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Klasik Müzik - Brahms-Waltz

: Brahms-Waltz
: 2.23 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 149 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 102 İndirme
: 25-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Brahms-Waltz )
  1. Alester The Last Consumer

    o2jam anyone?

  2. RealCapo88


  3. SVR Battu

    Your a mfff

  4. SVR Battu

    You fricken. Bullshit, stop posting dank music and corrupting people with dum minds like ayush

  5. The_Subscriptive_Flame

    Little Einsteins


    I want to ask you about the name of the channel is it a family name or what because it bears my family name؟؟؟؟!!!!

  7. Michka

    "If you can play it slower, you can playing it slower AND faster"

  8. Kitt Kozy

    I wish I could pretend and say that I'm intellectual and know this song from attending orchestras I know this because bugs Bunny danced to it

  9. E M gossn

    gott erhalte franz den kaiser

  10. Youtube

    so powerful

  11. Minesaster Gameing

    i guess i'm the only one here from vinesauce vinny

  12. Curly Brace

    "We're all to busy for Badminton!""What the f**k is Badminton!?"

  13. Kylie cosplay

    Who's still here in 2019??

    Serkan Can Doğan

    Kylie cosplay anybody

  14. Roberto Lobo Rosas

    hearing this,i feel like im watching him that day

  15. Emerson Lopes

    Eu ouvir essas musicas nos desenhos da minha infância talvez seja dai neu gosto classico

  16. Canka Juj

    Lúdas Matyi:D

  17. Despot Drawings

    I speak for all of us when I say that Mr.Brahms is lookin FIINEEE 0:31

  18. mike cassata

    This tune makes me Hungary!

  19. Cecilia Crockett

    That beard tho.

  20. herpina D

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is mambo no. 5

  21. christian vasquez

    this reminds me of A Little Piece of Heaven

  22. Zübeyr Yılmaz

    Tom and jerry...

  23. 。CHERRYさん


  24. Arctic Monkeys

    Kısmetse olur

  25. Tom Rossiter

    had to play this the other day in orcstra

  26. Omid Eftekhari

    1849 anyone?


    ever since there's internet and google in 1894?

    Omid Eftekhari

    @TronXac omg its a joke


    @Omid Eftekhari don't worry I know it's a joke :) love this song anyway

  27. Carina Daqqa

    He was such a handsome man when younger. Became too fat after.

  28. Matthew White

    This song was also featured in Pigs In A Polka from Looney Tunes.

  29. Cwmbran1984

    And now.....BIIIIIIG FINALEDracula, Dead & Loving It 🤣

  30. Nagara Miraki

    And to think the only reason I heard of and love this song is becuz of the movie 'Dracula Dead and Loving It' xD

  31. Alec Booker

    Have to admit, Dracula Dead and loving it Brought me here. 😂

  32. merhabalar aQ

    Love you Hungaria

  33. No Witnesses

    Yo This beat slaps, can’t wait for your next release. Hope you don’t die of syphilisPs, i heard Robert Schumann is out of town next week so take your chance when it’s there

  34. Kasa Jizo

    For some reason this sounds vaguely Jewish


    Hungarian history is interesting, there is a notable part of its history which features the Jews.

  35. rocketsniper

    "I OBJEKT"

  36. Cégalo

    Does this have copyright?

  37. belle leve

    Just dance 3 anyone? 2019??

  38. Yong Grey

    He was gorgeous!

  39. Cerberus

    I'm sure Brahms has had some hungarian blood in his heart :)

  40. Hailey Bosko

    2:35 he worships the piano

  41. LilCsong

    I am hungarian!!!😊😊

  42. Clarinetboy82

    That's not Brahms, that's Santa! ;)

  43. ἑλληνικὸν φῶς

    It's so beautiful

  44. Comrade Ivan

    Bloody hell im Hungarian and I so impressed and proud

  45. AchoDrain W

    Nem tudom miert de nagyon szeretem eszt mert Magyar vagyok

  46. Yaniii UWU

    Someone ...little einsteins?

  47. Ада Золотова

    Отель Элеон😍😍😍❤️

  48. Pablofski

    Say, do you take part in the thwacking of the shuttlecock yourself?

  49. Eurodda Morais

    I Saw ''Hungarian'' in the title, and Brahms in the thumbnail looks like Liszt, So... Yeah.

  50. nemeczek67

    A smooth shave every time.

  51. A05Playz

    any of y'all remember this from the Egypt themed little Einstein cartoon? nostalgia for me.

  52. The Gentleman

    Unfortunately, I cannot dissociate this with Heavy going to the store and causing absolute chaos to get his Sandviches

  53. Vihren Kopchev


  54. One

    Who from Eltorro64Rus?

  55. EAGLE

    Cadê os BR que assistia Pica Pau ???A Música é Linda,uma melodia bem construida

  56. Davi


  57. SlavicUnion Ball

    Top 10 Classic Songs fs

  58. Periclis Dragonballz

    Here from watching the dance scene from Dracula: Dead and Loving It

  59. Partho Roy

    Brahms still droppin' Bombs yo

  60. Mason the Border Collie

    I had to play this song in a concert. I can’t listen to this song without thinking how bad that band was.

  61. MetalHead Reacts

    I just spent the better part of 3 days trying to remember the name to this piece of music, it's been a proper ear-worm...

  62. Василий Михеев

    Rock 'n' Stone!

  63. Makia Baskin

    Y'all remember on the Addams family..the ball uncle fuster

  64. John Paul Murphy

    Is that Andre reiu grandfather at 1:55 interesting

  65. Rafael C. A.

    This is so Vicky 2!

  66. CoffeeJinx

    1:19 best bit!

  67. Banette


  68. Falk Schimweg

    Nobody realised the video is showing pictures of Liszt not Brahms from 0:25 to 0:40? Even the thumbnail is Liszt...

  69. Fran Vlogs


  70. Patrik Öhlin

    Why did every composer create music for hungarians?!! What did they do?

    fogadd már el

    Because hungarians are the best ❤😂🎻💪🇭🇺

  71. Jartoc Janror

    I love you all.

  72. west WORLD

    Who is hungarian in there?😂


    Én például magyar vagyok ;)

    Leves 12


  73. Rob Heijnen

    Life is good to me I'm poor but I'm rich

  74. Federico Larry

    Eyvallah be dayı valla kültürlendim hissediyorum

  75. Velda Matijević

    ❤❤meravigliosa ,bellissima musica ,il dono di Dio,mi piace tanttissimo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  76. Daniel Nieto

    Why do I think this could be Enrico Pucci’s theme


    Yes, praise this phenomenon

  77. Dasha Fomina

    pretty good song for twerking, in my humble opinion

  78. Hutton Nation Animations

    I remember when this came out.

    S - 19

    Nostalgia is hittin me hard

  79. DozyProductions

    played this on piano. such a fun song

  80. Маленький Редактор

    Кто с кухни?

  81. Vegetarian Soylent-Green

    Playing Splinter Cell and then I accidentally dropped in on a bunch of Georgian soldiers at the embassy rocking out to this.

  82. Renan Gonçalves Flores

    Thank you, Tom and Jerry.

  83. william wallace

    I so love my father i am Proud and miss you...I know you need rest..and every time I play our music like all the plays you like I also love...Hungarian yes I feel it...when saw your picture I see us...Grandmother and Grandfather what a Union

  84. jordan cole

    This is my favorite piece this and pachebels(spelling is wrong I’m not a professional) canon

  85. flip flop

    when you enter the boss arena:

  86. Bryce Adkins

    Whos here from the game theorists the science?

  87. ciri_ riannon

    Okay...but...I find him kinda hot when he was young

    tuntematon tuntemton

    Why not with dat beard ? :D

  88. Angeeelllaaa

    O2jam brought me here

  89. Hasufel y Arod

    Szervusz.Nem tudom magyarul,bu t I can pronounce the name of Budapest correctly.

  90. Not Dalu

    1849 anyone?

  91. Robert Jethro Gallano


  92. the musketeer

    Is rhis madam nazar song?

  93. Aloyus Knight

    With some parts of this people are thinking "holy crap its the Johnathan Creek theme tune".

  94. sarah green

    this song makes me wanna invade Austria


    This comment makes my austrian heart sad :(

    Adrienn Barizs

    My Hungarian heart also

  95. Gyvtfvtfv Tfvtfvfvf

    Such a legend

  96. Randomizer

    2:34 that picture is as 2d as its 3D

  97. Carol Ann

    I adore this tune.... and I am not Hungrian either..........!!!!!!!!!!!

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