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Klasik Müzik - Chopin-Romance

: Chopin-Romance
: 10.70 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 143 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 99 İndirme
: 15-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Chopin-Romance )
  1. enrique polop blasco

    Si existe el cielo, el encuentro con todo lo amado, la creación. Esta música es lo más cerca que se puede estar de ese lugar...

  2. Got You

    Masum bir mutluluk, narin bir haz.

  3. Kambing Menari


  4. Saif Bougan

    نحن بحاجة الي موسيقية بهذا المستوى الإنساني المرهف الإحساس والرفيع في آن واحد لنعطي معني الي الحياة والي حياتنا بنفس الوقت . ...شوبان كنت رائع .

  5. Lidia Betancourt

    Me fascina esta música gracias por estar aquí feliz día

  6. Brian Earner

    I have no mallace

  7. supermicota

    His Name is Fryderyk not Frederic, Friedrich or Frederico. He was a polish composer.Sein Name ist Fryderyk not Frederic, Friedrich or Frederico. Er war polnischer Komponist.

  8. 이승노

    The sound of pearl drop down from the heaven which was send by my mother

  9. Edit Dudásné Simon

    Nem is tudtam h a komolyzenét is kedveled...

  10. Zareef Munawwar Uz Zaman

    I am an English language teacher. Mr. Chopin and his life was my topic today. That attracted me towards this search. Just loved it. Love from Pakistan. 💟

  11. Dave Crowder

    Very little of Chopin that I don't like. He was the master. And all of his compositions are extremely complex and difficult.

  12. Alma imparable

    Divino, emocionante...Majestuoso ..inspirante Chopin

  13. Exacts Net

    Cuanta gente habra tenido problemas en el trabajo de corte trenes y demás?Comunas Hipys al Poder

  14. Exacts Net

    Están destruyendo Catalunya y siguen y siguen destruyendoHasta que salgaGolden Internacional

  15. Vanilda Zucolotto

    Muito, muito lindo!!

  16. Viktoria Slom

    There are no words to express the beauty of this music...

    Elizabeth W.

    Agreed. 😭

  17. Laurence Goodison

    So achingly exquisite...

  18. Fatime Mehdiyeva

    Azerbajandan hello

  19. Angela Ripolles

    Gracias Maggy....

  20. METAL

    MITICO !

  21. Hakan Günana

    Emotional romantisch und bezauberd die seele der Menschen.

  22. will vieira

    As mais belas paixões, não precisam ser ditas com muitas palavras mas, com uma simples melodia, pode nos levar a outra dimensão e encontramos a pessoa que mais amamos, sempre quando ouço ela é como se pudesse estar com a pessoa que amo.

  23. María Martínez

    Musica clasica para el alma

  24. 멜디

    We are in heaven??

  25. Bill Strossman

    The Concerto os one of my favorites and this was beautiully done.

  26. David Gabriel Abalo

    Totally sweetness... peace and infinity tears...

  27. Maryel Ramos

    Beatiful masterpiece!!!

  28. Jozeph Adema

    muziek van het welzijn..........!

  29. Sandra soriano inostroza

    Está música te conexta con la magia sublimé del ser y con el todo...uuuu... Chopin, chopin...musica del amor infinito de Dios!.

  30. Любовь Голец

    Сочетание очень красивого клипа с музыкой Фредерика Шопена просто завораживает!!! У Вас прекрасный вкус!!! СПАСИБО!!!!!😍💘🌷👏💋

  31. Margit Durisch

    It's a mistery

  32. 66berserker

    A masterpiece

  33. Amadi1

    Did you add reverb or edit this recording in anyway? I just downloaded this recording by that Slovak Symphony but it is not the same version exactly. Can you tell me where you found this recording? :)

  34. Mário Garcia

    Ever,Sweet ,and Lovely......

  35. blue light orchestra

    a really beautiful video! My respect. Greetings from northern Germany Peter (bandleader / composer blue light orchestra)

  36. Ingrid Akkermans

    Betifol vidio muzika good day thanks jou ingrid akkermans

  37. Rareruber

    Beautiful beyond words💕

  38. cyka kamrade putin

    Oh so so so beautifle!!! Tão tão bonito

  39. joao carlos rodrigues lemes


  40. Betty Gordon

    If this leaves you heartless it's because Chopin has stolen it! Wrenchingly beautiful!!

  41. Didier TOUITOU

    QUE DIRE ..................

  42. Gisèle de Lylle

    "Mille voix qui se taisent, une seule qui parle et tout ce qu'elle dit n'est que l'écho lointain de tout ce qui se tait." Pierre Reverdy, Le livre de mon bord.

  43. Евгения Бугаёва

    Красивый клип, хорошо оттеняет чудную музыку Шопена

  44. José Alberto Quirós León

    Todavía no logro entender, como es posible que sobre la tierra hayan existido estos genios de la música, que lograban transmitir con esas notas musicales tan semejante vibración al corazón y al alma. Gracias señor, por existir esto tan puro que sana mi vida, y alegra mi alma, con esperanza y sanación. Ya esto no existe, fue cosa del pasado.

  45. Marina Carballo

    Recuerdos mas tiernos de mi infancia junto a mi Padre el con sus discos de pasta cambiaba mi casa en un lugar de sueños Inolvidables momentos de gran amor filial agape

  46. Andrzej Lange


  47. suzy schwarz

    My grandmother used to play this piece in her house in Paris when I was a child and I would hear it from 2 floors up in my bedroom and when I hear it even though I am elderly it feels like time stood still . Thank you Maestro Chopin. Heaven

  48. вlαk૯ в૯llαđѳnna n૯kѳ

    Stairway to heaven brought me here ;^ ;🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  49. Paris Rosas

    Esto es poesía

  50. Janina Barbara Natoniewska

    Wspaniały koncert i super video :):)

  51. Sola Monroe

    Magical...beautiful...thank you...

  52. Anna Staniec


  53. Maria Pombero

    Que música más bella y divina.lae disfrutado a tope.y no me canso de

  54. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    This comfortable music is the oasis of hearts of urbanites who are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city like Tokyo , Paris , New York , London , etc. as Megalopolis .From Tokyo in the dizzying Megalopolis ablaze with neon . Which national are you watching this video ? .

  55. Iuliana Haas

    Nespus de frumos !

  56. Carola Navia


  57. Holly Beazley

    Bravo to the pianist. Who playing this beautiful rendition? Very sensitive interpretation.


    Biret Idil

  58. Maria elizabeht Alderete

    Maravillosos virtuosos de piano!! Hacen honor a UN GRANDE !! F CHOPIN,!! Bellisimas sus obras conciertos ,sonatas sinfonias.adagios!! Incomparable!! Por siempre GENIO DEL PIANO Y DEL ROMANCE CLASICO!!!!!🎹🎹🎹🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻👏👏👏👏👏👏

  59. jaguartaj joe

    يا سلام عليك بحب هد الموسيقة كتير😍😍😍😍

  60. Music Side

    very beautiful music, well done

  61. Misty Kush

    I think your video was so well felt... the feelings I felt listening coincided with the photos in the video... bravo!

  62. Rareruber

    Honest n pure - that's Chopin🤗 ..And great job by Slovak Symphony Orchestra.👍

  63. siraj nour

    (This is the creation of Allah So show Me What those other than Him have created. Rather the wrongdoers are in clear error ) Surat Luqman 31 Coran verse 11

  64. Yulanhua Wee

    Best of No. 1

  65. Fortaleza y Salud


  66. Tu Nguyen

    Beautiful melody. I listent this melody when i run always.

  67. R Roel

    DIVIN !!!

  68. Akr Rosso

    Chopin pidió que entierren su corazón en el lugar donde vivia su amada,

  69. lengyan world

    best of best

  70. Patricio

    stairway to heaven bring me here to this piece of art

  71. cazara kids

    Sangat menyentuh...karya musik luar biasa..yang mampu menceritakan sebuah keteduhan dan kedamaian dan kelembutan...chopin genius

  72. Gribouille Onaicram

    Jolie vidéo !

  73. Patricia Serre

    A quoi pouvait-il penser notre romantique F. CHOPIN en composant de ses talentueux doigts cette romance délicieuse ?...assurément à des images magnifiques telles que sur cette vidéo!

  74. Renee Ren-Patterson

    A best of Frederic Chopin with a great living images are presented by such a Romantic way. I love it who create a fantastic romantic music story by all beautiful nature....

  75. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    In Japan , the present Emperor abdicates on May , 1、2019and the Crown prince will throne the new Emperor . The Japan to commemorate is a ten- day holidays. This song is noble and solemn ,deep emotion is reaching my heart , and it is the time of supreme bliss ! From Tokyo in Japan .

  76. Francisco Ferrer Galiana

    Bellísimas imágenes, en armonía con la exquisita música de Chopin.¡¡¡¡

  77. Glaucio Laffitte

    Belle vidéo, chansons merveilleuses, merci de partager ce "Diamant" avec nous.

  78. Glaucio Laffitte

    En écoutant Chopin, on oxygène l’âme, c’est éternel.Słuchając Chopina, dotleniasz duszę, jest ona wieczna.Listening to Chopin, you oxygenate the soul, it's eternal.

  79. polskapianist

    chopin didnt have tristeza and heart ache always,he was happy too and joyful and full of love and humble for george sands the lady and her children she had.they lived together for about 10 yrs and adored federico too maybe he suffered a little more because he had tuberculosis,of what took his life at the end, but think of the music he left us forever.LOVE FOUND LOVE LOST AND FOUND AGAIN

  80. Amadainmortal FrauBeethoven

    Enjoy it with📱 horizontal💝😚😏😥🔥

  81. Amadainmortal FrauBeethoven

    Buona Pasqua per tutti🙏🔔🕯🕊📿🌾🌿☘🐰🥚🍫🍰! Happy Easter for all!😚😏😥💝

  82. manuelmatias guerreirosilva

    lindissimo como se fosse sobrenatural

  83. Meredith Hernandez

    Beautiful. Loved 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘

  84. Shin-i-chi Kozima

    For some reason , our life has many sorrows and sufferings. Sorrow and suffering surpass joy far . Somehow can we reverse this ? These noble and excellent scenesand this incomparable song will relieve sadness and suffering and will create vitality for tomorrow .

  85. Almerinda Maria

    Fabuloso extraordinário música linda e vídeo de lindas passagens 🌜❤🍀🌹💚🌹🌻🌛SAUDADES 🇵🇹

  86. Antigone Oedipus

    Шопен-самый романтичный композитор, мечтательный романтик. Слушаешь его музыку и погружаешься в светлые мечты. Спасибо большое!

  87. fredy choquehuanca velasquez

    Perfeccion eso puedo describir ahora mismo

  88. Charles Eric Ringuette

    good visuals

  89. Nívea Synthia Santos

    Aprendi A Amar esses clássicos de chopin esse Ano aos 44 Anos sinto em harmonia com Tudo que há de mais belo no mundo principalmente aqui no Brasil no pará ❤

  90. Sandra Romano

    la maestria di Chopin unita con queste suggestive immagini rendono questo brano toccante e struggente

  91. Ilse Hageman

    This lovely music & accompanying beautiful pictures are a very lust to eye & ear and touch each & every ❤️! It IS thát beautiful and span centuries. Thank you so very much for shareing.

  92. Majoras Love

    Truly wonderful music. Now music can’t make me cry but this

  93. Joaquim Hb

    São todos bons, mas Chopin é boníssimo, raríssimo, o primeiro de sempre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  94. Gloria Romero Sepulveda

    Gracias amor

  95. fanfan 17

    SUBLIME !!🙏🙏💚💘💜💙

  96. leocadia cancho garcia

    Voy a salir un momentoAmor Mio tqm

  97. leocadia cancho garcia


  98. Halina Bendix

    To nasz Fryderyk..Piękne...

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