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Klasik Müzik - Chopin-Winter Wind

Chopin-Winter Wind
: Chopin-Winter Wind
: 3.03 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 153 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 115 İndirme
: 15-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Chopin-Winter Wind )
  1. Landon Newsome

    Whats your hardest song that you can play "Rousseau" plays start thats not hard 0:21

  2. Moonlight

    기교적으로 너무 어려워서 어쩔수 없겠죠?오른손보다 왼손이 중요한 곡인데...아쉽네요

  3. swittie honeydew

    Someone: everything in A minor is easy !winter wind : hi I'm also-

  4. Diep Nguyen Thu (Anna) NGUYEN

    weeboos: dId iT rEacH hEr?me: bUT aRimA kOuseI didN't pLay tHe SoNG iT wAs eMi aGaWa wHo pErfoRmeD iT

  5. Roarore88

    Once I get a job I am going to be buying a digital piano with fully weighted keys and all of the other features that mimick a piano, and my goal is to play this song all the way through eventually. The digital piano im look at is the Roland RD-300NX. Its about $1000 USD.

  6. CleXz

    Why at 3:28 everyone plays B instead of A in the left hand? There is an A in the score, not a B, but even great pianists play it... Why?

  7. Amal Labrini

    Beautiful just amazing magic

  8. swittie honeydew

    Rousseau* touches piano*piano: oh hell no not again

  9. Abnormaly Basic

    Me: oh this video is quite Also me: *turns up volume* 5 seconds later... Chopin: ima bout to blast your ears off

  10. Im gay and all but,

    Oh shit Ma boi married too

  11. Jasper Feldschuh

    I’m not sure what it is about seeing only the hands and not the pianist moving but I always feel like these pieces are easy when listening to you playing them. Then I get the sheet music and try to learn the first ten measures and get absolutely roasted by the piano

  12. B La

    오 박태준 한국분이 치신거네

  13. Ivan Bryan

    When you're minding your business Then a cockroach crawls up your leg.

  14. Pokemon X and y

    when you think you can play the song then realize its chopin

  15. Useronefag

    Just so you know, a girl is playing this piece

  16. mai.

    Yo después de ver shigatsu wa kimi no uso

  17. Amitai Baratz

    How its called that piece you played on the end??

  18. Ashiro

    0:04 me at 11pm thinking: “Time for a good night’s sleep”0:21 When I remember my assignment is due tomorrow

  19. Capital Boom

    *gives butler a good beating with silky white glove*

  20. Onan Rodriguez

    Absolutely mind blowing...

  21. Vegeta Of universe 7

    Im hear from anime

  22. Agrimensor

    ....KBS Drama Special Pianist in 2010...

  23. Sir Kačer

    *A certain lie in April intesifies*

  24. Crystal_OwO

    0:00 chilling at school0:20 In your mind when you forgot your assignment that was overdue

  25. Sarah

    This is the best performance I have ever heard Wooow

  26. tin cup

    Why does it sound so scary and looks hard

  27. Ein~draws

    The man who wrote this invented a new type of note; *the 100th note*Think 16th notes are hard? hOh try this

  28. TheValentino34

    A Thousand Years

  29. Afaq Valimammadova


  30. Bolei Wang

    I once went to go chopin for some listz. When I went bach home, I realized I was hadyn the listz. Also, a fly had landed on my wrist. "Schumann!" I shouted at the fly. *I must get a handel on myself*

  31. Bolei Wang

    When listening to this on a car:I tell the driver: please turn the volume up, sirHe turns it up*still silence*Driver: Sorry, I think something must be wrong with the speaker0:22*Driver crashes the car*

  32. starithm

    Too easy for him. :O

  33. Gushousekai195

    What made Chopin think anybody could play this?

  34. Finely And Friends

    I went and saw Hustlers today and I got so excited when I heard this song in it lmaooo

  35. Icy Almond Earth

    Winter 2019 :Me: It's almost winter now so I should play Winter Wi.......My brain and hand : No

  36. Zainab Qais

    What is semphony in the end of video?

  37. Capricce Capricce

    What is the name of this Software ?

  38. Lo Lo

    شكرا جزيلا كنت ادورها😍😍😍thank you 😉😻🔥

  39. Radha Thapa

    Europeans write the peice and Asians get their fingers killed

  40. Sister

    Chopin out here dropping the beat and turning up the bass before it was cool

  41. Brenzko

    i love the left hand part at 3:27

  42. yesplease

    0:00 when you're still flacid, casually applying lube and warming up0:21 you're hard and it's go-time

  43. Dude 1

    Lol, this actually is music to my ears.

  44. Anwar A

    Anybody after watching green book!

  45. ブラチョコチャンネル


  46. Keen AR


  47. alina halek


  48. Halley Stezoucoski

    0:06 Me: I can play this0:23 My fingers: Dont even think about it... 🧐

  49. pianoexe6

    the keyboard was *SHAKING*

  50. MIchael Martin

    2:34 that transition tho, it's coming

  51. Yusuf Sahin

    He is Choppin ' the piano.

  52. Graham Lent

    I only want to play this so that it seems like I’m bad at first and then I just got off and people can stfu 😌

  53. MJstudios 15

    At the start:Me: yes! I can play this!After a while:Me: uhhh yeah i can stillAfter a couple o' decades yeah sure pffff whatever

  54. wWaidi

    I like this piece so much. I really want to learn it, but i have small keyboard to play this. Last and first octave miss here... And this is with every piece.. i have the power and skill do play this piece, but I hate that i don't have a good piano to learn it .. :c

  55. Areeb Aman

    Third hand hasn't shipped yet

  56. clara

    this piece is the BEST for those “oh you play the piano? show me” moments I swear

  57. FunMajorVids

    3:29 poor pinky

  58. Hannahgomew Y

    I was considering playing with hands crossed over during the left hand hard part until I saw Chopin being cruel to both hands, and I realised that I’d have to just live it out

  59. Emrah Garan

    chopin reis döktürmüş

  60. camila castillo

    que genial mi sueño es tocar asi un dia

  61. DXWV

    1:51 I just love that part

  62. Lørd Ø

    You can play ok no problem.. BUT HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO PLAY IT THIS PERFECTLY???

  63. thalia viera

    I was dreamed then I search to realise these etude and absotolutely correct

  64. Crash gamer 4214

    I love how when you type easiest Chopin pieces, this comes up

  65. Isabella Castillo

    I hate how I can’t do that

  66. thalia viera

    Slow in 0.25x is absolutely correct tap... 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  67. Luna -

    I need to crack my fingers after just watching this

  68. Loicalex

    This Joe Pan, ain't too shabby

  69. Loicalex

    If you like this music, watch Green Book.

  70. ZandwichCat

    I'm here for Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso

  71. patapios_ag Agglog

    Why can't i like this video more than once?

  72. pqikwe

    Jesus loves u

  73. Jothindra paranji lakshminarayana

    What wind? It's a typhoon, a hurricane, a cyclone!!!

  74. Jeffrey Stewart

    Meh, I could lick pussy to this...

  75. Manolya Yaman

    Anyone that came softer watching Green Book? Only me? Ok I'll just like my own comment 😂

  76. Leeya H

    Sorry if I’m misunderstanding, but why do you have sheets to this locked by a paywall? Chopin died years ago and you neither composed nor transcribed this piece? Seems like you just being money hungry as far as i can tell lol

  77. Mina Ashido

    When you want to comment on the add you just got but you remember your in Germany so no one else has seen it

  78. JohnSimone// ph

    HmmmI remember "your lie on april"

  79. lilly

    *i regret turning my volume up*

  80. Dylan Hopkins

    that scared me so much

  81. Roberto Carlos

    3:51, does anyone know what that is???

    Kanji T

    La Campanella

  82. Snapz Gacha

    _That magical right hand of yours just played 4 octaves without breaking anything_*WTF*

  83. Aggronn

    Those falling patterns give me existential dread


    This is like dubstep in the 1800s :o

  85. Nomecla Absorber

    A car with blacked windows slowly pulls up to A house in a rainy shroud the night leaving only headlights and noice from thunder and the small droplets.the mansion only becoming eluminated by a flash of light nighting out of the car pours a man in a black coat and briefcase.

  86. Cineaso 53

    0:21 *when you lose your virginity*

  87. Ophidimancer

    Anyone else here from TwoSet Violin?

  88. ErizotDread

    Is Chopin Polish for "I'm going to use the whole keyboard"? lol

  89. Magnus Nibbus

    Chopin is the god of Ling Lings.

  90. Emily Lane

    Let me just do a line of coke before playing this song

  91. Il Fuoko Fa Male

    I think you use also the feet to play piano👣

  92. Bu Yiu xi

    0:00 haha piece of cake 0:21 surprise mother ducker

  93. Jerry Faifua

    0.15 when you at home0.21 mum calls and says she'll be home0.40 you cleaning up the house 1.35 me... my time has come.......☠💀

  94. Mouhammed Chamma

    In the second 00:46 appears to play shape-K.

  95. chilax777

    They call them Chopin because they can easily chop your fingers off.

  96. shuerzz

    And now i understand why those teenagers took a really long time to practise these songs in the Anime "Your lie in April". God damn... I can't do this!

  97. Rousseau

    500,000 SUBSCRIBERS!!! It's hard to believe that there are so many of you here, you are an absolutely incredible community!! To thank you all here is another one of the most requested pieces to be performed on the channel, and with this one we also welcome the third pianist to the channel, Tae-Seung Park. As one of Chopin's most difficult pieces, with one of the most misleading introductions, it's amazing to realize that behind the insane difficulty is also an insanely beautiful piece, and this is why Chopin's Etudes were such a big deal during his time - he revolutionized the Etude.

    Joelle Kourieh

    I mean who can't love your piano dude!!! Its amazing!!!

    lola Kilia

    Le Bonjour de France Je suis admiratrice ...j'adore

    Alonso Vergara

    1.500.000 subs in 10 months... WTF

    Jeremiah Parker

    Paganini had very small hands I think that is who you are thinking of.

    OverKill Jaguar

    Gordan_ Valchev Well it almost took a year, but its here

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