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Klasik Müzik - Brahms-Lullaby

: Brahms-Lullaby
: 2.78 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 195 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 153 İndirme
: 25-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Brahms-Lullaby )
  1. ronald allan lao

    Oh my baby boy go a sleep in 1sec

  2. marjorie michelle timog

    This music makes my baby sleepy. Subscribe and Like.❤👍

  3. Kimberly Martinez

    What do prefer rain or lullaby?

    Sarah C

    Kimberly Martinez lullaby

    Kimberly Martinez

    @Sarah C same

  4. Desiree Dardar

    My son is 8 days old and this works every time

  5. Ky D

    I’m babysitting and this just saved me!

  6. Routines Holistiques by Alexandra

    Hello I love that music, and in wondered If I can use it to illustrate one of my wellness videos if I credit you in the describtion below ? Thank very much for your response. Alexandra

  7. FearExxy

    Omg this is so relaxing I m in the hospital with my two day brother he is sound asleep

  8. Raphael Rafa

    l really love this music

  9. Missy Boyd

    You made me 8 year old go to sleep

  10. Mariana Z.

    Omg, can i have a baby☺️?

  11. Danqing Zhao

    Nce Nce t

  12. Meredith Roberts

    I still listen to this when I can’t sleep even tho I’m not a baby or toddler

    Meredith Roberts

    Kimberly Martinez and hbu

    Kimberly Martinez

    @Meredith Robertssorry i always don't see when these notifications come But i go to decker middle school in Austin tx

    Meredith Roberts

    Kimberly Martinez that’s cool and I don’t always see them either

    Kimberly Martinez

    @Meredith Roberts what do you like to do?

    Meredith Roberts

    Kimberly Martinez I like to play with my cats and my dog, bake and do crafts. what do you like to do?

  13. Niluka Udayanthi

    This lullaby music is amazing.... I playing this for my 3 years old daughter... She always falls asleep very quickly........ Love this song.... ❤️

  14. Alex O’Brien

    I use this one to put my daughter down to sleep and she always falls asleep with it because of how relaxing it is even my partner falls asleep to this as well

  15. why can't we just get along blahblah

    Getting warm fuzziness inside... lovely to sleep to this beautiful classic.

  16. Emilia Grace

    Thank you for putting this on. Last night I've been very sick. I had only 4 hours sleep but that's better than nothing when your waking up all of a sudden to throw up in a bowl

  17. Chequan Williams

    Like if in October😊😊

  18. Allen Coker

    My name is Elizabeth

  19. Allen Coker

    Hwhdjwndjkwkehxnw jfksk photo credit cards are 30th card for being so being able and Adde 3hfnnfheiqjfjh willing to Adde 3hfnnfheiqjfjh Adde and I jfjgkwk

  20. Pipa Edit

    Nagyon sokat segit az elalvàdhoz köszönöm

  21. Official X2 Clan

    I'm sick right now and listening to this helps me sleep so I can get better! Thx for ur help!!

  22. melissa fielitz

    Thank you! Ran into this during a moment of desperation. 4 minutes into the song- my 3 year old, 2 year old and husband are now all snoring.

  23. Piret Männik


  24. Cheyanne Charbonnet

    The only version of this lullaby my 11 month old will fall asleep to 💕

  25. Anchialem Abebe

    I love it 😭😭😭😭😭👍🏻✋🏻🤱🏾💁🏻‍♂️🤰🏾👼🏻🎇🎇🎇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💛💛💚💚💚💚💚💙💙💙💙💙💙💝💝💝💝💝❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💜💜💜💜💜💜💓💓💓💓💓💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💟💟💟💟💟💟💟💟🇦🇺🇪🇹♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♾

  26. Anchialem Abebe

    I put theis muzsic for Aaron 👶🏼

  27. courtney M

    Soon as my son heard the music he slapped my phone he tired of this music putting him to sleep lol it only took 5mins

  28. Amanda Lewis

    My two year old daughter and her four year old sister have to have this music to sleep or they will fight their sleep best music ever and their brothers room is right next door and he loves it as well so glad I found this

  29. Josh McCrory

    I get such a Pavlovian response from this

  30. Rosie Hernandez

    15 minutes later my grumpy 3 almost 4 year old baby girl is fast asleep💕

  31. Angel Garcia

    The baby is sleeping 😌 feeling so relax

  32. 4EvaRockNRoll

    I don't have kids but this absolutely unique and beautiful <3

    McClung Music

    Aww, thanks =)

  33. Anna Sophia ya Gail

    Wow this is lovely!!!!!!

    McClung Music

    Thanks! =)

  34. Annalid Marin

    2019 noah ♥️💤💤💤

  35. hennike chandra

    U i m u iiiiijraDim cjiiiiiii LP d. RSU

  36. Ari Love SAVGE

    😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😮. Oh was it not nap time?😴😴😴

  37. Muffin Dumb2

    I’m a kid and it makes me foll to sleep

  38. Shelley Latimore

    We love this for you kid

  39. Kenny Holland

    Simply beautiful tune !! We played this for our new granddaughter, Isabella and it soothed her away to sleep and slumber !!!

  40. JaDangerz

    🎵 Go to sleepGo to sleepClose your big bloodshot eyesYou’re a dope and you’re a lugAnd I hope you don’t wake up 🎶 - Tom Cat

  41. Kids Vids TV

    i want to use music . am i use ?

  42. John Cedric Hombre

    28 yrs old but still listening...made me happy

  43. The Token Vamp

    I always hum this to my baby as I’m rocking her to sleep and it works every time. I just put this on and she fell asleep within minutes 💜

  44. Michelle Italy

    I leave this on for my 2 pound teacup chihuahua Daisy as I leave for work. She loves lullabies.

  45. avigayil fleurant

    My little sisters love this music

  46. Me Mes

    Jesus the comments are so sad and depressing

  47. Franzoe Mercado


  48. Dece Gallur

    This song helped me in babysitting my cute nephew. He's knocked out already in less than 10 minutes. Love you JC 😘

  49. McClung Music

    Hi guys! I know a lot of you were asking about the 1 hour Disney medley, and I've just re-uploaded it! The music is exactly the same and it has a lot of great new art. Enjoy!

    The royalty Family

    McClung Music thank you so much this lovely Lullaby worked so good my 3 month old brother fell asleep instantly

    The royalty Family

    So fast

    why can't we just get along blahblah

    I'm an adult is it normal that this is soothing to me

  50. Amber Butler

    So cute

  51. Amber Butler

    So cote

  52. Francis Solomon

    This lullaby is so so so so so so so good night I love it 😍🥰😘😍🥰😘😍🥰😘😍🥰😘😍🥰😘😍🥰😘😍🥰😘😍😘

    Ana Clausen

    Francis Solomon aazxnzjjc nun nz sa££,,€!,*|,‘nun. nancznzjajjncy djjaiaqkwnn no lmkmmkl ca i i i,*[**~*]

  53. Tierra Jackson


  54. Vapor4lyfe 420

    6:58 my nephew's out cold


    Makes me tear when I seen these on my timeline cause Im missing my baby and the love of my life. But keeping in faith that daddy gets to see u soon hold u and raise u up to be a very strong beautiful young lady. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  56. bbradl

    I have a 4 year old cousin and she is almost asleep and normally it takes her sooo long to go to sleep and I am almost asleep to and I am almost 11! 😂😁😜

    Sarah C

    bbradl same

  57. 백미옥

    this music is very nice and good

  58. Janelle Jacoub

    My son is 3 months old and from brith I have played this lullaby every night as he sleeps every time I put it on it takes no longer then five minute and his fast asleep it’s such a beautiful lullaby

  59. Claribel Gomez


  60. sharon wilt

    May the angels look down upon you and give you rest...shhh go to sleep all is well under God's sky . nite nite

  61. Alan Tureen

    I am here to find out who DISLIKES this???????? Really😅

  62. Melissa Anthony

    This is one of my favorite go-to's for my sometimes cranky 16 month old. He's out usually within 10 minutes of listening. Thanks so much. Such a great help getting him to sleep. - mom with a migraine

  63. Mykeveon Wilson

    My little brother loves this lullaby he falls asleep so fast it's the best and he sleeps to 6:00 AM

  64. Lana Jae

    So... I have to put my little brother to sleep and I’m bored. Want to play a game?Spot the difference(s)😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🌏 🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌍🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌏🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌨🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🌧🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🏅🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚈🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🚝🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛬🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫 RiddlesWhat gets wetter and wetter as it dries?I have a face and hands but no arms or eyes.What am I?Take it and you will lose or gain more than all others.I wear you down, yet you will mourn me once I fly.You can kill me, but I will never dieI’ll do more later sorry it’s so shortWhat 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word?The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?(Sorry it’s so short I’ll try to do more! I hope whoever you were trying to put to sleep is asleep!!!)

  65. Fatima Sido


  66. Rhodz nawitngal

    I am like this music the baby sleep after baby me sleep to

  67. video craft gamer TH 2 DEV

    What if I play this in loop mode?10 Years later...

    Franz P


  68. Marcos Alamo

    Chunges baby

  69. Katie Leal

    That goood my baby brother is sleeping

  70. Lester Lachica

    I wanna learn this on Piano so I can help my baby brother sleep ☺️🥰

  71. Brooklyn Stephens

    I used to have a stuffed wind up elephant that played Brahms lullaby (this) until it broke and now i listen to this when i cant sleep becase used the elephant i basically made it so i go into relaxed sleep mode when i hear this lullaby

  72. ADT

    My 4 month old daughter gets knocked out as soon as I play this at nap time. She is a kitten 😊

  73. Michelle Ervin

    2 minutes and 50 seconds in and my 8 week old baby boy is sound asleep 💙 Btw it’s only 9 pm right now and he usually doesn’t go to sleep until about 1 am.

  74. Jacqueline Marr

    lol im not a baby but this helps me sleep

  75. Allyson Bornn

    And also I use this for my baby sister my baby brother name Sam and Sara thanks for letting all the family use this lullaby I'll keep you

  76. S. Mannon

    Isuzu saleAlaskans

  77. Kimberly Bookhart

    *snores* I'm LAZY

  78. Allyson Bornn

    When Matthew was here I used to say how he feels and he said he feels sick and also I use this lullaby and also when I was little I used to put this on but also my mom know me thanks for letting everyone do this lullaby I watch I'll keep it everyday and I'll keep sleeping cuz I like sleeping and I don't like waking up too early but thanks for letting me have this lullaby you're the best!

  79. Kearra Saunders

    This is very relaxing

  80. Iis Fitriyani

    I like this song

  81. Angel Winona

    i'm playing it now for my baby to sleep and she fell asleep already..thanks for sharing

  82. The Macabre Curiosity

    I think this is the classic lullaby that everyone knows and whos parents played for them when they were younger (hopefully your parents played music for you to help you sleep, but some don’t and thats totally ok too)

  83. The Macabre Curiosity

    My daughter doesn’t need music to sleep, but I still play it because I need music to sleep and I can’t play metal for her...

  84. Boo Crystal

    Crazy how some guy was likeHmm new music,oh dun dun duuun dun dun duuun(Matching the song)


    Boo Crystal That’s still what happens when a new song is created today. Only now they add ridiculous lyrics and synthetic sounds to it.

  85. flavia savini

    This lullaby is the best one out of all of them in the world I love this one it makes me sleep and my baby brother I am nine years old and my brother is five years old! :)

  86. Izuku Midoriya

    IM feeling sleepy😴

  87. Margo Mason

    Go to sleep, go to sleep little baby

  88. Leanne Peake

    Thanx you made my baby brother soooooo sleepy

  89. Isabel Thomlison

    I’m 13 and this puts me to sleep lol

  90. Teena Hamilton

    Loveeeeeee it

  91. Maria Grau


  92. Diana Ximena Aranda

    Omg my l sis fell asleep

  93. Diana Ximena Aranda

    When my mom puts it i fall asleep so fast

  94. cynthia ruth

    thank you, Brahms' Lullaby, this song puts my great grand daughter who is 7 months, to sleep every time i put it on, unbeliveable, it works.

  95. Kayla Almonte

    Please just go to sleep 🙄😂 ...

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