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Klasik Müzik - Beethoven-6. Senfoni

Beethoven-6. Senfoni
: Beethoven-6. Senfoni
: 9.92 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 510 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 203 İndirme
: 15-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Beethoven-6. Senfoni )
  1. Mathendro

    7:10Just to have my own replay button

  2. Miguel Herrera

    *Soylent green!*

  3. Steve

    Why would anybody thumb this down. What some odd people there are out there. 🤪

  4. kwilliams28378

    Can't hear this without seeing the bit from Fantasia!

    Nur Faiza

    Don't forget Magic of Pegasus 2005.


    Not gonna lie I found this video in a playlist called AC/DC top 25 greatest hits

  6. Sami The f google

    Beats to relax or study to

  7. Mason C

    Why is this in an AC/DC greatest hits playlist lmao?

  8. Srinivas S C

    I wish to inform all listeners that all even number symphonies are rich in overflow of melody & odd number symphonies are against political reign of Bismarck. There is no war movie of sucess without Beethoven''s music.

  9. evil devil

    Why is this in"AC/DC greatest hits"?!?!


    i Appreciate Beethoven

  11. TheSp00kyWizard

    This is the song that plays at my local library when it’s closing time.


    A library in Sydney Australia.

    Klemátisz Jóni

    So cool. I love Beethoven's music<3


    I wouldn't leave!

  12. Antonio Bomparola

    questa musica ha un referente nella " natura"? ; penso di no!; ma!...! abbracciare abeti e pini in una si estranea dal quotidiano che e' una "coazione ripetere"---e ci si riesce ad entrare nel " mistico" che e' la " pace" tra vivere e morire.......

  13. Mojca Erjavec

    This is an absolute beauty. Not much music so beautiful has been written in human history. And combined with beautiful photographies is really a scenery to die for. Exactly like in Soylent Green.

  14. Askar Khudawand, SoldierOfGod

    Ren & Stimpy :))

  15. Alan Heath

    Soylent Green thought it was Fiction when watched in 80s. Not to sure now is it our Future i wonder if we dont change

  16. KingOli1999

    “Solyent Green, is people!!! We gotta stop them!! Some how!” - Charlton Heston

  17. Matt Dave

    Ein wenig zu schnell gespielt, ansonsten große Klasse.

  18. Android Turbo

    A japanese light novel brought me here.

  19. Humble_Hanna23

    Why is this in a AC/DC greatest hits playlist 😭😂

  20. TimeandMonotony

    I always think of Fantasia and Soylent Green when I hear this. ❤

  21. Shayla Bellard

    0:40 SO GOOD!!! 😍😍

  22. Gibassier

    The green sun !

  23. steve mcquen

    I love you Thorne, i love you Saul...


    Appreciate Beethoven

  25. Charlie West

    this is on a best of acdc playlist 🤔

  26. NonRandomNonSense

    Without a doubt, this is the best song AC/DC ever made.

  27. Zcrown 12

    I know this song from Tom and Jerry soundtrack :v

  28. thefastbishop

    why is this on an AC/DC playlist

  29. Rand

    _"Oh, hombres que me consideráis rencoroso, insociable y misántropo! ¡Cuán equivocado estáis! ¡No conocéis la secreta causa de todo lo que me hace parecer como tal! Mi corazón y mi inteligencia se sintieron desde la infancia inclinados al tierno sentimiento de la benevolencia, y hasta me he encontrado dispuesto, en toda ocasión, a realizar generosas acciones; pero tened en cuenta únicamente que, desde hace seis años me ha acometido una dolencia incurable, agravada por los médicos torpes... En verdad yo... no podía decir a los hombres:_ *_¡Hablad alto, gritad porque soy sordo!!..._* _Si me acerco a alguien, una mortal angustia se apodera de mí ante el temor de que alguien descubra mi estado... Y ahora, un ruego, hermanos Karl y Johan: cuando muera, si he ha sobrevivido el doctor Schmidt, suplicadle en mi nombre que redacte la historia de mi enfermedad, y que una su descripción al presente documento, para que al menos sea posible que se reconcilie en mundo conmigo. al mismo tiempo os declaro por la presente, herederos de la modesta fortuna (si cabe dársele tal nombre que pueda haber reunido. Repartíosla equitativamente, aplicadla bien bien y ayudaos mutuamente. El mal que me causasteis alguna vez os fue perdonado, como sabéis, hace mucho tiempo... Adiós y amaos mucho. Quiero hacer constar mi gratitud a todas las personas amigas, especialmente al príncipe Lichnowsky y al profesor Schmidt..."__"... He terminado, voy al encuentro de la muerte... no me olvidéis... Este documento deberá ser leído y ejecutado después de mi muerte"._*_Testamento de Ludwing Van Beethoven (1770 -1827)_*

  30. XD张景荣

    I came here because of barbie of the magic pegasus

    daniella m

    XD张景荣 same 😂😍


    @daniella m lol hah

    Nur Faiza

    Yes. My favourite movie.


    @Nur Faiza my favourite is princess and the pauper but all classic barbie movies are the best, the new ones are like shit

  31. Nemanja Živojinović

    music without words is even the best

  32. CamMci

    L E M O N A D E ?


    Arkady is a good DJ

  34. Lukas Agus Dei

    2019 anyone stil se this??

  35. ULMDesk 300E42nd

    eddie robinson sent me here

  36. Grumf Ledolek

    The simpsons "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge" S02E09

  37. Maria Olinda Pedroso Pinheiro

    A melodia, que escolhi.Gratidâo.Maria Olinda Pedroso Pinheiro

  38. pool Del Aguila

    Is magic!!

  39. big mama

    this is a great ac dc hit

  40. Roger Marcellin

    ready to perform :) :)

  41. Bruno56

    I don't know who was the conductor BUT Henry Adolph DOES NOT EXIST! Probably Zdenek Macal of who?


    I CAN;T believe it: Spain philosopher Ortega y Gasset HATED this symphony by Beethoven. The same German avant garde composer Stockhausen. Well, they are the idiots who missed it.

  42. Mobius Trip


  43. Patrick Amice

    Géant 👍

  44. René Pariente

    René Pariente: La plus belle symphonie de Beethoven

  45. Beatríz Marisela Soriano


  46. Francisco Ferrer Galiana

    Absolutamente magnífico.¡¡

  47. 1220b

    "You've got to tell them, Soylent Green is people "

  48. Joujou Loulou

    I love this symphony

  49. lamiye Wirinzade

    Çox gözəldi.

  50. Carla Ivanova

    very nice love it. proper music unlike most songs these days always about the same old thing. i bet everyone knows what it is.

  51. Alexrobi 11

    This was at the end of an AC/DC playlist? That's how I got to this? What?

  52. ULMDesk 300E42nd

    Sol sent me here

  53. Barba Marcel

    Encore des gens en 2019 ?

  54. iAndroid

    not bad for a guy who didn't have digital tool! iAndroid

  55. Ornella Santoro


  56. Spotcats

    Who put this in a "Best of ACDC hits" list? Not saying that this is bad, but whoever did it, is an asshole.

  57. eric

    qui est le chef d orchestre ?

  58. gouache_ghouls ?

    Listened to this and suddenly I have blonde hair and a white Pegasus

  59. Tayevaughn Williams

    Barbie Magic of Pegasus

    Nur Faiza

    Yes! The scene where Annika skates.

  60. Käthe Wieseler

    Why is beethoven in this as dc playlist😂

  61. Amberlee Johnson

    Soylent Green is People

  62. Serena Baldi

    Fantasia ✔

  63. winter july

    absolutely love it, I'm 25 now and it used to be my getting-ready piece in high school, I'd set it up when i had 10min to go and it was awsome

  64. Sabri altuntaş

    Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphin Release Music

  65. Wayne Young

    435 dislikes? Incredible,it seems my dog has more taste than some human beings because he loves to listen to Beethoven

  66. Claudiu Vartolomei

    Ludwig van Beethoven a fost un compozitor german, recunoscut ca unul din cei mai mari compozitori din istoria muzicii. Este considerat un compozitor de tranziție între perioadele clasică și romantică ale muzicii. El a lăsat posterității opere nemuritoare, printre care: 9 simfonii 5 concerte pentru pian și orchestră WikipediaNăscut: decembrie 1770, Bonn, GermaniaDecedat: 26 martie 1827, Viena, AustriaLocul înhumării: Cimitirul Central din Viena, Viena, AustriaFrați/surori: Kaspar Anton Karl van Beethoven, MAI MULTEPărinți: Johann van Beethoven, Magdalena Keverich van BeethovenCompozițiiSimfonia nr. 9Simfonia nr. 5Sonata pentru pian nr. 14

    Claudiu Vartolomei

    First movement: Allegro ma non troppo

  67. Rolando D

    2020 the ones who want survive. Charlon Heston

  68. Klemátisz Szimonetta Rose

    The most beautiful song I heard on piano tiles :)

  69. James Kendall

    Beethoven's sixth is one of my favorites. I listen to this all the time.

  70. Macky Reyes

    Kingdom hearts 3D brought me to Disney's Fantasia which brought me here

  71. tralexip

    Young Xehanort: Beautiful world, isn't it?

  72. John Hutton

    I see why it is called pastoral. so beautiful

  73. L Wesley

    Was just reading about this in red mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Reminded me how beautiful it is

  74. Canadian Guy

    How in the world could a human create such beauty

  75. spursang1

    I agree :-)

  76. DangerWrap

    10 minutes passing quickly.

  77. Benoit Declercq

    Poppy Pop Up Pub

  78. Curt Irvin

    Is it quite necessary U-Tube to insert a ridiculous advertisement whilst listening to such an uplifting piece of music? Good grief! The Goggle Barbarian's who operate this company.

  79. Douglas Lewis

    Charlton Heston and Edgar G. Robinson, "Soylent Green".

    Fausto Rosales

    Sorry Is Eduard the real name no Edgard 👍

  80. patrea lynn

    incredible.................... and there really are so FEW COMPOSERS alive anymore

  81. Kawya Madhumini


  82. Ethan Harding

    Simpson’s Episode

  83. Tammy Leeder Whitaker

    Love this symphony!! Thank you Beethoven!!

  84. Mark Proulx

    388 people disliked this. Incomprehensible.

  85. Anita Huie

    Thank you, Ludwig van Beethoven. We need you in our world more and more. Thanks for giving us the most beautiful of music ever to be heard.....ever.

  86. Suzanne Shaughnessy

    Thank you so much! The music is magnificent and the beautiful pictures remind me of my time living in Europe. Bravo to you!


    Thank you Suzanne! 8-)

  87. Citizen 720

    Excellent video. Thanks so much for posting it!


    Thank you for the compliment and for watching. :)

  88. Anita Huie

    Thanks for the photos, Stewart.


    Thank you for watching Anita. :-)

    Anita Huie

    You r welcome. Beethoven has had my heart since I was a very young girl. I was blessed to have had piano lessons by a teacher who taught me classical music. I love Beethoven's ninth the most .🐥

    Anita Huie

    Thank uou.

    Anita Huie

    Thank you.

  89. Anita Huie

    Fantasia. Thanks walt disney for putting this in fantasia.

    Anita Huie

    Love to hear this.

  90. Sladjana Nikolic


  91. Neale adams

    Gorgeous music, and that sure looks like Aroostook Paul Cyr’s pics. Miss there

  92. VIII XXI

    The epitome of musicIs music unexplainableAnd music unexplainableIs the epitome of musicBecause at it's the creation of music Itself that will always duplicateAnd live is Humanities religion

  93. Russell Carbone

    Where is & what name is wonderful statue w soldiers guided by angels? Help Russsell Carbone


    The War Memorial is a cenotaph erected in 1926, on King Street, in Sherbrooke, Quebec, to commemorate Sherbrooke residents who fought in World War I. The bronze monument was designed by George William Hill, one of the foremost Canadian sculptors of the first half of the 20th century.

  94. Xander Peck

    this song was in an episode of SpongeBob (Atlantis SquarePantis )

  95. nofactzone

    Who is conducting? ran a cursory search but ... thanks for any responses. Thanks 2minstral


    I have no idea. I no longer have the album to check.

  96. Captain Moden Canady

    Now go to "It's everyday bro" by Jake Paul. Try not to be depressed.

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