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Klasik Müzik - Çaykovski-1812 Overture

Çaykovski-1812 Overture
: Çaykovski-1812 Overture
: 13.86 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 192 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 152 İndirme
: 25-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Çaykovski-1812 Overture )
  1. Nürni Nürni

    Guter Volksmusik

  2. 央礼

    It sounds likeAllons enfants de la patrie!

  3. Alex Elmaleh

    A gay man summarized the love of Rossiya Mat

  4. Alex Elmaleh

    Alexander is now moderator...,,

  5. AdoredTV

    Absolute magic!

  6. Garry Fitzgerald

    Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof

  7. Rooin Mahmood's Supposedly Good Ideas

    Holy shit is that Jeremy Corbyn

  8. Carlos Alberto Mantilla García

    Nice musical piece. Sounds like a martial march. Tchaikovski is a Genius. Greets from Peru...

  9. Andrei Macaraeg

    How can someone dislikes this historical piece

  10. DarkMetal

  11. jose juan valadez

    -Hey what instrument do you play?- I play the cannons !! :D- the...wait, what?? D:

  12. Adventure

    Who else came here because of V for Vendetta?

  13. Evans Wang

    Artillery Officer: How many cannons did you say you needed again? Tchaikovsky: Yes.

  14. Paolo Nostini

    Ouverture 1812 a quei tempi era una vera innovazione, se si considera che nessun compositore prima e durante a parte l'organo, ha mai inserito effetti speciali come i cannoni in questo caso, curioso poi che i cannoni, erano in uso nelle battaglie storiche, strano che nessuno ha mai composto che io sappia i medesimi nelle proprie sinfonie, altro effetto sono le campane, meno insolito, però di grande effetto, se poi lo contorniamo con i fuochi d'artificio, con aggiunta del coro direi che e' un capolavoro.

  15. Berfin Aktarli

    Remember remember ,the fifth of november-v for vendetta

  16. Jakub

    This is battle of Borodine?

  17. Assemblée Nationale

    why does 3:36 remind me of lenin

  18. CM Vogt

    Tschaikovski: Is that it, The Cannons

  19. David Craig

    When the Russians started pushing the Wehrmacht back during WWII, another Russian composer wrote a piece of their victories. I've forgotten who wrote it and the name of it. If anyone knows, please enlighten me. Thank you.

  20. TheIdiotNextDoor

    Straight from Russia!

  21. Galactical valkyrie

    play this at my basketballand now its cannonball

  22. James K.

    The beat dropped harder than the French in all wars

  23. demir niue

    several attempts of playing this song indoors have gone terribly wrong!

  24. Rudevald

    This is awesome.

  25. ElPinchiBear

    Happy November 5th

  26. CarbonFibre _

    No reason why gunpowder treason should every be forgot.

  27. Ákos Zámbó

    Remember, remember the 5th of November.

  28. Serkan Özdemir

    remember, remember the fifth november.

  29. DaDARKPass

    The whitehouse is now white...

  30. Kateryn Elodia Aurora Vásquez Díaz

    Cuando se queme la moneda con el congreso ❤✊

  31. W Madd

    Aka "The good part"

  32. Kopen Hagen

    A true meme music

  33. CrazyChainsaw Dude

    The first beat drop of history :,)

  34. Logan Maubert

    Remember November the 5th.

  35. javier palacios

    I was listening to this song in my Tank Soviet at an estimated speed of 3600 mph and then I began to travel in time 3:05 And you were born JAJAJAJAJAJA.

  36. Kopen Hagen

    I came just for this2:57

  37. sdeb

    1:39 is the single greatest moment in musical history

  38. Caetano Zanesco

    puta musica foda

  39. burhanuddinahmad1

    Why does this sound so familiar? Like it's from a commercial or something.

  40. Solar Knight

    3:04Did montage of my life crashing and burning around me

  41. Fabio Tieri

    Random guy: I'm so tired and sleepy not even cannons could wake me up.Cannons: Hold my composer. 💣💥💥💥💥

  42. Retro_WrathX13

    This finale feels kind of faster. I like it

  43. Giovanni Salgado

    I came here bc of Little Einstein's ( don't judge me it's part of my childhood)

  44. RangedWeevil 61

    Remember, remember the fifth of November

  45. duke 1

    My favorite instrument is artillery

  46. Aku9111

    Alguém veio pelo V de vingança?

  47. The Iraqi Flag

    V for Vandatta


    Ah, I see you have found

  48. Matthew Purdy

    *Laughs in Artillery*

  49. ateb3

    and they say videogames cause violence

  50. badboy61331

    V for Vendetta brought me here

  51. Lol my dad hit me when I was 5

    0:00 when you get cornered by three dudes3:05 and then ur homies show up

  52. Mascro1977

    Napoleon you suck and because you suck I'm going to steal bits of your national anthem in my next symphony

  53. Josh Wilson

    v for vendetta anyone?


    Remember, remember, the 5th of november.

  54. R/T NATION

    My walking exercise just turned into an all out sprint!!!!

  55. 이영주

    Me: can i please have debussymom: we have debussy at homedebussy at home: *_-[1812 cannon noises]-_*

  56. KoeSeer

    Tschaikovsky: I need this things for my concert *hands out instruments list*Manager: So... you need... trumpet, violin, drum, percussion, ... church bells? Howitzer?Tschaikovsky: :)

  57. Normal Boii

    From *France 100* to a meme song, such a mad lad

  58. Jason Daniels

    Ah, Dubstep from the 1800s :)

  59. KidbehindthecameraMemes

    Jackass brought me here

  60. Berkcan Demir

    3:05 XD

  61. gaspar garate

    Well boys we did it fortnite Is no More

  62. Spinel Prime

    Everyone; OMGMe: Now this, is an Avengers level threat.

    Spinel Prime

    I need to grow up lmfao

  63. Carlos Arreola.

    3:05 everytime i get a scorpion in a Halo game

  64. DampyDan

    no one: absolutely no one:us Junkrat mains when we score a multikill: 3:05

  65. Templar Order

    Tigerstar brought me here

  66. Rebecca Strickland

    No one:Literally no one:1812 overturn: cannons can be used for music

  67. Olimar & Pikmin


  68. WhyNotNat ?

    "Yeah, I'm playing the cannon."

  69. Davide Mattiuzzo

    The finale always makes me cry. That high-pitch note hit by the violins and the choir simultaneously before the last joyful part with the cannons can penetrate my bones in a way that no other classical piece can do.


    This part is why I come back also. Everyone harps on about cannon this and Tsar's theme that... but the choir, the bells and that BRASS reprising the opening... it's a level of perfection (especially in this particular performance) unrivaled.

  70. Fran Vlogs

    Remember, rememberThe 5th of November...

  71. csak simán EDDA

    Happy New year!

  72. Rovix

    French: uses violins and pretty sounding flutesAmerica: uses guitars and brass instrumentsRussian: LET'S USE CANNON HERE

  73. efshe

    What a war!

  74. Pokemon Master

    I ran home from school to listen to this.

  75. The Grandmaster

    If the world ever faces nuclear annihilation, I will play this song during it and die without regrets. And ode to humanity's lust for destruction as the final song the world will hear... There shall be no greater irony.

  76. I’m Back!

    3:04 Cartoon networks first song ever in October 1 1992

  77. Zeno Gekkouga

    cannons are not instrumenttchaikovsky:are you challenging me?

  78. Andrej Paluch

    the cannons are too quiet, almost hear them

  79. N3sKey

    imagine this being played on the middle of a war battle. i'd throw myself at anything

  80. TV_Cactus Life

    3:05 French soldiers when the Reinland starts speaking German

  81. Tom Mafille

    France vs Russia : -France win 99% of the battles-Russia win 1% of the time (with the bigger country in the world) and because of the weatherRUSSIA : let's make a piece for celebrate this victory !!! Thanks God, Napoleon and french peoples were too strong !!!Commentary: France sucks ! All of them are surrendersLogic: WTF

    Tom Mafille

    @Günther Schepke To return to Napoleon, he did not weaken France but saved him. The French revolution spawned many wars against France (Germany, Spain, Russia ...) and Napoleon led an army to settle them. it was not he who initiated them, and without him France would have lost on all these fronts and would surely have been invaded. His long-term strategy was very good, which is why he managed to win more than three wars at the same time alone because he was very predictable. He did not lose because of a lack of military qualities, but because some people were unhappy about the return of a regime with only one man in power and feared that he would not just settle current wars but to create new ones (which he did not do). He was removed from office twice during the Russian war and internal problems in France forced him to return to the detriment of his soldiers. that is what made the war lose in part, you can not deny it.

    Günther Schepke

    Tom Mafille dude, I see that you are a Napoleon fanboy. As I said it’s your opinion and your right. What I told you are the facts. I do not see how your explanation can overweight figures and results. It does not matter how things happen. But the most important is the result of these things. Which I described.

    Tom Mafille

    @Günther Schepke I'm not a fanboy ! I just see the facts, and I can't understand how you can say that Napoleon ruined France and was a bad emperor. The history just say that thanks to him France can save a good place in Europe and you said that he was the worst thing ever who can happened to France. The only solution : You're an idiot. It's not an option, it's just the ability to see something.

    Tom Mafille

    You say the most important is the result. And I think ( or prove it ! ) That he do the best thing to do for France. If you think not, you can say another solution to this situation.

    Tom Mafille

    If you can't, you're an idiot ! Sorry :(

  82. mlb55 678


  83. woof woof

    3:04 favorite part

  84. Isaac Mapes

    The Mad Max: Fury Road of classical music.

  85. CarbonFibre _

    RYNO V, there’s only one strategy with this weapon... SQUEEZE THE TRIGGER! After that, it’s clean up on Aisle 3! The RYNO V, guaranteed to rip you a new one!

  86. tekkeli 583

    V for vendetta...

  87. TheGamingPolitician

    Anybody here from Reviewtechusa’s GameStop bathroom video?

  88. Koen Mulder

    Choo choo..

  89. blaiser06

    If the battle of seelow heights had a theme song

  90. Luka Calov

    3:04 thank me later Vendetta fans ;)

  91. fruits


  92. Aaronmarq

    *Vendetta intensifies*

  93. Arc1_

    Died by the age of 53, he could've reach 19th century. Tsk1840-1893

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