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Klasik Müzik - Handel-The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba

Handel-The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
: Handel-The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
: 3.20 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 103 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 78 İndirme
: 17-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Handel-The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba )
  1. SlickChick 22

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't this in the movie what a girl wants??

  2. Patricia Yeiser

    Purcell IS a Baroque composer, twit. I don't think Obama would know his music if he fell over it. Remember the type of howlers he invited to the White House.

  3. kate elliott

    And it transcends into every living creature with obviously NRX genetic code aka as the universal survival gene or the God gene or the addiction gene. X

  4. kate elliott

    Obviously voodoo can be used for good and bad purposes x

  5. kate elliott

    I use voodoo as a last resort x

  6. kate elliott

    We call it KARMA POLICE Xxx

  7. kate elliott

    My name means the annunaki Godess of love lust alcohol and desire x

  8. kate elliott

    Jones knows I never put a foot wrong

  9. shalom shalom

    Handel was definitely gay

  10. Ben Harrington


  11. fıstıkyeşilvosvos

    Sevinç çığlıkları atmak istiyorummmmmm

  12. Nick Freeman

    *When the queen of Sheba arrives*

  13. Partho Roy

    Yasss Queen!!

  14. kate elliott

    Horse of the year xxx

  15. Melania Cojocaru

    MAGISTRAL !!!!

  16. Maycon Corrêa


  17. jeet singh

    Hey lova

  18. jeet singh

    Lova talk

  19. Bobby Lee

    The Queen has arrived!😃

  20. David Jeffreys

    I always remember this music being used as the theme to Heart Of The Country programme with Tony Francis in the UK, maybe in the 1990s or early 2000s. Good little programme it was

  21. kateemma22

    This is like crack cocaine to fans of BBC Austen adaptions.

  22. أسد الصحراء

    شكراً لكم لإنكم تسعدوني 😍

  23. corinto martins

    G F Haendel compositor e maestro 1685 1759. 😊

  24. Mark Jolley

    When I was at school early 70s our headmaster would play too morning assembly a classic piece of music on record player and talk about the piece and the composer!! This was of his favourites and certainly since then I'm 57 one of mine!! Every school should have this in morning assembly get too know how beautiful classical music is....

  25. Victor Thiros

    I enjoyed playing this in high school.

  26. t1000eg

    One of my missions when I cross the rainbow bridge is to visit all of these fantastic composers in person x

  27. Chris Dodd

    My favourite composer is Handel, who later teamed up with Hinge and Bracket to form The Doors.

    Luigi Vercotti

    You best put a bracket on the situation to handle it, or risk it becoming swiftly unhinged

  28. Donald Smith


  29. Patrick Armstrong

    Hayden: the greatest of us all. Beethoven: I bow down before him. Mozart played him on Sundays.

  30. Anne-Sophie Biemond

    je gaat er haaaaast van huilen, zo mooiiii♥♥♥♥

  31. NightSky777

    love it!

  32. Gabriel BOKOUMAKA

    Musique de rêve enchanteresse, céleste

  33. Ruggiero Augusto

    Handel is simply mystical, transcending limits of the 'common' music.

  34. Horn Canguio Willie


  35. Spaghetti King

    Classic American Renaissance intro.

  36. Vargelis George

    So divine and pure Haendel

  37. Fran Rossano

    The wedding music requested by the elderly bride in Last Tango in Halifax, series on Netflix. Brilliant!

  38. Mauro Raparo

    Really love handel music

  39. carlosatilano

    How could someone in those days feel this happy? Ive heard some classic songs and many of them have some notes or parts of song which i feel shouldnt be there but this has every sound perfect

  40. Kwinquark1

    Spelt the peasant/WASP way I see; gimme Georg Friederich Händel any time. Wikipedia has much to answer for.

  41. Larry R.

    Abby Green brought me here. Lara hears this on her wedding day in Awakened by the Scarred Italian!

  42. Unicorn 47 Lightinvader

    We are going to play this in my school......

  43. Eugene Cara

    This is a perfectly music to be played during Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation in London.

  44. lynktalz

    every time I hear this I expect to hear Robert J. Lurtsema's voice

  45. Marty Alencar

    englishman in berlin.

    Bobby Lee

    Marty Alencar German in London, rather!

  46. SafetySpooon

    Last time Trump when to the UK, this was played for HM's arrival to the reception. JUST THE MOST PERFECT CHOICE!!!!

  47. Dale Dai

    603 people couldn't handel the glory of this piece.

  48. Isabel Gardiner

    orchestra class be like

  49. green bastard


  50. ok den.


  51. Alejandro chia

    A legendary classical music!!!!

  52. Vargelis George

    Handel is gifted by God

  53. dimerazorbass

    Truly lovely piece

  54. kay marich

    I want this played at my funeral as my coffin arrives.


    kay marich i want this played at my mariage when my boyfriend and me arrive

  55. Philip Callicoat

    Ayyy! Que Linda!!!🌹

  56. ilovegreenx

    Brainy baby right brain finale

  57. Robert Bray

    I have always liked baroque music Bach; Handel; Vivaldi etc.

  58. Dianne Hughes

    I always thought of it as people dashing around cleaning up before she arrives. I love the Academy of St Martins in the Fields one of this

  59. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    I am immersed in pleasure while listening to this masterpiece . From Tokyo in Japan where deeply loves this genius composer . Which national are you watching this video ?

    julie Wallis

    小島信一 I’m from the 🇬🇧 uk. I love this, I had it for my wedding! I also love Erik Satie but he’s not really wedding music. Thought provoking, haunting. Melancholy but not wedding music.

    Shin-i-chi Kozima

    @julie Wallis ありがとう❗お便り感謝しています‼️Sorry the late reply ! Thank-you very much to your reply ! How is U.K. where we Japanese deeply love and respect ? Wedding march is that music of 「The midsummer,s dream 」 By the way Tokyo entered the rainy season , and the rainy days lasts about a month . When the rainy season over , overwhelming hell,s summer comes . Summer in Tokyo is hot and wet hell for those who work and walk outside . I am looking forward to comfortable autumn . Someday please come to Japan in the height of spring or autumn . We all Japanese wait for you who are luscious and beautiful . Take care of yourself ! Good luck !

    Alan O Brien

    I'm from Ireland and was engaged to a girl from Japan 🇯🇵, she was a great pianist and taught me the first thing about Mozart, may Japan be blessed and its people rejoice in the greatness of their intellect and technological science

    Shin-i-chi Kozima

    @Alan O Brien ありがとう❗お便り感謝しています‼️Arigatou ! ( Japanese thanks words ) Thank-you very much to your reply ! I am astounded that your life is incomparable happy . Tokyo entered the rainy season . When the our unsatisfied rainy season over , overwhelming hell,s summer comes . Take care of yourself Good bye ! Sayonara ( Japanese good bye words )


    Thank you

  61. BanAna your Master

    Idk why but when i hear this i imagine a happy little smiling shibe with people carrying her on her doggie bed into her castle 🙃🙃🙃 i mean it does sat the arrival of the queen of SHEBA

  62. Claudiu Vartolomei

    Georg Friedrich Händel a fost un compozitor german. A trăit cea mai mare parte a vieții în Anglia. Împreună cu contemporanul său Johann Sebastian Bach, este unul din cei mai importanți reprezentanți în muzică ai stilului baroc din perioada târzie. WikipediaNăscut: 23 februarie 1685, Halle (Saale), GermaniaDecedat: 14 aprilie 1759, Londra, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și al Irlandei de NordOratorii: Messiah, HWV 56, Judas Maccabaeus, Israel in Egypt, MAI MULTEFrați/surori: Karl Händel, Johanna Christiana Händel, MAI MULTEPărinți: Dorothea Händel, Georg HändelCompozițiiMessiah, HWV 56 (includes Hallelujah)Water MusicOmbra mai fuKeyboard suite in D minor (HWV 537) (includes Sarabande)

    Claudiu Vartolomei

    The Queen of Sheba is a figure first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. In the original story, she brings a caravan of valuable gifts for King Solomon. She comes to see his great wisdom. This tale has undergone extensive Jewish, Islamic, and Ethiopian elaborations, and has become the subject of one of the most widespread and fertile cycles of legends in the Orient.Modern historians identify Sheba with the South Arabian kingdom of Saba in present-day Yemen. The queen’s existence is disputed and has not been confirmed by historians.

  63. a n a x아나

    Oh yeah, i’ll play this in my orchestra

  64. Wombah 0070

    Well, Handel certainly knew his music, didn't he? THIS is an audible DELIGHT!

  65. nibelung165

    Vicky 2

  66. Alexander Degenhart

    Just all the time a pleasure.

  67. serenade c

    I listen to Handel music and pray for my daily life. Thank you for sharing beautiful music. 😍🤹‍♀️♥️

  68. p. s.

    what a bop

  69. Vargelis George

    Handel is no doubt the greatest baroque composer

  70. tokionovaloid

    Today I learnt the queen of Sheba was real and is not just an expression


    Well today I learnt it apparently is an expression^^


    @DarthSoundtrack People usually say it sarcastically when something seems unbelievable. Like, "And I'm the Queen of Sheba"


    @tokionovaloid ah ok lol it depends on the country I guess, in France for that we mostly say "And I'm the Queen of England"

  71. I love Harry Potter and Elton John to

    Looks like johann sebastian bach

  72. Enzo ZzZ


  73. Per Olof Rydeström

    His name is Händel, not Handel.

  74. Eric Messer

    To the 572 thumbs down have no soul.........hope you find it soon......

  75. Robertson Shinnick

    Nice playlist- thanks. Very pleasant to have on in the background while working in the office.

  76. Christian Balan

    Amazing music !

  77. xlrprettygirl88

    A nice song to walk back down the aisle to once your wedding is over☺️

  78. Louise Redmond

    An eighteenth century pop song; brilliant

    Victoria Saper

    Louise Redmond Brilliant comment

  79. sulacomarine

    559 people have no taste in music.

  80. Lul Lel

    It is very beautiful.

    Lul Lel

    Das ist fantastisch.

  81. Stella George

    On Pianist it spunds different kinda

  82. Hannibal Lecter

    Handel used the Allegro from Concerto in F major, TWV 53:F1 (Part of Tafelmusik) by Telemann as basic melody for The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba. Telemann published the compendium of Tafelmusik in 1733 and about 200 people, composers and other wealthy people (the compednium was engraved in copper and very expensive; cost were 8 Thaler; Bach received the same sum to pay a whole orchestra after conducting a court concert) were able to buy it. Handel was one of them.

  83. John Lavery

    So exquisite. and uplifting..sheer genius.

  84. Francisco Rojas

    In this sinfonia Handel mix the baroque and galant style

  85. Shaggy got waves

    If i dont hear lil pump in the chorus I’m going to dislike this video

  86. Shaggy got waves

    I have to watch this because of my school :((((

  87. Einalem Ong

    Loving this masterpiece of Sir Handel ever since I was in my Grade school and High school days. My choir pianist played this on the church organ sometimes. ^_^

  88. Adil عادل 正義

    This Music is nothing. The Recitation of the holy Qur'an is the best.


    yeah, right. LMAO

  89. Alan Caunce

    When this was played as my wife walked to me. Words cannot describe what this piece of majestic music meant

  90. Maria José Coimbra


  91. Powerful Music Video

    I feel like a princess

  92. Epichamster's life

    Barouqe vs pop, like if barouqe like, pop unlike..

  93. ubermacher

    Too lame, no energy.

  94. Archie Hawkins

    My favourite song😍🥰😘

  95. The footbal Gamer

    Mek mi hormy

  96. Creighton Starbuck

    When I am the King of the World this will be played whenever my wife arrives somewhere, but what song when I arrive? Me with my wife? The Royal Princes and Princesses? The whole family? A potential Queen Mother?Please give me suggestions!

  97. J.C. ANYIAM

    This music has got Style /Elegant and Class, (Just like Me!)I LOVE IT!!!

  98. Vargelis George

    Glorifying God in all ways

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