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Klasik Müzik - Barber-Nocturne for Piano 33

Barber-Nocturne for Piano 33
: Barber-Nocturne for Piano 33
: 3.51 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 118 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 85 İndirme
: 17-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Barber-Nocturne for Piano 33 )
  1. bryan kelly

    yes he was def proufaondley new research found him to be autistic wonderfully gifted man to have 50 works against your name and still played today

  2. bryan kelly

    no he was not black he was venice's own 300 songs before he was 12 can you only scoff at him her be eating in heaven to scoff you

  3. pedro lucas #contenteTV

    pq tem tanto comentario rcente em um video tão antigo, mds

  4. Ralph Harrison

    Beethoven was Black

  5. lntxp01

    "Moonlight Sonata is slow asf"3rd Movement : "Hold my beer"

  6. P.J Studio's

    Obra de arte

  7. Cone is egg

    There's still people commenting just a few minutes ago?

    Matheus Silva

    LoL idk

    JonaXart ́s

    of course!! this is a classic

  8. Byron forrest

    This motha was deaf ! Crazy..

  9. Brand

    why are we here at the same time?xd

  10. Utku Açıkgöz

    Beethoven is geneus

    Sarp Ertugrul

    Utku Açıkgöz genious kardesim

  11. Owen Cali

    how tf r y'all still talking

  12. emilia von gutez

    Why’s there so many watching this recently? I’m here for my music class...

  13. tas sanch

    When your hockey team gets invited to the ccm invite in Switzerland, and you're the backup goalie for your team, and your team makes it to the championship game and your coach gives you the chance to show him that you could be the starting goalie, if you just win the game. Fast forward to the championship game; Your in the 3rd period tied 0-0 with the other team, there is 10 seconds left, and the other team skates it down and takes a shot at the center line in desperation, and the puck hits your stick goes over your head and slowly falls in to the net while you watch on your back hopeless.If only this wasn't a true story

    Mista Who Know Who ?

    waouw sorry mate.

  14. Don't subscribe me, i'm serious.

    When your medic dies in tf2

  15. Jei bee

    Hi guys

  16. Ezqa8

    God since I've heard this for the first time after all this years it's still does something to me, something I can't explain with words. It's so mesmerizing.

  17. David Cooper


  18. craig livesay

    Best comment group ever lol


    Go to noir jazz videos' comments

  19. Evil Hayabusa

    I'm here after watching your lie in April :(


    Evil Hayabusa a great anime ur lie in April.I like it

  20. Sparda Thiago

    Por qué hay tanta gente escribiendo comentarios ahora?

  21. Artist In the North

    Damn if I ever need to chat I'll just listen to Beethoven and come to the comment section

    Drifter's Escape

    Whoah yeah for real haha. Guess it's just one of those nights (12am here) enjoy your - whatever time it is in your zone mr./mrs./miss.

  22. Jej 00

    I love it ❤️❤️

  23. Ray GTR

    Why I’m here

  24. :ok_hand:

    something brought us all here.our brains are attached

  25. ThePlayer 11

    What comments still going

  26. Inkigayo_ Sandwich

    What are we doing here?

    Vasaf Easdas

    We experience

  27. GrizzlyRed

    M O R T I S

  28. tammineni krishna

    Idk why I am here.

  29. claire bigelow

    I'm here because its a beautiful piece of music.....

  30. Vadi vel

    awesome music

  31. blip blop

    not complaining tho this is an amazing piece

  32. blip blop

    Im here because i needed music for a book report thing and omg why are yall here

  33. The Bucket Man

    I was watching that "calm down Stalin!" Game and thought "huh maybe it's me who needs to calm down for a minute".

  34. Elizabeth Maldinera

    i'm here because i'm currently reading the book "find me". The second book of the continuation "call me by your name" and elio's dad is being hella romantic and currently playing this song to his beloved ❤

  35. Joe Rossetti

    Wow! I’m here because of The Man in the High Castle Season 2 Episode 3

  36. Saymon Machado

    Eu sonhei com essa música hoje, sonhei que eu estava tocando ela num casamento.I dream with this music tonight, i dream playing this music in a marriage.

  37. GeneralSkillz

    "What the hell is going on" {In Arnold's voice}

  38. Pengin

    Whatf are so many ppl doing here???

  39. Hello Peoples

    We played moonlight sonata in our marching bands performance of “dream” this year, and everyone loved it. God, I’m gonna miss marching band so much

  40. Vinny Devita

    I have an idea guys! Everyone in the comment section comment things in Beethoven's Ode To Joy.

  41. V The Kid

    Comment section's lit🔥, Haven't seen comments this recent since vsauce become relevant again.

  42. Ramona

    Weird!! Love that we are all here at the same time! Makes me all giddy inside.

  43. Vinny Devita

    Keep the comment section alive!! This is an amazing price from Beethoven and it should be recognized.

    Vinny Devita

    Srry *piece*

  44. Average Teenager

    Uh why are we all here right now?

    Vinny Devita

    ...because Beethoven was amazing.

    V The Kid

    @Vinny Devita *is, his music still bops

  45. Tomsn

    Im here becouse of Aviators neon sonata

  46. Suvix Loleilo

    Wtf is happening here

    Ralph Harrison

    Mind Stimulation lls

  47. craig livesay


  48. Tokorai

    I was brought here by a cat playing the piano, anyone else?

  49. laxmi cpn

    Okay why did all of us suddenly feel like hearing Moonlight sonata? I just played it for no reason, see the comment section is like 5 minute recent, dafuq?

  50. Justin Aidukas


  51. Kaiky Batista

    Aqui depois do ENEM pra dar aquela sustância

  52. SirShifter

    I see we have all been gathered here today

    Ralph Harrison

    Universal Consciousness Connections

  53. Metalicana 888 MW

    Wtf is this comment section ??0_o

  54. Julio Cesar

    Someone in 1824?

  55. Fahad Afzal

    Don’t stop with the comments

    Ralph Harrison

    Universal Consciousness Connections

  56. Ki Va

    spooky comment section

  57. King E.

    comments a few minutes ago???? are these bots?

    King E.

    😂 🤦‍♂️

    jespreeth jayaprakash

    Nah man!

    Ralph Harrison

    Nope. Everyone is getting that Universal consciousness vibration

  58. Ced Gamer

    Music : 200 years agoComments : 1 day agoWtf???


    Ced Gamer and here i am seeing yours from 8min ago

  59. Shane The Sonic Fan


  60. Mr. Divergent

    Society's theme.

  61. jk 97

    kise i see you

  62. basel onisy

    Yes, it's grat ❤❤

  63. Nebras Alasber

    So many new comments .. feels like someone sent a sign or a message from outer space or from a different time and we all received it in our brains at the same time .. 😅 Timeless piece btw 💜


    no it was just in my recommended

    Ralph Harrison

    Universal Consciousness

  64. Thuy Adel

    Moonlight sonata reminds me remember the conan anime. feeling with Kuwait moon right now 🎹🎶🎧

  65. علي الحميداوي - Al hmedoh

    الله جميله جدن

  66. Mr. V

    Love this song, Absolutely an Eternal Classic! ✌😍👍

  67. Yael Murtens

    Nadie:Neta Nadie: En serio?:Vatos en 1810 be like: 8:05

  68. Strauß Powerlifting

    Detective Conan anyone?

  69. Seri V

    This is so weird! How come so many of the comments are recent? This wasn't even in my recommended.

    Kgagudi Masemola

    It's crazy like two hours ago

    Ralph Harrison

    Universal Consciousness


    Seri V isn’t it

    James C

    pandora played it for me

  70. Jaesen Knowles

    I love this song it always reminds me of my sister who used to play this on the piano when she was little, sadly I lost her to suicide 15 years ago I miss you sis 🌹x

  71. Bailey Gregg

    Thank you, been a fan of Beethoven since I was five or so

  72. Roger Linares

    Hermosa Melodia

  73. Albert Wesker

    Resident Evil 5 Lost In Nightmares anyone?

  74. Hello World

    Whoever disliked this has broken speakers/headphones.

  75. 손라이언

    Hotel del Luna brought me here♥

    Hello World

    Lol, I closed this vid by accident and reopened it, and this went from one upvote to three. (Less than 10 minutes)

  76. Minstrawberry0gurt !

    Such a nice song

  77. Marija Ivanovic

    His dream is :to be on the moon

  78. mickLtL bjhbih

    Can anyone recommend any other classical pieces like this, cheers

    Gary Wilson

    clair de lune - debussygymnopedie - erik satiearabesque 1+2 - debussyThose are the ones that spring to mind immediately that remind me of this.

    Ravioli-ish games

    Beethoven's 5th

    mickLtL bjhbih

    Gary Wilson cheers, I’ve know Clair de Lun, but I’ll check out the others 👍

    mickLtL bjhbih

    Ravioli-ish games cool thanks

    Gary Wilson

    @mickLtL bjhbih no problem, hope you like them.

  79. Shehanya Dias

    Omg just amazing !!

  80. harrish spidy

    Imagine if Beethoven played piano on the moon ❤️

    Drae Newton22

    we wouldn't be able to hear it?

    eithereor x

    He would die because there is no air in the moon. Also no sound because space is a vacuum. Idiot

  81. James Mccusker

    We are all enjoying this today. Wow

  82. Robi Hamdani

    why this comments so active last 24 hours ago ?

    Eko Hermiyanto

    It is because there is an unknown person using Gnome desktop environment

    Ralph Harrison

    Universal Consciousness Connection

  83. Ibrahim Oznehir

    Timeless piece

  84. Anish

    We shall not stop commenting!! This stays for ever!!

  85. Gumiś

    Dont stop

    Ralph Harrison

    Universal Consciousness Connection

  86. Czarina Garcia

    Nobody can top Beethoven. He can make the simplest pieces move you and wrench your soul. Like c’mon this is a fricking masterpiece how can you top this


    and he was deaf when he made this lmao

    Czarina Garcia

    Jesus right??? He was a fricking genius!!! His music will love on forever that wild I can’t imagine

  87. Trắng Mây

    I came here a few times before but i only find it' s so beautiful today. How amazing :))

  88. Bibek Banjaday

    `is Beethover considered to be a consummate musician?' brought me here

  89. craig livesay


  90. Derp

    Why I heard Still dre?

  91. Rufflik

    Sup new comment gang.

  92. felix gomez

    Song for the beginning of the month I see

  93. misa cabrera bmx

    1M de likes: genios que necesitan de esta música.26 K de dislikes: gente perdiendo el tiempo que solo se quedan con un tipo de música ( cumbia).

    Carl johnson

    misa cabrera bmx no te metas con la cumbia ok??

    misa cabrera bmx

    @Carl johnson es una forma de decir 😅Tampoco soy fan de la música clásica.

    Carl johnson

    misa cabrera bmx bueno te perdono

  94. Skynet666official

    Ok wtf, this song was posted in 2010, i was looking for it and i realize hundreds of people looked for it at same time 9 years after it's posted??? What's going on??


    I came here cuz of hotel de luna, but i didn't expect that ppl are also looking for this 😲

    Kgagudi Masemola

    It's creepy bro


    @cheeewy what s hotel de luna?

    Ralph Harrison

    Universal Consciousness Connection


    @Ralph Harrison what about haarp? I don't believe in those conspiracy theories usually but that's creepy

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