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Klasik Müzik - Beethoven-4. Senfoni

Beethoven-4. Senfoni
: Beethoven-4. Senfoni
: 34.28 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 198 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 138 İndirme
: 15-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Beethoven-4. Senfoni )
  1. ボカロ大好き


  2. James Neal

    An extra ordinary Symphony performed by extra ordinary Conductor, Orchestra, and Chorus. One from many, ..... to be remembered.

  3. gerald frost

    unto those who downvoted this video, please feel free to do any better. May your music make you millions of dollars and live centuries beyond your mortal life. But as far as downvoting this video, you deserve any hell that swallows you.

  4. TomSwervo1

    Some people posted, "why would anyone dislike this video?!" Here's the reasons:1. Trolls2. 21st-century nitpickers--who will dislike a video unless every frame, and every microsecond of sound fits the arbitrary picture crafted in their mind of what a "perfect" video is.It's clear to anyone with a functioning nervous system that the 9th Symphony is one of the greatest musical gifts ever given to mankind, and the downvotes are indicative of why we need such a masterpiece in this world. Forget about all the bad things humans do for a while, and take this piece in. You'll probably discover words aren't good enough to describe it.

  5. Emmanuel Nguematcha

    «  Ma tâche est accomplie »,aurait déclaré Beethoven à la suite de sa 9eme Symphonie ...Mais quel accomplissement merveilleux alors qu’ayant perdu l’ouïe, il n’écoutait pus qu’avec so âme et son cœur ...

  6. Neck Thebet


  7. mira takagi

    The Chicago Symphony Orchestra's performance and chorus / choral part are wonderful. I was impressed. Orchestra, conductor, articulation, dilettant, Takagi Sueyukiシカゴ交響楽団の演奏と合唱・合唱パートは素晴らしいですね。感動しました。オーケストラ・指揮者・アーティキュレーション・ディレッタント・Takagi Sueyuki

    mira takagi

    Chicago Symphony OrchestraThe Chicago Symphony Orchestra's performance and chorus / choral part are wonderful. I was impressed. Thank you very much. This is a greeting from Japan.

  8. Arqui3D

    This video has 717 views per hour. Faith in humanity restored.

  9. misterbenz100

    TOO SLOWW!! WHY????

  10. Orctowngrot

    The moon landing was fake. The great thing about the librato for this music is the terror of failure in it. 'God is surely above us' it declares, without really KNOWING it for sure, lol. The subtext is that we are all FUCCKED if there is no god above us. LOL . Oh there is a God , to be sure, but he ain't quite that indulgant. So work on that faith motherfuckers, cos salvation could NOT be that easy......

  11. Attila-54

    Great Muti, splendid orchestra with very good singers

  12. Jun B

    19:25 19:52

  13. Charles Herenbruck

    guy at 29:32 articulating those notes with his eyebrows

  14. Chris Kilmer

    Incomparable! I hate coming back to reality after this. What a fabulous presentation ! ,!

  15. Janiya Melton

    I dont khow what he said i was just watching a electric volend but I saw this next to so I picked this so I'm now I'm pulled n to thing stuff by the way i'm 11

  16. Selin Güler

    Ode to joy is like beginning of the death .and and the rest of the music is like a man who goes to heaven to remember, feel, and be proud of what he has experienced throughout his life.therefore, everyone listens to this part and feels peaceful and cries of happiness.

  17. Leonidas Vazouras

    If only it hadn't violas....

  18. Daniel Yao

    The flautist at 10:18 :D

  19. Sarah King

    Great show!

  20. Guillaume C.

    We don't make music like this anymore ^^

  21. Alfio Siragusa

    Un'esecuzione da brividi!

  22. Bailey Gregg

    Lovely, tears in my eyes with every so often.

  23. han david


  24. zamora1ify

    1st and 4th movements: magnificent. 2nd movement: too slow. 3rd movement: unspeakable beauty. It's "only a magic that a name would stain".

  25. Parkash Kumar

    Mr Pradesh papsi

  26. Mirtes Damaceno

    So amazing!

  27. J.W. Comer

    I can't listen to this without weeping.

  28. Woody Hogin

    Conductor is pushing the tempo throughout. Musicians are effin great but I think Beethoven would have been less than impressed

  29. Paradise Bungalows

    5000 dislikes...this world is an evil place

    Maverick The Great


    Bituin Flores

    Paradise Bungalows lol you're right

  30. jason barnes

    Lyrics in English for "Ode to Joy"Beethoven's 9th SymphonyO friends, no more these sounds!Let us sing more cheerful songs,more full of joy!Joy, bright spark of divinity,Daughter of Elysium,Fire-inspired we treadThy sanctuary.Thy magic power re-unitesAll that custom has divided,All men become brothersUnder the sway of thy gentle wings.Whoever has createdAn abiding friendship,Or has wonA true and loving wife,All who can call at least one soul theirs,Join in our song of praise;But any who cannot must creep tearfullyAway from our circle.All creatures drink of joyAt nature's breast.Just and unjustAlike taste of her gift;She gave us kisses and the fruit of the vine,A tried friend to the end.Even the worm can feel contentment,And the cherub stands before God!Gladly, like the heavenly bodiesWhich He set on their coursesThrough the splendor of the firmament;Thus, brothers, you should run your race,As a hero going to conquest.You millions, I embrace you.This kiss is for all the world!Brothers, above the starry canopyThere must dwell a loving Father.Do you fall in worship, you millions?World, do you know your creator?Seek him in the heavens;Above the stars must He dwell.

  31. Omar japhet Landeros gonzalez

    Loving the concert hall acoustics power amplification and stunning fidelity

  32. Evo Mene

    ja srece

  33. Vajra Pani

    Thank you to the Zell family and in particular Amanda. Northstar 1983.

  34. 蘇仁聰


  35. M Global Social


  36. San Jose Mike

    Remember that people like Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss insist that the Universe is meaningless, there is no morality and that our consciousness is only an illusion.May the materialist atheists rot and shrink to nothing. They have poisoned the young with their nihilism.They will NEVER be able to explain BEETHOVEN,Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

    A Cat’s Bat - Cat Songs

    Accidental doesn't equal meaningless. A mortal soul has all the more reason to live in the moment. And morality is the product of empathy and our form of morality is something most community mammals have. Look at the wild african dog that can't help but regurgitate its food when hearing a pack member whine hungrily. As for consciousness, who knows? What are dreams? You don't understand atheism, but thank god you don't have to.

    Max Dynis

    Surely Beethoven is proof of god


    Allah bertindak menelamatkan kita Hikmat ALLAH Hikmat manusia dan membeli nyanian mazmur asaf dua puluh satu suara emas!

  38. SuperBrictson

    I wish I can blame cinema for made believe Molto Vivace was the overture of the 9th symphony!!!

  39. Nicholas Hailey

    Guess what symphony by Beethoven I just woke up throwing up to at the climax of the piece?? You’re right!!! This one!!

  40. Bill Peirce

    And Muti is magnificent, god I wish John Belucci was here to do Muti

  41. joncaju

    I come here from time to time, especially when I feel down about the state of our humanity and where I am in my own life. Each and every time I hear Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, I wonder to myself: Has anything better— more majestic, glorious and divine— been written since 1824 (195 years ago), in music or otherwise? I struggle to think of anything that has exceeded this amazing creation from a man who was completely deaf and reportedly in turmoil with his own inner demons. The realization that something this great could be created, even during one’s darkest moments of struggle and despair, inspires and lifts me and gives me hope that there’s always hope for this thing we call humanity and for us as individuals.

    Betül Yılmaz

    joncaju impressing comment!

    Leonidas Vazouras

    You should hear Gucci Gang.

  42. Violetta Valéry

    1.06:54 Verdi, se non ricordo male, commentò che la musica era sublime ma l'orchestrazione pessima. Gradirei una risposta in merito. 18.444.76 visualizzazioni rappresentano forse un record degli ascolti. Grazie "italico" Maestro per la direzione,  grazie alla C.S.O per l'esecuzione e, soprattutto, grazie, per la diffusione di questo capolavoro. Vostra affezionata ascoltatrice V.V. -:)

  43. Walter Wendner

    Wunderschöne Musik!

  44. von collins

    thanks Charlie...I never really got into this type of music. ill thankyou personally when I meet you in the plains of paradise :)

  45. Sinister Six

    Y pensar que la música de nuestros tiempos es el raegueton y narcocorridos 🤢

  46. boomer rob

    Wow! Didn't realise they played the whole thing In German. Respect!

  47. jean-marc Bousquet

    Un grand "Merci" à Youtube de nous faire vivre de tels moments. Avec de tels artistes. Les choeurs et orchestre de Chicago sont à la mesure de cette oeuvre grandiose. Sans parler de l'immense chef : Riccardo Muti toujours égal dans sa mesure juste, horlogère dans ces oeuvres complexes.

  48. Nassim

    Good morning , why would anyone Dislike? dont get it!

    L P

    I don't know – I don't dislike videos but one reason to dislike this might be that the Ode to Joy is neither beautiful nor fun to sing. At all.To me, the piece indicates that Beethoven was one of the greatest composers for orchestra and piano music, but that he didn't know much about singing. The soprano part is absolutely horrendous, and the four choral parts (S–A–T–B) don't blend nicely. Either end the whole thing at 1:01:14 at the latest (although that orchestra part from 1:04:55-1:06:49 would be sorely missed) or take it down a couple of notes so that it's singable and so that you might be able to listen to the lovely melody without getting your ears pierced.But that's just from a singer's perspective. Apart from that, I like the symphony, too.

    Bailey Gregg

    We are losing culture by miles... People just get upset and throw it in a random direction and dont care who it may strike but this makes me happy. It has sinceI was a little kid when I first loved hearing piano. Music spread from there.The funny thing is I love rock and jazz and all kinds but these days so few ever want to hear it could be true so they walk off. Internet dear, but I am 90s Goth. Art, death, love, music, I cherish it all if I can hold onto it for my time here with my mortal coil. He wenntdeaf and did something incredible anyways.I only hope to hear more of that "scale" in my life time.

    Lucy Rabung

    to annoy us. dont let them get to ya! but i hear ya!

  49. william jones

    R.ip to my homie charlie. 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  50. Florent Beth

    20.10 : pure sound ;-)

  51. David Parker

    Like The Ring Cycle was Wagner's apex, I think that this 9th Symphony was Beethoven's. Just like a human being can aspire to sainthood, or fall to the depths of utter depravity, so does Germany tell that same tale in the last some centuries. Until I saw this preformed with captions, I never knew how truly great this piece is. It rings with the ideal of youth, and the wisdom of the ancient. To think that so many doctors today would advise that Beethoven should be aborted if you are privy to the conditions that surrounded his birth, with the very worst of circumstances stacked against him. Shall innocence, and human life ever have a worthy defender? Come Lord Jesus

  52. Boobs Mckenzie

    R.I.P men with bold spots

    Boobs Mckenzie

    @phil erup a lot of then are bold

    phil erup

    @Boobs Mckenzie Just exactly what are "bold spots" and who ever they are that have these so called "bold spots" why should they R.I.P.? Sorry, but your comment makes absolutely no sense whatsoever!

  53. oh okay

    Best tenor section I've ever heard in a chorus, not gonna lie.

  54. 777jones

    In university I lived near a classical flautist. On warm days, in the gardens you could hear her practicing with the windows open, the animals loved it

    boomer rob

    And what did the local wildlife think of it?

  55. Alfredo Nicolas Monroy Van Der Heyden

    Cuando escucho a betowen, se remueven sentimientos muy muuuuuy en lo profundo de mi ser, gracias!!! :)

  56. McSwaggerson

    Anyone remember when the Chicago symphony played this for the cubs

  57. Mr Nice

    Such a horribly tepid and spineless interpretation of Beethoven's epic #9th.

    John Jonathan

    It sounds like a bunch of old faggots with no heart


    It's a very precise and a little timid - almost clinical - performance. Certainly the extremes of emotion were downplayed, maybe upon request. I have to chalk this up to the fact it was a special performance being played as a memorial to a dead child, funded by the child's parents. But I agree that it's a little sad that the most-viewed performance of Beethoven's 9th, and the CSO, happens to be this somewhat cold and lacking one. The playing, singing and sound/video quality are first rate, but this performance itself doesn't showcase the composer, conductor, or the orchestra in the best light.

  58. countryrock71 zgz

    Bravo !!! Maestro , Orquesta , Solistas y Coro!!! olé olé

  59. Llatunka Coaching

    E t e r

  60. Dave Meyers

    Torn between sitting back with eyes closed and just hearing this and watching every person, play, sing and be enthralled with the music.

  61. Tomáš Krýsl

    Magnum opus of all time.

  62. Dado Vickov

    What a divane and havenly piece of music!!...thank you Ludwig von Bethoveen!!

  63. くもくも

    感無量、私の9th Symphはこれになった。

  64. Giuseppe Giuseppe

    Deutsche composer, Italian conductor, finnich soprano, usa orchestra and universal language...the music is life

  65. 240ups

    Older men with great hair.....mmmmh!

  66. Lumen Praetorius

    CSO. Greatest orchestra in the world.

  67. Edwin E. Y

    If you are for AUTHENTIC, this is not for you. Music by a German composer performed in Germany in front of a German audience by German musicians, with the choir not reading the words they sing but singing from the heart (sans booklet) is tops. The popular youtube 9th in Leipzig fits the bill.

  68. anbe3


  69. pong La

    55:30 👍🤭

  70. Dirty Dan

    1:13:18He looks like an anxious merchant trying to sell me something

  71. Franklin Damian Altuna Marcano

    I will never get tired of listening this amazing performance...every sinlge time I get this I am just got amazed and overwhelmed...Thank so much to me from being the way I am

  72. BAT REX

    1:06:48 When u finally found out that Mr Beast is taking initiative to plant 20 million tress before 2020...Lmao!!


    How do you compose music when you are completely deaf?!?!Amazing symphony!!The sad thing about Beethoven, he spent his life composing, now he is DECOMPOSING!!

    leonardo odriozola


  74. robsteries

    Van Beethoven!

  75. Roger Antonini

    It's not "O Freunde" (O Friends), but it's "O Freude" (O Joy).

  76. Christine Still

    Find your nearest orchestra, ask what is on the program, buy a ticket then....listen to the piece(s) u will see played. It is even more thrilling!

  77. Larissa Pereira

    É legal mas dá um sonho 😴

  78. Shu Ping Wang

    Played with a dense sound and a relaxed attitude.... an excellent performance !!

  79. DUMB ASS

    Some times i'm happy to be human.

  80. Let It Be

    2:01 '' What? You wanna fight?! ''

    Jaylen Terry

    This comment is classic! 🤣

    Grumpy Cat

    omfg. we need a whole video edit of conductors trying to fight each other

    Let It Be

    @Grumpy Cat lmfaoo that'd be wild af hahaha

  81. Nexbex

    1:06:50 *European Union intensifies*

  82. Srijan Agrawal

    I legit started clapping along with the crowd

  83. Tonald Drump

    The EU is a corrupt organization that does not value the rights of its members.

  84. alyanni100

    The best 9th symp' performance i've seen in youtube. Riccardo Muti had a great and huge jobe. He give his unique touch to this amazing piece. Ricardo said once that such music is hard to conduct because it is located above the atmosphere.

    Berolina Gloria

    this one is great, no question. but believe me, then you haven't seen this version. this version is just unbelievable.../watch?v=NMUGGaQHmGAhave fun watching it!

  85. 쭈당


  86. 쭈당


  87. Erich L. Ruehs

    Sign me up!

  88. Andrea Vanacore

    For those 4937 who unliked: what a lousy life you have.

  89. clover leaf

    only rich peole are only allowed to watched this vid

  90. Wenny B Joseph

    Omg it's so nice

  91. Richard Getso

    How do the musicians follow this conductor or is Muti just there for the show?

    Divine Rising OFFICIAL

    they are practicing with exactly the same setup like you see here. during practice, he just constantly stops them, makes adjustments, like you play louder, you need to play a bit faster, this part is too loud, etc and they do that for months with him up front until they all know what he wants and they dont really "need" him anymore to perform, but you can be absolutely sure every musician feels a lot more calm if the conductor you practiced with all the time is up front and gives you assurance with his gestures. you can look up any time and he is there, so they dont actually "follow" him every single step anymore, they know what to do, but he is also not just for the show there, he is still helpful with his gestures giving you signals.

    Richard Getso

    @Divine Rising OFFICIAL I read your thoughtful reply and felt compelled to re-watch the video. I completely agree with your assessment.

  92. Stepan Stepan

    Бетховен ...! Браво !!! ... Как же вы торопились жить ...ценили каждое мгновение, и творили.....

  93. Carlos Júnior

    Música de verdade😌

  94. Miles Farrimond

    I'm listening to this masterpiece on the 31/10/19, and giving thanks that it's NOT, inspite of the best efforts of our corrupt and self-serving and depraved Tory government and the shameful lies they and their wealthy backers spout , the day my nation departs the European Union (at least not yet, and, hopefully neve ! )...the EU's use of Beethoven 'Ode to Joy' in the final movement is a very powerful reminder of the brotherhood our great nations share, and where peaceful co-existence prevails !

    Tonald Drump

    fuck the EU and fuck you

    David Ress

    Tonald Drump dude, why ?

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