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Klasik Müzik - Barber-Rain has Fallen

Barber-Rain has Fallen
: Barber-Rain has Fallen
: 3.10 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 111 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 81 İndirme
: 17-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Barber-Rain has Fallen )
  1. Elvis Cerda

    The rain is fake but it's a good performance 👍

  2. None Alshehri


  3. Golden Salt - Violin & Electric Guitar

    Wonderful! We should collab Joseph! ❤️

  4. Maria Zervou


  5. buzzbeen

    Lovely. I've always liked the song, but not James' vocals. It lacked the sentiment. Your version, so delicate yet triumphant when needed, allows one to sing along to it, giving it the mellow, melancholy feel the melody deserves.

  6. Sabrina Reddington

    This is perfect!!!!

  7. TA K


  8. Rachel Leynes

    You are worth downloading.

  9. Tarana Shukurova

    Are they note?

  10. Sonia Xali

    Que felicidade poder ouvir tão belo som. Top ...

  11. annamagari

    Sei meraviglioso ! Complimenti

  12. Messaouda Boudjemàa

    Très bon morceau....... vraiment.

  13. musicaonline previous

    Questo pianoforte, al centro, che da solo, domina la natura, che resta in piedi nella tempesta, è una delle immagini che spopolano sui video di Youtube. un'immagine poetica assolutamente vincente, I like it, senza nulla togliere al pianista esecutore, che è bellissimo, bravissimo, e senza il quale il pianoforte non suonerebbe

  14. yeet man

    Sheet Music?

  15. Mirjana Popovic

    Predivna muzika ,hvala

  16. TAR_ X


  17. Only me

    Sjećam se, davno, cijeli je dan svirala ova pjesma na poslu

  18. Fross Fros

    I love his passion! Amazing for eyes, amazing for ears. ^^

  19. สายลม แสงแดด

    ถึงพริกถึงขิงมากเลย awesome

  20. Sarah Kelly

    And to think it was written and performed by a heavy metal band. Metallica

  21. cicik57

    he schould play it solo piano

  22. Erika Brianza


  23. Ossimoro Tossico


  24. marie-josee gervais

    Quel talent William!!  Virtuose ! Quelle belle mélodie!

  25. Brenda Brown

    Hauntingly Beautiful goes straight into my soul 🕊 Thank you for sharing this beautiful video and God Bless 🙏🏽

  26. Andressa Facanali

    Lindo ♥️

  27. Velia de angelis

    Great version

  28. love is everything

    Jesus can save you ❤️

  29. Abyga Official

    Amazing!!! Perfect!!! Can I use your version for a cover? :)

  30. Doji Akita

    Beautiful 😘😘😘

  31. Somjai Singhajulaket


  32. vilkov1985


  33. Victoria Islas

    Me voy a desapareser otra semana este ke te pongas empaz y así me la voy a llevar esta ke ke deplani no sepas nada de mi

  34. Marcin Lipski avesome

  35. Marie Durand

    sublime 😎👍👍👍👍👀👀👀🗼

  36. Julien Obaton

    Je suis pas spécialement fan des reprise de cette chanson qui est pour moi la plus belle du monde. Mais votre version piano est juste magnifique....

  37. Luis Rivera

    Like 👍para que Metallica lo inviten a tocar a uno de sus próximos conciertos 🎼🎶

    love is everything

    Jesus saves!

  38. Jean-Pierre Mounier

    Ma main DROITE ne s'occupe pas de ce fait ma main Gauche.

  39. Japa Yi

    Obra de arte!!

  40. Amsi Velasco

    Mi más grande gusto😍😘

  41. Hans-Joachim Schmid

    it drops... greetings...

  42. Aquele Insight


  43. Jørgen Carlsen

    One of the best covers ever, so beautiful.

  44. Morad DMC

    Magnifique prestation artistique.

  45. Miriam Restuccia

    Still in love since 2017....😍

  46. Desirée Montañés

    Magnífico!!!!! Impresionante. Y el video... Sin palabras!!!!

  47. disgruntled Octopus

    Beautifully done!


    Fucker kinda looks like magician David Blaine.

    Roddy Jarrar

    Or Ray William Johnson

  49. Randy Hoover

    Not many people realize but members of Metallica are actually classically trained. I believe two went to Juilliard. I would love to hear more than music arranged this way.

  50. Christine Duflos

    Waouh 🤩

  51. Aquarius Aquarius

    I wish I play piano like u not as perfectly u but a little bit....

  52. Ik kijk echt naar u op I love you


    Por eso este maldito presidente de vizcarra mandó a sus lacayos a sus perros Guardianes de esta empresa de seguridad para que no me dejen dormir y para que no intervenga en la victoria de macri sino para que esté en silencio dormido y gané la corrupta su amiga kirchner así trabajan estos desgraciados corruptos malnacidos se apoyan entre ellos corrupto vizcarra corrupta kirchner ahora qué cosa quieren corruptos todo Sudamérica pura basura nada más

  54. Květka Hloušková

    Hezčí než originál

  55. Aly James

    If you want to see change in the world, be the change,be better,everyday,change comes from within, open mind , for a different view,and no, nothing else matters.


    Max como tiene a su adorada rubia que más solo oro o bitcoins no hay cielo o infierno para el pero es tan extraño que alguien como el combata igual que yo contra los que tienen a la humanidad en la desgracia escuchen planeta Ya estoy harto es lo que les digo es esto bien claro y preciso si un día si presidente amas Kaiser lo agregue a mi costado y van a ver cómo cambiamos el planeta en one escribe tira torta


    Elizabeth tiene príncipes a sus pies no se necesita ser adivino pero siempre he dicho que todo se inicia con los sueños después las esperanzas después los proyectos y de ahí el hecho


    Es tan difícil decidir cuando uno ama quién es primero los hijos o una bella mujer o la ogra pareja que uno tiene pero responderé primero son los hijos


    Unas disculpas públicas cosas que yo nunca hago a quién a una princesa porque porque si justo de que cuando uno desea estar con ella y no puede estar diciendo por todos lados Quiero ver calata a cualquiera no es porque yo quiero ver calata sino porque lo digo por fastidiar y porque porque me fastidia que me observen si mi permiso el pueblo está permitido pero no los periodistas sobre graciado no los quiero ver me haces feliz saber que no piense de que yo quiero ver calata cualquier chica que se me crucen el camino para nada y me dolió sí me dolió Que ponga en el día de su cumpleaños bueno a un grupo de v***** y con una ropa que pase parecería como diciendo quiere ver Gálatas eso se mira las hayas Así es que debe este momento no voy a decir a nadie Quiero ver escarlata solamente quiero ver a Elizabeth

  60. Keyser Soze

    Aliens show up "Primitive savages". Listen to Metallica on piano "They can't be that bad"Intergalactic sex party saves us all..

  61. Nicole Ahnfeldt

    amazing this sound!

  62. Vvv Ooo

    I hope the water didn't damage the piano

  63. az stuff

    This might just be how this song should have been performed all along.....


    You're too kind... There are a lot of other great arrangements. I did this one this way, because I had to express somehow how much this song has meant to me over the years, and how in some of the hardest places, I knew that nothing else mattered but love and faith... 💖🙏

  64. Cryptid Blaze

    This life is too shortThe whole life is waiting for you... So, fight till you die.. Don't die as a lost human being...

  65. suzana banuta

    beautiful! so electric!!

  66. Sabina Baloghlanli

    Hi, everyone! I really liked this. I know I'll be here again after days, months, maybe years.. and it'll be good memory for me to see my comment ))

  67. Joann Robinson

    Beautiful 💕

  68. Sabina kowalska

    Rain = Love

  69. James W Roberts Jr

    Corrina odell your coming and its gonna be epic the shame

  70. James W Roberts Jr

    He is not in Heaven if he is i won't be there

  71. James W Roberts Jr

    Ft Minor Bill Hires soit upon

  72. James W Roberts Jr

    Bill refuses to bath me and Ft Ninor

  73. James W Roberts Jr

    Bill's dead

  74. James W Roberts Jr

    Bill thinks its funny

  75. James W Roberts Jr

    Bill Hires denies vet. Fware up

  76. Narcisa Holeac


  77. sunny keyz

    William Joseph tv has best covers & even I created a channel and covered Metallica fade to black please check out and do subscribe if you like it

  78. Rina Herrera

    me encanto .

  79. qweasdzxcname

    surprised to hear it on the radio. great cover.

  80. Devin Salud

    Electric pianos be like...Yeah no


    theres nothing wrong with electric piano if there is a sound you are looking for, it can be used. a classical piano cant make the sound an electric one long as the instrument doesnt make record and fake sounds of other instruments, any instrument is legitimate depending on the sound the artist is looking for.unfortunately, today in recording studios they use pre-recorded sounds of drums, guitars, pianos, and others and to record music. so we listen to fake music.


    This music was performed and recorded on a Yamaha C7. All real. The video was made with a stunt piano. I would never soak my Yamaha like this 🎶😎

  81. Dianaessther M

    ¡Qué hermoso!

  82. michelle mm

    I love this video so much...

  83. littlej0e

    Great arrangement, but if you want something truly breathtaking look up Evgeny Khmara's version. The dude is truly unmatched in the way he plays the piano. I never heard anything like it.

  84. GuardianOfDreams

    is there any piano sheet available?

  85. Gianni Salvatore


  86. Mr Ranks

    2019 still amazing as ever no one surpasses you

  87. Олег Бабичев

    is so beatifull

  88. Loca Hontas

    Chills all over ! Absolutely beautiful! <3

  89. Battle Cry

    Ok, ive got a Eargasm. RIP - Battle cry 15/10/2019

    Tania L.

    Me too.. 16 Okt.2019

  90. Iulian Zafiu

    cosmin zafiu

  91. KatalinMajor75

    I like this song and the piano voice

  92. KatalinMajor75

    I like this song and the piano voice

  93. james junior s.d. santos

    Clip da hora

  94. Sami Nouradin

    In fact, I never heard piano playing this beautiful. Thank you, sir

  95. Sergei Pozdnyijov


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