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Klasik Müzik - Chopin-Prelude

: Chopin-Prelude
: 2.51 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 159 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 118 İndirme
: 15-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Chopin-Prelude )
  1. Stxtic Drxpz

    Pure Masterpiece got me through the hardest times in life and to this day still gives me inspiration to do great things

  2. el investigador de la oscuridad

    Esta tipo de música me causa nostalgia al escucharla y es muy bella está sonata

  3. Alexander Stevens

    doing a 4 page report rn. this makes it so much easier.

    Forrest Dixon

    Same bro


    i’ll do this next time i get an essay to do

  4. God of Dreamzzz

    How does this make you feel? Respond below

    krszt Orion



    Brings back a lot of sad memories. Makes me very melancholic but hopeful that things might become better one day. Although not being very optimistic that it actually will, just trying to live in the moment and see what life may bring

    God of Dreamzzz

    kris exact same for me

  5. deolimar1977

    I am in peace right now ☺️

  6. Laksh Taneja

    and for five minutes, everything was fine..

  7. cristian D.C

    Tengo 29 años recuerdo que mi mamá me hacía dormir escuchando está musica.realmente belleza pura


    cristian D.C 😍😍


    belleza absoluta

  9. rigel gual

    una joya, gracias por compartir

  10. David Tzoni

    Cada día hay más y más que escuchan esta bella pieza

  11. lunatic broccoli

    como eu vim parar aqui?

    Luquinha Gameplays

    Não sei, mas aproveita essa linda música.


    O destino, eu acho.

  12. Ciro Abduction



    The recording has a copyright not the song itself.

    Ciro Abduction

    Spaken oh thanks, if I put it in a vlog background will I have a problem?


    @Ciro Abduction probably not

  13. ezzie

    fck i remember Your Lie in April :(


    Wait was this played in it


    @FunMajorVids did i just spoiled u?


    @ezzie no I just never heard this in your lie in April lol


    @FunMajorVids then search it or watch it again lol


    That hit me

  14. ALC ALC

    2019 and I'm back again. Everytime I listen to this song I picture my 100 yr old self playin the piano in my garden as the sun sets and I peacefully pass away.

    HvY Sceptix

    ALC ALC Yeah nice picture man. Every time I listen to this I imagine a big Mac falling on the ground in slow motion


    @HvY Sceptix LOL. Come here and I'll pour you a bucket of big Macs while you lay on the grass 😅

    HvY Sceptix

    ALC ALC I Hope to die with you supporting me and food me with one of those😂😂

    Jack Pomeroy

    Passing away seems so scary

    Judy Mooradian

    Jack Pomeroy right

  15. Filiz Nilgün Beltan

    Piyanonun tınılari harika.

    emrullah Öztürk

    Parça harika


    burda bizden birilerini görmek harika ⭐🌙

  16. Left Is Best

    It's like a message in music from the past that will always be timeless and beautiful.

  17. Ryan Bloomberg

    This piece makes my heart swell


    You should see a doctor then

  18. waldo. david gaspar ortiz


  19. erick uriostegui

    Cada vez que la oigo no puedo dejar de pensar cuántas mesas fueron maltratabas (no pregunten porque pienso eso)

    Constantino Ramirez

    yo si quisiera saber por que?

    Anacleto Fernandez

    Yo también

    Natalia Duque

    Mesas maltratadas? haha

  20. Oran Berry Blissey

    Angie Velascoide

  21. SCP -096

    eurasia sia sia sia

  22. Mr. BearBot

    Ahs coven

  23. SCP -096

    I'm here because of United States of Eurasia

    Rafael S.A

    The music where Matt plays this piano is actually "Collateral Damage", but it doesn't make a great difference heh

  24. Niroj Acehcam

    I remembered the movie called The Purge

  25. ImHumanWeird

    Nice song RELAX Extreme :D

  26. Kishin Slayer

    Muse ruined this song for me

    Kishin Slayer

    @SCP -096 decent, but a normie pick. I say that but i honestly can't think of my favorites. It depends on my mood, I'll go from listening to Mika to Dropkick Murphys to random Hatsune Miku songs to classical to lofi to jazz, all in the space of a few hours. I can tell you stuff that's stuck with me for years and years, but i can't really say that i like them more than other songs. I really should learn more Queen, though I've always preferred Pink Floyd.

    Najla sellami

    Exonigesis symphony

    Najla sellami

    Muse my favorit band

    Rafael S.A

    Map of Problematique is a masterpiece, certainly on my top5 muse, but The Resistance album and mainly the self titled song are as good as Black Holes and Rev

    Rafael S.A

    Yep a lot of conspiracies, but don't forget the scientific and ficcional appeal that the majority of their albums have, for me that's the most important element in muse's lyrics!

  27. Motorcycles And Stuff

    2019 and still a banger 🔥

  28. gefar 182

    El tiempo va y no regresa la nostalgia de una vida que está apunto de sucumbir , el fin de un ciclo de un periodo en la vida , el tiempo va y no regresa....

    Armando Conoto

    Y entonces entiendes que solo queda lo que has vivido.

    Lozano Valdez

    Me gustaria opinar pero hecharia a perder la gran realidad de sus palabras

    Blackwell Hydra

    El tiempo pasa y las flores florecen El tiempo pasa y la gente envejece El tiempo viene y el tiempo se va Sin tiempo me quedo tik tak tik tak....

  29. Frydryck Francoise Chopin

    Chopin Chopin Chopin Chopin We love Chopin

  30. Wesley Feitosa

    Quem disse que música tem que ter palavras para mandar alguma mensagem sendo que, a mensagem pode ser mandada de dentro de você mesmo? Olha essa música, olha essa obra de arte! Com este som, há várias reflexões. Realmente faz sentido um Hino desses com um Céu de uma noite Estrelada andarem juntos! Mais alguém concorda?Essa é a minha preferida. ☆

    Franciele Ribeiro Sales

    Com certeza, não precisa de nenhuma palavra.


    Wesley Feitosa a minha também, ouvindo agora mas com noite chuvosa 😀

    Wesley Feitosa

    @deolimar1977 , Chuva + Café + ao som de Chopin = não tem nada melhor. ♡

  31. JB Go

    Death, love, grace, and peace. Amen

  32. MaSaKa 169

    Lol i come here because of the Walking dead game Louis played that song on the piano 😂

    Frydryck Francoise Chopin

    Give me the link

  33. scarlette

    This might sound strange, but I really like the way this was recorded. Instead of sounding like it was recorded professionally in a studio and edited like crazy, it sounds like someone’s sitting nearby serenading me. Excellent work ❤️


    I was really in the song i didn't notice it very nicely done✓

  34. Antitutto Antitutto

    Mettece 'na pezza ...

  35. Jeremiah Paul

    Chopin Fans

  36. Dilomot

    Es tan hermoso,me da ganas de matar a alguien.


    @Dilomot Hmm ya.Ah bueno te me cuidas xd

    Lozano Valdez

    Donde encuentras el arte en la muerte el arte se disfruta en el tiempo de vida


    @Lozano Valdez A TU CULO

    sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ

    _Mátame a mi por favor, y cuando lo hagas, que está hermosa pieza de arte suene de fondo._

    Lozano Valdez

    @Dilomot no das nada de gracia de seguro todos te detestan por ser tan inépto

  37. Victor Cult

    Em plena segunda-feira me pego pensando o quão maravilhoso é uma música assim, eu acho que verdadeiramente só é música aquilo que expressa nossos sentimentos sem cantoria apenas as notas ecoando é fazendo sentir na pele o quão eloquente é a dualidade da nossa inquieta vida.

    Kishin Slayer

    I just came here from listening to the original bach Komm Susser Tod. Didn't expect to see an eva pic next lol

  38. ester leal


  39. Rust :v


  40. Dinkin Flicka


  41. Bartholomew Thundercat III

    Must we do as we’re told?



    SCP -096

    Eurasia sia sia sia Eurasia sia sia sia Eurasia sia sia sia

  42. Salwa

    i wish i could release all my feelings out with a piano, i wish...


    @crunchyshoptoe i am thinking of trying to buy a keyboard and start learning on it. i assume you play the piano, so would you do that? thank you btww


    Salwa sorry to interrupt lmao, but i play piano (this piece too) and i personally began with a keyboard and when you’re not really sure it’s a really good way so yes, DO IT💕


    @maélys ohh dw, thank you so much, i am gonna start saving for a keyboard lol, or i will ask one for christmas sdfdf. i just admire people who play the piano so much. like, in general (this is the way i see it) people who play piano seem to be so complex and interesting. many people will play just to play, but ik there are pianists who actually feel what they are playing, you know what i mean? anyways i just admire u and i wanna join the cult sjfkdf (sorry for the long comment lmao)ps: did you learn by yourself? any tips lol?


    Salwa thank u so much, that’s adorable 🥰! i took lessons since i was 3 but when i grew up (like when i turned 12), i started to work by myself beside lessons. i always do more than someone ask me to do lmao but it helps a lot. and i can’t really define myself but you seem to be really right bcs i recognized myself in your description. good luck and u know, piano is amazing, there is so much emotions like, wow


    @Salwa actually, I play on keyboard haha

  43. Piotr Biernacki

    Who is playign this one?

    Frydryck Francoise Chopin

    Vadim Chaimovich

    Piotr Biernacki

    @Frydryck Francoise Chopin thank you

  44. The Vision Alpha Legend

    IO movie on netflix

  45. Kazuo Studios.

    Hermoso :’v Eso si es musica

  46. Stefan Siara Siarzewski

    I'm so glad that I'm from Poland

    Basile Masson

    Chopin was also french ya know

    Nataniel Guzy

    @Basile Masson he live in French on emigration

    littlethistle __

    @Basile Masson he was not

    Anthony demons Siller runb4ME

    My 3x great grand father was Thaddeus kosciusko and I live in america....

  47. Darwiinn II

    alguem exatamentee 1h e 15?

  48. Leo Pintos

    siguen pasando los años, y esta pieza va a seguir en el corazón de todos.

  49. Hikari Hirayuki Ayase

    unica musica de piano asi en estos tiempos me gusta esta musica me relaja y quita el estresamiento me encanta esta musica es la mejor

    Caleb Martinez Navarro

    abueno t me cuidas

    Armando Peluffo

    abueno t me cuidas

  50. la rana con pelo

    Oh por dios es la cancion del hombre del tiempo en tvn,todas las noches salia y ... que nostalgia

  51. Kaike Augusto

    Lindíssima canção, e de tocar a alma

  52. Catalina Gomez

    Esa canción me toca el corazón

  53. Safa Diab

    I love the description's info!❤Listened to the melody before, but never read this description!❤

  54. Matias Camberes


  55. ⌈worthless⌉

    Arte 😟♥

  56. Ilbellino

    ...qualcosa di magico...❤️

  57. estefania Del curto

    Que belleza !!!❤️❤️

  58. Boglárka Naár

    this makes me wanna dance with myself in the kitchen

    Saptarshi Das


  59. عبد الرحمن جبري

    World music

  60. matias alexis saez rojas

    Escucharlo una mañana, por que no? ♥️😋

  61. bebejeon PH

    I am here cuz of Piano no Mori <3

  62. Aria Danang

    Who's here from Alesso & Nadia Ali's Pressure Music Video?😂

  63. Karina Montes Gambirazio

    Richard Clayderman; me gascina escuchar tan hermosas melodias. Y El es un varon hermoso como su musica. Mil bendiciones. Karina4ever/la hija del Altisimo

  64. Kyle Shepard313

    Get your manservant Charles to fix you a gin and tonic; chop wood for the fire; and be sure to cozy up in your Leapord seal recliner while he assembles a house of cards for your amusement, because we are about to delve into another episode of GTA: Geographic.

  65. David Rodríguez

    Como se atreve a copiarle a muse >:v

  66. John Reynolds


  67. Brazilianunderground

    Rapaiz, o bagúio eh topzera

  68. Findra Kati putri

    If i listen this music, i miss my destiny 💛

  69. XeXeeD

    Ako lang ba Noypi na mahilig sa classical music


    @iniffy salute 💪👏


    You're not alone


    di ka nag iisa bro


    Salamat po

    Elli Buendia

    Sama mo na ako

  70. Dievøl 25

    I ❤️ Classic Music, You?

  71. Anaïs L.

    Last time I’ve heard this song was on piano tiles

    mo_236 _6

    Anaïs L. Omg same I used to play it so much on piano tiles it’s been so long...

    Anaïs L.

    mo_236 _6 ikr , like idk why but I was OBSESSED with this song

  72. Maria Caruso

    Tutta la musica classica tocca le corde del cuore, perchè le note vibrano dentro. E' suono pulito, senza l'orpello della voce. Le vibrazioni attivano le cellule del corpo e della mente, per questo ci esaltiamo ad ascoltarla oppure ci incupiamo. A me la maggior parte dà un brivido vicino all'estasi.


    classical makes me feel beyond humanity, ever single note transmit a feeling

  73. david purina

    You know Frederick fucking Chopin

    Mary Dwyer

    Dude, I was saying it precisely when I read this.

    Debbie Hocking

    david purina Val Kilmer was the best Doc Holliday ever!

  74. Clemente Pirillo


  75. Isabela Nascimento Pacheco

    I love this musicFantastic!

  76. pichi

    I really love this masterpiece and then Hotel Del Luna used this piece. Geez, they made me love this song more 😭

  77. Diah ayu wiranti

    What's the name of that painting?

    Gurpanth Singh

    Stary night By Van Gogh

    julieta gonzalez

    Stary night

    Sliwa Dziwa

    Stary night


    starry night

    Diah ayu wiranti

    Thanks for telling me everyone! 😁

  78. Otto Man

    Orkestra yanlış seçim. Balık Ayhan'ın sulukulelileri daha iyi çalar bunu.

  79. jeff pilgrimh

    I am diyin ⚘


    jeff pilgrimh aren’t we all.

  80. tsogoo erdene

    i know it's a long shot, but i came from fallout 4.

    Isaac Hinds

    It don't matter

    shubham gupta

    You being here is important.


    I came here from Your Lie in April. Thanks animes!


    tsogoo erdene I came here from the movie “The pianist”

  81. Sam Ken

    Elle fait du bien cette musique au réveil

  82. Aymén Yahiaoui

    i love the fact that this is already an amazing piece made by the great Chopin and then u upload it with my most favorite painting of Vincent Van Gogh ! well done ♥


    watch the pianist. highly recommended if you haven't seen it

    Aymén Yahiaoui

    @Dpaz2009 you mean the movie ? oh i've seen it i love the part when he played Chopin Nocturne C sharp minor omg !


    @Aymén Yahiaoui oh yeah! I couldn't eat bread for week after watching the movie

    the savage

    Aymén Yahiaoui how come it looks like something I drew when I was a child but he’s the famous one?

    Aymén Yahiaoui

    @the savage go google how he got famous then or watch the movie if u are not into reading your way of thinking is right btw and that's why i think u should google it

  83. usingbothsidesofmybrain 1

    Choppin o's by 334 mob boys brought me here 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😭

  84. wow pow22

    Absolutely love this song but now i gotta play it to not let my family down so :/

    Aymén Yahiaoui

    good luck ♥


    You won't let down your family.. If you like the song then play it for you not for your family.. Good luck:)

  85. SkullBoy

    Eres el amor de mi vida ❤️

    Oriana S

    SkullBoy te amo ❤️

    Armando Peluffo

    Gracias pero solo te veo cómo amig@


    Armando Peluffo jajaja 😂

  86. A. F. Alhaz

    People : each music has its own taste ; sad, happy, beautiful, lonely, etc . . . .Chopin : hold my sheet

  87. henry smith

    Tard Stories bring you here?"Be me""Watch Funny vids about tards being tards""Have a moment of clarity that life is not fair and I could have been born a deformed mistake, then laugh at tards being tards"

  88. Svea

    like thats one of the modt beautiful songs on earth.. i am in trance listening to this. thank you chopin

  89. Sasa Soso

    إبداااااع إل حد لا محدود

  90. jewqueen E

    MeravigliosoGraccie mille Todo e sentimento

  91. Mateo Sierra

    Sadness, nostalgic, melancholy, love. this is consciousness my brethrens 💓

  92. Dave Ghim

    A cold but beautiful winter is upon us... The leaves on the trees have reached it's life and falls ever so gently to the notes of the music. Just as everything has a cycle of life, we also... and should reflect on the cherished moments before we lay rest. There are many beautiful moments in life and so is this one...

  93. wlo23 Ex

    It's amazing how this piece still resounds to so many people, which is visible from the amount of recent comments and views. Even after death, Chopin is still within the world

  94. Nourhanne Hamada

    Fantastic 🖤🖤🖤

  95. Childhood quotes

    This music just makes me use a nintendo joycons on a ps2

  96. Anime wel


  97. Señor Galleta

    Sosiego 🌛

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