seong-Jin Fan!!

    Anyone from *Twoset* ?

  26. Louise Pricilia

    TWOSETVIOLIN brought me here!!

  27. NahMate_


  28. József Szalai

    Nagyon jó.

  29. zebra3stripes

    I have to play this at an outdoor wedding in two weeks and am worried that I'll make it rain.

  30. b butler

    I think Scarlatti kicked his arse in duel

  31. Luca Petrino

    Anche io sono neutrale, ma il loro sistema nel mio sistema è una subroutine che se crea problemi all'intero sistema può essere eliminata dal sistema e sostituita con un'altra.

  32. Anita Huie

    You rock sir.

    Anita Huie

    Bravo as well to the orchestration

    Anita Huie

    Such Keegan pSuch elegance and style . Thank you,

    Anita Huie

    Bravo again.

    Anita Huie

    'Thank you. Maestro.

  33. Indika Prasad

    you are .....................

  34. Kyle Animates

    This is what water sheep listens to on a daily.

    Rochelle Gunawardena

    its now the council of beetroot

  35. tiwala lang

    to be honest, I actually thought the best composers during baroque are vivaldi and pachelbel, i tried listening to handels works only recently and I decided that his name should be on that list too 😅

    Luigi Vercotti

    To truly appreciate composers like Pachelbel, Vivaldi, and Scarlatti, you really need to think outside the Bachs

    tiwala lang

    @luigi vercotti witty but thanks 😂

  36. Robert Juskevich

    What a wonderful piece of music. It is a shame that it never appears in the top 10,20 pieces of music ever written.

  37. Tim L

    The Golden Age of music!

  38. Lynn Clark

    My, she was yar.

  39. R3DR3X

    this song make me want to drink water

  40. Iza Bela

    👌 Perfect

  41. realar

    This is a great GREAT piece, but it is too majestic for water. Water, I feel, has more nuance than being triumphant. Heck, Saint-Saens' Aquarium seems more like an ode to water to me.

  42. Margaret James

    love it!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. luc juneau

    So Handel was playing Water music on the Thames in a barge following the King in 1717? Kind of make me feel i am followed in the desert by Jim Morrison and the Doors playing "Riders on the storm" on some flying barge too. Poetry... is infinite !

  44. BBCTwoFan 2008


  45. janna malik

    How could 560 people have 👎disliked this beautiful piece of composing.

  46. bobo Jeeferson

    Stefano: comments about dislikersdislikes: goes up

  47. Anita Huie


  48. John John

    This song is magnificent!!!

  49. Cesar Castillo

    Dragón Rojo, pagina 114.

  50. joel parnell

    pure beauty!

  51. Katie Stait

    💕 💕 💕

  52. Taurus Capricorn

    Fluid program hoho noce pun Id say

  53. Willczek Hellzelian

    Good Omens (book) bought me here

  54. Marie Perroy

    Wonderful - Marvellous. We should listen now a days at TV and Radio. Better than actual music

  55. Alex Santos

    Me pergunto como un compositor aleman pudo haber sido tan alegre en sus composiciones como Handel. En general lá música alemã era toda trágica, complexa, a decir hasta matemática (Bach es ejemplo). El mismo Nietzsche lo a dicho cerca de la música de su amigo Richard Wagner: la tragédia griega como inspiradora del nuevo clasicismo aleman. Agora Handel es ese enorme clasico pero tan alegre como un niño. Para mi ahi queda su mas grande originalidad

  56. Le dernier Jugement


  57. مدريدي الهوه

    Reall Madred

  58. EliaCami


  59. Fillo.Spado 01


  60. ⴻⴷⴷⵢⵍⴻⴱoⵓⵏⴻ ⵣ


  61. Papa Alex

    Good quality 👌💪👌

  62. N O S T R A D A M U S

    Just a comment that's not 3+ years ago :)

  63. Threelly AI With Threelly AI; YouTubers, Educators, Governments or Corporations can now extend their YouTube capabilities; getting a brand new, unique and distinctive way to standout from the crowd, WOW subscribers, learn quicker, discover new insights, search deep into their videos; thus making any YouTube Channel - more FUN, RELEVANT and ENGAGING for viewers.

  64. Jerick M. Tarongoy

    Beautiful can we use the music for videos?

  65. Wilhelm Geisler


  66. james chang

    Hallelujah Hornpipe

  67. Nina Grey

    👍 from Abu-Dhabi.

  68. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    Crown Prince abdicates , and accedes to a new Emperor because the present Emperor is old on May I st , 2019in Japan . The thing was celebrated in Japan , and it was 10consecutive holidays . The Japan will change from the year of HEISEI ( 平成)to the era of REIWA ( 令和)from May I st , 2019.I am immersed in pleasure while listening to this song .From Tokyo in Japan .

    Mario Pizzol


    Shin-i-chi Kozima

    @Mario Pizzol Sorry the very late reply ! Thank-you very much to your good and wonderful reply ! I am astounded that your Japanese is excellent and wonderful .How is your condition and your country ? Tokyo is autumn I am listening to this masterpiece while hearing the sound of autumn insect which have transient life and will get wet with autumn rain . Take care of yourself Good luck !

  69. ntmdisco

    and now from norwich its the quiz of the week

  70. 손룰루

    헨델 수상음악

  71. Stephen Powdexter

    I rarely use the word exquisite but it fits this piece. It certainly sets the mood of a grand celebration of a great empire.

  72. Anthony Pond

    ITV Anglia

  73. John Lavery

    Handel was the other came near,so uplifting...genius....Greetings from Ireland

  74. N. Afonso


  75. Red

    Look at his palm, Handel just wants you to like this comment :)

  76. jeremy thomas

    My soul delighteth in the beauty of this song

  77. LegitMan335

    I love it!

  78. John King

    Used to hearing part of this before "Sale of the Century"

  79. Lewis Miller

    Beutiful is AKA 13K likes

  80. Crispin Curtis

    Handel was truly blessed by God

  81. Ulysses Felicio

    Thou art thyselves gods and may do more and greater marvels than I -- Jesus Christ

  82. VoleX

    Tko je vamo zbog glazbenog

  83. valito arauco

    vamoh a explicar detalladamente los 5 tipos de desgarro perianal :v

  84. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    Other than this song , there were no songs that conveyed the waves of deep impression and pleasure and marvelous feeling to the depths of my heart . From Tokyo in Japan Which national are you watching this video ?

    bitch there’s seven - bts

    I’m from Bergen in Norwayhe made magnificent music right?

    Mario Pizzol

    Many greetings to all Japanese and Norwegians from Italy.

    Shin-i-chi Kozima

    @bitch there’s seven - bts At last I found your letter here . Sorry the very late reply ! How is your condition and your country ? Tokyo is autumn . I am listening to this masterpiece while hearing the sound of autumn insect which have transient life and will get wet with autumn rain . Take care of yourself ! Good luck ! Someday please come to Japan where is full of pleasure , surprise and a little pensive .

    Shin-i-chi Kozima

    @Mario Pizzol Sorry the very late reply ! I am sorry ! How is your condition and your country ? Tokyo is autumn . Soon mountains , forests and streets of Tokyo will be gorgeous scenery with orange , red and brown colored leaves . The chrysanthemum , the symbol of Japanese Imperial family , will bloom large flowers everywhere of Japan . Someday please come to Japan where is full of pleasure , surprise and a little pensive . Take care of yourself Good luck !

  85. Epicwarlava Gaming And Viewing

    Anglia Television 60 yrs

  86. Hermann Steinrucks

    One of my favorite compositions.


    HANDEL George Friedich23.11.1685 14.4.1759Siamo in pieno periodo barocco e per gli amanti di questo periodo (1600 - 1750) oltre a Bach, Vivaldi ecc. Bisogna ricordare anche Handel e i suoi concerti grossi. Ma oltre ai concerti grossi vanno ricordati la "Musica sull'acqua" (1717) e la "Musica per i giuochi artificiali" (1749). Si tratta di due composizioni di indiscusso livello artistico dove la parte preponderante è riservata agli strumenti s fiato che danno a tutta ka partitura un colorito particolare unico nel suo genere.La musica per i giuochi artificiali sembra quasi una composizione per banda di alto livello artistico con una gra varietà di ritmi e colori.La musica dell'acqua prevede pure un gran numero di strumenti a fiato oltre al normale quintetto d'archi.Pare che questa musica sia stata composta ed eseguita per la prima volta per il Re Giorgio Idurante una gita sul Tamigi quale dono di Handel al Re per farsi perdobare una mancanza25.3.2019

  88. Victória

    1:05 em apneia

  89. Klemátisz Szimonetta Rose

    very nice :) Love it

  90. John Lavery

    This is so uplifting and inspiring...the work of a genius....I want to go back ...

  91. Dejan Tomic

    Anglia TV knight !

  92. isaiah egleston

    sub to mrbeast

  93. Patterson Robert

    madness of king george

  94. Andrew Pau Sawm Sian Piang

    Anyone here from Anglia?

    John King

    "From Norwich, its the quiz of the week."

  95. Green day American Idiot

    I played this video for my family, but they couldn't HANDEL it. *Baaa dmmm tsk*

  96. Salva T

    You mean thanks for listening

  97. Claudiu Vartolomei

    Georg Friedrich Händel a fost un compozitor german. A trăit cea mai mare parte a vieții în Anglia. Împreună cu contemporanul său Johann Sebastian Bach, este unul din cei mai importanți reprezentanți în muzică ai stilului baroc din perioada târzie. WikipediaNăscut: 23 februarie 1685, Halle (Saale), GermaniaDecedat: 14 aprilie 1759, Londra, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și al Irlandei de NordOratorii: Messiah, HWV 56, Judas Maccabaeus, Israel in Egypt, MAI MULTEFrați/surori: Karl Händel, Johanna Christiana Händel, MAI MULTEPărinți: Dorothea Händel, Georg HändelCompozițiiMessiah, HWV 56 (includes Hallelujah)Water Music Ombra mai fuKeyboard suite in D minor (HWV 537) (includes Sarabande)

    Claudiu Vartolomei

    The Water Music is a collection of orchestral movements, often published as three suites, composed by George Frideric Handel. It premiered on 17 July 1717, in response to King George I's request for a concert on the River Thames.

  98. Mark Salazar

    This music is something like waterfall, river and the waves of beach scene, it's like an essence of blue. Lapis lazuli movement.

  99. Maz Burke

    Famous in the UK to anyone over 45. :D

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